Campfire Shelter

Chapter 490: The

"Is it what Aikasi said, people from other worlds?"

The leader of the black-robed man realized something. At least in this world, there are no extraordinary people who use "fire".

Among the aberrations, there are special individuals who use fire.

But the other party will not confront him at all, but will directly integrate him with the distortion.

Especially, in the left hand position where the flame actually raised, he saw Aikasi, which made him finally confirm this. The manipulator of this flame giant was the helper the queen found from the outside world!

It was at this moment that wisps of flames flew out from the flame giant

It swept everyone else present dozens of meters away and landed on the palm of the flame giant's raised left hand.

While the firelight brought warmth, it also made them realize that the "dark night" power in their bodies had weakened to an extreme.

It can even be said that those who are suppressed cannot perform at all!


The leader of the team, the man in black robe, was also swept up, but his consciousness was already a little blurry. He knew that he could no longer hold on.

Although he, like all his men, was lucky enough to be rescued.

But the bad news is that he was only half rescued compared to the others.

In the team leader's understanding, the current technology they have here cannot heal the injuries of the severed body.

However, on the other side, Colin was not in a hurry to take action, but took time to observe this group of users of the "dark night" power.

"There are no "characteristics" in anything, just simple use."

Colin nodded, feeling like he was picking up a stone from the ground.

As his thoughts flashed, he saw Aikaxi's gaze cast towards him. There was a hint of pleading in his black eyes. He probably wanted him to save half of the employees of the branch.

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem, it's just a broken body."

Colin secretly sent a message to reassure the other party.

Then, when he started to stop the other party's heavy bleeding, he found that the man in black robe was saying some last words, so he stopped again.

Among these last words were things like what he had done in the first place, where some small treasury was hidden, whose vegetable patch he secretly took away for tooth-beating sacrifices, and his dissatisfaction with a certain person who seemed to be a widow. Dare to confess and so on.

Aikaxi and his subordinate Wei Ni stood aside. After knowing that the "Bonfire" messenger could save people, and then hearing that this middle-level and high-level "rebel" who was originally thought to be a loyal and honest "disobedient" had a complicated expression.

"When Elni wakes up later, he won't be very happy. Should we go up and tell him to stop talking?" Winnie couldn't help but whispered next to Aikaxi.

What the other party said will definitely be conveyed back when the time comes, and will be spread widely.

They don't understand what "social death" is, but they can experience some similar feelings.

But after hearing her words, Aikaxi had a weird expression, and then shook her head. Although the timing was not right, she actually found that she had a little expectation in her heart for Enil's reaction after waking up?

‘If this person comes alive, his toes will probably be able to squeeze out a swimming pool. ’

After listening to those words, Colin thought for a while and decided that it would be better to be a good person and stay the course and not rush to the rescue yet.

Wait until the other person has finished saying all the things they usually dare not say before speaking.

After waiting for a long time, the man in black robe's voice was muffled, and then Colin began to provide assistance.

Let the little maid and "Fire Tree" treat him together.

The incision on the other party's body was relatively smooth, and all the internal organs were where they should be. They were stitched and filled with nano-level precision of the little maid, and the "Fire Tree" was repaired.

As long as it doesn't completely turn into slag and undergo a change in chemical properties, the matter won't be serious.

One second of treatment, the next second he wakes up and he can work, and two days later he can jump around.

For Colin, the current troublesome thing is the kind of wounds that contain various contaminations. For example, if the opponent's lower body is contaminated by "aberrants" and has his own thoughts, it will be difficult to treat.

"Mr. Bonfire, can he be rescued successfully?" Aikaxi asked.

This time, before Colin could speak, another D-level employee, Orange Cat, said: "Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with this kind of injury. I think he will be able to farm in a while."

"That's good." Seeing that they were so confident, Aikaxi breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Colin seemed to have thought of something, and then said: "But there are still disadvantages. There may be some sequelae."

