According to the practice of the Great Xia Dynasty, the first scholar to take part in the provincial examination will definitely win as long as he does not seek death.

If you can't even pass the examination, it's equivalent to the fact that the examiners of the county examination, government examination, and college examination are all blind, and they put a loser at the head of the case.

As a result, the career of these examiners may be affected.

If the examiner of the rural examination dares to do this, the local officials will fight with his life.

After winning the imperial examination, you are qualified to be an official.

Even the local county magistrate did not dare to take advantage of Juren when he saw him, and treated him with courtesy.

Therefore, after being convicted of the crime, Liu Yuanchen's family was very happy.

As spring passed and autumn came, Liu Yuanchen went to take the provincial examination. He lived up to expectations and ranked first in the high school provincial examination.

When he returned to his hometown, the county magistrate came out of the city to welcome him.

When we arrived at Liujiawan, the whole village was decorated with lights and colorful decorations.

Under the leadership of the clan elders, a group of clan members worshiped at Liu's ancestral hall.

For a small village in the mountains, passing the exam to learn the Yuan Dynasty is a rare event in a thousand years.

In the practice room of Panlong Mountain in the underworld, Liu Yuanchen sat cross-legged on the corpse dog soul stone pillar, always with a smile on his face.

Wisps of red mist that seem to be present or absent are densely wrapped around the body.

Eventually, the red mist is absorbed into the middle Dantian.

At the same time, this light red mist existed everywhere in Liu Yuanchen's body, and eventually it all poured into the middle Dantian.

On the spiritual platform in Zhongdantian, the soul of life is sitting cross-legged.

It seems that it is constantly swallowing energy, and all the light red mist is swallowed by the life soul and remains in the body.

Suddenly, Liu Yuanchen woke up from the illusion and felt dizzy. This was a sign of excessive soul loss.

At this time, he still couldn't distinguish between fantasy and reality.

After waking up, the red mist no longer continued to be produced in the body.

All the red mist was absorbed by the life soul.

After absorbing a large amount of mist, the life soul did not show any obvious changes, and the soul energy was not consumed much.

Only one day has passed in reality, and half a year has passed in the illusion.

In the past six months, I have experienced many happy events.

The mood swings are too great and the soul feels extremely tired.

The fatigue of the soul has little to do with the soul element, but is directly related to the strength of the soul.

The higher the strength of the soul, the less likely it is to feel tired.

Liu Yuanchen was not in a hurry to enter the illusion again, but put away his smiling face and crossed his legs to enter meditation.

After resting for two days, he opened the formation again and entered the illusion.

Five years have passed, and Liu Yuanchen is one hundred and fifty-five years old.

Over the past five years, he has maintained the rhythm of entering the fantasy world for one day and then coming out to rest for two days.

In the fantasy world, he first started as a scholar, overcame obstacles all the way, and finally became the number one scholar and became a highly respected official.

Afterwards, he returned to the world of his previous life in a fantasy world.

I saw with my own eyes that the black-hearted boss went bankrupt, his family was broken, his spirit collapsed, and he had to beg for food.

Also, in the Yuanling Realm, he cultivated to the Immortal Realm and became the number one master of the human race. The Book of Earth became the Book of the Earth for the entire Yuanling Realm.

With the power of the Book of the Earth, he killed the four demon kings of the demon clan and grabbed all the innate spiritual treasures of the demon clan.

Attack the underworld and let the Witch Clan surrender.

Even the Futian Sect, which had been hiding in the dark, was brought out and defeated.

All kinds of illusions made Liu Yuanchen quite happy.

After five years of preparation, the soul of life was filled with a large amount of red mist.

These things are exactly the energy released by the corpse dog soul under the stimulation of joy.

Before it is condensed and formed, the corpse dog soul is a kind of energy, scattered throughout the body, and has no entity itself.

As long as enough energy is accumulated, the corpse dog soul can be condensed.

At the same time, the participating corpse dog soul energy hidden in various parts of the body will also be absorbed by the corpse dog soul condensed by oneself.

Of course, this requires a relatively long process.

After the soul is condensed, it will take a long time to cultivate to the point where the soul and soul are united and the soul is condensed.

At present, enough corpse dog soul energy has been accumulated. With the support of the elixir, it is enough to use the Soul Condensation Technique to condense the soul.

He picked up the smiling noodle fruit and ate it in several bites.

After the pulp enters the mouth, it turns into streams of jade-white energy.

Then, this energy dissipated and traveled throughout the body along the meridians.

