The accident investigation report was quickly placed on the desk in the white house.

The old man looked at the report in front of him and fell into deep thought.

At first, he thought there might be foreign intervention or sabotage from other countries.

In this way, he can crusade and bombard other countries, and then divert domestic attention again.

After all, inflation is too high and he wants to move the target.

The result was really beyond his expectation, and all his previous plans were invalidated.

He urgently summoned his staff to discuss how to handle this matter.

"The reports are already here. Take a look. There are some differences between this and what we originally imagined."

Everyone looked through the report and were a little speechless at such a low-level mistake.

They all know their own technology, and that rocket is a very mature technology.

I have successfully performed many missions without any problems.

Therefore, when a problem occurs this time, they will suspect the involvement of foreign forces.

Therefore, they made a series of preparations. They could create a reason to go to war without a reasonable reason.

This time, we have the most reasonable reason to start a war.

But they have toilet paper ready, and what you showed me was this report.

They all wanted to curse.

"I think we still need to make some preparations. After all, our domestic conflicts are indeed quite serious now."

"We need some external contradictions to divert people's attention."

Everyone was silent when they heard this. Is this really good?

If this matter is exposed, all of them will be liquidated.

Of course, except for the old man, his special status can exempt him from many things. This is the practice of their country.

But now, this old man has some bad rules.

He is trying to figure out how to clean up the previous one. He made a bad start. It is hard to say whether the next one will do the same.

The old man saw everyone's hesitation, so he said: "We must do something so that our interests can be guaranteed."

After listening to this, everyone understood that it was actually the capital that was driving the war, and they needed the war.

They need to make profits from events like this.

By the way, it would be good to divert the attention of the domestic people.

In the end everyone agreed to the original plan.

"It is a provocation to us to report directly to the outside world and say that the rocket launch and explosion were caused by the infiltration of foreign forces."

"What do you mean by this so-called foreign force?" a staff member asked.

Everyone in the conference room fell silent, everyone wanted to know which country's name would appear in the old man's mouth.

After pondering for a while, the old man said: "Let's choose our old rivals. They have already shouldered a lot anyway, let them carry it for a while longer."

"And this can also convince more people. After all, the pipeline was bombed and the whole world doubted us. Then this rocket explosion will convince many people of our answer. They are out for revenge."

"Then we actually activate the lease agreement, tell the truck drivers that the conditions of the equipment lease agreement have been met, and continue to sell equipment to them."

"In this way, we can make money and divert the attention of the Chinese people."

Sure enough, ginger is still hotter, and this plan is linked to each other.

Everyone nodded, but some people still wondered why they didn't blame the other party.

One of them raised this question.

"You are still looking too lightly. Now they have risen rapidly and are no longer so easy to deal with. Their various weapons are really too terrifying. The last Golden Triangle incident still scares all countries in the world. "

"We still haven't figured out what weapons they used, but a team of 5 people actually eliminated a 3,000-strong armed group of armed men with armored vehicles in just a few dozen minutes."

"The current conflicts are all small-scale and cannot be large-scale conflicts. If we blame them now, how will we deal with them? The purpose of small-scale military conflicts is to deliver food to them."

"Those countries in East Asia are smarter, and they won't act like a show-off. Now Ah San has become more disciplined."

"I have chosen to retreat from many important meetings."

"So now we can only choose our old rival. This regional conflict has exposed their weakness and they have declined."

"By stepping on them and destroying Ouzhou, we can harvest Ouzhou, and we can let Europe's manufacturing industry flow into our lighthouse country, so that our number of jobs can increase, and we can also buy Ouzhou's products. Cheap goods to relieve our economic crisis."

“It’s a matter of killing three birds with one stone.”

Everyone nodded and understood what they needed to do next.

Soon a notification was sent out.

[After our internal investigation, we found that the rocket explosion was caused by the involvement of external forces. We will respond actively and make the hostile forces pay the due price. 】

[Now we announce that the equipment lease signed with the truck driver in May will take effect today. 】

Internet platforms around the world exploded instantly.

[What happened? The live broadcast of the rocket explosion I saw turned out to be the intervention of external forces. 】

[I read the communiqué for a long time and found that they had said everything, but they seemed to have said nothing. 】

[Yes, the Lighthouse Country didn’t say which force this external force is. 】

[Are you all having a problem with your brain? Didn’t you see another one below? 】

[Although it was not stated clearly, the spearhead was clearly pointed at the target. 】

[Fuck, is there any definite evidence for this? 】

[Do you still need to look at this? The pipeline must have been blown up. They retaliated and now they have been found out. 】

【Is it so exciting? 】

【I have been eating melon every day for the past few days, and I can’t eat anymore. 】

[If you don’t play like this, it’s just unfounded. If you have the ability, publish the evidence! 】

Some people are still sensible and quickly discovered something fishy.

But it was quickly overwhelmed by other information, and not many people saw it.

Domestic people are not inferior at all when it comes to eating melons.

[We are still stuck on the road, and we are eating melon non-stop, which brings us a little fun. 】

[My little sister and I even shot a happy travel video on the high-speed rail. We were dragged to the hotel as soon as we got off the train, and our vacation was ruined. 】

[The situation that just seemed to have eased has become tense again. 】

[What is that weapons lease agreement? 】

[That agreement is to make selling weapons more convenient. You must know that selling weapons requires a lot of procedures. This agreement directly simplifies all procedures. 】

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