"Sequelae?" Aikaxi was startled.

"Well, there is a high probability that his power will be completely wiped out by then."

To heal using his method, the power of the "Fire Bearer" will inevitably be used.

To be honest, these people are not essentially extraordinary people. The power of real extraordinary people is as difficult to remove as tattoos, but these people are like stickers, which can be removed as soon as they are washed.

People like Aikaxi who had been deeply cured by Colin before had a lot of "stickers" on them, so they can still use them to some extent.

"As long as you're alive, that's acceptable." Aikaxi breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, she added: "Of course, we will provide corresponding compensation when the time comes, and your help will not be in vain."

After the small interlude, Colin didn't pay too much attention here.

He raised his head and looked at the land filled with twisted flesh and blood.

The giant composed of "epileptic fire" walked through here, although there were many strange aberrations, like moths flying to the flame, seeming to stop him at the cost of their lives.

But it is a pity that these things alone can hardly cause any effective hindrance to him.

"Look at it this way, this world is not as dangerous as Aikaxi said."

Colin crossed his arms and felt that the overall problem was not that big.

There are ways to avoid periodic natural disasters without getting hurt. Among the remaining dangers, as long as there is one of these "Dark Night" believers with similar strength to Shana or him, they can walk sideways in most places.

The only thing terrifying was the natural disaster and the "dark night" that seemed to be sealed.

But it seems that because it is blocked very hard, the problem is not big.

A few more hours passed, and Colin suddenly saw five train carriages scattered in a mountain forest in the distance.

There are probably more than a thousand people in these five carriages.

"They are all Extraordinary. Comparing their strength, they are officially at level two to level four, with a few at level five or six."

Colin narrowed his eyes slightly, although these people were not very powerful.

But, the number is really large

And this is still a small group of "rebels".

On the "regular army" side, according to Aikaxi, the number is several times greater.

The ratio of ordinary people to extraordinary people is a bit scary.

"Here we are, this is one of our campsites," Aikasi said, pointing there.

The train cars were all stolen one by one by them taking advantage of the carelessness there in broad daylight, rushing up, carrying them and running away.

At this moment, when the giant fire giant that was almost as high as the average hill appeared.

Those who walked out of the carriage were all shocked.

"Is this really our reinforcements?"

If someone hadn't come back to notify them earlier, they would have run away with the bucket. The thing in front of them was several times more oppressive than the most terrifying aberration they had ever seen!

Moreover, facing that kind of bonfire, they could clearly feel that the "dark night" power in their bodies had weakened.

This made them feel even more uneasy.

"Don't worry, we are one of our own." said a "Black Night" Erwu who came back early to get some fresh air.

At this time, another person who used the power of "dark night" spoke with some concern:

"With such a big move, what if we are discovered?"

"If they are discovered, they will be discovered. It's okay. They don't dare to come over." "Heiye" Erwuzi said.

The strength of this reinforcement even exceeds that of Lavinia.

If the other party had a normal mind, he would not have the idea of ​​coming over here.

Just when people were whispering, they suddenly saw that the entire flame giant suddenly burned violently, and then all the flames rose like smoke, condensing into a huge fireball in mid-air.

From inside the fireball, there seems to be another flame of a different nature, swallowing up this fireball full of destruction, destruction, and madness, and turning it into a brighter and nobler flame.

The fireball hung high in the sky, evenly spreading warmth that they had never experienced before.


People stared at the big fireball, and the human part of their hearts was nourished.

As for "dark night"?

What "dark night".

Not familiar.

This feeling is unimaginably wonderful.

The flowing darkness in some people's eyes slowly faded away at this moment, turning into the appearance of a burning bonfire.

"I actually feel someone's belief has changed?"

Colin was a little surprised, although he changed "epilepsy" into "bonfire" deliberately, just to give himself some prestige.

But he really didn't expect that the faith of the "Dark Night" believers present was so firm.

