“Academician Ni Anbei also came to the scene? Could it be that the new product released by Xinghai Technology will be a chip?”

“Yes, Mr. Ni has been working on self-research of chips. How come he came to Xinghai Technology’s press conference?”

“Xinghai Technology has extended its tentacles into the chip field. It is really an amazing company.”

“Your news is lagging behind. Ni Lao and Li Xinghai cooperated to establish a Junzheng company to do IC research and design.”

“IC? Did Mr. Ni give up self-research on chips?”

“I didn’t give up, I just changed my approach.”

“Save the country through curves”

“I don’t know what the new product of Xinghai Technology has to do with Mr. Ni, and I am looking forward to it more and more.”

Li Xinghai didn’t know that his every move was being broadcast live at this time. He chatted with Mr. Ni for a few words and personally escorted Mr. Ni into the hall.

After a while, Academician Luan Guowei led several of his software Members of the R&D and design team also came to the scene.

Similarly, Li Xinghai greeted Luan Guowei with a special ceremony and personally led Luan Guowei into the venue.

Luan Guowei is well-known in the industry, but for the public, it is difficult to know him well. Not many.

Ren Feihong didn’t know Luan Guowei, so he didn’t send a text message to his colleagues.

At this time, the media and audiences who had obtained tickets began to arrive one after another.

Some media reporters who did not have tickets looked at They entered the venue, their eyes turning green with envy.

At 7:40, several bank executives also came to the scene. If

Xinghai Technology develops again, it will definitely become an asset-heavy technology enterprise, and it will definitely use bank loans in the future.

Li Xinghai is not that kind of pedantic person, and he will use the funds that should be used.

Therefore, people from the bank are also invited to this new product launch conference.

The bank is also willing to understand the technical level of Xinghai Technology, the four major banks and Tianjin There are senior executives from all the banks.

On the Souhu website, the news that bank personnel were present also caused some discussion.

“Even people from the bank are here, Xinghai Technology seems to be playing a big game”

“Why do people with money banks think Xinghai Technology is short of funds?”

“The identities of the people invited by Xinghai are very mixed. They are not just from the technology industry. I feel that Xinghai Technology has a very big goal.”

“Updated again. People from the Patent Office and the Notary Office also came to the scene.”

“Not only that, Sohu just reported that several foreigners appeared at the scene”

“What do foreigners come for?”

“I don’t know, wow, people are really looking forward to it more and more.”

“Let’s start the press conference quickly, I can’t wait!”

Not to mention the divergent opinions from netizens, the reporters present were surprised and crazy by the guests present. The flashbulbs kept flashing, and the liveliness of the scene was comparable to that of a superstar attending the event. Near eight o’clock, some invited guests from the main department Officials arrived one after another.

The deputy leaders of the Electronic Information Industry Development Research Institute under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the deputy director of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau were all present. The biggest official to come to the press conference was Chen Ruizhe, the second-in-command mayor of Changping District, who was personally present.

As Tiandu Chen Ruizhe, the real leader of a district, can come in person to give Xinghai Technology a clear-cut support.

Li Xinghai greeted him without being humble or overbearing, and shook hands with Chen Ruizhe respectfully:”District Chief Chen, your presence has made my small company really prosperous. radiant”

“Haha, Xiao Li, this is the second time we have met. Every time we meet, Xinghai has undergone earth-shaking changes, and I am full of expectations every time.”Chen Ruizhe is less than forty. He is a rare young man among leaders with real power. He has an open mind and is obviously different from ordinary big leaders.

Li Xinghai stretched out his hand to guide Chen Ruizhe forward and responded with a smile:”District Chief Chen is really a compliment, Xinghai. With the strong support from the district, we have achieved some small results.”

After accompanying Chen Ruizhe into the Great Hall of the People, Chen Ruizhe asked in a low voice:”Are you sure of that?

Li Xinghai nodded affirmatively:”After many tests, I am sure it can surpass the current highest record.””

Ren Feihong sent the last text message outside and rushed to enter the venue at the last moment. If he didn’t enter, the venue would be closed.

A moment later, the latest news about Xinghai Technology’s new product launch conference was posted on Souhu.com.

Many positive departments The leaders arrived and the press conference was about to begin.

Netizens were not interested in news about these department leaders. The number of comments gradually decreased, and 80% of the conversations were about other topics.

