Campfire Shelter

Chapter 102 Social Death


"Then let's see if we can draw it. I'll see if it's something I've seen before. Just mention the name Mr. Lin, and I won't be able to remember it for a while."

"I seem to have forgotten. I only remember that his name was Mr. Lin."

"Uh, it's okay. It seems that the impact of this mysterious item is still deep, but it seems that you have not forgotten what happened. I will write a report later."

Luo Wenhao said it was not a big problem.

At this time, the wireless intercom buzzed again, as if someone was getting in touch.

"This is the special operations support team. Can you hear me? We have solved the anomaly outside the township and support will be coming soon. Please hold on."

"Old road? I am Luo Wenhao, the problem has been solved"

"Resolved?" The person on the other end of the intercom was also stunned.

"What's so surprising to you? You came here with that level 7 'agent', right? You're so lucky, you."

"Level 7 'agent'? Wait, you mean a level 7 'agent' just came?"

"Yeah, don't tell me you don't know."

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible. It's impossible for a level 7 'agent' to appear here. It's impossible for a level 6 'agent' to appear here."

Hearing these categorical words, Luo Wenhao was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"I will tell you the specific situation later. All you need to know now is that there has just been an order from above to urgently mobilize all personnel above level 6 to stop all tasks and go to the capital of the province. It is impossible to come here. After a while, Maybe we'll be transferred too."

"So, that level 7 'agent' is a bit suspicious."

Luo Wenhao's heart trembled when he heard this. He and Hu Xiaoyuan looked at me and I looked at you, and gradually fell silent.

Let's not talk about Mr. Lin's situation.

What really made Luo Wenhao a little awe-inspiring was the mobilization order from the other party.

If nothing unexpected happens

This indicates that some kind of natural disaster that threatens the country or even the world may occur, and all capable people must take action for this.


The distant and ancient bells echoed in my ears.

When Colin came to his senses, he found that he was back in the house and it was dark all around.

The electronic clock on the wall shows that the current time is: 00:37:59.

Still late at night

The heavy sound of the bell seemed to slightly suppress the negative effects in the body.

Colin turned on the light casually, and then seemed to remember something: "I don't need this kind of thing to verify my strength."

As he spoke, he reached into his collar, tore off a sticker and threw it to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Colin's expression froze and he slowly sat on the sofa. Recalling the memory just now, the confident smile on his lips disappeared little by little and gradually became serious.

After an unknown period of time, he couldn't help but gasped.

"Hiss, what the hell did I say just now? How could I say those words!?!"

A strong "sequel" broke out.

Colin was restless, his insteps arched, his toes curled up on the ground and twitching awkwardly, and goosebumps stood up all over his body.

"It's over, it's over. I remember that a lot of people were taking pictures with their mobile phones just now. Damn! I actually forgot to hide myself. I didn't even wear a mask. It's over now. I..."

I thought that what I just said might be photographed and then posted on the Internet, where friends I know would see it and call me.

Just thinking about it made Colin feel as if there were ants crawling all over his body.

If this is really the case

It's better to let "ALS" come back and take his life over again.

However, as if he had thought of something, he quickly took out his mobile phone to charge it, then turned on his computer and started searching for related topics.

Fortunately, I haven't seen any related videos yet.

This made Colin slightly relieved.

Then he thought about the experience of the employees in Bonfire Company's evaluation department who originally evaluated this prop, and after a moment of self-relief and comfort, his embarrassment was greatly alleviated again.

After all, no matter how much you talk, it can't compare to having a live broadcast and blowing a five-speed electric fan in front of the public.

If he did the same thing.

Then there is really nothing to miss in life.

"By the way, judging from the current situation, under the general environment, abnormal events have not appeared on a large scale in public view, which means that the above is suppressing all this. Even if there are bad videos of me, they should not be leaked out at will."

"That is, if there is no disguise, there is a high probability that the official personnel will be able to find me. No, it is certain. After all, even if the video cannot be seen clearly, they can still learn about my situation through the five survivors."

"Alas, is my life of hiding in the city coming to an end?"

Colin sighed, guessing that he would most likely be recruited and become a member of the physique.

It is gold that cannot be hidden after all, even if it is hidden.

Day, why am I still talking about this kind of narcissistic thoughts? The negative effects haven’t completely disappeared yet.

Colin shook his head and thought about what might happen if he was found.

Although many people joke that those who are caught with special abilities may be thrown into the laboratory for dissection, but at present, the corresponding relevant departments have been established, and they should not do such a thing of killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

The possibility of him being recruited is the greatest.

Even after being recruited, the secret of "Bonfire Company" will most likely not be kept.

"Although there is no direct evidence, it seems that there are official personnel in Bonfire Company who were also recruited?"

Colin guessed that there might be some kind of connection between the two parties, but there was too little information for him to guess anything.

But compared to these, after his emotions stabilized, he took out the parchment.

At this moment, the higher authorities have begun to settle this task.

[In this incident, your evaluation is: A-. 】

[The following is the settlement of the tasks for this event - "Bonfire Points*1200", "Silver Customs Clearance Voucher*1". 】

[All items have been transferred to the "storage room", please check. 】

"What, the reward for this mission is just this little?"

Colin grunted. Although this mission was relatively simple overall, he felt that he had completed it pretty well. But he didn't expect that the mission reward was only such a small amount.

But apart from that, I learned a lot about this mission.

For example, he didn't expect that there seemed to be quite a lot of troubles here on Earth, especially in that dark city.

The sense of oppression brought to him by that place can be said to be unprecedented.

The prairie a little further ahead.

Although I don't know what's up there, it looks very dangerous.

Of course, putting these two aside, the overall difficulty of the mission is not high, and it is indeed in the F-level difficulty category.

The last town.

"As long as you find out the pattern and tell the relevant personnel, then make a few more traps, and finally avoid the desperate blow of the big meat ball, the matter will be solved."

Colin felt that even if he had half as many props, he would be able to pass the level easily.

However, before he could continue to think deeply about it, he suddenly saw it.

A line of blood-colored fonts appeared on the parchment.

Change first and then change

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