Business Empire: There are more than 100 million black technologies

Chapter 924 Air Force Restructuring And Personnel Adjustments

Time passed quickly in the work of the leader and Liu Sen.

The holidays are over and countless people are back to work again.

The biggest changes today are the personnel of the Air Force and Navy.

The 101st Division of a certain Air Force.

10 O'Clock.

"Gather! Gather!"

"Quick, quick, quick! Pack up all your things and go to the square to assemble immediately!"

The platoon leader urged.

At this moment, all the soldiers were quickly sorting out their equipment, and at the same time, they all felt very uneasy.

In just 5 minutes, everyone was standing neatly in the square, fully armed.

At this moment, the commander of the 101st Division walked towards the martial arts stage, and he glanced at all the soldiers below.

"Comrades, the whereabouts of everyone will be announced now! I hope that after everyone gets the information, whether they go to the Space Guard Corps, transfer to the Army, or transfer to another place of employment, I hope everyone can maintain a progressive heart!"

"The current distribution does not mean that it will always be like this in the future. You still have this hope!"

"At the same time, no matter where you go, never forget the glory of our 101st Division!"

Speaking of this, the commander of the 101st Aviation Brigade became emotional and his eyes turned red.

The political commissar on one side stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder.

"Lao Hong, don't be sad, aren't most of us still together? It's just that the names of the troops are different but the numbers are still the same!"

"Old Feng, I know! This is not the first time we have adapted it!"

Their aviation brigade has undergone several reforms.

From the original division to the current brigade!

Now it has been transferred to the Space Guard Army to protect the 101st Brigade of the 1st Army!

It's still the name 101. This is already the idea of ​​​​taking care of them.

In this way, some of the historical heritage of the army will not be cut off.

All the soldiers standing in the square below were unable to calm down at this moment. They had difficulty letting go of those who retired every year.

Now it is estimated that many people are separated at once, and it is even more difficult to control.

Everyone's eyes were red, and everyone was holding back tears.

Brigadier Hong waved his hand and signaled to the people behind him, asking them to announce the relevant information.

The officer behind nodded and took two steps forward.

He opened the tactical tablet in his hand.

"Now I'm going to announce everyone's allocations!"

"Zhou Hongrui, Space Guard Army Guards 1st Battalion, 1st Company, 1st Squadron, 101st Brigade, 1st Army!"

"Qizeda, the Space Guard Army is guarding the 1st Battalion, 1st Company, 1st Squadron, 101st Brigade, 1st Army!"

"Gu Xiao, the Space Guard is guarding the 1st Army, 101st Brigade, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Company, 1st Class!"

"Ge Hongbing, the Space Guard Army is guarding the 3rd Squadron, 4th Battalion, 1st Company, 103rd Brigade, 1st Army!"

"Tang Qingdong, 2107th Division of the Army's Southern Military Region..."

"Qian Dongqi, security force..."

"Sun Lixin, Aviation Group..."

One name after another reached the ears of everyone in the square through the radio.

Some people breathed a sigh of relief.

Some people shed tears when they heard that they had been demobilized or transferred to other units of the army.

Muffled cries spread through the ranks.

The atmosphere of sadness will become heavier and heavier.

"Sun Lixin, your job change has been expected for a long time. After all, you have been injured before, but you just kept dragging it! You can no longer withstand the high load!"

A major walked up to a lieutenant who was shaking from crying and expressed regret.

"Instructor, I know! But I couldn't bear to leave. I thought my injury could be improved through physical training and returned to normal!"

Sun Lixin helped Shenfei conduct a flight test of a new generation of fighter jets last time. During the test of the new fighter jet, the engine malfunctioned.

After the instructor finished instructing Sun Lixin, he moved on to the next person.

The instructor patted Sun Lixin on the shoulder.

"As a first-class merit recipient, even if you leave the army, the supply of life evolution fluid will not change. It is up to you to use these things by yourself! At the same time, take good care of your family at home, and it is best to be able to give birth. A baby, so that you can better fight when you return to the army in the future!"

He, Sun Lixin, won first class merit for saving a new generation of test fighter jets.

But the end result was good. The aircraft only had some external damage and was otherwise fine.

Sun Lixin wiped the tears from his eyes, fearing that he had seen it wrong.

"Don't forget to exercise when you arrive in a new place, and don't forget what you have learned! If you want to come back then, you will need to take the exam again! If you fail the exam, you should know what the result will be!"

"The Space Force will have a special plane to pick you up later! In addition to the demobilized ones, Zhan Shi is still at this base, waiting for the army to come to receive them. At that time, someone will arrange to send the personnel to the relevant troops."

During landing, the nose landing gear broke due to the huge impact force, and the nose of the aircraft pitched forward.

"Look, this is the reply from your superior!"

In just one minute, it had turned into two square formations.

The instructor said and also took out a tactical tablet.

[We are already aware of Sun Lixin’s situation. Due to current limited technology, it cannot be cured. We will pay attention to the relevant situation at any time in the future! Although he has changed his career, we have contacted top experts. The relevant medical technology may make breakthroughs in the next two years. By then, Sun Lixin will recover. If he is willing, he can return to the army! 】

At that time, the Body Training Technique and Life Evolution Liquid were being promoted in the army.

Seeing this situation, the army leaders also wanted to save it.

But the high-intensity load can no longer be tolerated.

Arrangements for all personnel were quickly completed.

"It's true, you still have a chance! As long as you are willing to come back when the time comes!"

The physical fitness of others is rapidly improving in all aspects, and their ability to control and adapt to the aircraft has improved by several levels.

"Haha, great!"

"Sun Lixin, your situation makes it impossible to stay in the army now! But we still reported it to the superiors, hoping there are other ways to help you!"

However, something went wrong during the final landing.

271 people on one side and 29 on the other.

"This is real!"

Although Sun Lixin is better than before, unfortunately he still has not returned to the state before he was injured.

"Well, I will definitely exercise well!"

Unfortunately, due to injury, he was ready to retire.

"All those assigned to the Space Force must assemble in the open space on the left immediately! Others are on standby!"

Sun Lixin seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw and began to exercise crazily!

Unfortunately, the final result was unsatisfactory!

After a period of treatment, I recovered and was able to walk normally.

However, in order to save this experimental aircraft, he kept saving it, and after great efforts, he tested the fighter aircraft and drove it back.

But in the end, Sun Lixin's spine lost consciousness in his lower body due to the impact.

He can no longer fly fighter planes and can only fly civilian airliners.

At that time, he could have parachuted to escape.

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