Burning Moscow

Chapter 352: Purge Military Discipline (Part 2)

At the entrance of the division headquarters, standing four soldiers with submachine guns and helmets, a second lieutenant wearing a big brimmed hat, walking in front of them, when they saw a school-level officer came to the door, Immediately greet him and salute, and then politely invite the other party into the command post.

Before I walked to the door, the ensign had already seen me, and hurriedly trot all the way to my front. He stood up and saluted and said: "Comrade commander, ensign Peskov on duty is reporting to you that all the commanders for the meeting are here. I'm waiting for you inside. Please come in!" After speaking, he made a gesture of please with his hands on one side of the body.

I nodded, did not speak, and followed the ensign to the command post.

I stepped into the threshold and saw that the room was already full of people. On both sides of the table were school-level commanders, and the back was sitting against the wall. Most of them were lieutenant-level commanders. They were probably battalion commanders. Right.

Seeing me entering the door, Captain Boroda hurriedly greeted me and led me to the center position to sit down. He also sat down on my left hand. Then he leaned close to my ear and whispered, "Major Oshanina, everyone is here, can we have a meeting?"

As I entered the arena, the commanders who had been whispering to each other fell silent and collectively cast their eyes on me. I nodded to Boroda and said, "Since everyone is here, let's have a meeting."

Boroda stood up and said loudly to the commanders in the room: "Please be quiet, we shall have a meeting now. First of all, let me ask everyone to confirm the identity of Major Oshanina and I." Li took out a square-folded piece of paper, opened it and handed it to a lieutenant colonel next to him, and then said: "This is an order signed by General Meretskov, commander of the Front Army, to appoint Oshanin. Major Na is the acting commander of the 378th Infantry Division, and Captain Boroda, that is, himself, serves as the acting chief of staff."

After the order was circulated in the hands of the school-level commanders sitting around the table, it returned to Boroda's hands. He folded the order and put it in his pocket again, and continued: "Since everyone has confirmed our identity. Then let's ask the acting commander Major Oshanina to speak to everyone." After speaking, he sat down. .

My eyes scanned the commanders in the room. From their expressions, I saw dissatisfaction, disdain and even hostility. It's no wonder that two little-known mid-level officers actually held the positions of division commander and division chief of staff respectively, and the division commander was still a female officer. No one will be convinced after a change.

My mind was spinning quickly, thinking about how to speak to subordinates whose ranks are equal to or even higher than mine. Although I am an acting commander, it is impossible for me to get their recognition and respect based on my military rank. If I have no prestige in the army. What you say can't get out of the headquarters, so how can this battle be fought? So what we have to do now is to find a way to suppress them and make them feel awe of me, so that they can quickly establish their prestige in the teacher.

I held the edge of the table with both hands, stood together slowly, and scanned the audience again. Then I quickly introduced my resume to them: "Comrade Commander, hello! Let me introduce myself first. My name is Oshanina. Before I became the acting commander of the 378th Infantry Division, I was the No. A battalion commander of the 327th Division. Perhaps the people present here are not convinced that a major like me, but also a female major, is the commander of this division...."

Speaking of which. Sure enough, I heard someone snorting. I followed the sound. It turned out to be a lieutenant colonel in his forties. Judging from his age, he should be the head of a certain regiment. I ignored him and continued to speak according to my own thinking: "In order for everyone to be able to understand me more clearly, I need to introduce my resume to everyone. After I am enlisted, a railway near Smolensk will let you I was an anti-aircraft gunner. After I was injured in the battle, I came to Leningrad to recuperate and was in the hospital. I received the Red Flag Medal and the Medal of Bravery personally awarded by Marshal Voroshilov, the commander of the Front Army at the time. Look, this is it. Two." At this point, I also pointed out the two medals on my chest to everyone.

"In September 1941, after I recovered from my injury and was discharged from the hospital, I went to Pulkovo Heights and served as the platoon leader of an anti-aircraft machine gun platoon. In the battle, because of my outstanding performance, I was directly promoted to the position of the new commander of the Front Army, General Zhukov. Lieutenant..."

