Burning Moscow

Chapter 573: Two-pronged night attack (middle)

After hearing my words, Oleg was unexpectedly silent. Because I couldn’t hear his voice in the earphones, I even thought he had interrupted the connection, and hurriedly blew into the microphone twice, and then yelled anxiously: "Hey, hello, Lieutenant Colonel Oleg, you Are you still there? Can you hear me?"

"You can hear me, comrade commander." Oleg replied slowly.

"Why don't you reply, what are you thinking?" I asked angrily.

"Teacher, please forgive me. I was thinking about one thing. I was so engrossed for a while that I forgot that I was talking to you."

"What are you thinking about making you so engaged?" I asked dissatisfiedly.

"I'm thinking, if our battalion also wears German uniforms, maybe the results will be even greater."

As soon as Oleg finished speaking, my face flushed with shame, and my heart said disguised as a German army to sneak an attack. I also came up with a flash of inspiration after you all set off. But fortunately, Oleg couldn't see my embarrassed expression. I could still ask calmly, "Where is your camp now?"

Oleg replied simply and concisely: "It is two kilometers southeast of the camp that was just attacked. It is only three kilometers away from the Abganerovo station occupied by the Germans. Commander, I have an idea. Can you let me Take the troops to sneak attack on this station?"

When I heard the name of the place, I hesitated, knowing that Hote’s 4th Tank Army took a full seven days and paid a huge price to capture the Abganerovo Station. It can be seen that the Soviet Army was originally How strong is the defensive position there. Now that we are offensive, we want to take this place with the strength of a battalion. It's just a dream. I just wanted to reject Oleg's proposal. But then I thought about it. Due to the tenacious battle of the defenders there some time ago. Let this be a defensive point familiar to the group army and even the heads of the front army. If we act in this area, we will definitely leave a good impression on the superior leaders. Thinking of this, I did not hesitate anymore, and ordered Oleg to say: "Well, Lieutenant Colonel Oleg, you will take the troops to see. Remember, the enemy and our forces are very different. Your mission is to attack, not to attack. Fight if you can, and withdraw if you can't. Don't be entangled by the enemy, otherwise, there is a danger of the entire army being wiped out."

"Understand," Oleg replied affirmatively: "Please rest assured, my teacher, I will proceed with caution."

After finishing the conversation with Oleg, I raised my hand and looked at my watch. It's almost zero, and I haven't received Vellore's report. I couldn't help but say to myself: "What did Vellore do? It's been a few hours, why there is no intelligence feedback."

Razumeeva took my topic carefully and said, "Master, maybe they are still marching."

Although Vellore and the others walked on the main road, the distance was farther than the small road that Oleg and the others took, but after all, they rode a truck. How could the four wheels run faster than the two legs of a person? It was too late. The report to Vellore made me uneasy, afraid that they would encounter German troops on the road.

I think since Vellore will not contact us, but we will contact her first and ask her what is going on there. So I said to Razumeyeva: "Second lieutenant, immediately contact Vellore's political commissar and ask her where the troops are?"

Unexpectedly, Razumeyeva shook her head and said regretfully: "I'm sorry, comrade commander, I just tried it, but I can't get in touch. Maybe they are marching and the radio is not turned on."

Seeing how anxious I was, Sederikov came over to comfort me: "Comrade Commander, don’t worry. If there is no news, it’s good news. It is estimated that the Vellore political commissar has already approached the German camp. In order to prevent being discovered by the enemy, That’s why we kept the radio silent for the time being. Let’s sit down and wait patiently. I believe that there will be good news soon.”

Originally, my heart was as if fifteen buckets were fetching water—several times. After listening to Sergeikov’s words, I immediately felt relieved. Anyway, the troops have been sent out, and Oleg’s battalion has been fought. A battle, although it was only a small victory, was enough to make the Germans horrified and unable to sleep well.

This wait lasted for more than an hour, until one o'clock in the morning, Razumeyeva's excitement awakened the sleepy me. Seeing me wake up, Razumeyeva shouted to me excitedly: "Master, I have contacted Vellore and Vellore's political commissar."

I rushed to the walkie-talkie, put on the earphones and shouted at the microphone excitedly: "Hey, hello, is it Vellore? Hey, hello, can you hear me?"

Then Vellore's familiar voice came from the headset: "Yes, Lida, I'm Vellore."

Hearing her voice, I was a little relieved. Since she can contact me, it proves that the troops she led have not been wiped out by the Germans. I suppressed my dissatisfaction with her, and tried to ask in a calm tone: "Vellore, where are you?"

Vellore's excited voice came from the earphones: "Reporter, I have taken the Abganerovo station back!"

"What?!" When I heard the news, I almost sat down on the ground in shock. I was afraid that I had heard it wrong, and quickly asked: "Vellore, what did you say just now, I didn't hear it clearly, please say it again. Again!"

"Master, I officially report to you that I took the Abganerovo station back from the Germans?"