This state lasted for several hours, and finally the energy gathered again.

At this time, the originally jade-white energy was mixed with a lot of light red energy.

This light red energy comes from the corpse dog soul.

The reason why the Smiling Fruit can be used as an auxiliary elixir for Condensation Realm cultivation is not just because the smell of this thing can make people enter a state of joy.

It's even more because of the medicinal properties of this thing, which can play a great role in condensing the corpse dog's soul.

The energy transformed from the Smiling Fruit draws out a lot of corpse-like energy from all parts of the body.

Eventually, these energies gradually gathered into the spiritual platform.

With a thought in his mind, Liu Yuanchen opened his mouth to swallow the life soul, and all the energy of the Smiling Noodle Fruit was swallowed into his belly.

Then, he extracted a bright yellow stream of light from the Qi Gathering Seal on the Earth Book. This energy was the innate Yuan Qi.

When condensing the seven souls, use the innate god and demon casting and refining method to integrate the innate Yuan Qi into the seven souls.

Only in this way can your seven souls lay the foundation of innate gods and demons, and be born far better than ordinary people.

The one who has the soul of destiny is not afraid and swallows this wisp of innate energy into his belly.

Afterwards, Liu Yuanchen began to use the Soul Condensation Technique.

The energy of the corpse dog soul swallowed by the soul of destiny, as well as the innate Yuan Qi, all gathered into one ball.

The jade-white energy transformed by the Smiling Fruit is gathered in the outer layer of this energy.

Not long after, the shape of the energy of the corpse dog soul began to change, transforming into the appearance of a baby.

Liu Yuanchen once again took out a ray of innate Yuan Qi and injected it into the baby's body.

After the baby takes shape, it already has a certain ability to move.

He opened his mouth and sucked in, then swallowed the innate Yuan Qi into his belly.

Subsequently, the innate Yuan Qi spread out, wandered around the baby's body, and finally merged completely.

At this point, although the Corpse Dog Soul has not yet taken shape, it no longer needs to rely on the Life Soul.

The baby's phantom was separated from the body of the soul, and Liu Yuanchen mobilized the soul energy in the spiritual platform to continuously inject it into the baby's body.

These soul elements have been refined by the soul of life for a long time, and their quality is far superior to that of the Lingtai realm.

Under the nourishment of this soul essence, the baby's shadow slowly grew up.

Every time the baby grows up to a stage, Liu Yuanchen will integrate a ray of innate energy.

Ten days later, the baby had grown into a man in red, and his appearance was no different from Liu Yuanchen's.

The innate energy consumed has reached ten rays.

At this point, the Corpse Dog Soul is fully formed.

The red-clothed figure sat cross-legged beside Minghun, assisting Minghun to continuously absorb and refine the soul element.

After the corpse dog soul was formed, the life soul was obviously dimmer than before.

This is because too much energy was wasted in the process of condensing the soul of the corpse dog.

Before the life soul is completely restored, no more attempts can be made to condense the second soul.

Liu Yuanchen took out a ghost Ganoderma lucidum, drank it, and then meditated.

A few days later, he woke up from trance and found that his life soul had recovered to a negligible extent.

In order to condense the corpse dog soul, the consumption of life soul is too great.

It takes a long time to recover before you can fully recover.

If he relied entirely on elixirs to recover, he would probably need extremely precious elixirs.

At least, it must be at the level of Guiyuan Yucan.

Unfortunately, Guiyuan Jade Ginseng was sent by the Divine Court, and Liu Yuanchen did not dare to take it at all, but planted it in the Mingyang Cave.

However, there are still many benefits to condensing the corpse dog soul.

The control of my consciousness over my physical body is stronger than before.

In addition, the detection range of divine consciousness has been increased by about 30%.

This is still the result of the fact that the life soul has not yet recovered. When the life soul is fully recovered, the enhancement will be even greater.

Liu Yuanchen breathed a long sigh of relief and walked straight out of the training room where the Seven Emotions Heart Refining Formation was located.

As soon as I got outside, I suddenly felt a panic.

He thought: 'This should be the early warning ability of Corpse Dog Soul.

It seems that there are people in the underworld who are trying to figure me out. ’

He calmed down and carefully sensed where the omen that made him tremble appeared.

Soon, he determined the location.

In Panlong City, there is a grocery store founded by a ghost cultivator called Yinshan Grocery Store.

This shop accepts any resources and is willing to sell any spiritual items in the shop as long as the price is right.

