Campfire Shelter

Chapter 172: Being Investigated

"ALS? Can you forget just one case in this city?"

“Too busy with work and didn’t think about it for a while”

Dr. Wang rubbed his forehead and smiled bitterly. Although he didn't know why these people said they could extend the life span or even cure these incurable patients, he hoped that this would give that young man a new hope of living.

"Okay." The young man nodded, took out a pen and paper, and simply wrote down the content above.

Not long after, the three people left here. Less than ten minutes after they returned to the bureau and uploaded the list, a route map for the visit was sent back from above.

At the same time, the life background of each person related to it is also included.

"Big data and artificial intelligence are powerful. In one fell swoop, everything about the route has been planned."

The young man sighed, then turned to look at the middle-aged police officer beside him: "Dad, you won't have anything to do with the rest of the work."

The middle-aged police officer frowned, interrupted him, and said seriously: "I've told you so many times, you should do your job while working."

"Okay, okay, there's nothing else for you to do next. Just help us find a comrade who is familiar with the local situation to help us with the work."

The middle-aged police officer nodded and said nothing: "Comrade Qinchuan, and Comrade Xia Liufang, because of confidentiality, I can't ask you about your work content, but if you encounter something dangerous, you must be there in time. Call the police."

"Okay, okay, stop talking. If we delay any longer, we will be slower than the progress of other investigation teams." Qin Chuan reluctantly agreed, pushed his father into the office with one hand, closed the door, and found two people who were familiar with the local area. After comrades, the investigation began.

At early one o'clock in the afternoon, several people came to a community.

"Xingfu Jiucai Community, Building C, 8th floor, Colin, ALS, one-year survival rate is less than 50%."

After simply remembering the information of the relevant personnel, Qin Chuan knocked on the door. After a while, he heard the sound of a wheelchair rolling in the room, and then someone spoke.


Colin was sitting in a wheelchair, sniffing his nose, with a strange expression on his face, and he could be sure that the people outside were not serious people just from the smell

Immediately afterwards, he remembered the thing about himself pretending to be aggressive in front of everyone without wearing a hood.

"Has my identity finally been exposed? No one has come here for so many days. I thought things were over just like that, but I didn't expect that what was supposed to come was coming anyway. It's all the fault of that 'fake strong man'. I didn't hide it, and I said so many weird things."

Rather than being exposed, Ke Lin couldn't help but get goosebumps when he remembered that his pretentious little video was circulated in the hands of these people and was repeatedly viewed.

Worth mentioning

If society dies, society dies.

Colin sat in a wheelchair and held on to his last stubbornness. He opened the door and saw three men and one woman, a total of four people in black police uniforms. Two of them were normal people. Colin was also familiar with it. He remembered that he was in charge of the neighborhood. The film police.

The other two were less serious.

"Hello, our local security department, can you go in and talk?" A man took out his police officer ID and a document, and waved them in front of Colin's eyes.

I’ve wanted to make complaints about it since a long time ago, and I’m not a professional, so I can’t tell even if your certificates are fake.

Ke Lin complained from the bottom of his heart, but he didn't say anything. He nodded and let these people in.

However, only the two unserious ones came in, and the other two stood outside the door without any intention of coming in.

"Hey, it's a bit cold, your air conditioner is turned on enough."

The young man rubbed his arms, said with a smile, then saw Colin pointing to the sofa in the living room, and sat down.

Another woman who didn't speak was sitting on the other side, and Colin himself was in a wheelchair.

"Introduce yourself, I am Qin Chuan, and this is Xia Liufang, my colleague. Then, let me confirm this time, your name is Ke Lin, right?"


Colin nodded. He suddenly felt that something was wrong. Doesn't it seem like he found himself?

Seeing that Ke Lin did not deny it, Qin Chuan took out a piece of paper and pointed it at Ke Lin.

It was also at this time that Colin felt that something invisible seemed to be watching over—the collective consciousness from before?

Without waiting for more thoughts, Qin Chuan said: "Ke Lin, a native of Qiongzhou, was born in... His father died unexpectedly before he was born. He was a firefighter and sacrificed in a fire rescue. He once received a gift from his mother who died from overwork when she was four years old. After he died of a heart attack, he was sent to the orphanage of a friend of his father's lifetime. He was diagnosed with ALS the year before last, and then last month because he saw no hope of living, he chose to give up treatment and left the hospital."

Your investigation is quite careful, some things I don't want to recall, but you still give me hard memories.

Ke Lin pursed his lips and silently looked at the other party in front of him. The words in the other party's mouth were basically correct, only the last part was a little wrong.

He didn't leave the hospital because he saw no hope of survival, he left because he saw hope.

While Qin Chuan was talking, he kept observing Colin and did not notice anything strange in the "contract", which meant that the other party had a clean life experience and was not a parasite or someone chosen by something.

"The person described above is you, right?" Qin Chuan asked again to confirm.

In the previous questioning, they had determined that Colin was normal, and this was the end of the process.

"Yes." Colin nodded, not wanting to deny it. He knew that these people should be using some means to repeatedly verify his identity.

"You are strong and optimistic." The silent woman on the other side suddenly spoke.

optimism? Is there anything optimistic about this? When they left, I didn’t have much impression. I have been in such an environment since I was a child. Others think it’s miserable, but I think it’s just like that.

Colin glanced at her. She was not very outstanding in appearance, but she gave people a sense of tranquility and sharpness.

Now, he was certain that this group of people came to him not because they discovered his identity, but for other reasons.

'Yeah, I was thinking too much and just ignored it. If my identity is really discovered, they will never send two or two of these kittens to come and talk to me. According to the official level, at least level seven or eight personnel, not Two people who seem to have strangled the third level'

Colin's thoughts were spinning. While he was glad that his little video had not been circulated yet, he was also curious about the purpose of these two kittens coming to him.

"Let me tell you the next thing. With your physical condition, you have no chance of surviving for two years. But now, if you can help us with one thing, then we guarantee that no matter what the outcome is, at least you can be saved." Five more years to live.”

Qin Chuan said with a smile: "What's more, it's five years of good health and five years of quality life.

"Classmate Ke Lin, do you want to get rid of despair and regain a new life?"

The format of these words sounded familiar. Colin said doubtfully:

"What do you mean? If you really let me live for five years, then it's really hard for me to refuse, but can you be more specific, like what do you want me to do?"

Qin Chuan looked at his colleagues and then said, "Okay, after all, this is not a compulsory secret. We would like to ask you to cooperate with us in investigating a special company called 'Bonfire Company'."


At this moment, Colin in the wheelchair almost lost his expression.

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