"Capture...retaken? Is it Aboganerovo Station?" Although I have heard Vellore's words clearly, I still can't believe it is true. Just now Oleg said he wanted to attack Abo. At Ganerovo Station, I was worried that they would be outnumbered, so I repeatedly emphasized that they would only sneak attacks and not force them.

Vellore replied affirmatively: "Exactly correct, comrade commander, we have taken the station back."

The group leaders sitting in the room waiting for the news heard me repeat the name of Aboganerovo Station, and immediately guessed that our night raid troops might have achieved an unexpected victory, and they all surrounded them. Want to hear what happened.

It's still night, even if the earphones are some distance away from the ears, I can hear the other person clearly, so I took off the earphones. Moved slightly away from the ear. Make sure that everyone around you can hear Vellore's voice. Then he asked: "Let's talk about it, Vellore political commissar, how did you seize the station?"

Vellore agreed, and then began to report to me about the process of seizing the Abganerovo station: "Reporter, our convoy was moving along the road. About an hour ago, a reconnaissance mission was in front of him. Soldier, report to me on a motorcycle. It said that not far ahead is the Aboganerovo station occupied by the Germans. Please tell me what should I do? After listening to the report of the scout, I think now that we have arrived Here, let me teach the Germans in these stations severely, so I ordered the convoy to stop, all the soldiers got out of the car, and walked towards the station.

Before we were close to the station, the scout came to report again. Said that a large number of troops were found lying in ambush near the station, maybe it was a secret sentry arranged by the German army. I bring a company. Follow the scouts and set off toward the area where the enemy is found. When I got to the place, I saw that there were many people near the station. As soon as we arrived, more than a dozen people touched us. I was worried that we were discovered by the Germans and quickly ordered the soldiers to prepare for battle.

How to put it, maybe in a minute or two, I will order the troops to open fire. Fortunately, the scout next to me had sharp eyes and said that everyone who saw it had a white towel tied to their left arm. Don't be your own. So I asked the scout to take two soldiers and greet them to find out who the other party was. As a result, when the two sides met each other, the white towel tied from each other's arm was determined to be their own, and they did not open fire casually. The scout inquired again, and it turned out that the opponent was a unit led by Lieutenant Colonel Oleg. ..."

Hearing this, Gaidar couldn't help but excitedly said: "It's great, our two night raids actually met outside the Aboganerovo station. No wonder they can easily take down the heavily guarded German station. It."

"Don't talk," Sergeikov said to him dissatisfiedly: "Listen to Vellore's political commissar."

Gaidar smiled embarrassedly, closed his mouth obediently, and continued to listen to Vellore telling their battle story.

"...After meeting with Lieutenant Colonel Oleg's troops, I discussed with him. I led the troops disguised as German troops to attack the station, and he led the troops outside to respond.

After the discussion, I asked Mikhayev to take a company and sway along the road to the station. The German patrol outside the station found them and stopped them. Before the Germans could question, Mikhayev said that he was from the 40th tank brigade and was here to strengthen the defensive force here. When the enemy relaxed his vigilance, he made a gesture to the soldiers behind, and those soldiers rushed forward. The German patrol was reimbursed with a **** and an axe.

Although Lieutenant Colonel Oleg had attacked a German camp beforehand, the news obviously did not reach here. The Germans in the station were not at all vigilant. After the scattered guard posts were killed by soldiers led by Mikhayev, I He led the troops into the station.

I thought I could easily wipe out all the Germans in the station. I didn’t expect that a sentry hiding in a machine gun bunker on the platform was very vigilant. Seeing so many people suddenly appeared on the platform, he might feel it instinctively. When something went wrong, he immediately shot at us without hesitation, knocking down a lot of the soldiers in the front.

Seeing that there was no way to clean up the enemies in the outer station without the Germans noticing it, I had no choice but to order to fire back. Fortunately, only one machine gun fired in the machine gun bunker. Mikhayev led a group to throw a dozen grenades and reimbursed the enemy with the gun.

Hearing the sudden sound of guns, the Germans in the barracks were awakened. They carried their weapons and rushed out cautiously, screaming incessantly. At this time, Mikhayev made an unexpected move. He rushed up with a dozen German-speaking soldiers and shouted that German was stranded with the enemy. Then they took advantage of the enemy's chaos and decisively opened fire, using submachine guns, rifles, grenades, shovels and axes to kill the Germans around them.

Seeing a fight in the station, Lieutenant Colonel Oleg decisively ordered his troops to rush in. Our two battalions joined forces and rushed towards the chaotic German army, making them even more chaotic. Chaos.

The battle ended in half an hour. We captured 39 prisoners including Captain Grams of the station garrison. After interrogation, Captain Grams confessed that they belonged to the 103rd Infantry Regiment of the 14th Division of German Tanks. . Because of the days of fighting, the soldiers were very tired. So the defense of the station is very lax. "

It was heard that the captured officer belonged to the 14th Division of German Tanks. I couldn't help asking, "Are there German armored units in the station?"

