Campfire Shelter

Chapter 431: Trading life for the continuation of civilization

‘If that guy is really the ‘Honest Knight’, then who beguiled it, let it discover the earth, and then engaged in some crooked ways to keep attracting people here? ’

‘According to the knowledge of people here, they generally have a concept of the word ‘other world’, but it seems to be other numbered worlds. ’

'The knowledge of the earth is basically zero, so the probability of that guy finding the earth by himself is very small.'

Colin was thinking while talking to Shana, and thoughts flashed through his mind.

However, regarding the identity of that guy, he could not confirm that the "Human Suture Monster" was the "Honest Knight".

According to the characteristics of that thing.

This may just be an identity vest for the other party.

I want to figure out who the other party is, and there are many twists and turns in the process. I am afraid that only by catching him can we know the exact identity.

"Do you know about a special life?" Colin looked at Shana and said the "Human Suture Monster".

An abnormal existence is watching behind the scenes.

If this is not solved, it will always be a hidden danger.

Of course, if you catch it, you can also solve the upgrade of "Fusion Card·Smiling Corpse Mountain".

Colin had a vague feeling that the limit of this thing should be that it could grow at least three heads.

"No." The saint thought for a few seconds, her brain "browsing" all the abnormalities she had heard and seen since she was three years old at a very fast speed, and finally shook her head.

If she had ever encountered this special form of guy, she would definitely have some knowledge.

After a pause, before Colin could speak, she added: "But one thing is, if it is extremely cautious and has many identities, then it must have a certain awareness of me and be on guard against me, because there is no one in this world. Able to hide from me."

While speaking, she glanced at Colin subconsciously.

From Helena, in addition to some information given through the parchment, she also glimpsed some things through her own abilities, such as a vague, thin, pure and friendly soul.

At that time, this soul figure seemed to be troubled by something and was extremely thin, but now

He seems to have become a lot fatter and stronger?

"All right."

Colin sighed secretly, but the corners of his lips twitched as he seemed to have thought of something: "By the way, one of the twenty-three bishops of your 'Light' religion seems to be coming today, do you want to meet him?" ?”

"Gordon? I can probably feel him approaching here, but if we meet, let's forget it."

Perhaps because we were acquainted with each other a lot, the saint said: "Although I have no conflict with the Light Sect, our relationship is not very good, especially the bishops, elders, and central leaders from the middle to higher levels. I am happy to see them, but they may not be happy to see me."

"Huh?" Colin was stunned for a moment, and the first thing that came to his mind was some kind of internal factional struggle.

Just how do you feel that those people mentioned by the saint include all factions?

Shana glanced at him, seeming to be observing, which made Colin feel like his "body" was being glanced at.

However, before he could appreciate the meaning carefully, he heard the other party say: "Let me tell you a secret that is not actually a secret. Mr. Colin, do you know about the Holy Light Church?"


If Colin remembered correctly, this was the predecessor of the "Light" sect, but it fell apart for some reason.

"In a sense, the 'Holy Light Holy See' is the legacy of the saints of 'light', that is, my ancestors. Of course, there are also some other people involved, but the main body is us."

"Huh?" A sentence popped up in Colin's mind: The prince is rebelling?

"In the name of 'light', the 'Holy Light Holy See' deviated from the right path and tried to eliminate human desires, causing the Pale Disaster and some sublimation. As a result, three generations of saints appeared one after another and destroyed the 'Holy Light Holy See'. The main body caused it to fall apart, so not only the 'Light' Sect, but actually most of the forces after the split of the 'Holy Light Church' didn't like me very much."

"Ah?" Colin was stunned, but soon realized something: "Appear one after another? Didn't the saints choose themselves?"

"That's not true." The saint gave an unexpected answer.

She did not hang on to Colin, and simply explained this aspect: "'Light' is special and is not passed down from generation to generation. Only at certain times, when something happens, will someone become this person. I don't know. clear."

There are some things she didn't say. For example, it was she who chose "light", not "light" who chose her.

On the other hand, listening to her words, Colin felt that there was a more appropriate word: came into being.

Saints of the "Light" religion, or to be more precise, saints of the "Light", have some kind of natural mission when they appear, to do something, which may be to prevent disasters, or it may be something else.

But the most famous thing among them is the fact that the Saint defeated the "Holy Light Church" who took the wrong path.


Colin probably understood the reason why all believers in the "Light" faith were not very interested in her.

It's not because there is a conflict between the two parties, but because once the saint appears, all the forces related to the "Light" faith will become very embarrassed.

God knows if one of them has taken the wrong path again?

No? How come there is no "saint"?

"It seems you have understood." The saint's voice came from the side.

"It's really embarrassing." Colin nodded.

No wonder in the news I heard, this saint was often mentioned with words like "alone" and "alone".