As soon as they showed their power, some people’s beliefs changed directly.

It even directly skipped a series of processes such as "questioning" and "shaking".

'No wonder the company feels the need to rescue it. Their biggest problem is not the belief in the "dark night", but their own inner belief. The former will basically not be saved if they go both ways, but the latter can indeed be saved.'

As his thoughts flashed, Colin followed the group of people to the garrison point with a big fireball.

It is worth mentioning that the team leader who was supposed to be awake according to "Huoshu" is still in a coma at this moment. It is not known whether he really did not wake up or was just pretending.

Not long after, Colin reached out and made a move, and the huge fireball began to "melt" and continued to gather in his palm.

Finally, it completely integrated into his body.

In the process, people saw how easily he could control the fireball.

Everyone looked at him with more respect.

‘The set of movements Ms. Shana designed for me is indeed much better than my own. ’

Colin felt those sights and sighed secretly in his heart.

Originally, his habit was to just "snap his fingers" to extinguish the fireballs.

But in his later communication with Shana, the other party helped him design a set of moves that could better declare his "sovereignty" over the flames than the original one.

This will not allow people's attention to always stay on the fireball, but focus on him to increase prestige.

Make the next action easier.

"Brother Shunzi's skills have improved."

The two employees couldn't help sighing when they saw Brother Shunzi's smooth movements, and couldn't help but imagine how great it would be if they had such power.

Although their strength is not weak in any way, compared with them, they are still a little inferior.

After putting away the fireball, Colin and others were led into a spacious carriage.

As soon as he sat down, Colin didn't say anything and said directly:

"What are your plans to stop this 'Eternal Night' and how to make the train move? Can you come up with it now?"

Hearing this, several people present looked at Aikasi first. Seeing him nodding secretly, one of them spoke:

"Yes, it's roughly here."

As he spoke, he took out a piece of parchment, and after some operations, it seemed to open a memo-like function.

A bunch of text floats in mid-air in the form of a three-dimensional projection.

‘6, let’s not talk about the content of this plan, how dare you use this thing to record things when there is a high probability that the ‘branch’ will fall’

Colin was convinced by the "crouching dragon and phoenix chick" of Bangzi Branch.

I really dare to believe in anything and do anything without any sense of crisis.

At this time, as if he saw his worries, Aikasi whispered: "Don't worry, these parchment rolls are not connected to the company, so there is no need to worry about leaks."

I hope so. Colin nodded and scanned the words.

These people's plans are not complicated in terms of actions. A simple summary is to sneak in without considering whether they can come back alive. Everything is "life and death are indifferent, just do it."

However, what he focused on was not the heartbeat arrangements of these people, but the enemy's arrangements.

‘The train carriage is currently restrained by something called a ‘thorn device’. There are eight restraint devices in total, which must be cut off at the same time within a short period of time, and then the energy supply lines must be destroyed.

‘Once it is cut off, if you provide some power to the train and gain some of these permissions, you will have a chance to start moving again. ’

‘I feel that the secondary containment items required in the mission notes are used at this time to provide initial power to reach the ninth station, and then enter the refueling area. I just don’t know where the ninth station is.’

Colin's mind was spinning rapidly.

It seems that it is not difficult to destroy this "thorn device".

However, what exactly is the so-called obtaining some permissions is not explained above?

Colin asked, and then got the news that the authority was in a special carriage of the "Night Sect", which contained many powerful "Dark Night" believers just like the Senate.

But Aikasi doesn’t understand the specific details.

"This is the same as 'how to put an elephant into the refrigerator'. The first step is to find a refrigerator. The second step is to find an elephant. The third step is to put the elephant into the refrigerator. Okay. Finish."

Colin couldn't help complaining in his heart.

But in general, the "authority" must be there, and even if it can't be found by then, "Ms. Rabbit" will probably give some task tips.

Then, Colin moved his eyes slightly and looked at the situation of the "Eternal Night" ceremony.

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