Business Empire: There are more than 100 million black technologies

Chapter 761 The Anxious Situation Changes, 100 Sets Change The War

A lot of videos began to spread around the world.

The war in the North took another turn.

The polar bears in the video formed small groups and began to charge into the wilderness.

In a U-shaped trench not far away, there were more than a dozen people lurking.

They looked at a small team rushing up from a distance and laughed wildly.

"These stupid bears, they actually think that with just a small team, they can attack our carefully dug defense line."

A very capable and strong man said contemptuously.

Then he adjusted his position again, and the muzzle of the gun moved with the movement of the opponent's personnel.


With a dull bang, the bullet from the sniper rifle was fired, and he could clearly see through the scope that the bullet hit the opponent's chest.

However, the opponent just leaned back a little, and then the sniper rifle bullet lost all kinetic energy and fell to the ground.

The other party just gently rubbed the shot chest twice, but he did not stop walking forward.

"Fake Squid, what's going on!"

The man immediately picked up the gun and inspected it.

He even removed the magazine and took a look.

There was no problem with the magazine, and the bright golden sniper rifle bullets exuded a profound light.

He immediately aimed again, and with his superb shooting skills, he hit the opponent again, but unfortunately the same situation happened again.

"Oh, God!"

He doubtfully adjusted the muzzle of the gun again and pulled the trigger.


A big tree not far from the man was hit, and a huge hole instantly appeared.

However, after he confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the gun in his hand, he fired several shots at others.

Each one behaved exactly the same after being shot.

Seeing this, he knew he had to leave.

Otherwise, death awaits him.

Facing an enemy that cannot be defeated, persistence is of no use.

However, as soon as this idea appeared, his consciousness drifted away instantly, and he fell to the ground as if he was out of control.

At that moment, he also saw blood spurting out, and it was sticky everywhere on his body and arms.

The polar bear soldier who had rushed in front of him not far away took two steps forward to look at the body that was shot in the neck and lying in a pool of blood.

"Report, the snipers here have been cleared!"

"Very good! Ivan! Check this sniper carefully. He is very strong. We have sacrificed several people in front of him."

"The opponent is really strong. I was shot twice by him just now!"

Ivan squatted down and began to search the other party's body.

There were no special items elsewhere. Finally, there was a built-in bag inside the underwear, and a book of documents was found inside.

He saw the origin of the certificate at a glance.

Lighthouse Nation active military officer certificate.

[Name: Andrew]

[Military rank: Second Lieutenant]

[Service Force: 3845 Special Forces Sniper]

[Enlisted in the Army:***]

Ivan immediately took the military ID card and compared it with the photo above.

It's a person!

"Report, I just found a military officer's ID card. I have just compared it and it is indeed the other party's. It is a special forces sniper from the Lighthouse Country who has been on active duty for 10 years!"

After speaking, he also sent the video and photos.

"Haha, good job! Out of respect for the opponent's strength, we will wrap him in the flag of the Lighthouse Country and send him back to the Lighthouse Country."

The tone was full of murderous intent.

"Ivan, you take your team and move forward, catch all the rats nearby, and then you continue the assault, and the large troops will follow."


Ivan immediately waved his hand, and the team members who followed immediately raised a flag at this place, and they marked this place as a key point.

"Everyone, kill all the so-called mercenaries from various countries!"


Several people quickly searched forward and began to penetrate deep into the local positions.


"Bang bang!"

"Da da da!"

Gunshots continued to be heard on this hundreds of kilometers of front.

The originally anxious battle began to change.

It started to become one-sided.

The people on Xiong Er's side began to suffer casualties continuously. Their counterattack was like child's play and had no effect.

Instead, because of his resistance, the sound of gunfire revealed their location, causing them to be found and annihilated faster.

Every trench, stronghold, and building was captured and occupied.

Ivan and others once again rushed into houses under a hail of bullets and explosions of grenades.

They met each other's bullets and shot each other at close range indifferently.

A team member on one side looked at the person who fell to the ground in front of him and sighed: "This body armor is really amazing."

"Yes, with this body armor, our attacks are like being possessed by the God of War!"

"The Chinese people are really amazing. They once needed our help, but now they have surpassed us in development. This body armor explains everything."

"The current strength of China is beyond imagination!"

"Now I am not afraid of fighting Xiong Er, not afraid of fighting Europe, not afraid of fighting Kimchi Fusang, not afraid of fighting the Lighthouse Country! I am afraid of being the enemy of China!"

"Yes, we only have 100 sets, and we can push forward the front that has been in stalemate for several months. As a country that provides body armor, China estimates that everyone has one set of such body armor, even if there are only 1.7 million of them now. A piece of this kind of body armor for each person will definitely take the world by storm!"

"Originally, I thought that the current international situation was strange and the clouds of war were the most serious in the past 30 years. It was unwise for China to reduce its army by 300,000 people at this time. Now it seems that they have absolute confidence in the combat effectiveness of their soldiers. "

"This is our guess based on the supply of 100 sets of body armor. They must have this more advanced weapon."

"There must be some. Don't you remember that one month ago, that Yidian Group live broadcast, that mini nuclear bomb, that was so amazing."

"I heard that the explosion of the micro-nuclear bomb had overturned the physical limits of modern nuclear explosions."

"There was also the launch from the Dengta State military base of Country This is still a business group. If it were a country like China, how advanced would it be?"

"Do I know that China has always had a saying: equipment for one generation, research for one generation, pre-research for one generation, and exploration for one generation!"

"Fortunately, we have a good relationship with them now. We have received support from 100 sets of equipment."

They were chatting and attacking at the same time.

In just a short while, they conquered the fortresses defended by foreign mercenaries one after another.

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