Campfire Shelter

Chapter 424:

"The thing I didn't remember. It wasn't the employees but"

"There's another 'fire bearer' here."

"It seems like I didn't ask any questions about such an important matter during the entire process?"

Colin felt an inexplicable suddenness in his heart, and suddenly understood who the "end of observation" in the event signal was referring to...

It's not him, it's the one here.

A former "fire supporter"!

As for those employees, they did forget it, but if they remembered it midway, they didn't forget it.

He subconsciously looked back around him and found that all four employees were unconscious at the moment.

Just not caring about this, Colin was shocked. According to the mission, there was a "fire bearer" who might be alive here.

And then the other party is still observing him?

I couldn't help but think about it. At this moment, in the deep darkness in front of me, the fire suddenly bloomed, as if it was the first explosion in the universe, lighting up all the darkness.

The originally dark vision was finally restored, and all the pictures came into view again.

It was at this moment that Colin was startled.

He didn't see the figure of the "Fire Holder", but he found that the "meteorites" in the sky had started to burn at some point, and the limbs of the first-level containment objects all over the sky were constantly twisting and seemed to be emitting... Invisible cry.

"Coal is screaming."

Colin looked at the picture and couldn't help but have such an idea.

With his special super vision and a power similar to that of the "Fire Bearer", Colin focused his attention and faintly "saw" that these first-level containment remnants were not just dismantled and packed with rocks and soil and thrown away. In space.

On that body, there is a special stamp that is difficult to wash off, similar to the "quarantine passed" stamp on pork.

''Containment Protocol P'' what? It's too far away, the characters are so small, and there's light pollution like glare, so it's hard to see clearly. ’

Colin muttered in his heart, but no matter what, the situation here shocked him.

However, after all, they are high-level containment objects, and there are such a large number of them. Even if they are lit by a bonfire, they are difficult to destroy directly, and it is difficult to solve them all at once.

But at this moment, under the scorching flames, a lot of "grease"-like essence emerged from the upper body of a large number of residual limbs.

After these essences emerged, they were absorbed by the special seal above.

Furthermore, from the "Containment Agreement" stamp, a special force spread. Under its spread, they began to petrify and continue to grow more granite-like stones.

Finally, they were completely wrapped and were floating in the sky as before.

The recovery that made everyone dizzy seemed to stop so easily.

'Yes, judging from the current situation, it is difficult to stop this large group of high-level existences by just relying on a few ordinary C-level employees. 'The Return of the King'. The real key is that the 'Fire Holder' left behind backhand. ’

Colin was shocked when he saw it.

As those old wrecks stopped moving, inside the starship, behind the invisible cracks, various wills gradually weakened, emitting unwillingness, anger, etc. after their two-way attempts failed.

"'Fire Bearer'. Give it back to me."

"let me out."

"Let me return here, and I will bestow you with supreme glory. As long as you release me, I will help you solve your 'hunger' and let you truly control it."


Colin's ears once again heard whispers from various things that seemed human and inhuman.

Some threatened him, some yelled, and some tried to promise something to get him to release these guys.

The strong feeling of swelling and pain hits my mind over and over again with the words.

And at this moment, Colin vaguely felt that the bonfire beside him seemed to be speaking on its own?

"When I come, you should bow your heads, and I will allow you to speak before you can speak."

Invisible words passed on.

Colin was horrified, what happened? His flame became a spirit?

No, is it the "fire bearer" who is responding through his power?

‘Where is he? Why can't you feel it at all? ’ Colin was puzzled.

Since just now, he has been trying to sense the specific location of the "fire supporter", but without success.

He could only roughly know what the other party had done, but he couldn't see him.

Logically speaking, "fire bearers" are dazzling and not good at hiding.

But so far, I still haven't seen where the real body is.

However, just when this response appeared, those terrifying sounds in his brain that would kill anyone if they heard it, could no longer produce the feeling of swelling and pain.

But at this moment, a group of deep darkness, taking advantage of the weakening of other old wills, squeezed them apart, occupied all the gaps, gathered some kind of power again, and stretched out a big black hand towards Colin.

It is more condensed than before, and it flows unimpeded. Even the special starship steel that is difficult to destroy by the power of the ancient gods and seems to be able to repair itself cannot stop it.

