Business Empire: There are more than 100 million black technologies

Chapter 884 Intense Discussion, Preparation To Make Demands

According to Liu Sen's rules, if they resell it abroad, they can only make additional profits if the selling price is higher than 3,000 yuan.

Because they need to compensate those who give up 500 yuan,1 and then pay 50% of the handling fee, which is 1,500 yuan to Huaxia, leaving 1,000 yuan.

This 1,000 is not a profit, but the cost of importing the Life Evolution Liquid from China in the first place.

If they sell 4,000 yuan to other countries, they will only make a profit of 500 yuan.

Thinking of this gave them a headache.

A small amount of cross-border sales is still possible, but large-scale sales are unlikely.


Their minds were spinning rapidly.

At this moment, Liu Sen's words came out again.

"We will track the entire process of the Life Evolutionary Fluid. Once any violations are found, we will cancel the basic population purchase for the second year!"

Damn, this is too cruel.

Everyone gasped.

Because once they are careful, they smuggle and sell. Or directly intercept part of the life evolution fluid.

Once discovered, the base supply is removed.

Then the people will definitely tear them apart, and their positions as leaders may not be secure.

After all, this is related to their welfare, and it is not just ordinary welfare, it is not some money in the past, but health, life span, and youth.

But they know that there is a saying in China that depriving someone of their money is like killing their parents.

Once the life evolution fluid is cut off, it will be much more serious than money.

I thought that when they were walking on the road, they would be assassinated by someone unknown.

Liu Sen saw everyone's expressions and said again: "Actually, you don't have to worry. Although violations will cancel the purchase of the basic population quota, you can also purchase through the second channel."

"For example, after excluding your total population of 15 billion this time, there are still nearly 7.8 billion Life Evolution Liquids. These Life Evolution Liquids will be directly priced at 1 bid per 10 million Life Evolution Liquids for you to bid on."

"Of course, some countries feel that the number of 10 million units is too much. You can also unite several countries to cooperate in the bidding, as long as you can allocate it yourself after the bidding!"

"We will not prevent you from privately trading this life evolution fluid for bidding!"

Liu Sen's words made the countries headed by the Lighthouse Country shine.

Several people in the Lighthouse Country immediately looked at each other and then began to communicate.

"This is an opportunity for us. Our economic strength is enough to eat a lot. In this way, our family and country will be able to develop vigorously, and we can also obtain more money! As long as we accumulate enough, we will still have the opportunity to do it again in the future. Catch up with China."

"Well, we can definitely use the life evolution fluid to cultivate a large number of top talents. In this way, we will definitely be able to maintain or even surpass China again!"

However, their ideas are doomed to be delusions.

They still know too little information.

Liu Sen gave such a condition, but it had been planned for a long time.

On the one hand, it is to attract more funds to invest in China's construction, and on the other hand, it is also because for foreigners, the upper limit of the improvement of his Life Evolution Liquid and Body Forging Technique is only half of that of China.

What's more, the next 2, 3, 4... levels of life evolution fluid can all be controlled by Liu Sen.

"Remember, each target can only be entered once. Once all countries have entered their prices, the targets in this group will change from green to red."

At this moment, the countries with the top economic rankings, such as the Lighthouse Country, are gearing up to win a large sum of money.

Liu Sen paid no attention to those who were discussing the bid.

"Wait a minute, we are taking out some No. 2 Life Evolutionary Fluid. Those in power and consortium controllers will definitely be very eager to get it."

After all, many countries can come together to compete for a few of them, or dozens of them.

What's more, No. 7 is a new hurdle.

The conference hall became noisy.

Everyone took out their mobile phones or scanned them directly with smart glasses.

Each took a sip of tea.

However, the biggest profits from this will of course be Huaxia and Liu Sen, so the overall sales price will be raised a lot.

The 4th is already a completely different beginning, completely different from the previous one.

Then countries began to gather in twos and threes, and some powerful countries did not intend to join forces.

"Very good, you can scan the QR code on the big screen behind me now, and you can enter a program where you can directly enter your own psychological price for the 780-point bid!"

"For the sake of fairness, after all bids are completed, all bid information for the bid will be announced. Of course, the bidders and country names will be blocked."

"Okay, now that the rules have been explained clearly to you! Then let's start bidding for the 7.8 billion bottles of Life Evolution Liquid, divided into 780 bids in total."

This Liu Sen is too damn grandson.

Several people got up and quickly walked into the small conference room on the side.

"This is very fair! At the same time, it also protects individuals or some weak countries!"

"We will directly propose the unified opinion of our country, and I believe they will directly and fully support it."

Just let them play hidden bidding so that they don't know what other people are bidding for.

Wait until everyone is seated.

"Well, let's go drink tea and take a rest!"

“We will deal with all the successful bidders individually!”

Even if the geniuses they piled up later developed the subsequent No. 2 and No. 3 Life Evolutionary Liquid based on the No. 1 Life Evolutionary Liquid, they would not be able to complete the No. 4 Life Evolutionary Liquid.

Thousands of people in the conference hall all looked at the huge QR code on the screen, and then looked at Liu Sen.

This way no one can see an expected price.

After Liu Sen finished speaking, a QR code was displayed on the big screen behind him.

Some people began to communicate privately.

The use of energy has been involved.

"Sure enough, the person who can develop Yidian Group to a level that scares many countries is really not simple-minded."

In this way, it becomes extremely difficult for the Lighthouse Country to obtain large quantities of life evolution fluid.

Moreover, the bids will not be opened directly in groups, but will be announced uniformly after all bids have been completed.

He looked at each other with the big leaders of China and others, and then said: "It will probably take a long time to get the results here. We have to wait for a while in the small meeting aside!"

"After all, there must be some countries that just want to compete or simply succeed. They don't want to be remembered by some countries and cause trouble."

Many people are gnashing their teeth at this moment.

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