After Liu Sen finished explaining Xiaodian, he left the Guardian Base.

He had been gone for a week and he needed to go back and get some rest.

After a sumptuous dinner in the evening, Liu Sen finally lay on the sofa and enjoyed Yinger's massage.

The sun was pressed gently by slender jade fingers, making Liu Sen very relaxed.

The live broadcast of Yidian Aerospace is being played on the big screen in front of you.

The new Titan rocket launch has entered the final stage.

The Titan Rocket is as majestic as a giant in the boundless starry sky.

He ejected satellites one by one into the starry sky.

Regular and spectacular.

It's like putting a bright necklace on the starry sky.

There are countless people looking at the night sky this night, and the satellites that appear one after another are like shining gems, embedded in the night sky.

Netizens all over the world are also watching, and barrages are constantly appearing.

[Alas, although I have watched this scene many times, I have a different feeling every time I watch it. I really like it! 】

[Yes, a new wave of space travelers are also included! The lucky guy next door to me is among this group of people! 】

[This wave of people is the safest, safer than the previous group. After all, it was the first time and the risk was the greatest! 】

[Why do I feel that the Yidian space launch rocket and satellite are so arbitrary? Isn’t this thing without any technical content? It took half a year to build it easily! 】

[What you said upstairs makes the whole world, especially Fusang, so embarrassed! 】

[Haha, the rocket launch of Fuso Kingdom failed again two days ago. They actually said that we Chinese people cursed them, causing them to fail inexplicably! It really made me laugh! 】

Liu Sen also laughed when he saw this barrage.

There is also such a happy thing. It seems that those countries that do not deal with our country will blame China when something goes wrong.

Time passed quickly, and thousands of satellites finally ejected from the cabin.

The Titan rocket started flying again in space.

The live video screen suddenly split into two, suddenly showing the scene in the space station.

Song Ze, Gu Hongyi, and Zhou Xiaoxia faced the 30 space tourists.

"You have been in space for two weeks. I think this will be a valuable experience for you. Have you been happy during this period?" Song Ze asked everyone.


"very happy!"

All of a sudden everyone blurted out various voices.

Everyone's face was full of smiles. This magical experience was definitely unique in their lives.

"Although I'm reluctant to say goodbye, I still want to inform you that your trip is coming to an end! You will return to Earth in a moment and take the manned capsule!"

"Everyone bring their personal belongings and enter the manned warehouse in a moment!"

After Song Ze finished speaking, more than 30 people did not move.

"Time flies so fast, I feel like it didn't take long!"

"Can you not go back? I fall in love with space life!"

For a moment everyone expressed some emotion.

"I'm glad you like it here, but think about it, you still have family and friends waiting for you on Earth, and even your country needs you."

Zhou Xiaoxia then continued: "And with the development of science and technology, it is likely to become easier to enter space in the near future. This requires you to go back and build your own country and make the people rich, or bring your relatives, friends or hometown Get rich. Only in this way can you keep up with the development of the world. When many people can enter space, your country or family will not lose that kind of development."

Gu Hongyi pushed the three floating boxes into the manned warehouse and put them into the cabinet.

Soon they arrived at the sightseeing activity warehouse with their backpacks on their backs.

Song Ze pressed the button.

Claire said as he put a few bottles of Sky Food into his backpack.

"Are you here to take us home?"

Soon the countdown on the glass returned to zero, and they all entered the manned cabin one by one and completed the safety fixation.

After ZR002 ejected, it started the propulsion device and adjusted its flight attitude to keep up with the space station.

"I kept a few fruit-flavored ones to take back to my parents and little sister to try, so that they can experience life in space."

The capsule carrying Claire and others quickly disconnected from the space station.

She looked at her watch, there were still ten minutes left.

At this time, there is only a minute left.

"Okay, go pack your belongings! It is still possible to board the space station again in the future, you still have 10 minutes!"

Song Ze and others immediately closed the lid and pressed a button on it.

Each item was put into the box, which contained three large boxes.

Secure everything in the box to prevent shifting and shaking.

The storage compartment of the manned warehouse is relatively small and can only hold a small amount of things.

Time was passing and they quickly packed up their things, even leaving some space supplies that they hadn't eaten yet.

They know the outcome is irreversible.

His behavior is not unique. Almost everyone keeps a few bottles to bring to family and friends.

Claire and others immediately calmed down and waved to the camera.

At the same time, the Titan rocket opened the huge hatch in the center of the rocket again, and a huge manned cabin spray-painted with ZR002 was ejected.

This box is specially designed to hold objects in space. After all, all objects in space have no gravity, so it is not easy to place objects in the box.

"Goodbye friends, we are going back! Thank you for accompanying us this half month. See you on Earth!"

"You want to shout hello to the camera, and then enter the manned cabin!"

At this time, Song Ze and the others also received the message.

Song Ze and others returned to the space station and closed the manned cabin door.

We also checked the fuel in the passenger compartment and confirmed that there was no problem.

Claire, Smith and others immediately returned to the lounge, and others followed and began to pack their personal belongings.

After gently stroking the watch, a 10-minute countdown appeared on the glass of the sightseeing activity room.

In an instant, the inside of the box was filled with gas, and the ultra-flexible airbag attached to the inner wall of the box began to inflate, quickly filling all the gaps in the box.

"The space station has received instructions and now disconnects the ZR001 manned module."

Song Ze said to everyone.

Audiences around the world are watching all this through the live broadcast, and the shots on the two screens begin to be in the same frame.

"Put all your belongings into these big boxes. Don't wear them personally. Wait until you get to Earth to retrieve your belongings!"

More than 30 people looked through the glass into space. They saw the Titan rocket appearing in the distance.

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