Chapter 433 “0-09 ‘Hungry’” news.

"Next, there are still some people in five regions in three countries who may have the opportunity to transfer."

Shana was eating bread while looking at the special flat map in front of her.

The map is floating in mid-air, and is made up of countless pure white radiances emanating from her body intertwined to form a three-dimensional map model. The model clearly depicts the situation of this area, and also marks her current location.

The foundation of this thing is composed of the church buildings, believers' beliefs, etc. of the "Light" religion or other "Light" faith churches.

She has been walking through the magic fog, so of course she cannot run around like shopping, she has to follow the map.

Otherwise, even she would have a high probability of being directly consumed by endless disasters.

"The distance is not very far. Within this period of time, everything should be transferred smoothly and then sent to the Bonfire agent."

Shanna thought about the plan to arrange them.

After all, if people are not rescued, they will end immediately, and they will have to be resettled. In the past, she might have to take people with them to find cities and villages one by one to see which ones are willing to accept some——

Arrange a little bit

Otherwise, a considerable part of the nobles would not be willing to rescue her and most of them would treat her as a human being, and would not even give them the qualifications of a refugee.

But now, Mr. Colin is kind-hearted

Tell her she's willing to take in the people she rescued.

This saves you a lot of headaches.

As for now, Helena's sister brought a large group of refugees there not long ago, and they were indeed well comforted and integrated into the large group.

She, who has been training as a clone, also clearly sees that this is not the upper limit of their management.

The new territory seemed to be ready to accommodate more people.

"To manage the lives of tens of thousands of refugees, just by simply determining some general directions, you can generally run the whole thing well. Mr. Colin is really capable and kind."

Shana couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

During this period, she did not mention the recycling of the holy relics and the gift of a carefully crafted "Light" mark in the end, just because she felt somewhat guilty in this regard.

But what she doesn't know is that Colin's management method is far simpler than she thought -

Adhering to the principle of using it to death if it is easy to use, as long as the capable employees can do things, there will be endless things to do, and there are enough refreshing props and physical replenishment.

"When things here are over, after we get out, help him find the guy from the 'Swallowing Festival'" Shana's thoughts flashed.

In fact, before entering this "magic mist disaster", she was also tracking these terrible things.

And there are certain gains

However, because of this sudden large-scale disaster, she had to rush over to provide support.

After another few dozen seconds passed, Shana put the remaining half of the black bread that she didn't want to eat all at once into her pocket, then stood up, ready to take action.

Five minutes of rest was enough for her.

On the map, people disappear every minute.

Moreover, within the Demonic Mist Disaster, the stronger you are and staying in one place for too long, the easier it is to get into trouble without knowing it.

Some ancient gods with certain wisdom may ambush her.

Although these things are followed by a "category", they are not ancient gods in nature, but they are still troublesome.

Shana raised her head, white light floating in her eyes, and everything around dozens of kilometers came into view. In the dense and creeping gray-black magic fog, there were terrifying threats in almost all directions, every patch of sky, and every inch of the earth. The breath comes faintly

Looking around here, she couldn't help but feel slightly distracted.

The magic fog has been raging for a long time, and countless people have died in it. Unfortunately, it has not been until now.

She still couldn't find the source of these things.

If the root cause cannot be found, there is no way to completely solve it.

However, some kind of inexplicable weak intuition gave her a subtle feeling that the solution was not far away from her, but unfortunately, she couldn't find it, just couldn't find it.

"Let's consider rescuing people first. There are two directions for the next step, one of which seems a bit dangerous."

Shanna was thinking about which way to go.

At this time, an accident happened suddenly.

In her heart, a strong sense of crisis suddenly surged up.

"It seems like I'm looking at something I shouldn't be looking at."

The next moment, outside this small castle, an extremely huge "big hand" full of terrifying pressure suddenly fell from the sky.


The ground shook, and terrifying shock waves and smoke spread like a sandstorm.

Together with the small castle and more than half of the city, they were turned into powder under the strong pressure.

All abnormalities are also annihilated.

The "big hand" may be a hand, or it may not be, because in vision, this is indeed an extremely huge hand, but in the third sense derived from "light".

