[It will take ten days and a half, which is too long! 】

[It is estimated that Lalu Kingdom got this news, so they launched a sudden attack early this morning! 】

[I guess this is also the reason! 】

People on the Internet are constantly analyzing the raid. These people are looking at things from the perspective of bystanders.

But I didn't realize firsthand the cruelty of war.

As the Internet continued to spread, the time came to 4 o'clock in the morning.

In the camp of Raf Kingdom, rapid whistles kept coming.

Then there were shouts.

"Time's up, everyone gather!"

"Hurry up!"

The soldiers in the military camp heard the sound and got up quickly.

All arrived at the workshop.

Everyone gathers and lines up.

"Everyone, please do the final equipment inspection now. We will rush to the front line in a moment to take back our land."

After the commander finished speaking, everyone immediately began to inspect the tanks and laser anti-aircraft vehicles parked aside.

Half an hour later, all inspections were completed and ammunition was loaded.

"Everyone, we set out immediately to take back our land and avenge the dead people!"



A loud roar came.

The commander looked at the high-spirited troops in front of him and waved his hand.

"Set off!"

Amidst the rumble, more than 40 tanks and other vehicles drove out of the camp.

Drive towards the front line.

Commander Madeli immediately contacted the front line through the internal communication system.

"Vic, what's going on ahead of you, and what's going on with the other side now!"

"Our infantry soldiers are already in place, and there is no movement from the other side. After many observations by the drone we arranged, the other side has gathered at a factory 5 kilometers away."

"Very good, keep an eye on us, we expect to arrive in half an hour!"

Vic, the commander on the front line, looked at the time.


He took out his binoculars and looked at the factory building in the distance, where there was a little light.

The eyes really shine with this light.

"Enjoy your last moments and I will send you to see God soon!"

He's not arranging drones to investigate.

In the past, I always flew over once an hour to check, and the next time was at 5 o'clock.

Changing the time will alert the other party.

He thought for a moment and called the messenger.

"Instruct me to go down and let the people from the first and second battalions touch it slowly without being exposed, and wait for my order!"

Soon, figures one after another slowly moved forward among the ruins.

Slowly approaching about 500 meters, they all stopped.

Vic kept looking into the distance with his binoculars, watching the other party's situation quietly.

Suddenly a small sound came from a distance.

Vic looked back and observed. Huge shadows were moving, like giant beasts walking in the darkness.

It gave people a great sense of oppression, but this sense of oppression made Vic feel safe.

This is their tank.

The intercom rang after being silent for nearly half an hour.

"Vic, we are already here, only 2 kilometers away from your place!"

"Okay, I've seen it. My troops have been lurking only 500 meters away from the opponent's camp."

At this time, Vic looked at the time again, it was just 5 o'clock.

"I will let the drone conduct reconnaissance again and share the reconnaissance images with you!"

Vic waved his hand, and the waiting warrior immediately controlled the drone to take off and fly over the opponent.

Inside the Lalu State Camp.

Most of the people had already fallen asleep, and only a few wounded soldiers were still wailing.

A patrol team of 5 people was inspecting the camp.

Suddenly hearing a buzzing sound, they glanced up into the air.

One of them glanced at the time, five o'clock.

"Damn it, the opponent's drone is coming!"

“We have to come around every hour!”

"It seems that the previous raid didn't hurt them anymore!"

"You don't take us seriously, you are so blatant! I really want to shoot down all the drones with one shot!"

"Forget it. It's not like I haven't shot it before, but it's useless. Is this drone worth a lot of money? It seems to belong to a master craftsman, and it's only a few hundred euros!"

"Yes, and one shot will wake up the entire camp! You know, they just had a raid not long ago!"

"Let them fly, they will be gone in a moment!"

After saying that, the others stopped paying attention and continued patrolling.

The position on one side was almost the same. They didn't even bother to look at the sky. Many people were already asleep.

Everything in the opponent's position was captured by the drone.

Vic and Madeli on the other side couldn't help but smile when they saw this situation.

It seems that the other party has been paralyzed.

At present, they are only about 5 kilometers away from each other, and it only takes a few minutes for them to sprint over.

"Everyone began to concentrate. We moved forward in an orderly manner. Once there was a reaction from multiple fires, we immediately used maximum horsepower to rush over."

At the same time, they began to assign relevant tasks to several groups of tanks.

The tanks approached slowly and orderly, and the sound they made was also very calm.

Finally, when the distance was still 3 kilometers away, the opponent's camp finally responded again.

"Listen quickly, is there a rumbling sound?" A patrolling soldier said immediately.

"Yes, I really wanted to hear that too!"

"This sound sounds like the sound of a tank!"

"Weren't their tanks almost destroyed by us before? Why are there still tanks!"

"Could it be that our tank reinforcements are coming!"

"Impossible, it's obviously coming from the other party!"

"Report quickly, there is something going on!"

The other party suddenly started running and sounded the alarm.

The Rav Kingdom heard the alarm from the opposite side. The tank that was originally traveling slowly suddenly increased its speed from 30 kilometers per hour to 65 kilometers per hour.

The last two and a half kilometers were a lot closer in an instant.

"Fire at the designated target immediately!" Ma Deli ordered immediately after seeing this situation.

As his order was issued, dozens of tanks suddenly roared.

Cannonballs quickly flew out of the barrel, streaked across the night sky, and hit the camp opposite.

There are also fortifications that have just been built.

Explosions came one after another, and the people in the fortifications were either buried alive or blown to pieces.

Explosions began to appear everywhere in the camp, and many people ran out with weapons in hand, wanting to fight back.

At that time, I was facing the approaching tanks, but I couldn't remember much of its use.

The bullets hitting the tank had no effect other than making a clanging sound.

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