"No tanks or armored vehicles were found. In this regard, the prisoners said this, because our army dug deep trenches and anti-tank trenches to the south of the station, which greatly restricted the maneuverability of the tanks, so the regimental commander decided to put the regiment in The tanks and armored vehicles were transferred to other areas."

After listening, I asked casually: "Are there any supplies in the station?"

"Yes, comrade commander." Vellore said excitedly: "I found weapons and equipment of a German battalion in the warehouse of the station. Now in addition to the security forces, the rest of the troops are moving the materials in the warehouse. Move on our truck."

"Where is your truck?"

"Not far, just a kilometer away from the station. We are crowded, and it won't take long to empty the warehouse."

When I heard Vellore say this, I almost yelled at him. Now that the Germans have been wiped out by us, you can’t let the soldiers drive the truck into the station. You have to let all the soldiers carry the weapons and ammunition so far. Loading. I gritted my molars and said coldly to her: "Comrade Vellore, don't you think it is more convenient for our soldiers to load supplies by driving the truck into the station?"

Listen to me. Vellore was obviously stunned. She said after a while: "Oh, comrade commander, if you don't tell me, I have forgotten. I should drive the truck to the station. In this way, the soldiers can walk less. . Don’t worry, I’ll make arrangements right away.” Then I heard her shouting loudly: "Mikhayev, Lieutenant Mikhayev, please come over."

Soon, I vaguely heard Mikhayev's voice: "Comrade Political Commissar, do you have any instructions?"

"According to the commander's order, let all our trucks enter the station and park them next to the warehouse for loading."

"Yes, I will execute it right away."

Then I heard Vellore's voice again: "Reporter, I have arranged it. The truck will be able to drive into the station within ten minutes at most."

Vellore's lack of heart and eyes hurt my liver. I can only hum and say: "Comrade Vellore, let the soldiers hurry up to load the truck and be ready to transfer at any time. If there is anything, I will To inform you."

Putting down the earphones and microphone, I said to the group leaders around me: "Comrade commanders, you have all heard that. After Vellore and Oleg’s night raids joined forces, they jointly captured the German-occupied army. Abganerovo Station. Tell me, what should I do next?"

"What else?" Sederikov flushed with excitement. He said excitedly: "This is a big victory. You should report it to the group army headquarters immediately and ask for credit for our commanders and fighters."

In fact, the original purpose of my questioning was to ask them for their opinion, whether to let the night raid troops withdraw overnight, or stay behind the German army and constantly harass the German camp and supply lines. I did not expect Sederikov to take me. The meaning of is misunderstood, and thought I was asking, what should we do when we get this news.

However, since Sederikov has said that he will report tonight’s results, I have no choice but to bow my head and tell Razumeeva: "Comrade Lieutenant, immediately take me to the headquarters of the group army and find Chief of Staff Ras. Colonel King."

After the phone call, Raskin's slightly dissatisfied voice came from the headset: "Hey, I said Comrade Oshaninna, you contacted me so late, is there something wrong with your teacher?"

I quickly coughed, cleared my throat, and then clearly reported: "Report to Comrade Chief of Staff. Tonight I sent eight companies to the rear of the German army to carry out the night attack. Just now, my subordinates reported to me. After fierce fighting, they succeeded in retaking the Abganerovo station, which was occupied by the Germans."

"Oh, I took the Abganerovo station back from the Germans." Raskin said lightly, and his voice trembled suddenly, raising his voice and saying loudly, "Oshanina, What did you say, please say it again." His reaction at this time was similar to my reaction when I first heard the station was retaken.

Since he was asking seriously, I also answered seriously: "Report to Comrade Chief of Staff that my troops have successfully retaken the Abganerovo station occupied by the Germans. At present, the soldiers are hurrying to move the station warehouse. The materials. After all the materials are loaded into the truck, they will immediately return to our division’s defense zone."

"Oshanina~www.wuxiaspot.com~ first... don't... don't worry about letting the troops back, this... this matter, I... I will report... to Commander Shumilov... Report! Please... please wait... wait a minute." Raskin was obviously stunned by the news, so nervous that he couldn't speak coherently.

About five minutes later, Shumilov's familiar voice came from the headphones: "Hello, Colonel Oshanina."

I straightened up quickly and replied, "Hello, Comrade Commander."

"I heard from Chief of Staff Ruskin that your division has successfully taken the Abganerovo station back from the Germans. Is it true?"

"Yes, it is absolutely correct, Comrade Commander." I replied respectfully.

"Very good, good job, Comrade Oshanina, I will take credit for you." After Shumilov finished complimenting me, he changed the topic and continued: "Our group army is in Aboga. The Nerovo station stayed for seven days, and was forced to abandon the position later because of exhaustion of ammunition and food and outnumbered people. Since you have retaken the station, I mean, don’t let the troops come back for the time being, just let them continue. Stay there. In this way, the German army has worries about the future and dare not concentrate all its forces to attack our position." (To be continued.)

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