Campfire Shelter

Chapter 160 Publish a request for help

There were bewildering voices in my heart.

"Is this ghost awake again?"

Ke Lin was startled, and in a hurry, the flying head almost broke through the defense, and hurriedly drove the "ring of flame ruler" to engulf more than a dozen heads in front of him. Only then did he have time to catch his breath, while continuing to defend, he suppressed the sudden attack in his heart. The feeling of hunger that arose made the voice disappear——

He thought it would disappear completely after touching the "crimson one".

Unexpectedly, not only is it still there, but it doesn't seem to have weakened at all.

"As expected of something that starts with the prefix '0', '0-9'."

Colin sighed. He remembered seeing someone in the company popularize science before. The first number in front usually represents the level of danger. The smaller the number, the higher the degree of terror. The last number is the serial number, and the size generally does not matter much.

"0" is currently the highest level in the company. Employees in the range of F-D only know that there is such a level, but have not heard the name in detail.

The vast majority of incidents handled by F-class personnel encounter containment prefixes between 7-10.

And him, he not only heard about it but also came into contact with it.

"I don't know what's going on with Ms. Rabbit, why is she kept there, is there still a part of me that is a clone or something?"

Ke Lin secretly groaned, the troubles outside were not resolved, and the inside began to act like a monster again, only to feel that the house was leaking and it was raining all night.

However, feeling the pressure that was getting closer, he also realized one thing. In a sense, this thing could indeed be said to be a "trump card."

"If there is really no way out, the only choice is to release it. Although my intuition tells me that the consequences of doing so will be very serious, but when your life cannot be saved, there is no use thinking about it."

"The company probably knows more about my body than I, the rightful owner, so it is impossible not to know that there are remnants of 'hunger' in my body, since the company has not explicitly prohibited me from doing this."

"In a sense, their attitude should be tacit approval."

Ke Lin's thoughts changed sharply, feeling the pressure brought by the scene, and gradually inclined to "release himself".

However, if it's not the last moment, he still can't make up his mind.

After all, he now knows that in this circle, sometimes death is a kind of kindness.

"These 'flying heads' seem to be mainly for containment at the moment. They have a strong desire to attack, but not a high desire to kill. They can't use fatal attacks. If nothing unexpected happens, they are dragging the thing behind the scenes to come over."

Colin let out a mouthful of foul air, then took out another bottle of blended oil and threw it out to intensify the fire.

At this moment, he could sense something coming from afar like a mountain torrent.

It will arrive in half an hour at most.

A decision must be made.

Just at this time.

A piece of information suddenly appeared in Colin's mind.

[Event 8: Under the guidance, apply for the release of a "help" task to seek help from employees of other companies. 】

"Remarks: This mission release requires a payment of 1434 basic points as supporter remuneration. 0/1434 has been paid."

"Note: The release of this task does not mean that someone will be able to accept it, nor does it mean that the person who comes will be able to solve the current dilemma. In addition, after the task is released, the points paid will not be refunded regardless of success or failure. If you mind, please do not release."

"Company support is coming?"

When Colin saw this task, he was startled at first, and then his face showed joy. But when he saw the content of the note, he suddenly felt something was wrong, because the number of points seemed to be the amount of points in his pocket.

The company was really considerate and didn't miss a single point.

Then when he saw "Attention", the smile on Colin's lips completely disappeared - this "Attention" showed how he felt as if he knew he was about to die and was preparing for the final harvest.

"Wait a minute, a 'request for help' mission."

Colin suddenly thought of something. Isn't this the type of ultra-difficult mission claimed to be the same as "Project Advent", "Runaway Copy", etc.?

Is this how this kind of mission came about?

Colin remembered that this mission was slightly better than the other two, and the good thing was that it could be rejected.

Taking a slight breath, he glanced to the side and saw that several other employees had no special expressions. He knew that he was the only one who had received this task.

"That thing is coming soon, what should we do?"

The warden was lying on the back of a "good brother" covered in blood. His right hand was missing and there were many teeth marks on his body. He looked like he had been fished out of a pool of blood. He looked very miserable and embarrassed. Seeing Ke Lin looked around and couldn't help but follow his gaze and speak.

His words were full of despair, because before he knew where to escape, but now he didn't even have a direction to escape.

That thing seemed to have devoured them. No matter where they escaped, they felt that the distance between them was continuously shrinking.

But at this moment, it seemed that because he had lost the ability to escape, the flying heads did not attack him.

"Wait a minute and let me see if I can shake people."

"Shaking people?" The warden was stunned, and he asked casually with the mentality of asking, but it seemed that he actually had an answer?

But before he could ask more questions, Colin had already withdrew his gaze, and while dealing with Feitou, he began to formulate the content of the "rescue mission" under the guidance.

"I hope you can give me some help. No one will come within ten minutes, so we can just eat and drink."

Colin secretly prayed, hoping that if someone does come, this person must not be a newbie who has just joined, and it is best to be really sure and know what task he is taking.

Under normal circumstances, only new employees who don't understand the company are likely to take this task by mistake.

In addition, most of the old employees will most likely refuse directly.

However, Colin, who knew more information than others, still had some expectations.

Because he has met Ms. Rabbit and knows that there are higher-level employees above D-level in the company, and they have mastered many terrible methods.

After briefly describing the situation here, he issued the task.

[The task has been issued, please wait patiently for the response. Bonfire Company wishes you all the best! 】

"Stop holding on to your breasts and get me a reliable person quickly."

Colin complained, then collected his emotions and continued to defend against the heads coming from all directions with the "Snow Girl".

As time passed by, his inner expectations disappeared little by little.

When there were only three minutes left but no one had claimed the task, Colin sighed:

"Oh, it seems that I still have to rely on myself."

From the current point of view, it is indeed too much to put hope in someone to save you.

However, just when Colin was about to "release himself", a line of information jumped into his mind.

【hint! Your request for mission support has been accepted! 】

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