"No wonder 'Miss Rabbit' is so sure of this."

Colin muttered to himself while holding the contract with special effects.

If it is really consistent with his guess.

That would explain why the other party was able to make plans for building ships and the like in advance.


This "Deep Sea Age" was brought about by the other party!

And from the current point of view, everything is ready. As long as you sign your name, it is inevitable to enter the deep sea era in the future.

"But what is the purpose of doing this?"

Colin was not in a hurry to sign. Under the gaze of everyone, he was thinking about it while reading the contract.

Based on the habits of "Ms. Rabbit", she probably won't come up with the weird idea of ​​"in order to avoid the end of the world, let's destroy the world first".

Since the other party did this, there must be a reason.

As thoughts flickered one by one, Colin suddenly thought of something.

‘Is this the situation when we plan to learn from the ‘Seventh Box Garden World’? If the apocalypse breaks out in the future, then drag everything down to the bottom of the sea through the sea and suppress it.’

Colin remembered some things behind the scenes of "The Seventh Box Garden World".

The "Father of the Ocean" could be plundered because of the source of his divine power. During this period, the sea was out of control and flooded the land due to his power. Then when he was dying, he let the sea water return to the sea, and took away a bunch of abnormal seals with his final strength. In the deep sea.

"Rabbit Lady" seems to be planning to do the same?

"Isn't this a little too big?"

Just thinking about it, Colin's scalp felt a little numb.

However, unlike the passivity of the "Father of the Ocean", this one seems to be taking the initiative.

The operable space should be quite large.

The only uncertainty is, is it really useful to be "abnormally" submerged in water?

"It seems that many of these things are not afraid of sea water at all, or what kind of violent ingredients will be added to the water?"

"By the way, I still have an egg or an egg in my mind, so it's probably foreshadowing."

"Earlier, I didn't see 'Ms. Rabbit' put forward any idea of ​​building a giant ship. From this point of view, the corresponding arrangements may have been made after I returned from the 'Seventh Box Garden World'."

Thinking of this, Colin glanced at the group of local representatives around him. It was unclear whether they knew the key information inside.

'No, if there was no corresponding information, I probably wouldn't have thought of that much.'

'After all, even if they saw the so-called mobilization of more than 70% of water resources, they would probably think that it was used within the 'Black Sea World', and they did not expect that it would be sent to other worlds.'


Colin's expression was slightly strange.

Most locals may not be able to guess the reason, but it is impossible and impossible for those trapped objects to guess.

However, they still agreed and did not stop it.

Colin thought that in addition to the "Bonfire Company" team being really reasonable, it might also be because they really didn't care much.

"More water and less water may not mean much to them."

Colin sighed secretly, and then read the contract regulations again, becoming more and more sure of his guess.

The content of the entire fist-thick document is actually the key to "adjusting the water". The rest is most likely a cover-up, and the drunkard's intention is not to drink.

Of course, this all assumes that this guess is correct.

After reading it several times and confirming that there was nothing detrimental to him in the contract, and that he did not have to worry about being treated like a legal person after signing, Colin signed his name.


As the last stroke of the name was confirmed, the contract exploded.

And in a very short moment, it completely disappeared.

Vaguely, Colin could feel that he had a better understanding of the world.

It was as if he suddenly became its master.

But unfortunately, the authority seems to be a little short, and it is impossible to use the contents just signed.

"Perhaps when I get to a higher level in the future, I won't need to be a 'rabbit lady', and I can directly be a porter of nature myself."

Colin raised his head and glanced around. All the representatives of the forces showed uncomfortable expressions.

Obviously, they also sensed the establishment of something.

Once they violate it, the consequences will definitely not be acceptable to them.

However, they didn't pay too much attention to pumping water. After all, there was so much water in the "Sea of ​​Darkness", how much more could be pumped out?

Is it possible that the entire world can be drained of water?

This kind of fantasy has never occurred to them.

Their current headache is, in addition to cooperating with the actions of "Bonfire Company" and giving them more authority.

We also have to improve the living conditions of the ordinary people under our command, etc.

And they cannot be sacrificed at will.

If you can't offer sacrifices, then what are you going to do with so many people?

If these borers just stay, they will only make the fish and rice in the Black Sea expensive.

However, they dare not disobey the orders here.

For some forces, the top management has been completely changed, while for others, the "gods" personally responded.

In either case, it means they must follow the above.