In the process, the black hand continued to expand, calling for the "Red Moon", but the target of arrest was Colin.

Only this time, it only reached halfway.

Colin once again felt that there was an uncontrollable bonfire at the edge of his flame.

It condensed into a ball, and then seemed to be kicked out.

This fireball was also very strange. It was significantly brighter than when Colin controlled it by himself. It seemed to be walking in another dimension, unrestricted by real matter, and penetrated steel and most materials.

The target is pointed at the big black hand

Soon, the two sides came into contact.

The expected explosion did not happen, and the big black hand retreated directly under the light.

Just like the sun rises and the night recedes, there are no twists and turns.

In the light emitted by the flames, Colin and others felt a gentle warmth, but the existences of the past felt completely the opposite. What they experienced was extremely terrifying and violent heat.

All the unclean smells left over from the past are burned away under its illumination.

‘What’s going on?’ Bonfire’ didn’t receive any other increases. Apart from seeming to be on a different trajectory, why couldn’t I do this just now? ’

Colin felt very puzzled.

He could clearly feel that the other party's way of using flames had some special skills, but the gap was too big, and it was difficult for Colin to see anything valuable, and he couldn't learn anything at all.

And just after the dark things disappeared in the firelight, other wills surged up again under the cracks.

"If you disobey divinity, one day you will completely fail and be completely destroyed!"

"You are trying to destroy this universe. You are destroying the path of sublimation of all things."

"Why, you have already sublimated, why would you betray yourself?"


The terrifying whisper lingered in my ears again, but it was more like a questioning than before.

At the same time, Colin also noticed that part of himself had escaped from the bonfire and "opened his mouth" to respond again.

This sound is not a language in the ordinary sense and is difficult to describe.

It directly conveys the meaning. After some understanding, Colin felt that it was probably

'We have never disobeyed divinity from the beginning. It is still allowed to exist. However, only divinity is allowed to exist after human review, extensive discussions, public opinions, and final in-depth research and discussion by the company. , is the good divinity? ’

‘Let go of your obsessions. Embrace humanity. Stand on your own feet and regain freedom and new life? ’

Colin looked strange, feeling that these words were a little abstract.

At the same time, the cracks continued to disappear due to the passage of darkness, but after a few seconds, all traces were gone.

After all, the initial crack was only opened because of the "dark night".

It loses movement and the cracks disappear naturally.

On the starship, except for a few more anomalies that did not have serious effects, all the chaos disappeared.

‘These messy existences happen to be within the processing range of the garrison. But then again, what is the situation of the ‘fire supporter’ who is responsible for dealing with the local area? ’

‘Why do you feel like you are there, but also seem like you are not there? ’

The flames floated on Colin's body, trying to sense the other party, but found nothing.

However, through some feedback and the inexplicable task just now.

He was certain that there probably should be a "fire supporter" here.

"Hello, are you there? Can I ask, what happened here? What do those special beings mean by divinity?" Before leaving, Colin tried to ask.

Unfortunately, no clear response was received

But just when he thought the other party wouldn't appear, an inexplicable inspiration appeared in his mind.

'Let 'people first' replace 'all things have divinity'.'

This analysis seems confusing, but it vaguely explains the fundamental contradiction between the two parties.

Suddenly, Colin thought of the "Flood" with more and more human limbs. This guy, from a special form, was approaching humans - the company seemed to want to create some kind of new track?

But the old days seemed to vote against it.

Then it was taken away.

However, before Colin could further understand the reason, another "inspired" response appeared.

'This conversation method is a bit like communicating with a 'Snow Girl', and you have to interpret it yourself. However, the 'Snow Girl' has a low intelligence. She has the body of a young woman, but she looks like an eight or nine-year-old girl. Her expressive ability is far inferior to this. high. ’

Colin was thinking about it while interpreting the inspiration. He quickly finished the interpretation and then read it to himself.

"Yes, there is no choice to enter the legion's safe area, sacrifice them, take a special passage, and escape."

You didn’t respond to the previous question, huh? Go to a safe area and sacrifice them? Isn't it a dead end over there?

Colin was subconsciously confused, but soon he understood the reason - there was a special channel for sending ashes to the outside world in the safe area where the Legion was hiding.

If they take this passage, they can leave two or three times faster than before.

The price is that some of the garrisoned legions will disappear completely as a result.

'Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be able to read minds, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing. ’

For a moment, Colin suddenly felt a little guilty, because he didn't go that way simply because the situation was critical at that time and he didn't know that there was such a way.

If I had known, it’s hard to say what I would have chosen at that time.

However, Colin also realized that this being here, whether dead or alive, was in a somewhat special state.

It's a bit like "conceptualizing" it.


At this moment, a huge pillar of fire suddenly fell from the sky, interrupting Colin's thoughts.

The exit channel is opened again

It was successfully established without the intervention of the Old Ones, and invisible bells seemed to be tolling.

But before the bells started ringing

Colin suddenly felt something. He turned his head and looked not far to his side. He saw the flames spinning there, condensing into something that looked like an eyeball, and then it seemed to be dragged by human hands and slowly brought to him.

Then, after seeing its appearance clearly, Colin couldn't help but be speechless.

This thing seems to be really an eyeball, not like!

An inspiration emerged:

‘The eyes of the ‘Fire Bearer’ in a certain form are plug and play, convenient and fast’

Looking at it floating in front of my eyes, it looks like a gift of human organs.

Colin was very sure that he was a high-level and professional Bonfire Company special agent who performed high-level tasks and relieved disasters. He was not an organ dealer or a human body recycler. He was not interested in various organs at all.

But the hand wouldn't listen to him.

Colin stretched out his hand obediently and grabbed the crystal-like eyeball formed by flames into his hand.

That's when I got it.

The ancient bell representing the "Advent Agreement" rang slowly.

Colin and others disappeared instantly.

After he left, the starship was once again shrouded in darkness, as if the dead silence of the past had returned again.

But within it, the war that no one knows about will still continue.

And some distance away from here, the being who was first attracted to Colin felt the aura of the "Fire Bearer".

He turned around silently and left as if he didn't know what to do.

In a daze, Colin opened his eyes and saw the familiar ceiling.

'came back. ’

Colin pushed himself up, sat up from the bed, and shook his head.

"When I went there, I passed through the 'Daughter of Starlight', but when I came back, it seemed that I came back directly. I didn't pass by it, and I don't know what's going on with it now."

With a grunt, Colin suddenly remembered something. He seemed to have forgotten to ask what happened to those employees before.

"The four guys who acted with me should still be alive. After all, although they are unconscious, the effect of the amplifier is still there, and they just walked together. It's hard to say anything else."

"However, it's not a big problem. Open the parchment and take a look. If they are not dead, there are one or two. This should be bragging on the internal channel."

"If you're right, even if you died just now, it was only within a certain period of time. The death was incomplete. There will be a chance to live again in the future."

Colin prayed silently and took out the parchment immediately.

First, the evaluation points for this task and so on.

More than 50,000 plain points, three gold mission certificates, and some ordinary rewards.

"It's okay. Save more points and upgrade the next item to a golden prop. If you have a mission voucher, use it to upgrade the properties of the basic panel."

This time, Colin didn't mind having too many points.

After all, if it reaches C level by then, it stands to reason that a golden item can be released.

This will definitely require a huge amount of points

Save more now.

Afterwards, Colin first opened the communication hall and took a look, and found that most of the employees had returned smoothly, and judging from the time of their speeches, they were much earlier than them.

He should be back much earlier than them.

‘It should be the ‘fire bearer’ who made the move. ’

Colin nodded, and then stopped looking. Next, he opened the "storage room" and found that the out-of-control "Time Counterflow" was not inside.

He was not surprised by this, after all, it was a semi-out of control thing.

Give it to him, he may not be able to use it.

It will also plunge a large part of the earth into catastrophic consequences.


"Hiss, the scepter I just picked up is gone."

Colin couldn't help but complain.

For that special scepter, he deliberately took the risk to return to the corpse that was still alive and pick it up.

But it was snatched away directly by the company!

When Colin thought about it, there was a certain probability that this thing could replace bone spurs!

However, an "inspiration" emerged, which made Colin feel relieved. The company was "turning it into a prop" and would return it to him when the time came.

In addition, the special eyeball given by the "Fire Holder" was lying inside.

"What's wrong with all these 'Fire Holders'? Why do they all like it so much, using their own body parts to make them into props?"

Colin muttered as he took it out and opened its specific information panel.

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