Business Empire: There are more than 100 million black technologies

Chapter 123 The World Is Changing Because Of Him

Liu Sen had reason to wonder why the iron box of Iron Man was blown up by a bomb and knocked away. There was nothing wrong with the people inside.

Are there materials inside that are similar to his?

Its toughness and tensile strength are incredible, and it can absorb kinetic energy extremely quickly.

The exposed eyes are still a weakness.

Liu Sen thought that he could just add a new type of special glass lens. A very thin lens could block bullets very well, and it could also prevent fog.

This way there are no dead ends.

But I don’t know that the appearance will be no different from Spider-Man’s suit, but the protective ability is many times stronger than that of Spider-Man.

I don’t know if they will like this change.

But you can produce some and throw them to them and let them choose.

Normally they are produced without lenses.

A direct call asked Gong Rongtao of the glass factory to store the raw materials for the production of new special glass.

In the next few days, Liu Sen will still participate in the research of new materials.

Li Han also gave the investigation information to Liu Sen. There were not many problems with the list Liu Sen gave. Only a few people had problems, and relevant processing was already underway.

Liu Sen began to ask Yin Dan, the group's human resources manager, to send notices to talk and communicate with these people.

Those who are willing will enter the base to conduct work and research.

Just as Yidian Company was undergoing changes, the world was also undergoing tremendous changes because of Yidian.

The first is that a wireless power transmission network with a radius of 10 kilometers has been built in the lighthouse country. It is not that they are efficient, but that the construction is really too simple.

However, the implementation of the project is also inseparable from the strong help of those consortiums.

Constantly lobbying the White House and local governments to liberalize policies and support changes.

After all, this is related to their interests. Every day the construction is completed earlier, they can make huge profits one day earlier.

Therefore, the construction was completed quickly.

Let the entire lighthouse country be covered and able to receive and use 30W power.

Social media posts a lot of information every day.

This is called technology that changes the times. We are now enjoying China's technology.

There are also many people who say that China's technology is now very advanced, and we must catch up and take back our glory.

Therefore, a large number of people took to the streets and demonstrated, demanding that the country vigorously develop science and technology.

There are also people who want to dismantle China’s technology.

A large number of people in the demonstration demanded that Yidian Technology be driven out of the Lighthouse Country. They were live broadcasting and asked everyone to support them. However, many people noticed that the person who was live broadcasting had a charging phone and was using the phone to call for eviction. Out of technology.

Some people have indeed received great benefits, that is, civilians, who can charge directly and have electric lights to use.

Homeless people and people with no fixed abode can use their mobile phones with electricity.

And those who like to take risks are very supportive of Yidian Technology.

Yidian Technology allows them to use electricity in very remote areas. Although it is only 30W, it can still solve the power consumption of lighting and mobile phones.

Countless people buy wireless power strips on the Internet from China.

The best-selling gift abroad is definitely the power strip. The compact power strip allows you to use electricity wherever you go.

Foreign power products have not yet been authorized for modification, so they are still wired power.

The regional power system in Lighthouse Country is still under construction, and this progress is a bit slow because it involves the renovation of old communities.

Their modifications are all chargeable, and there is no charge. For those conservative people, the current ones are enough.

They are free and no one can change their minds.

Of course, because you can get a free 10 yuan by activating the worry-free electricity app, everyone has registered and opened an account.

The number of users of Wuyou Electricity App is skyrocketing.

The government of the lighthouse country is actually reluctant to open up after seeing this situation, but they have to do so.

Giving the green light to Yidian's wireless power is not just a matter of lobbying by consortiums.

On the other hand, it is also because of the current tense international situation and tight energy supply.

The use of 100 million points of wireless power can save about 10% of electrical energy, which can effectively alleviate the pressure in this area.

It is of great use to domestic inflation.

This alone gives them a reason to use it.

It is also because Yidian emerged at the right time and allowed local consortiums to operate and manage it.

Otherwise, the lighthouse country will definitely not let Yidian enter, and it also proposed to settle in RMB.

Lao Maozi plays like this, and China also plays like this.

Fortunately, there is a fig leaf. There are two payment options, but the payment to Yidian must be in RMB.

If you want to obtain RMB, you must use U.S. dollars to purchase RMB, and you must also store part of the RMB foreign exchange.

This is the idea of ​​the Lighthouse Government, and ordinary people will be careful in their calculations. If there is a discount for direct payment in RMB, they will definitely pay directly in RMB.

Other European and American countries saw the situation and couldn't wait to introduce Yidian's wireless power transmission technology.

However, Yidian did not offer any discount at this time. They felt uncomfortable, but they still agreed.

After all, the energy crisis in European countries is more serious now, and Yidian Technology can help alleviate part of it.

European countries quickly started construction, and countless names registered and upgraded the worry-free electricity APP.

The RMB was immediately welcomed, and the recognition of the RMB was greatly welcomed in the world.

However, these construction promotions have not been smooth sailing. In some small countries, demonstrations have occurred.

They said that wireless power had an impact on their health and contained radiation, so people began to gather to dismantle it.

Many places were demolished just after they were built, and those countries had nothing to do.

After the completion of construction in other countries, the price increases have been suppressed. Although they have not declined, they are good signs.

In the country that opposed it, prices are still soaring.

These are only developed countries, and those poor developing countries are very supportive of the use of wireless power.

After all, their national foundation is weak. The original electricity generation capacity is not high, and the laying of circuits is also very difficult.

The annual power loss reaches 40%, and the installation of Yidian Technology's wireless power equipment directly reduces this loss to 10%.

It turns out that there are still many places where lines have not been laid and electricity has never been passed.

I have never enjoyed the light brought by electricity at night, but now I have realized it.

All the names cheered Yidian's name and thanked Huaxia's company for the light it brought.

The lives of the citizens of those countries suddenly became much happier. With more electricity, they could produce more goods, recruit more workers, and provide more jobs.

There were suddenly more material goods and prices dropped.

When people have stable jobs, they have money to spend.

Cheap goods make more people willing to consume.

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