Burning Moscow

Chapter 7: Air raid

Early in the morning, I was awakened by the sudden sound of the battle alarm and the sound of dense anti-aircraft machine guns. I turned over and jumped out of the bed, grabbed the submachine gun that was next to the bed, didn't even care about wearing military uniforms, and rushed out of the house where I lived barefoot in my underwear. When I rushed outside, I looked up nervously at the sky to determine which direction I should run.

Although the anti-aircraft machine guns on the anti-aircraft positions kept beating, there was no sight of enemy planes flying in the sky like locusts as I imagined. I observed carefully for a long time, only to find that there was only one enemy reconnaissance plane hovering over the village where the headquarters is located.

Seeing a false alarm, I went back to the house and put on clothes. While wearing the clothes, I cursed the idiots of the anti-aircraft machine gun company in my heart. It was just a reconnaissance plane. Is it worth you to use so many anti-aircraft machine guns to shoot? With this style of play, it didn't take long before the enemy's fighters and bombers flew over all over the world.

Put on clothes and boots, walked out again with the submachine gun, and found that our anti-aircraft machine gun had stopped firing, and the enemy's reconnaissance plane was also missing. As I walked toward the air defense position, I looked up worriedly at the sky from time to time, fearing that enemy bombers would suddenly dive down from high altitude.

When I walked to the female anti-aircraft machine gun position, I found that company commander Lieutenant Steining was standing here, angrily instructing several female soldiers: "...Comrades, you are not just today’s air defense soldiers, don’t you even? Can the enemy's bombers and unarmed reconnaissance planes be unrecognizable? The enemy may not have found us at all. You shot and exposed the target without asking for instructions. If a large number of enemy planes are brought in to bomb the headquarters of the group army, this is the responsibility. Can you afford it?"

On the way. I guessed that the anti-aircraft machine gun fired at the enemy's reconnaissance plane. It was very likely that the female soldiers did it. I didn't expect to come over and see that it was really them. I wanted to criticize them well, but when I saw that they were being criticized, I changed my mind, stopped and stood by the air defense position. Silently watched Steyning criticize them.

My arrival was soon discovered by the female soldiers, and several people looked at me involuntarily. Steyning, who was speaking, found that the female soldiers did not listen to him, but looked to the side, and quickly turned to look, seeing that I was standing behind him, and quickly turned to salute, and said in a flustered manner: "Report to Comrade Lieutenant Colonel. , I am criticizing the female soldiers."

"Why criticize them? Did they do something wrong?" I had heard Steyning criticize them. But still knowingly asked.

Steyning didn’t know I was teasing him, and he reported to me with a serious expression: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel. I want to report to you on today’s fighting. An enemy reconnaissance plane flew over us early in the morning, female soldier. We may be too nervous, and even before the enemy’s model was confirmed, we hurriedly issued a combat alert and fired at enemy aircraft in the air without authorization. The nearby air defense positions also fired in the air after receiving the alert. Because everyone was fighting aimlessly, not only did they fail to knock down the enemy’s aircraft, they also exposed the location of our air defense positions."

Looking at the lieutenant’s serious face, I couldn’t help but want to laugh, but I still tried my best to control my emotions and continued to ask: "Comrade Lieutenant, how did the anti-aircraft machine gun company succeed? Did you take down the enemy’s plane? ?"

Steyning shook his head vigorously and replied: "After five minutes of shooting, the enemy's plane was frightened away by our intensive machine gun fire, but our ammunition was very consumed, and each gun position used an average of one magazine. As for the female soldiers," he glanced at the five girls standing upright, and said bitterly, "maybe because they were too nervous, they actually used three full magazines."

Three magazines, this number still surprises me secretly. One magazine is 150 rounds, and three magazines are 450 rounds. These girls are really wasteful. According to their disorganized fighting, it won't be long before the ammunition of the anti-aircraft machine gun position near the headquarters will be used up.

Steyning saw that I was listening to him in silence without making any comments. He added: "Comrade lieutenant colonel, I am worried that if they strike like this, they will bombard German planes."

Hearing Steyning say this, I can no longer remain silent, but in front of the female soldiers, I still have to save some face for them: "Lieutenant Steyning, this is the time of war, are you a veteran afraid of enemy bombs? I suggest you, if you encounter this kind of situation in the future, the first thing you should do is to praise these girls. After all, after they found the enemy plane, they did not run away in a hurry, but bravely shot the enemy plane with a machine gun. "

Seeing that I was protecting the female soldier in this way, Steining had no choice but to agree: "Understood, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, I will definitely follow your instructions." After a pause, he asked a little hesitantly, "Comrade Commander. , Allow me to leave? I need to go to other air defense positions to inspect."

I waved my hand and motioned for him to leave. He hadn't walked two steps, when I suddenly remembered another thing, so I stopped him. Steyning stopped and asked in surprise: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, do you have any instructions?"

"Do you know how to set fire?" Although I have proposed this concept before, I don't know if Steining knows it, so I have this question.