At this moment, even though I was complaining in my heart, I still had to show a happy expression on my face, surrounding Colin, congratulations on the successful implementation of these treaties

‘Very good, no one who is ignorant jumped out to slap me in the face. ’

Colin withdrew his eyes from them and checked the mission content of "World Number-4" in his mind.

The signing of the contract has been completed, and there seems to be nothing left.

"Is it possible that the mission here ends here?"

According to the past situation, by this time, there should be new mission content. If not, there will be a basic construction mission or some long-term mission to lay the groundwork.

But now, it seems like everything is over?

Colin then looked at the four employees on the side: "Have you received any new tasks?"

"There is a previous 'Garrison' mission, but there are no others." "Walking on the Waves to Seek Pigs" shook his head.

There was no mission, so Colin touched his chin, but didn't think much about it.

There are still six days left

Maybe at a certain point, new arrangements will be made?

However, what Colin didn't expect was that for the next four or five days, no new content appeared. So boring every day, he could only eat and drink with Tina and others, enjoy themselves, watch mermaids dance, and chatter. big squid

"Mr. Bonfire, what's on your mind?"

Tina's childish voice sounded from one side, and at the same time, she was holding a roasted sea crab that was half the size of an ordinary person——

They didn't like eating this kind of sea creature very much, but Mr. Bonfire liked it, so she went to catch it.


Colin shook his head. He couldn't say that he was stupid. He had been thinking about this mission. Why didn't something like an accident happen?

Taking the sea crab handed over by Tina, Colin looked at the mermaids who stopped dancing one by one because they were observing here, and waved his hands:

"Keep playing and dance."

Hearing this, the mermaids began to jump and move in front of the level 5 bonfire hall again.

This dance was not danced specifically for him, but a square dance similar to that of the aunts and uncles. However, because the mermaids were very delicate in appearance and quite pleasing to the eye, it became one of the must-see items for Colin and others every day.

"I don't know how these mermaids look, but they are all so beautiful." The "arsonist-Taotie" on the side sighed with emotion.

There are almost no ugly mermaids, and every one of them is worthy of the word "beautiful".

What's the difference? It's just a matter of personality.

"Yes, yes, if it weren't for the fact that mermaids are generally two times larger than the average person, I would have wanted to find one as a partner."

One employee lamented that although they are not as popular as Brother Shunzi, they are still quite popular here.

It's a pity, I'm afraid that after searching for it, I will be over-motivated but unable to do anything.

After the transformation of the only talent "Volume Body" that can make up for the size gap, the weakness in this area will completely disappear and become "nonsense."

Colin did not interrupt what several people said, and he had no relevant thoughts for the time being.

There were no extra tasks in the past few days, which gave him the pleasure of a paid vacation.

"If only every mission could be this easy."

Colin sighed inwardly.

However, at this moment, his expression suddenly changed slightly, he turned around and looked at the blazing bonfire behind him.

I can vaguely hear some erratic sounds coming from

"This is not good."


"Help. Shunzi comes out big"



Intermittent sounds kept coming, and Colin couldn't hear it clearly, but he could roughly sense the emotion from it, and something bad had happened.

"Oh my god." Colin had a headache, so he stood up and walked quickly towards the bonfire.

"What happened?"

"What's wrong?"

Several employees also heard its intermittent sounds, and they could only feel that something was wrong?

"Not sure"

Colin walked into the campfire to hear more clearly and try to communicate.

"It's a disaster."


"Magic Mist"

But it's a pity

Colin found that they seemed to be able to roughly understand what he was saying, but they could only receive intermittent sounds, and most of the time, it was a female voice that was familiar but not sure who it was.

Hearing that he was feeling depressed, he almost wanted to smash the "phone".

This helpless situation is so uncomfortable.

"Did Tina talk to me in this situation before? It's hard for her to be able to communicate."

Colin felt a little sympathetic to Tina.

Then, take a deep breath, suppress some emotions, and carefully analyze the situation.

Judging from some nouns

‘The ‘Magic Mist Disaster’ broke out again? Damn it, why do you choose to explode when I'm not around? ’

‘I won’t break out if I don’t leave, right? ’

'Don't make me angry, I really let the 'King of Crazy Sound' out to guard the house.'

Although it may not be able to solve the "magic mist disaster" with its status as a first-level containment object, it will certainly not be a problem to protect the home.


At present, Colin also knows that it is unlikely.

He suppressed the emotions in his heart, and then began to comfort the other side, saying that he would go there in two days and lift the magic mist.

