There are definitely ways to speed things up.

Landers kept slapping his head, trying to find the missing method.

At this time, the deputy on the side suddenly received a message.

Then came to Landers.

"General Landers, when we were turning around just now, an F35 aircraft fell into the sea!"

When Landers heard the deputy's report, he was caught doing what he had been thinking.

The weight of this aircraft is 13.3 tons. If it is fully loaded with ammunition, it can reach about 31 tons. If all the planes take off, the weight will be much smaller and the speed will be much faster!

He thought of this and immediately said to the deputy.

"Very good. This plane fell into the sea. It's really great! It's so timely!"

When the deputy heard the general's words, he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Originally, he thought he would be scolded. After all, it was definitely a relatively big accident if the plane fell into the sea.

"Instruct all pilots to get into the aircraft immediately. It is best to take off with a full load of ammunition. This way they should be able to stay away from the center of the explosion and survive. The aircraft carrier will also speed up, and maybe they can escape a little!"

"Okay, General! Your leadership is really wise!"

The deputy said happily, and then immediately arranged to go.

The aircraft carrier became busy, and everyone was helping to load all the ammunition for the fighter planes.

Then quickly enter the runway, accelerate, and take off.

While they were busy, the old man dialed the number of the leader of Huaxia.

"You cannot launch Dongfeng Express into disputed waters. This violates relevant agreements, and you also threaten the safety of our fleet and personnel! We lodge a serious protest!"

The leader on the other side of the phone listened to the old man's words.

Showing doubts.

How come he knows all the words and phrases.

But when they were put together, he didn't understand what they meant.

Although I didn’t know why the other party said that, the leader still explained it.

"Hello, we have not violated the agreement, and we have not launched any Dongfeng Express."

"You are preparing to launch, and we have obtained definite evidence! Our combined forces are already retreating!"

After hearing what the other party said, the leader said again.

"I am certain that what you are talking about does not exist at all. Our country has always advocated world peace, and we have always promised not to be the first to use it."

"We have all taken photos of such an obvious underground silo. Do you think we are blind?"

The old man in the white house saw that the communication was fruitless, and the other party never acknowledged it.

"I will expose you in front of the whole world. You started this!"

After saying that, the old man hung up the phone.

On the other side, the leader looked at the hung up phone, shook his head, and said: "It seems that he is really old and confused!"

Just as I put the phone away, it rang again.

Kimchi, Fusang, White Elephant, The Sun Never Sets and other countries all called one after another.

The same question was raised one after another.

It would be impossible to directly punish the leader. The launch of Dongfeng Express requires his approval.

He didn’t even know that foreign countries knew about it first!

Worried, he also called the relevant departments to inquire and confirmed that no action was taken.

At this time, there is a lot of information appearing all over the world.

Many countries quickly held press conferences and broadcast them live around the world.

At the Lighthouse Country's press conference, their spokesperson's afro faced dozens of media reporters and live cameras.

He announced loudly: "We have obtained the news that China will launch Dongfeng Express to our maritime exercise area. This is a provocation to the whole world! We now lodge a solemn protest! China must give up this idea immediately."

The spokesman's words caused an uproar among all the media present.

The spokesperson of the explosive head ignored the reactions of the media reporters below and said at the scene:

"I want to show everyone now that we have obtained this evidence!"

On the monitor behind him, a video of the military exercise information released by China yesterday was playing, which mentioned Dongfeng Express.

Then there was a picture taken by the Lighthouse Country satellite. The underground launch silo suddenly opened, revealing the huge missile inside.

The time and place are also marked on the picture.

Finally, he also released relevant photos and videos of the confrontation between the United Fleet and the Chinese aircraft carrier fleet.

"You have also seen that the Chinese aircraft carrier fleet is more than 100 nautical miles away from our fleet. You must know that their territorial waters among us are only 0.5 nautical miles. They did not come up to us in advance and expel us! Instead, they were more than 100 nautical miles away. I’m watching everywhere, this is abnormal! They usually won’t give in an inch of ground, and usually they will come forward to evict you from far away!”

Having said this, the spokesman with the explosive head glanced at everyone, and then said loudly: "This is definitely what China has planned long ago. They will only hide far away if they launch the super giant Dongfeng Express here!"

"They want to launch the Dongfeng Express in our closest territorial waters!"

"They want to destroy our combined fleet!"

"Such behavior is really bad!"

The media below saw so much evidence before their eyes that they had to believe it.

Immediately some reporters began to ask, "Have you communicated with them?"

"Our commander called to communicate as soon as possible, but they really insisted on having their own way! China needs to bear all the consequences of what happens next!"

Afro said loudly.

This information was seen by people all over the world, and the whole world was boiling.

[Is this going to develop into the Third World War? 】

[China actually hid the super giant Dongfeng Express. This model has never been announced again! 】

[Lighthouse Nation’s analysis is quite reasonable. Is China so brave this time? 】

[There must be a misunderstanding here, China will not be the first to use nuclear weapons! 】

[There is so much evidence, there is nothing left to question! 】

【Our generation can see new super fireworks! 】

[According to the information released by Lighthouse Country, this thing is not very powerful. I don’t think it will explode at sea! 】

[I also think it is impossible. Once this thing explodes, it will be equivalent to tens of thousands of little blue babies! The huge waves caused by this will definitely inundate the surrounding coastal countries. 】

[Stop arguing, go check out the latest information released by Huaxia! 】

Many people rushed over at once.

Huaxia released: We are not preparing to launch Dongfeng Express. Based on the photo information you provided, we investigated and found that the launch silo there is not Dongfeng Express, but the rocket that is about to be launched by Yidian Aerospace.

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