"Set fire?!" Steening looked at me blankly, then shook his head.

It seems that he does not understand the meaning of this term, so I patiently introduced him: "In air defense operations, anti-aircraft machine guns or anti-aircraft artillery hit the firepower, and within the effective firepower range, simultaneously carry out a batch or one target. Shooting. It can increase the density of firepower and provide the probability of hitting the target..."

After I said what I knew, Steyning was standing there in a daze, with an incredible look on his face. I walked in front of him, raised my hand and shook his eyes a few times, and shouted at the same time: "Hey, Comrade Lieutenant, what's the matter with you? What's the matter?"

Steyning came back to his senses, raised his thumb at me, and said repeatedly: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, you are so amazing that you can come up with such a great way. Don't worry. I'll go and make arrangements. . Let every fighter master this style of play. Make sure that the enemy’s planes come back and forth."

After Steyning had gone far, I went back to the female air defense position. Seeing me back, Vera quickly raised her hand to salute me, and took the initiative to admit her mistake: "Sorry, Lida, we were wrong."

In front of Steening just now, I was afraid of hurting the self-esteem of the female soldiers, so I deliberately defended them. Only a few of us are present now. Some important things should be said and must be said, lest they make similar mistakes again. I snorted and criticized them dissatisfiedly: "Vera, although you have only been anti-aircraft gunners for a short time, you were anti-aircraft gunners before. Can't you even tell the enemy's reconnaissance planes from fighters and bombers? ?? Such a fight today exposed the target, maybe the enemy bomber was recruited."

Upon hearing my criticism, Vera blushed and lowered her head silently. At this time. Another voice suddenly sounded nearby: "I'm sorry, Lida. This has nothing to do with Vera, it's all my fault. I was too nervous when I found the enemy plane, so I issued a combat alert and everyone rushed to the gun position. At that time, I fired again first."

I turned my head to look, it was Jalka who was talking. I criticized her unceremoniously and said: "Jalka, remember, don’t take this as an example. On the battlefield, perhaps because of your negligence or lack of calmness, your comrade-in-arms may be killed. Understand?"

"Understood, Lida." Jalka replied quietly, lowering his head.

"What about you? Do you understand?" I turned around and looked at the other four girls and asked.

"Understood." The four answered me neatly.

Seeing that the female soldiers had understood what I meant, I didn't stop anymore, so I hurried back to the headquarters.

As soon as I walked into the headquarters, I received two telegrams from the staff. One was sent by Colonel Kolobtin, the commander of the 29th Division. He reported that the engineer regiments sent by the group army had reached two high grounds of 158 and 165 and were using explosives to dig tunnels. The other was sent by Colonel Sarin, the commander of the 229th Division, reporting that the enemy situation in front of their position had changed.

After reading these two telegrams, I didn't dare to neglect, and quickly walked to Shumilov who was talking to Cuikov, and handed the two telegrams to him. After reading the telegram, Shumilov handed it to Cuikov. He raised his head and asked me: "Comrade Oshanina, what do you think of these two telegrams?"

Hearing Shumilov's question, Trikov, who was reading the telegram, couldn't help but look up at me. I quickly replied: "Report to Comrade Commander, the situation reported in the telegram of Colonel Saren is a bit strange."

At this time, Cui Kefu also finished reading the content of the telegram. He put the telegram on the table and rushed in front of Shumilov and asked, "Well, what's weird?"

I picked up the telegram of Colonel Saren and read the content: "... the enemy uses trucks to transport soldiers into the position during the day, and the sound of the enemy troop carrier can still be heard at night." After the reading, I placed the telegraph. On the table, he said, “It’s weird here. The two commanders may still remember the telegram from Colonel Kolobtin last night. He said that the enemy used trucks to transport the soldiers away, and the troop movement continued until the evening. As a result, later After reconnaissance, it was discovered that it was a trick of the enemy. They transported a small number of soldiers during the day, but quietly transported more soldiers to the position at night. However, the situation reflected in the telegram of Colonel Sarren was just the opposite, the same. It is a trick of the enemy trying to paralyze us. They deliberately transported troops to the position during the day, but quietly shifted a large amount of troops to other directions at night. It is to make us misjudgment, thinking that they will launch an offensive from the Renoke area. We will deploy troops from other regions to strengthen this place, so that they can find a weak spot to break through our defense line."

Perhaps it was my accurate speculation last night that gave Shumilov a sense of trust in me. He nodded and said to Cuikov: "Comrade Cuikov, I think Oshanina's analysis is very reasonable. What do you think? of?"

Trikov’s fingers were tapping on the desktop. Hearing Shumilov’s question, he quickly stopped the small movements in his hand and replied: "Comrade Commander, I think the same as you, and I think Oshanina analyzes Very accurate. But what method should we use to confirm our guess?"

Shumilov raised his chin to me and said, "Oshanina will answer this question."

Since the commander trusts me so much, I can’t hide my personal information, so I quickly expressed my thoughts: "Two commanders, I think this way. Since the enemy is playing tricks of fake reinforcements and real transfers in front of us, then We should make good use of this opportunity to teach them a lesson."