"I don't know why this happened, but it confirms what I already knew before. The church walks with the power of faith, but it doesn't mean that they really have the same opinion." Colin nodded secretly.

At this time, he suddenly felt that the saint glanced at him. He didn't know if it was an illusion. Even though he couldn't see any details clearly because of the blurred light and shadow, he still felt that the other person smiled?

"According to some information left in some ancient sacred relics in the secret realm of the cathedral, you were also involved side by side when the 'Holy Light Church' was destroyed."

"Ah, this." Colin suddenly understood the reason for the saint's relatively friendly behavior.

Then, noticing the word "holy relics", he had a strange expression: "Are all your holy relics made of some kind of body tissue?"

"Huh? This." The saint was stunned for a moment. She really didn't pay much attention to it, but she thought about it carefully.

It seems to be basically the case.

"'Holy Thorn', 'Ring', Skull Holy Grail."

She murmured to herself, then nodded and asked doubtfully: "How do you know?"

"I don't feel like it's easy to explain."

Colin's expression was subtle - he had a relationship with the "Fire Bearer", so if the "Light" religion made props with his own body parts, was there any sign of "human-to-human transmission"?

He is worthy of being a comrade who can fight side by side.

There are still a lot of remnants left behind. Why do you feel that the end of the saints from generation to generation is not very good?

Otherwise, why would there be so many “holy relics” of bones?

Speaking of which, the 'holy relics' here sound like skeletons, and the remains of the 'Fire Holders' outside this world are mostly various hearts. Therefore, the confused 'Fire Holder' Rosen Colleague, are you doing as the Romans do and leaving a skull instead of a heart? ’

Colin couldn't help but have a hell of a joke pop up in his mind.

Shaking his head secretly, he then looked at the light and shadow in front of him and asked curiously: "Do those people have records and know where they went?"

"No, they didn't stay here for too long. After finishing their work, they disappeared all of a sudden. I have looked for them before, but there is no record. However, I did meet you. You seem to be looking for them too?" Saintess said.

It seems that they should have gone to "World Number" 321 and not come back. Colin thought as he said: "Well, I probably knew that they went to some dangerous places, but no. Know where it went."

'But I know, that person's head has come back for some reason and seems to be continuing to send distress signals to the 'Bonfire Company', so that a special 'Advent Project' appeared.'

Colin added in his heart.

He feels that many things in this world are related to each other. For example, the "Human Suture Monster" definitely cannot lock on the earth for no reason. The reason is probably related to the things left by the original batch of company employees.

Unfortunately, seemingly related things are not easy to find.

After chatting for a while, Xiaohong came in with water soaked in concentrated nutrient solution. She first said hello to the luminous figure, then gave her elder brother a cup, and then waited expectantly for a compliment from her elder brother.

"Have you finished the exercises?" Colin happily touched the girl who was so excited that her eyes would turn red.

"It's done." Xiaohong blinked and looked at Colin expectantly, hoping that he could go out with her.


"Okay, okay, I brought you a new gift. Are you looking forward to it?"


Then, in the little girl's expectation, Colin took out a new, finger-thick "One Lesson, Three Practices".

The joy on Xiaohong's face was visible to the naked eye.

However, she still did not reject her eldest brother and left slowly holding the new textbook.

"Mr. Colin, are you teaching them how to read?" Shana asked.

She finds it quite amazing that about 5% of the refugees here have initially mastered writing during this period of time. Of course, this writing is not the writing of this world, but the writing of another world.

Although the two parties don't understand each other's language, they are surprisingly able to use the same words, and the meanings of the words seem to remain roughly the same.

In other words, one day when people from Colin's side come over, even if they don't have some kind of power to translate, they will be able to use different languages ​​and communicate with similar words——.

If it wasn't the "Fire Bearer", she might have called the "Inquisition" over.

After all, if the other party is an intruder, this is not a good thing.

Colin didn't think too much and nodded: "Only by being literate can we complete some tasks better."

There is actually an important reason why local texts can be replaced losslessly with earth languages.

Most of the refugees have a blank understanding of writing.

Since it is a blank, it is naturally much easier to teach than imagined.

Of course, there are many officials who provide him with knowledge and assistance behind the scenes in this regard and have specially set up many things.

In addition, refugees also have to use various occult props to assist their brains in learning languages.

Otherwise, they may not be able to understand

At least it can't be done, in a short period of time, to let a group of people who can't speak well understand the meaning of the words.

Shana stared at him and nodded slightly: "Is that so?"

The two sides communicated for a while, and the training continued.

At the same time, batches of employees came back. After a day and a half, they finally brought back all twenty-one people in this batch.

"Is our territory on fire?" A new employee looked at the territory where huge flames were rising into the sky.

This was the first time he had seen a fire burning over a hundred meters high.

"Guess what our company is called?"

"Bonfire Containment."

"Isn't it normal to have a bonfire?"

