Liu Sen couldn't help but smile after hearing Yu Dazui's solemn words.

"Really, you can come and take a look when you have time."

When Yu Dazui heard what Liu Sen said, he couldn't help but not believe it. After all, he was invited directly to see it.

However, he still couldn't figure out why Billion Points could produce a 9-nanometer chip without any fanfare.

He still remembered that Liu Sen invited them to participate in the research a few months ago.

But he thought about the difficulties of the semiconductor industry and Yidian didn't have any foundation, so he didn't agree.

Unexpectedly, a few months later, he heard that Yidian's Feixuan car used a glass chip that had never been seen on the market.

Yu Dazui immediately thought of Liu Sen. He was very impressed by Yidian's glass.

Indestructible wine bottle, glass that changes the pattern of mobile phone covers.

Coupled with Liu Sen, who has been increasing investment in scientific and technological research, he still has some hope.

Once Yidian is able to produce 9nm chips, their chip business of Petal will definitely be able to develop greatly.

Their team focuses on design and suffers from the fact that no one can OEM for them.

"Okay, we'll go take a look tomorrow and I won't cause any trouble to you then."

"You come directly to our group headquarters." Liu Sen thought for a moment and said.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Sen decided to meet in person tomorrow. After all, there were still some things that needed to be communicated.

Although the other party did not agree to his cooperation proposal last time, he could understand it.

After all, they have been working hard for many years and have a very solid foundation. For a company with no foundation and no one who has proven their knowledge in this field, most people will refuse if they propose cooperation.

The next day, Yidian Group headquarters.

Liu Sen saw Yu Dazui and his group at the door. When he saw them getting out of the car, he was a little surprised and a little surprised.

Mr. Ren actually came with him, and Li Sen stepped forward and shook hands with Mr. Ren.

"Mr. Ren, why are you here?"

"Asen, I just came to see. If you can produce 9-nanometer chips, it can be said to have broken the foreign blockade. So I have to come and have a look. Only when I see it can I feel at ease." Mr. Ren was a little excited. said.

"Mr. Ren, I will take you to see it right now." Liu Sen knew that Mr. Ren and the others were urgent. After all, chip technology was blocked and they were having a difficult time.

A breakthrough of 100 million points is a good thing for the entire country. Finally, there is no need to look at the face of foreign countries.

Soon the group headed to the junction of Jinling and Rongcheng, the Yidian Semiconductor Factory.

Liu Sen led everyone into the factory area, put on dust-free clothes, and began to visit the semiconductor factory.

First of all, they took a look at the production of the chip. Everyone saw the glass columns being cut into wafers by lasers, and then sent to the conveyor belt by the robotic arm. There were six conveyor belts, each of which was connected to a photolithography machine. machine.

The wafer on the conveyor belt is coated with a special glass catalyst, and then the conveyor belt carries a wafer into the photolithography machine on the side.

After a few minutes, the lithography machine completed its work and the patterned wafer was transferred from the other side.

Soon he entered other machines again to complete testing, segmentation, and packaging.

Mr. Ren took the newly packaged chip and kept stroking it, looking extremely happy.

All this is true.

Moreover, this production line is more advanced than foreign ones and has a very high degree of automation.

"You can produce 9-nanometer chips. Where did your lithography machine come from?" Mr. Ren finally couldn't help but ask what they wanted to ask the most.

"We also developed the lithography machine ourselves. All of it is our own technology, but it is not made public."

Everyone in Huaban was very surprised when they heard that Yidian Company directly solved the problem of photolithography machines by itself.

Mr. Ren wanted to ask if he could provide them with a photolithography machine, but after thinking about it he gave up.

After this lithography machine is developed, it will definitely not be sold to outsiders. After all, they have built their own semiconductor manufacturing factory.

It basically takes about a month to complete the production of a photolithography machine, and Yidian has just completed research and development, and it is estimated that it will take several months to produce one.

It will probably take a long time to mass-produce it.

What Ren Lao thought about was definitely limited to ordinary enterprises.

He forgot that there were already six photolithography machines he saw. If he were to produce photolithography machines at the speed he wanted, there should be only one and no more than two.

After all, Yidian Company has only been established for less than a year, and the last time we mentioned working together to research semiconductors was three months ago.

Liu Senji now has a full set of machining centers, so the photolithography machines should not be produced too quickly.

If Liu Sen wanted to, he could probably complete the production of a photolithography machine in a few days.

This is something that no one in the world would have imagined. If Liu Sen is willing, he can make the photolithography machine cheap now.

"Mr. Ren, we can only produce 9nm products here now, but the performance is definitely comparable to 5nm products."

Liu Sen once again talked about the performance of the chip. After all, no organization has tested the chips they produce.

Hearing Liu Sen's words, everyone in Huaban was shocked again. They originally thought that Liu Sen was still far behind the first echelon.

However, the performance of the chips produced can indeed compete with the first echelon, which shows that the materials and processing capabilities of Yidian chips are superior.

When Yidian improves its processing capabilities again, it will definitely surpass the first-tier semiconductor manufacturing companies.

After all, chip breakthroughs are coming more and more, and they are very close to Moore's Law.

It is almost impossible to improve without finding better theoretical support.

However, the precision of Yidian chip manufacturing can be improved upward.

At the same time, Mr. Ren also thought that the chip they designed has the best performance under the same nanometer process. If it is processed by billions of semiconductors, there will be a huge breakthrough in performance.

Is the 9nm Kirin chip comparable to the 4nm chip if we add their unique stacking technology?

This idea suddenly appeared in my mind and I couldn't get rid of it.

"Do you have excess production capacity now? Can you help us produce Kirin chips?"

Liu Sen smiled when he heard Mr. Ren's request.

It seems that in the end they couldn't hold back and made a request. At this time, he can also make relevant requests.

This makes it easier to succeed, otherwise the cooperation in researching lithography machines proposed last time would have been rejected.

"I was quite nervous at first, as car sales are very hot now, but since Mr. Ren proposed it, I have to allocate part of my productivity to help you produce it."

Liu Sen agreed without much hesitation.

"In this case, you can send over the chip architecture and design drawings of the 9-nanometer process now, and I will arrange testing immediately."

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