"From September last year to now, I have been promoted from lieutenant to major. This promotion is really fast." The lieutenant colonel suddenly interjected, and his yin and yang tone suddenly caused a burst of laughter from the other commanders. .

I glanced at him dissatisfied, and ignored the buzzing voice that started to sound in the room, and said to myself: "After the defense of Moscow began, I followed General Zhukov to Moscow. Comrade Zhukov served as commander of the Western Front. Later, I became his liaison officer, responsible for the liaison work between the headquarters and the 5th and 16th Army. In the battle surrounding Porokino, the commander of the Army was injured when General Lelyushenko was injured. Acting as a commander, the commanding force launched a counterattack against the Germans and recovered the Porokino area in one fell swoop. In order to commend my bravery and achievements, Comrade Stalin personally awarded me the rank of major." I deliberately gave me the rank of major. The matter of military rank was postponed until after the defense of Porokino, so that the promotion of the Supreme Commander seemed more real and convincing. When I said that Stalin personally awarded me the rank of major, the room that was a bit noisy suddenly became quiet, everyone became silent, and only the sound of breathing and talking to me were heard in the room.

"In the middle of the battle, I was transferred to the 315th Division of General Panfilov to assist him in commanding operations. After General Panfilov died, the 316th Division was awarded the honorary title of the 8th Guards Division, and I became He was the first commander of the Guards Division, and at the same time he was promoted to lieutenant colonel by Comrade Stalin, and he was also awarded the second Red Banner Medal."

Everyone was attracted by my legendary resume. They all looked at me attentively and listened to me continuing to tell my story: "...Before the great counterattack under Moscow began, I was appointed as the staff officer of the newly formed 20th Army. Long, the rank was also promoted to major general by Comrade Stalin.” Those who heard of my experience in the past reacted when they learned that I was awarded the rank of major general by Stalin. Having said this, I deliberately paused for a while, wanting to observe the reaction of the people present. The result was no accident, and it was another collective inhalation of air-conditioning. The effect brought about by this is also immediate, the original expressions of disdain, dissatisfaction and even hostility disappeared. It was replaced by awe of me.

"Later, I guess everyone has seen it in the battle report, so I won't repeat it. Maybe many of you here are curious and want to figure out why I am a major, not a major general." See the command in the room. The officers nodded one after another, and I solved the mystery for them: "The reason why I was demoted from major general to major. It was because I killed a group of Germans who laid down their weapons in the village of Petrischevo. Comrades, you know me. What kind of German did you kill?"

The lieutenant colonel asked very cooperatively: "Who are these Germans?"

I now think of the Germans who are inferior to the animals and beasts. I still bite my teeth with hatred. I gritted my teeth and said: "We caught a heroine named Zoya and hanged her to death after torture. Her body is here. The gallows in the village was hung on the gallows for two months, and that’s it. These fascist bandits didn’t let her go, and cut her body to pieces with a knife. After I captured these Germans, I saw Zoya’s tragic situation. I couldn't help but order all these prisoners to be killed...."

"Plap!" There was a clear clap on the table beside him, and Captain Boroda stood up with his eyes full of fire, and said loudly: "Kill well, to these two-legged beasts. You must not spare them lightly. . It’s me instead, and we must kill them all.” Judging from his excited expression, Ten Zhizhi had also encountered a similar situation.

I made a gesture and motioned for him to sit down when he was a little excited, and then said: "I was demoted to a major because of this prisoner killing, but I don't regret the decision I made at the time. Comrade Lieutenant was right. For this kind of two-legged beast, we must not be polite. We can kill as many as we can, and we can’t let it go.” Having said that, I also added specifically, “When Comrade Stalin learned about the real reason why I killed the prisoners. , Issued an order directly to the commanders of the Western Front: All officers and soldiers who captured the 332nd Regiment of the German Army were shot on the spot. We did not accept their surrender.” As soon as my words fell, thunderous applause broke out in the room. . I smiled and looked at the commanders applauding in front of me, and I knew that they were not applauding for me. Rather, they applauded for the vocal order given by Stalin. But I have somewhat achieved some of my goals, at least they no longer reject me so much.