It is just a "chaos" that cannot be accurately described in words, but can cause great damage.

However, no matter what it was, Shana had no intention of getting entangled with it.

The imperceptible white light passed by like a comet, heading to the next area waiting for rescue.


In the bonfire, sparks flew and the aroma of barbecue filled the surroundings.

On the evening of the sixth day, Colin sat next to a bonfire, surrounded by Xiaohong, Xiaobing (Snow Girl) and others. He stared at the meat in his hand and thought about some things he learned from Shana. , limited, about the "Fire Holders" who once came here.

The "fire supporter" who came here back then was probably Rosen.

To Colin's surprise, this group of "irritable brothers" who were ready to turn their enemies into charcoal didn't seem to take much action at that moment.

Instead, they provide other aspects of assistance to the three saints who have been following each other.

"Weapons of criticism".

They mainly provide various ideological aids through other means besides force, breaking the religious teachings of the "God of Holy Light" and destroying its mysterious color.

Roughly speaking, it was no less than giving the "Holy Light Holy See", which had a status comparable to the "Land Kingdom" at the time, with a "Declaration of the World" and providing a foundation for secular liberation in theology.

"I didn't expect that these guys, in addition to using their hands, would also use their brains."

Colin was quite surprised.

In his understanding, as a combat unit, the "Fire Holders" could only talk about physics, but he didn't expect that they could actually talk about reason.

It's a pity that it's not clear why these guys disappeared so completely after the "Light Fire" cooperation, disappearing from everyone's sight without leaving much trace.

Of course, what Shana meant was when these people disappeared.

The "God of Holy Light" is also gone.

I wonder if he was taken back to make soup by the "fire supporters".

Colin scratched his head, feeling that he couldn't quite understand the logic. For example, the saint was chosen by "light", and "light". The "light" that the "Holy Light Church" originally believed in was the "God of Holy Light."

Then. He chose the “Holy One” to rebel against Him?

No, no, no

Thinking of the situation of these guys, Colin had some ideas——

The "God of Holy Light" may be related to "light", but it is not necessarily "light".

"Forget it, I still don't want to think about this anymore. It seems that even if I sort it out, I still can't figure out where this group of people went, what they did, and how they ended up being so miserable."

As his thoughts flashed, he turned his head and glanced at his small church, which was written as "Light Church" but pronounced as "Bonfire" Church.

He had also asked the Holy Lady about the situation of this small church before.

But the other party was also unaware. According to her, this was beyond her knowledge.

Every "church" is registered and has something like an ID card, but not here. The reason may have something to do with the bonfire, or it may just not exist.

Then, Shanna told him that he could ask people from the "Knights of Virtue".

Because according to him, a "humble knight" died here at that time, and even if a "virtue knight" with only one commandment got lost, it would be recorded.

Unfortunately, I learned from communicating with the members of the "Knights of Virtue" who came here that they didn't know this either.

The death of a "Knight of Virtue" is definitely a big deal.

However, in the recent past, and even in these years, except for the recent divine descent, there has been almost no war here. Although there are some deaths, they are not "humble knights".

So I plan to go back and look it up until I come over next time.

And similarly, they have no idea whether there was a "Bonfire" church before.

"This group of people left cleanly and didn't leave much information behind."

Colin shook his head. He was quite concerned about this matter.

However, apart from this, compared to these things that have no beginning or end, there is some progress in another matter.

About the heretical force of "The Feast of Devouring"

What is certain is that there is a high probability that it is indeed related to "hunger".

Or to be more precise, it is part of the fragments of "Hunger", and it is estimated that the proportion of the body fragments is not small.

Shana told him not to worry, she had a way to find these guys.

"I don't know if I can do anything about this encounter. Face it head-on. It seems to be quite difficult for me. If the recovery is too high and the person is completely full, I'm afraid I won't be able to fight with the Saint, but It’s still unclear what the saint’s true form is like.”

"But no matter what, to fight 'hunger', as long as it can be found, it can be used as a human coordinate transmitter, and let Ms. Rabbit pass the agreement to mobilize the army."