Only people with a keen sense of smell could roughly judge from the people present that this Xinghai Technology must have made a major breakthrough for the departments related to Zhenghai Technology to pay so much attention to it. At eight o’clock sharp, Xinghai Technology’s new product launch conference officially began.

Although there were several Zhengaxe department leaders present, Xinghai Technology There was no speech session by the leaders. They just introduced the department leaders who were present and skipped it.

(bgee) This refreshing start made the media and the audience who came here very satisfied, and they were not interested in these department leaders.

Only when they were introduced to the patent office, notary office and British Guinness World Records certifier, there was an uproar.

It is very obvious that Xinghai Technology is going to make a big move, and it seems that it is very likely to break a certain world record!

Now everyone’s spirits were lifted.

Ren Feihong took the time to convey the news to the outside world.

After netizens learned about this situation, they were also excited. They finally understood the identities of the foreigners present. They turned out to be the certifiers of Guinness World Records.

It’s a pity that I couldn’t go to the scene to see it with my own eyes. Many netizens seemed to have a little bug in their hearts and scratched their heads anxiously.

At the press conference, Li Xinghai walked to the center of everyone’s attention. Facing many probing eyes, he stood there with an indifferent expression and an extraordinary demeanor.

“Everyone, before announcing the new product, I invite you to witness the birth of a new world record. Li

Xinghai smiled confidently and said:”Overclocking is an extreme hardware sport pursued by non-hardware enthusiasts. Please allow me to demonstrate here an overclocking record that exceeds the current world limit.””

You actually want to break the world record for overclocking!

Ren Feihong quickly sent out the news.

A minute later, the Internet exploded

“Sure enough, I have long said that as the founder of MOD consoles, how could Xinghai Technology not put a satellite in the overclocking field!”

“Go ahead, this is a public demonstration. If you screw it up, Xinghai Technology will be embarrassed.”

“Is the overclocking world record okay?”

“To achieve overclocking, not only the hardware requirements are extremely high, but heat dissipation is also very important. It depends on whether Xinghai Technology is playing tricks or killing itself this time.”

What does it mean to be the world’s number one in overclocking? If it is placed in 2019, when Li Xinghai was reborn, it really means nothing.

But now the Daxia science and technology community is being bullied and ridiculed by various foreign countries, and the domestic people are generally sentimental about the country’s technological development. Pessimistically, if there is an achievement that ranks first in the world at this time, even if it is unpopular or even meaningless, people will still flock to it and even be full of pride.

Looking at the history of Daxia’s application for Guinness World Records, most of them happened before 2010 , most of them are groups and organizations that rely on the tactics of large numbers of people to break records.

Why, because they are not confident and need to be recognized by the world for self-satisfaction.

Especially in 1998.

The news spread rapidly on the Internet, and in real time communication software and���In 1998, when the penetration rate of equipment was not high, this news spread throughout the entire network in a very short period of time.

Too many people flocked to Souhu.com, and Souhu’s server even experienced lag.

When they learned that Xinghai Technology was going to challenge the Guinness World Record, everyone present seemed to have opened a certain emotional valve and focused all their energy on the equipment that had just been brought up in front of the stage.

Several shop owners from Tianhai Electronic City were present, and they were extremely excited at this moment.

“You see, that Panshi motherboard is provided by me!”

“Humph, who used the skills of a level 8 welder to weld and modify the eight north and south bridges?”

“The Pentium 3815 CPU I used is mine, and it has a stable speed of 1.0GHZ. For testing, I burned more than 30 CPUs.”

“Come on, Xinghai paid for it”

“Whose memory do you use?”

“golden mound bar”

“Haha, as for the scum of Jin Tudun, can it withstand high-frequency overclocking? I lent the comb memory to Li Xinghai.”A young man next to him couldn’t help but say.

There were shopkeepers from Tianhai Electronic City nearby, and he quickly recognized that this young man was Wang Dafei, who spent 400,000 to buy Xinghai’s first MOD console!

“Silence! here we go!”

On the stage.

There is a large screen on the wide background wall. The movements of Li Xinghai’s hands are accurately projected on the screen.

I saw Li Xinghai’s hands quickly inserting various accessories into the modified Panshi motherboard. Then, a radiator that looked like science fiction was installed on the CPU.

Li Xinghai kept doing it and introduced to the audience:”This radiator innovatively uses a combination of copper and aluminum alloy. The structure is Original scale structure. Xinghai Technology has all independent patents, and its heat dissipation performance is 120% higher than the best currently on the market.%”

There was a sound of inhalation, and the performance more than doubled. It can be said to be extremely terrifying.