"What a lesson?" Cui Kefu asked curiously.

"You can let Colonel Sarin send out small troops. Companies are constantly harassing the enemy's position. If the enemy is really increasing troops. They will take the opportunity to launch a counterattack; if the troops are really reduced, they will obediently. Nestled in the trenches, dare not leave their positions casually."

"Well, this method is good, you can try it." Shumilov agreed first, and turned to Cuikov and said, "Comrade Cuikov, it's up to you to call Colonel Saren."

When Trikov called Colonel Sarin to set up the task, I couldn't help but sigh with emotion, this period of time. When Cuikov and Shumilov formulated their combat plans, they would almost always ask for my opinion, and in many cases they would still rely on me. I don't know if they are looking at Zhukov's special care for me, or are they taking the opportunity to cultivate my commanding ability?

Before Cui Kefu finished the call, another staff officer came in and reported to me: "Comrade lieutenant colonel, a group of prisoners have come outside. They are soldiers from the 70th Guards Division. Go and see."

I whispered to Shumilov about the prisoners, and hurriedly left the headquarters following the staff.

Go to the edge of the village. From a distance, I saw hundreds of embarrassed German prisoners walking towards us. In the team of captives. Except for a few who are healthy, the rest are wounded. Some of them had bandages on their heads and arms, and some injured their feet. They used a thick branch as a cane and walked limping. The soldiers with bayonet-mounted rifles walked arrogantly around the captive team. Once they saw someone walking slowly or attempting to leave the team, they would straighten up their bayonet and shout loudly.

"What are these prisoners taking to the group army headquarters for?" I turned my head and asked the staff officer beside me.

The staff officer replied: "We need to interrogate the prisoners to understand the enemy's force distribution and the next move."

When the team of prisoners came to the entrance of the village, four enemy planes suddenly appeared in the sky. After circling a circle in the sky, they swooped down and shot at the village behind me. One after another bombs roared and fell on the empty ground in the village and around the house, sending out earth-shattering explosions.

The German prisoners yelled when they saw their own planes shooting bombs, and the whole team was in a mess. Some hugged their heads tightly with both hands and threw directly to the ground; some knelt directly on the ground, looking up at the sky and drew a cross in their hands; some ignored them and ran away with their legs.

The escorted soldiers yelled at the escaped prisoners, unexpectedly, the more they shouted, the faster they would run. Under this circumstance, the escorted soldier fired at the escaped prisoner without hesitation.

The escaped prisoners accounted for almost one-third of the total, and almost all were unharmed. Under the intensive firepower of the soldiers, some prisoners only ran a few meters away, and saw the people around them being penetrated by bullets, their bodies fell to the ground, and blood splashed in the air. They were so scared that they stopped quickly, holding their heads in the original position. Squatted down.

Seeing that these soldiers from the 70th Guards Division were able to deal with the prisoners, I quickly turned around and said to the staff officer: "You will go to the headquarters as soon as possible, and cover the commander and them to a safe place."

"Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, where are you going?" After accepting my task, the staff officer couldn't help but ask another question.

"I'm going to the anti-aircraft machine gun, and I must drive away the enemy's aircraft from the village as soon as possible, otherwise our casualties will be heavy." After I said, I ran towards the air defense position of Vera and the others.

When I rushed to Vera's gun position, their anti-aircraft machine guns were firing violently.

Looking at the bullets they fired, there must be no threat to the enemy's aircraft. I rushed forward, and took down Jalkara who was sitting in the aimer's position, and sat in the aimer's seat. I shook the handle quickly and quickly locked the target through the cannon lens.

"Lida, the ammunition is loaded." I heard someone report loudly to me nearby.

I nodded calmly, through the cannon mirror, firmly locked a dive bomber, and then slammed on the button of the gun, the machine gun trembling, and shot the dense bullets high above the plane that was diving toward us. Suddenly, a long black smoke came out from behind the tail wing of the enemy plane. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"It's hit! It's hit!" The female soldiers around me suddenly cheered when they saw this scene.

Then, there was a loud noise in the air, and the enemy plane I hit exploded in the air and disintegrated, turned into pieces, and floated down. And our gun position was also discovered by the remaining enemy planes. After circling a circle in the air, two planes swooped toward us viciously.

"Danger, lie down!" I yelled to the girls, and after yelling, I jumped off the seat and ran outside.

After running a few steps, I heard the scream of bombs falling from a high altitude behind me. I quickly leaped forward, put my head in my hands, and lay on the ground.

A loud "bang" sounded behind me, and then some mess and mud crackled on my body, especially a stone that hit my helmet, which made my eyes black and stared out of gold, almost. He fainted.

When I stood up, I turned and looked back. The original air defense position has been turned into a crater that is still smoking green smoke, the anti-aircraft machine guns in the pit have become a pile of scrap iron, and several female soldiers are lying around the pit, motionless. . (To be continued...)

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