The cheap disciple of "Life Mentor is so cute" "Baizhi is so cute" rolled his eyes: "Hurry up and register, otherwise it will be random next time you come in."

As she spoke, she glanced at the other people in the team who were riding horses and slowly following behind.

Hundreds of people.

I heard that they are the second batch of envoys from other churches, and their strength level is much higher than the previous ones.

And there are knights and various churches inside, all gathered together.

When we were looking for someone just now, the two sides met, and then the other party took the initiative to help and expressed some goodwill, so they left together.

"It's over there." She reminded those people.

"Thank you for your guidance, madam." An old man in armor nodded.

Then, he looked at the bonfire and was deeply shocked. However, he noticed the chapel under the bonfire and the sun pattern on the chapel, which was composed of a circle and different lengths around the circle. There's something weird about it.

He looked to one side and walked with the church members who were wearing plain white clothing with gold trimmings.

"Tsk, if I read it correctly, Your Excellency Bishop, isn't this the church of the 'Light Sect'? Are you here for this? Do you want to take it back?" he said teasingly.

But after hearing his words, the old bishop seemed not to notice and said nothing.

Of course, they didn’t come here because of this thing, but wanted to know the attitude of the Bonfire Church.

He heard that the "Holy Lady" may have been in contact with these people.

I want to understand the attitude of these people - are you going to give them another spiritual sideshow?

You know, when saints are born, they occasionally exercise their authority and let them cooperate in doing things, but usually they will only do their own things and will not contact other forces. The only exception is the "Holy Light Holy See" "Only when you go on the wrong path will you contact others.

Therefore, when they heard that the "Saint Girl" might be related to the "Bonfire", they couldn't help but start to think deeply about whether they and others had taken the wrong path again.

But thinking about it, it seems like neither.

It seems that the saints of this generation are bound to solve various natural disasters and help the refugees, rather than to solve them.

However, even if the "Light" bishop knows that it is most likely not their problem, he still can't help but come to find out in person for peace of mind.

Of course, if there are real mistakes, they can be corrected, and there is no need to resort to the knife as soon as they come up.

What's the matter, can't we communicate well?

The current "Light Religion" is much more enlightened than the previous "Holy Light Church".

It is not necessary to know the mistake and still go to death.

‘Holy One’, he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

He admired these people from the bottom of his heart, because they were indeed pure and ideal people.


So far, every saint who has appeared in the past few hundred years has not ended well. In the end, they were basically shattered to pieces because of their mission, without exception.

this generation.

He estimated that he would die in some catastrophe one day and use his life to continue the world.

Then, who knows how many years, ten years or even longer, the natural disaster will finally subside, and then someone can find the only skeletons that have already decayed and have a certain strength from the disaster scene.

These bones will be collected and stored in the holy mountain of the "Light" faith, as some kind of firewood.

When some disaster breaks out in the future, the dust will fade away and the final glory will shine out.

While thinking, he let out a long sigh, looked at the territory, got off his horse, held the rope, and walked over with Yiyi.

On the territory, a "Bonfire Mass Supply and Marketing Cooperative" was opened.

Yeager, who had just moved bricks for a long time and then took a half-day off for the second half of the day, stood outside the door with many people, casting curious eyes at this supermarket opened by big shots.

I heard it seems like a store where you can buy things and enrich your life?

After hesitating for a moment, he walked inside. The interior was filled with instant noodles of various flavors, as well as many things he had seen and some he had never seen before.

"Does a pack of instant noodles only cost 0.02 points?"

Yeager stopped in front of a stack of green-packaged instant noodles shelves——

Nowadays, everyone can receive a salary of about 0.04 points a day from scratch.

Yeager was still a little uncomfortable with this word, because it was the first time he had seen giving money to refugees.

In other words, in addition to the three meals a day, can they earn another day's food?

This is treatment that slaves have never imagined.

After looking around, Yeager stopped in front of a pack of chocolate candies. He actually recognized these candies.

In the previous brick-moving competition, whoever came first would get three bricks as a reward.

It has a strong aroma, is sweet, and tastes very good.

Even the nobles may not have eaten it.

Yeager obviously wanted to buy it, but after looking at the price, he was a little deterred.

This is the most expensive thing in this supply and marketing cooperative, worth 0.5 points!

"0.5 points can buy more than 30 packs of instant noodles, which is almost one-third of the income I just commended."

Yeager silently estimated his background and wanted to forget it, but thinking about his family members who would be sent here soon, he thought he would just forget it.

But at this moment, an employee suddenly came up with a smile:

"Actually, I think you can consider paying in installments."


"Well, you don't have to give all the money at once. For example, for this box of Fud chocolates, you give money every seven days. You only need to give 0.1 points at a time for six consecutive weeks. In this way, you don't have to pay for it when you buy it. I’m worried about the burden.”

The employee said with a smile on his face.

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