Chen Runzhe felt a little complicated when he got the news that Li Xinghai wanted to come to see him.

In Daxia, companies that do well basically have a good relationship with Zhengaxe.

Xinghai Technology is located in Changping. This company, which has not been established for a long time, can be regarded as a star company in Cangping District.

However, Li Xinghai only met Chen Runzhe once. As for other leaders, he basically never took the initiative to make friends.

When Xinghai Technology has something to contact Zheng Ax, his secretary or other company leaders will come forward.

The idea that Li Xinghai has an arrogant personality also has a certain market in Cangping District Zhengaxe, and some people have some opinions about him.

However, Chen Runzhe is an enlightened leader. He doesn’t really care whether Li Xinghai has a good relationship with the district. As long as Xinghai Technology pays enough taxes, it doesn’t matter if Li Xinghai doesn’t come to the Zhengaxe Building even once.

Today, Li Xinghai took the initiative to come to him and said that he had something important to discuss. Chen Runzhe actually felt a little flattered.

“Leader, Li Xinghai is here.”

Chen Runzhe’s secretary led Li Xinghai to Chen Runzhe’s office and started making tea.

“Hello, Mr. Chen!”

“Haha, Xiao Li is here, come and sit here. Chen Runzhe was very enthusiastic about Li Xinghai’s attitude. He stood up and asked Li Xinghai to sit down,”Does Xiao Li smoke?””

Li Xinghai looked at the densely packed cigarette butts 333 in the ashtray on the table and said decisively:”Smoke.”

Then he respectfully took the cigarette handed over by Chen Runzhe.

Looking at the situation, he had to absorb second-hand smoke even if he didn’t smoke. In this case, Li Xinghai would rather smoke first-hand smoke. After lighting the cigarette, the secretary also made tea. Chen Runzhe asked with a smile. Said:”I heard that Xiao Li went to Amric to expand business some time ago. What was the result?”

“Not bad, met expectations. Commander Chen, I have something to discuss with you.”

“What’s up?”

Li Xinghai did not speak directly, but glanced at the secretary next to him.

The secretary’s eyes were unfriendly.

After the room was silent for a few seconds, Chen Runzhe waved his hand:”Xiao Shen, go out and write that report for me..”

Secretary Xiao Chen left unhappily, and Chen Runzhe acted like he was all ears.

Li Xinghai came so cautiously, could he bring any shocking news?

“Leader Chen, I got a 1 micron chip photolithography machine.”Li Xinghai can be said to be very proud to say this.

However, Chen Runzhe didn’t react at all. Under his calm expression, he was actually confused.

Li Xinghai understood as soon as he looked at his expression. Chen Runzhe didn’t understand how to get this. The significance of a photolithography machine.

He explained patiently:”Chen Ling, chip photolithography machines are called the flower of modern industry and are the core technology in the semiconductor industry. Without the existence of photolithography machines, manufacturing would not be possible. Take out the chip. Therefore, America’s photolithography machine and its technology are strictly guarded against our country. It is one of the most valued products in the embargo treaty with China.”

After listening to Li Xinghai’s popular science, Chen’s expression also changed.

He may not understand the impact of a specific piece of equipment on the chip industry, but he understands the importance of the chip industry to Daxia.

Daxia is so big that it can’t produce its own chips. All computer chips must be imported from abroad.

Once foreign countries get stuck in Daxia’s neck on the chip, Daxia will have no choice but to be slaughtered by others.

Therefore, the lithography machine used for this chip is of extremely important significance to Daxia of

“Xiao Li, what happened? How did you get this photolithography machine? Where is this lithography machine now?”Chen Runzhe’s tone was a little hasty.

According to Li Xinghai, the lithography machine is so important. Li Xinghai was able to get one back from Amerik. This was no less than an earthquake to the scientific community in Daxia.

“That’s it……”

Li Xinghai told Chen Runzhe how he used USB technology to switch from Intal to an obsolete lithography machine. There was no need to hide this.

Chen Runzhe couldn’t help but be moved when he heard that Li Xinghai gave up tens of millions of benefits for this purpose.

“Xiao Li, your sentiments are really admirable. What do you need the country to do for you?”He patted Li Xinghai on the shoulder, feeling very excited.

“I borrowed the name of a company in the Wanwan area, and this photolithography machine was shipped from Amerik to Wanwan. The country needs to transfer the lithography machines back to the mainland from midway.”Li Xinghai made the request.

After listening to Li Xinghai’s words, Chen Runzhe pondered for a while and said slowly:”This requires the navy to come forward. I, a small leader, do not have the ability to dispatch ships. In this way, I contacted my superiors to discuss how to safely transport the photolithography machine to Daxia. Xiao Li, you go next door to rest first.”

After that, Chen Runzhe made a phone call. In less than a minute, secretary Xiao Shen walked in. After listening to Chen Runzhe’s arrangements, he led Li Xinghai to the rest area next door.

Li Xinghai knew that this was a big deal, so he quietly I followed Chen Runzhe’s arrangement.

Two hours later, Chen Runzhe took Li Xinghai in a Santana that was used to take photos, and drove into the city’s main building.

Chen Zhihua, Tiandu’s deputy director in charge of industry, met with Li Xinghai in person.

Chen Zhihua is the powerful deputy minister. He personally met with Li Xinghai, which also represented the country’s attention to this matter.

After learning about the situation in detail from Li Xinghai, Chen Zhihua solemnly expressed his gratitude to Li Xinghai.

He gave up tens of millions of AmeriCorps. Ke Yuan’s interests, and the choice can help Daxia have the opportunity to study lithography machines in depth. This innocent feeling moved Chen Zhihua and others. To be moved, the conditions must be mentioned.

Li Xinghai Qianxin After a lot of hard work, the 1-micron lithography machine and its extremely high technology are not just handed over to the state.

After two days of mediation with the Forward Department, this lithography machine still belongs to Xinghai Technology, but it is jointly owned by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Related The research project was started at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and they are waiting for the arrival of the lithography machine.

Intal only promised to send the lithography machine from Amerik. As for whether Li Xinghai can receive it, they don’t care.

If Li Xinghai can If the lithography machine can be successfully transported back to the mainland, Intal will also need to provide three technicians to teach the lithography machine and 1-micron lithography machine technology to Daxia personnel.

Intal believes that the technology in their hands is better than 1-micron It needs to be two grades higher, and the latest 8-nanometer lithography machine is about to be developed. The 1-micron technology is already three generations out of date, so I can safely agree to Li Xinghai’s request.

As people across the country are preparing for the Spring Festival, The quietly flapping butterfly wings changed the flow of time and space, and the Daxia scientific community was eagerly waiting for it. On

January 28, 1999, a transport ship of the Daxia Navy quietly decommissioned, and the decommissioning did not stir up any splash.

A week later, a ship appeared Some strange fishing boats set off from Zhoushan Port and sailed towards the high seas of the Pacific Ocean._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading – collection, recommendation

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