Business Empire: There are more than 100 million black technologies

Chapter 352 Calculating The Accounts Silently, Scary To Death

"Holy shit, this feels like?"

Liu Sen couldn't help but blurt out that this was really intolerable.

After the tank gained speed, it began to move in a serpentine manner.

The impact on normal vehicles will not be too great, but it will be very uncomfortable inside the tank.

The seats inside the tank are not very comfortable, not like a car.

He was not mentally prepared at all, so he was not used to the sudden bumps.

Liu Sen's appearance was seen by Xiao Zhe, who couldn't help but smiled and said loudly: "How are you? How do you feel?"

"Well, not bad!"

His physique is very good, so he was a little surprised because he was not prepared at first, but it got better later.

Liu Sen's answer surprised the three of them.

Liu Sen's performance was definitely not what ordinary soldiers would do when they first entered the tank. As a researcher, they were very impressed.

Soon the tank entered ramps, depressions, and small pools.

As he passed quickly, Liu Sen felt the bumps in the car were too severe.

But because of the previous preparations, there was no problem at all this time.

He quickly passed through these places and fired a few artillery shells at the target along the way.

There was a violent noise, and Liu Sen suddenly felt that he was not well.

His hearing was already very developed, and these loud noises seemed like thunder around him.

"Change, this must be changed!"

The tank quickly completed its lap and returned to the starting point.

Opening the hatch, several people came out of the tank together.

"Sir, you are definitely the one!" After Qin Hu came out, he gave Liu Sen a thumbs up.

Liu Sen's performance just now was so good. Apart from being a little uncomfortable at first, his expression didn't change at all later on.

This is definitely at the forefront among the people he has seen.

Even when he got on the tank for the first time.

After walking around, my face turned pale.

"You are so powerful. I only sit here once in a while, but this is what you have been practicing for many years."

Liu Sen has nothing but admiration for these soldiers. They are marching forward with a heavy burden.

"Okay, our training is over today, we can go back!"

Then a few people got on the tank again and began to follow the large troops out of the training ground.

This time the tank didn't drive very fast, and the hatches were always open but not closed.

Liu Sen stood up straight, leaned out and looked outside.

The tanks returning were not just one of theirs, but an entire convoy.

The whole thing looks like a long steel dragon, moving slowly.

Soon we arrived at the oil depot at the station, where tanks lined up and entered to refuel.

"Sir, when we train, we usually fill up the fuel before setting off every day, or when we come back!"

Xiao Zhe introduced to Liu Sen while cheering.

Then he pointed to a few special vehicles parked at the gas station and said: "In daily training, we refuel ourselves. If it is a long-distance exercise training, all-terrain crawler refueling trucks or normal refueling trucks will be arranged to follow us and provide us with fuel at any time. Tanks refueled.”

Liu Sen looked in the direction of his finger. There were several cars parked there.

There are obviously two types. One is similar to an ordinary oil tanker, but in military green.

Another type is the all-terrain crawler refueling truck.

It is divided into two sections, the front and rear. The front is like a tracked armored vehicle, and the back is towing a tracked tanker.

The fuel truck should be able to carry several types of 5 tons, 10 tons, and 15 tons.

Liu Sen looked at it and nodded. This tank should be very oily.

After all, the horsepower is relatively large.

However, he still asked Xiao Zhe: "How much fuel can this 99 tank be filled with at one time, and what is its fuel consumption?"

Upon hearing Liu Sen's question, Xiao Zhe blurted out: "The 99A tank can add 1,460 liters of diesel at a time."

"so much?"

Once a war breaks out, the daily consumption of ammunition and fuel will reach about 6 billion to 7 billion.

All these calculations only include the loss of equipment and ammunition.

"Estimated 120L per 100 kilometers?"

Liu Sen silently calculated in his mind that without loading the auxiliary fuel tank, 1460 liters of oil can only drive about 600 kilometers.

Then he said.

"Look at how much fuel a big guy like this consumes?"

"After all, this is a big guy weighing about 55 tons. In order to make this big guy run fast, a 1,200-horsepower turbocharged diesel engine is used."

If you use slightly better missiles, you may consume about 10 billion a day.

Liu Sen thought about it and found out that his original oil truck had a horsepower of about 150 horsepower and a fuel consumption of only 6L per 100 kilometers.

The troops advanced before the grain and grass were moved.

Liu Sen silently calculated in his mind that 1,460 liters of diesel, calculated at 7.8 yuan per liter, would cost about 11,000 yuan.

In a real fight, all ammunition consumption is astronomical.

This is not a simple conflict. The conflicts in the north in the past few months have not been intense at all.

10 billion every day!

Liu Sen did some calculations and was shocked.

After all, the ordinary 99A artillery shells alone cost tens of thousands of yuan. There are many other artillery shells, and missiles are even more ridiculously expensive.

If these are mobilized, the daily fuel expenses will be huge.

The cost of casualty benefits is not calculated.

The horsepower is about 8 times less than that of this tank.

At this time, the tank was full, so he took out the oil gun and put it away.

The war is fought for money.

There are many other personnel carriers.

At the same time, Liu Sen thought of another sentence.

Xiao Zhe said and patted the body of the tank.

The mobilization of the army is estimated to be one to two thousand kilometers. Each tank needs to be filled with oil three times, and there are other vehicles, so it will cost one to two hundred million.

It seems that there is a fake video with the highest cost, more than 1,700 yuan. But that's also

This mileage is actually the same as his Feixuan car.

"Is this still too much? Sometimes when we perform missions, we will also load two auxiliary fuel tanks, each of which can add 200 liters, so the two auxiliary fuel tanks are 400 liters. The entire tank can be used for a maximum of 1960 liters at a time."

This is much more than those vehicle refueling videos on the Internet.

He knew that the fuel tank of his previous car seemed to be about 50 liters.

The weight of the two is also different, so the fuel consumption should be more than 20 times higher.

The war hasn't even started yet.

"Your guess was twice as bad. The official situation is that the 99A tank has a fuel consumption of 240 liters per 100 kilometers."

Of course, this is compared with the original Feixuan Automobile. Now Yidian Automobile has launched a high-energy battery with a range of 1,000 kilometers.

Imagine mobilizing a group army for war, which requires at least three armored divisions. Then there will be 1,000 tanks, and it is estimated that there are about 1,000 other armored vehicles.

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