After the applause stopped, I said something: "Next, I would like to ask Captain Boroda, the acting chief of staff, to introduce his own resume to everyone." After that, I sat down.

When Boroda introduced himself to everyone, the commanders in the room were all silent. Perhaps after listening to what I just said, they knew in their hearts that those who could serve as division commanders were definitely not ordinary people. , So the attitude will have such a change.

When Captain Boroda finished speaking, it was my turn to speak again. I took out the letter written by Lieutenant Colonel Samoylov to Ulanova and let everyone read it again. After the letter came back to my hand, I raised the letter paper in my hand and said sadly: "Comrade Commander Guys, when I saw this love letter, I felt very angry. A division-level commander thinks about not how to command troops to fight every day, but about how to seduce young and beautiful female soldiers. I also heard that in The female soldiers serving in the 378th Infantry Division, whether they are tank soldiers, signal soldiers, cooking soldiers, typists, or hygienists, cannot escape the harassment of their superiors. Dear commanders, think about it carefully, and see such a commander. Soldiers will definitely have doubts about their beliefs. Can such troops win the battle? The commanders all indulge in drinking, but let the soldiers bleed and sacrifice. Such commanders, the soldiers are guilty of working for them. ?"

After hearing what I said, many of the commanders present bowed their heads in shame. I guess these people have a bad record of harassing female subordinates, but this is an extraordinary period, and the commanding force can’t do without them and these old people, so my criticism of them is that the thunder and the rain will be small: "The past things are forgotten. From today on, as long as I am still serving as a teacher in this division, it is not allowed to harass the female subordinates again. Did you hear me clearly?" When I asked the last sentence, I raised my voice deliberately.

"I heard it." The people in the room replied unevenly.

"But, comrade commander." The lieutenant colonel asked, "We are all normal men and we have normal needs. How can we solve this?"

"What's your name? Comrade Lieutenant Colonel." I asked him coldly, looking at him.

He stood up abruptly, straightened his body and replied, "Comrade Reporter Commander, my name is Xiaolov, the commander of the 1134th Regiment."

I raised my hand and pressed down, motioned him to sit down, and said, "I just ask you not to harass the female soldiers in the division. You must know that they are all your sisters. Your responsibility is to care for them, not to bully. They. If you want to find a woman," I hesitated when I said this, but I still said what I was thinking: "The Germans also have female soldiers. After being captured by you, how to deal with it is not up to you. Forget it. When we go to Berlin in the future, the countless German beauties are not at your disposal."

"Comrade commander, you must know that we are still discussing how to resist the German attack, but you told us that we are going to Berlin."

I put my elbows on the table, crossed my fingers under my chin, and watched him say coldly, "Lieutenant Colonel Sholof, don’t you think we can defeat the Germans? I would like to remind you here. , You are a defeatist argument. Based on this, I can send you to a military court."

My words made Sholov pale, and the sweat on his forehead couldn't stop flowing down. He took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat while explaining: "Comrade Commander, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that. I can win against us. The Germans are convinced of this. I..."

Seeing that Sholov was softened to me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I stopped talking nonsense with him, turned to Captain Boroda and said: "Comrade Acting Chief of Staff, have you received any combat orders from the headquarters? Commanders?"

Boroda whispered to me: "Comrade commander, I have an opinion on you, how can you let them deal with the captured German female soldiers? This will make them make mistakes."

I disapproved and said: "We will find a time to talk about this alone. You can give everyone the orders of your superiors first."

Boroda nodded, stood up, took out a folded document from his pocket, opened it, and said loudly: "Comrades commanders, please keep quiet. I will now convey to you the combat command of the Front Army Headquarters. "

ps: Thanks: Unparalleled, Yanyu, Old Godfather, Xiao Yi xxx, Liuhua Dao Ke, q1979072, ndy, nuclear counterattack, a555a, book friend 140109224340114, Yun Yufeng, fate, hardship recovery, book Friends 130107235451320, don't tell me, round golden eggs, Chu Xiangshui, love swallows, 2720850379, fate, t00030003, field intelligence agent, Atu piglet, Xiyans, ket0, two rounds, fine 198850, Huan Shuang Waiting for book friends to give the book a reward

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