The assembly was quickly completed, and Li Xinghai ordered the power to be turned on.

CPU overclocking has very high requirements on memory and motherboard. Li Xinghai operates under the spotlight because he doesn’t want anyone to find fault.

Zhang Zhicai, director of the Xinghai Technology Development Department, sat in front of the monitor, tapping the keyboard quickly with his fingers to enter the BIOS settings.

Li Xinghai showed a confident smile on his face and said without hesitation:”FSB, 90MHZ!”

Zhang Zhicai quickly set up the BIOS, then saved and exited

“buzz buzz~!”The host, which doesn’t even have a casing, runs smoothly.

“The main frequency is 900, everything is normal!”Zhang Zhicai raised his thumb to Li Xinghai.

Those who knew better opened their eyes. The FSB started at 90MHZ, but this machine was stable!

“The FSB is increased to 100MHZ.”Li Xinghai’s voice was terrifyingly steady.

Zhang Zhicai quickly set up the BIOS.

For a moment, the host was still running smoothly, and the buzzing was a little louder.

“The main frequency is 1050, everything is normal.”

There was silence all around, there was no sound at all, only the conversation between Li Xinghai and Zhang Zhicai and the buzzing of the host.

Many people didn’t realize it. Looking at the calm Li Xinghai, they even relaxed their breathing, for fear that the sound would affect Li Xinghai

“FSB 120.”

“The main frequency is 1450, everything is normal.”

If anyone knows about overclocking world records, they will know that this data at this time is the world’s first record.

At the most critical moment, Zhang Zhicai couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

Looking at Li Xinghai, he is still calm. Like a rock, the voice was unhurried:”Add the FSB to 140.”

Normally overclocked to 120, the motherboard and CPU have reached their limits. They are dissipating heat like crazy. The radiator of Xinghai Technology can be visibly outward. There was a trace of white air floating in the air.

Zhang Zhicai took a serious look at this host, entered the BIOS, and set the FSB to 140!

“Buzz, buzz.”

The buzzing sound from the host seems to be on the verge of erupting.


This machine is still running smoothly!

“FSB 140!”

“Main frequency, main frequency 2000! Hold on!”

The notary from the notary office and the certifier from Guinness World Records came to the front desk together. They carefully checked all the data and the overclocked host on site. The whole process took five minutes.

With such an intense overclocking operation, this host was stable. Ruo rock

“I announce that Xinghai Technology’s overclocking record is the world’s first in external frequency and the world’s first in main frequency!”

“At the same time, it also created the world record for the highest CPU FSB and highest CPU frequency in PC history!”

The certification announcement in both Chinese and English was clearly delivered to every corner of the venue through the microphone.



The Xinghai Technicians who participated in the record creation process and the shop owner who provided accessories in Tianhai Electronic City shouted and hugged each other.

Whether it’s a media reporter���The audience shouted loudly.

This is a new world record!

World record created by Daxia people.

World record in science and technology!

Even the officials of the official department couldn’t help but feel excited in this atmosphere!

Especially the deputy director of the Science and Technology Bureau, his eyes felt hot.

Daxia has been feeling too frustrated in terms of science and technology, and now it finally feels a little relieved!

Ren Feihong’s hands were shaking with excitement, and it took a long time before a text message was posted.

Just one short sentence.

Xinghai overclocked successfully, a new world record!

A minute later, the Internet was truly abuzz.

News that Xinghai Technology has set a new overclocking record is quickly circulating on the Internet, and more and more people are joining the carnival.

“Daxia finally got his own number one in the overclocking world! Xinghai Technology, with the help of various parts manufacturers and the latest radiator, successfully set the world’s first record in both FSB and main frequency. This is the highest record in the history of PC!”

“Thank you gods of the East! Thank you Xinghai Technology!”

“Why are my eyes filled with tears? Because I love this land so deeply!”

“Xinghai Technology is awesome~! (Breaking sound)”

In the next two hours, the number one position on the ranking list on the official CPU-Z website will be replaced by a bright five-star red flag!

By then, netizens will also usher in a grand carnival.

Reply Arrive at the press conference.

The hard-working host was carefully taken away. Only a brand new radiator was left on the exquisite display stand.

“Everyone, this is the first new product released by our Xinghai Technology, the CPU heater – Fengshen!”_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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