Campfire Shelter

Chapter 143 Mutations on the Armored Vehicle

"It seems like half an hour has passed."

The voices of medical staff came from around several people. Hearing this, Gao Haiwen subconsciously looked out the window, and then raised his eyebrows——

Something really isn't right.

Normally, they should have arrived at the base by now, but now the convoy is still halfway there.

Gao Haiwen glanced at Brother Gou and the others, waved his hand to indicate to wait for a while, then waved again, and called a soldier with a gun: "Did something serious happen just now?"

"No." The soldier shook his head.

Gao Haiwen took out a mobile phone that was obviously two or three times thicker than others, swiped it a few times, opened the map and took a look.

It can be seen that the vehicle seems to have deviated from its original trajectory and is walking on an unexplored prop.

After a few seconds of silence, he asked someone to bring over the walkie-talkie that kept communicating with the armored vehicles ahead: "Pangolin, pangolin, can you hear me?"

The synonym for the front armored vehicle is "Pangolin".

"Yes, yes, the pangolin can receive it." A voice came along with the rumble of the vehicle shaking.

"Have you not noticed that you are driving on the wrong road?" Gao Haiwen narrowed his eyes and said.

"No, everything is normal. After a slight detour, we will arrive soon."

arrival? I don’t even know where the hell I went here.

Gao Haiwen pushed up his cracked black-rimmed glasses and realized that there might be some problems in their team.

Taking a short breath, he continued to speak under the watchful eyes of Brother Gou and others: "Now, obey my order, stop and don't start again."

As a level six personnel, he can be regarded as the top commander of this action team.

"Yes, obey the order, stop now, stop now." The voice on the other side of the walkie-talkie suddenly became a little dry and mechanical, which made people feel uncomfortable and creepy.

However, even though they said they should stop, the armored vehicle codenamed "Pangolin" in front still did not stop.

"I told you to stop, did you hear me?" Gao Haiwen secretly made a scissors-like gesture while speaking. Several soldiers understood and picked up some peeling paint from one side, but it made people feel very safe at first glance. Large-caliber gun barrel, moving forward.

There is a steel cable between the bus and the armored vehicle. It was originally intended to prevent the dilapidated bus from breaking down halfway after running for many years.

Unexpectedly, it has become a troublesome burden now.

With the powerful power of that armored vehicle, even if they stepped on the brakes, it would be useless - besides, the brakes of their bus had already been out of order due to dozens of previous attacks.

The professionals in the team who mastered vehicle maintenance skills were never found after they died a few months ago. It is not clear whether they were taken away by Hongyue or turned into puppets by the "script book" to pick up customers there. I can make do with it

"Okay, okay, I'm applying the brakes. I'm about to stop. Now, please wait." The voice from behind the intercom became more and more mechanical.

Ahead, the armored vehicle still showed no sign of stopping. Its powerful power dragged the entire bus forward toward the unknown front.

Gao Haiwen did not waste any more time talking to him.

"Use the loudspeaker to shout one last thing. If there is no response after three times, just open fire and blow up the connection part of the steel cable."


Soon, the sound of the horn sounded. After three consecutive requests to stop and no response, several people immediately raised their rocket launchers.

It was at this time that Brother Gou and others suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis in their hearts.

Then he suddenly saw that the soldiers holding the cannons suddenly turned around and pointed the muzzles at them in the bus.


Brother Gou and others' pupils shrank, their scalps tingled - washing their faces with a rocket launcher? If they were hit at this distance, their bodies wouldn't be able to bear it!

Not to mention that they couldn't bear it, even the fully injected D-class personnel couldn't bear it!

Fortunately, Colin had warned him before so that he could be prepared. The moment the group of people turned around, he was already prepared.

Immediately, he didn't care about choosing a position, and stuck the dagger into his thigh. Severe pain came from his thigh, and he gasped in pain, but at this moment, a shady scene surrounded him.

Compared with pricking the palm, the effect of pricking the thigh is faster and faster, and the effect is second only to pricking the lower abdomen.

Several shadows stood up quickly.

Moreover, the shady curtain further expanded, covering him, several colleagues, and Colin - the scope was blurred.

If the attack is only the physical attack brought by the rocket launcher's howitzer and no other types of attack, then they only need to pay the price of minor injuries to get out of trouble.

It was at this time that with a hiss, several people in front pulled the trigger of the rocket launcher, and the green cone-shaped grenade head sprayed thick smoke and flew towards them.

At this time, not only did they take action, but Gao Haiwen also had some vigilance before the rocket launcher was launched.

"Any moving object can be forced to change its current state of motion by an external force, which is in line with reality!"

At the moment when the trigger was pulled and the bazooka flew out, he swung his arm vigorously first, and with the sound of breaking through the air, he threw out a small wind.

Strangely, the three howitzers that had already flown in front of everyone suddenly changed their trajectory, turned 90 degrees, and flew out of the car window.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A bright red light flashed past, and huge explosions were heard one after another. Even on the bus, the strong vibrations could be felt.

“Damn, there’s something”

Brother Gou and others were stunned. From their perspective, it was Gao Haiwen who flicked his hand and threw the howitzer away like doing Tai Chi.

The attack in the hands of several soldiers who suddenly turned back for some reason did not stop after three howitzers. They quickly drew their guns and wanted to shoot at the crowd on the bus.

"We can't let them do it!"

Gao Haiwen's eyes were solemn, and he took out his gun with his backhand, preparing to fight back.

However, before he could make a move, a bright light with the thickness of a human head flashed and struck the people in front of them, scorching them black and burning their clothes on the spot.

He was surprised, turned around, and saw that the person doing the trick was a man with an afro, his arm wrapped with lightning, and a "coin" on his finger.


Gao Haiwen nodded, then pushed up his black-rimmed glasses and looked at the other soldiers on the bus.

He wasn't sure which of these people were normal and which were abnormal.

At least these soldiers did not take advantage of the chaos to attack before the three soldiers suddenly jumped back.

"Are you asking me to waste my time on dealing with traitors? Who attacked? Are they those people?"

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