"There is a level 4 bonfire over there right now, plus a large group of employees. No matter what, it should be able to hold up for a while. Based on this time, it should only be two days before I enter there next time."

After ending the conversation there, Colin no longer cared about playing or dancing.

"Brother Shunzi, what happened?" Several employees looked at him.

"There's something wrong with World Number 13."

Colin explain briefly.

He didn't expect that this time nothing happened where he went, but something happened where he didn't go.

The accident was late but arrived.

And the most difficult thing is that, being a world away, there is nothing he can do.

"We need to raise the flames over there to level five as soon as possible to see if there is a chance to open the passage to avoid a similar situation."

A thought flashed through Colin's mind, and then he glanced at Tina who was looking worriedly in the distance, and reminded several people: "Don't mention these things to Tina and the others."

"Don't worry." Several people nodded.

Taking a deep breath, Colin calmed down, smiled again and walked out.

In a kind of panic, the last bit of time passed quickly.


When the bell slowly fades away.

Colin immediately sat up, then shook his head to get rid of the inexplicable trance, and immediately took out the parchment, preparing to learn about the situation from his group of employees.

But halfway through the action, he thought for a moment, put down the parchment and lay back down again.

Then, consciousness sank rapidly.

After passing through an illusory door, Colin opened his eyes and saw his slightly exaggerated office.

Thoughts flashed.

Several figures were dragged into the vast hall.

"Life Coach Cutie" and several other key D-class personnel appear.

"What on earth happened?"

Seeing their solid figures, Colin didn't say anything and directly asked about the situation over there.

The few of them looked at each other, and then "The Life Coach is much more adorable" moved his butt forward slightly and said: "The territory is actually not bad, there is no problem."

"Huh?" Colin was puzzled. Looking at the looks of several people, they seemed to be fine?

Then, what happened to the crying situation when "Bonfire" transmitted the sound?

Soon, listening to their explanations, Colin finally understood the situation.

One piece of good news and one piece of bad news.

The good news is that the territory has indeed encountered some threats such as wandering magic fog and heretics in recent days, but all of them were solved by a hunting team composed of D-class personnel.

Overall, nothing happened in the territory.

the bad news is

The one who had the accident seemed to be the "Saint"!

Colin's heart skipped a beat and he said, "Is he the one from the 'Light' sect, the legendary living saint?"

As he spoke, he remembered that the voice he heard seemed to be Sister Vanessa.


"The life coach is so cute." He didn't know the private relationship between his boss and the saint. He was a little surprised why Brother Shunzi seemed to care so much, but he didn't think much about it and said:

"Vanessa said that she can't sense their saint these days, and then from some news, it seems that the saint stepped into a trap specifically targeted at her when she was rescuing people in the 'Magic Mist Disaster'"

He probably had some understanding of this well-known saint, and knew that he should be considerate of the common people, treat mortals as human beings, and be worthy of admiration.

In layman's terms, it's a bit like the "Mother of God", but it's still a "Mother of God" in the true sense of the word.

"Later, a female knight came over and said that the saint's situation was not optimistic. She had a lot of injuries. After being ambushed, her condition might not be very good. She wanted to ask us for help."

"However, I went to the field to investigate the possibility of assistance. Let's not talk about the strength of this saint, and whether she is still alive. But with our strength, we can't go deep at all, and we are a bit overwhelmed on the periphery of the disaster. "

"Just walking a little further from the outside, we were attacked by several groups of demonic mist-derived monsters that were close to level 4, 5, or even level 3 contained objects. We almost died, and finally we quit."

"What is certain is that the 'Magic Mist Disaster' is not something we can deal with."

"The life coach is much cuter." He spoke bit by bit about the current situation, with some lingering fear in his words. After the last words, he paused for a few seconds:

"Well, do we want to go there and rescue him?"

To be fair, after he sensed the horror under the "Magic Mist Disaster", he felt that the saint was probably in danger.

Even if you go, it may not be in time, and you will have to pay a high price.

However, how to make the decision depends on Brother Shunzi.

And based on their understanding of Brother Shunzi, the risk is so high that they might not take action anyway.

After all, someone who has no connection with that saintly girl suddenly has to pay a huge price to find her, but she may not be able to find her. This business is a bit too much of a loss.

Of course, it is also possible that Brother Shunzi will not leave until the "Light" Sect promises some important reward.

However, what they didn't expect was...


Brother Shunzi made his choice without hesitation and added in a deep voice:

"Must be saved!"

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