"The speed is 120 kilometers per hour, and the maximum can reach 200 kilometers per hour?"

For a moment everyone looked in disbelief.

"This, how is this possible! I saw how your tank is almost 50 tons, how can it be so fast, not to mention it has a motor!"

Mr. Zhao first raised a question.

This really challenged his cognition.

Wu Qing, who knew Liu Sheng best, had a strange look in his eyes at this time.

"It's true, you can see the results!"

Liu Sheng knew that no matter how much he said, it was not as convincing as what he could see intuitively.

"Xiao Zixiang, you move forward at full speed!" Liu Sheng gave the order directly through the tactical channel.


There was some excitement in Xiao Zixiang's tone.

Everyone saw the tank in the distance suddenly accelerate again, and the whole process was very smooth.

It seemed strange to people that a huge monster could have such acceleration. They couldn't help but feel that this steel monster must have a big heart.

This speed must have exceeded one hundred kilometers per hour.

The tank moved forward rapidly on the uneven road. From time to time, it rose into the air due to the raised road surface. It lifted one or two meters off the ground for an instant, and then fell heavily to the ground again.

But the moment it landed, it didn't make much noise.

"What's going on? There's something wrong with the movement of the landing! It actually gives me a feeling of lightness!"

They didn't know how to describe the bizarre scenes, which completely broke the rules.

Just when everyone was thinking.

A voice came over.

"Report, the speed of the tank just measured reached 120 kilometers per hour!"

This voice brought the person who was lost in thought back to his senses.

Everyone was staring at the data on the screen.

120 kilometers per hour.

"It's true, it's true. The efficiency and self-protection capabilities of such a fast tank on the battlefield will be greatly improved!"

"Yes, how is this achieved, and how is the acceleration and landing that violates the laws of physics achieved!"

"Is this huge tank of yours relatively thin? Doesn't it have no armor? Is it overall very light?"

A series of questions were quickly thrown out.

Liu Sheng smiled and then explained: "The tank's current weight is 52 tons. The tank's protective capabilities have not been weakened, but have been enhanced a lot!"

When he spoke, his tone was sonorous and powerful, full of confidence.

"Because the material of the tank is a new type of material we have just developed, the weight of the tank has been reduced a lot, but it is still very heavy when it is full of ammunition."

"And what you think is weird is because I added a new engine inside, and this new engine plays a role in it! The specific situation is kept secret for the time being!"

Mr. Zhao and others listened to Liu Sheng's explanation.

It seems to explain a lot, but after tasting it carefully, it seems that nothing is explained.

It made everyone feel uncomfortable for a moment.

It’s as if during an exam, the answer is right in front of you, but you just can’t reach it.

Liu Sheng informed Xiao Zixiang again.

"This time, let's start testing the ultimate speed for a short period of time!"

The huge tank, which had been traveling at 120 kilometers per hour, accelerated again.

The tank instantly seemed to become much more flexible.

In the process of accelerating, he also made a change of direction and turned.

The tank seemed to be drifting, swaying left and right on the ground in the distance.

This scene is like seeing a fat man weighing more than 200 pounds dancing flexibly in a street dance, which is pleasing to the eye.


A researcher looked at the scene in front of him and blurted out.

He really couldn't help it. As a highly educated and qualified researcher, he would never be out of character under normal circumstances.

The other people, because of their age, swallowed back the curses that were about to come out.

"This is a tank of more than 50 tons. Looking at this action, I thought it was a sports car of one or two tons!"

At this time, the tester's voice sounded again.

"After machine monitoring, the speed of the tank at this time reached 200 kilometers per hour!"

After hearing this, Mr. Zhao and others were numb.

Liu Sheng's words just now were really not exaggerated. This was truly achieved.

A "rumbling" sound came.

There were no fireworks.

Everyone saw that all the targets in the distance had been destroyed.

Xiao Zixiang's words came through.

They all know what they heard and the electromagnetic gun, and experimental weapons have already appeared in the country.

"I used an electromagnetic gun as the tank's main gun!"


"Report, it took 30 seconds, the attack fired 21 shells, all hit the target, without any deviation!"

These targets are both close and far away. It would take nearly 10 minutes for a normal tank to destroy all these targets.

It is installed on the latest ships.

And what happened to the shell just now, and why the tank didn't move at all when it was fired.

The most important thing is that the tanks in the distance are traveling at 120 kilometers per hour, and these 21 targets are not in the same area at all.

Everyone on the rostrum saw the target on the hillside in the distance and was hit instantly.

"good, very good!"

Everything within a ten-meter radius around the target exploded.

They looked at the tank in the distance and looked at Liu Sheng in front of them. How many messy things did you install on this tank?

"Report, the limit speed has been tested and can be maintained for 5 minutes! The cooling time is 10 minutes!"

Then the gun barrel moved again and was instantly aimed at the cement pier 10 kilometers away.

"Electromagnetic gun?"

The tank turned directly on the field, and the turret quickly rotated to lock on the target 5 kilometers away.

Liu Sheng said happily.

Everyone on the podium heard this.

Everyone else was numb instantly. 21 shells were fired in these 30 seconds, and all of them hit.

"Very good, not bad! Same as the theoretical data! Now start testing the weapon! Shoot at the target in front of you!"

But that thing was too big and too electric.

The target made of several cubic meters of reinforced concrete was smashed into pieces.

It seems that the destruction is caused by powerful kinetic energy.

How is it achieved on this tank?

Then the targets in the distance were hit one by one and exploded.

Everyone who didn't understand the reason all looked at Liu Sheng aside.

All the eyes reveal is the desire to find a job.

After dozens of seconds, the explosion stopped.

The tank maintained a speed of 200 kilometers per hour for 5 minutes before descending and returning to 120 kilometers per hour.


And there were no fires in those places where the shelling occurred.

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