Colin grumbled in his heart, not too worried about this.

If it were another "0" level, he might be scared.

But "hunger" is highly controlled by the company, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

If you can't beat him, that's it.

At this time, someone's footsteps were approaching. Colin put away his thoughts and turned around to see "Life Coach Cute Duo" and others.

Except for the two D-class personnel who were better, the others all had fairy-like expressions on their faces.

There are "Colorless Crystals" + "Bonfire" + "Book of Flames". They may say they are tired, and their bodies can indeed handle it, but they may say they are not tired, but they feel exhausted all over.

"We are here to report the main information about the territory." A D-class personnel spoke first. Colin nodded, then pointed to the side to indicate that he should sit down, so the others did not hesitate and walked over to sit down.

Next to the campfire, a small meeting started.

Soon, through their reports, Colin understood the situation here.

There is no war in the territory.

Apart from some minor confusion regarding the reception of the new arrivals, everything else was basically fine.

All work has been progressing steadily in the past few days, and because of the addition of the "base vehicle", all work efficiency has been greatly improved.

This thing has so many functions. When expanded, it will have various laboratories, various data detection instruments, high-temperature furnaces, as well as medical, food, command rooms, etc.

Almost like a mainframe on a construction site.

Except that I didn't think about where they would sleep. There was no dormitory and they had to find a place to make bunks on their own. Anywhere would be fine.

In the field of construction, it can be said that the body with purple equipment is comparable to that of orange equipment.

——This is something that makes Colin feel a little uncomfortable. Not long ago, he caught an employee who secretly made loan sharks and compounded interest rates.

No, it's not quite right to call usury, because in a sense, the behavior is like charity.

Because the purpose is to accumulate the effect of a certain prop on his body.

When he heard the specific situation of this prop, Colin's expression did not change, but he couldn't help being speechless in his heart.

‘It seems that many people have similar ‘devil’ props, and I don’t know how much these ‘devils’ contributed to the company back then. ’

He feels that the "devils" may have made an indelible contribution to the company's development.

"What's the punishment for this?" "The life mentor is much cuter" words made Colin come back from his thoughts.

What's the punishment?

Colin couldn't help but be silent for a moment. This was considered the first "crime" committed by a company employee. Of course, it didn't count as a "crime". After all, everything was agreed upon and there were no rules here.

The other party hasn't caused any serious consequences yet

But it doesn’t seem to work if I don’t do something about it.

After pondering for a few seconds, Colin then spoke: "You don't have to be too harsh if you look at it, but there is one thing. Some rules need to be established. You can discuss this and show me the results."

"Okay." Several people nodded, indicating that they had no objection.

It is foreseeable that in the future, the more people draw the "Alternate World Travel Gift Pack", the more things like this will happen.

So we have to set some internal rules about ourselves.

In case there is a dispute, it cannot be resolved.

Not long after, the small meeting ended and everyone dispersed.

It was rare to get half a day off at night, and they didn't want to keep working.

Some found a place to stretch out, while others grabbed a ball of straw and spread it directly to sleep.

Time passes little by little

When it came to the twelfth hour, the rich darkness outside the firelight seemed to brighten up instantly as if someone pressed the light button. A hazy light appeared from nowhere and illuminated the world.

"Isn't the 'Numbered World' something similar to the 'Starship'?"

Even after watching this scene many times, he still felt magical.

At night, there is a clear distinction between darkness and firelight.

From night to day, there is no transition, it just goes by.

It was bright everywhere during the day, but the source of the light could not be seen.

However, before he could think too much about it, he heard the voice of the little maid ringing in his ears.

"Sir, I have received some unknown information in the form of relatively large special brain waves emitted from the deepest depths of the ground."

"Received unknown information?" Colin was stunned: "You just said, where did it come from?"

"Underground." The little maid said calmly.

Hearing this, Colin vaguely remembered something: "Can it be played?"

"Okay, do you want to start playing now?"


After the words fell, an intermittent, wailing sound was simulated by the little maid.

Hearing this voice, which was distorted but had a familiar tone, Colin's expression began to become a little weird and playful.

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