There are many such shops in Panlong City, and they are usually run by a few casual cultivators with no background or backing.

These casual cultivators generally have special skills.

The purchased spiritual objects can be processed using Xiuxian Baiyi and then sold to earn some price difference.

However, the owners of shops that do this kind of business usually don't have much ability.

But this store actually hid something that made me tremble.

With that said, this place is really not simple.

Liu Yuanchen unfolded the Tiandao Divine Realm and stared at the shop.

After several days of observation, no clues were found.

There are only three members in the shop, one is the articulate shopkeeper, who is responsible for business.

One is a talisman master who is good at drawing talismans.

There is also a person who is proficient in formations and usually uses weapon refining materials to refine some formation disks and formation flags for sale.

Liu Yuanchen kept watching for more than ten days and found no clues.

He was a little confused and even wondered if there was something wrong with his corpse dog soul.

However, you must be on guard against others.

If there is really a master ambushing Panlong City, it will be a huge threat to his life and business.

However, he himself still needs to practice, and each clone has important things to deal with.

It is impossible to spend too much energy on a small shop.

Thinking of this, the supernatural clone No. 5, who was in Dongyang Paradise, came to the Dayan Divine Tree.

Liu Yan emerged from the Dayan sacred tree, bowed and saluted: "What are your orders, Your Majesty?"

Liu Yuanchen wrote lightly: "I asked you to monitor the people of Futian Sect before. How is the situation?"

Liu Yan reported truthfully: "My lord, my subordinates did put a lot of effort into monitoring the location you mentioned.

However, there was only a guy named Qiu Hai sitting there, and someone had come to him to learn about the situation before.

I have already reported to you what they discussed.

Someone wanted to bring down a guy named Hongyuan Daojun and asked Qiu Hai to find out the situation.

It mentions something about you, but doesn't say much.

Since then, no one has come to Qiu Hai again. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "In that case, it is enough to maintain the current level of surveillance over there.

In Panlong City, someone is plotting something secretly.

You send a few clones to monitor the Yinshan Grocery Store.

Every move over there must be reported to me at any time. "

Liu Yan bowed and saluted: "Don't worry, my lord, my subordinates will definitely keep an eye on the Yinshan Grocery Store."

After giving the instructions, Liu Yuanchen felt relieved.

After five years of seclusion, the sky in Dongyang Paradise has undergone great changes.

The entire area of ​​Dongyang Paradise is still only about two hundred miles in diameter, and has not expanded at all.

Above the blessed land, the sky has covered an area of ​​more than 150 miles in diameter.

As long as the diameter is expanded to just over fifty miles, the entire blessed land will be completely covered by the sky.

By that time, Dongyang Blessed Land will become Dongyang Cave Heaven.

As the saying goes, those who travel a hundred miles are only half as good as ninety. The closer you are to success, the harder it is to go further.

If you want to be promoted to Dongtian, you can't rush it.

Because there might be an ambush in Panlong City that could threaten his life, Liu Yuanchen did not dare to go out easily.

He just stayed quietly in Panlong Mountain, using the yin and yang spiritual fire to refine the pure yin energy to repair the loss of life soul.

One year passed quickly, and Liu Yuanchen was one hundred and fifty-six years old.

After a year of recovery, the condition of Life Soul is much stronger than before.

In addition, he also took time to understand some laws and improve his own strength.

Just when he took out the Dinghaizhu and prepared to continue to understand the laws of space, Liu Yan came with news.

"My Lord, my subordinates were watching the Yinshan Grocery Store and noticed something unusual."

Liu Yuanchen quickly asked: "What's the problem?"

Liu Yan replied respectfully: "My subordinate has recorded what the clone saw. Please check it, my Lord."

Liu Yuanchen used the ability to sense the ears and eyes to view the scenes that Liu Yan had preserved.

From this perspective, an old man emerged from the underground of Yinshan Grocery Store.

The old man was wearing a black robe and covered his head with a hat, so his appearance could not be seen clearly.

The shopkeeper of the grocery store treated him with great respect: "Master Liu, what are your orders?"

The old man spoke, but what he said was not the language of the human race, nor the language of the demon race.

But Liu Yuanchen understood it because the old man spoke the unique language of plants and trees.

What the old man probably meant was to ask the shopkeeper to monitor the movements of the Bahuang Pavilion disciples in the city, especially to keep an eye on Ling Yu.

When he left, his arms were exposed like branches.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen could already confirm that this guy was the wood spirit.

"What is this person's cultivation level?"

Liu Yan replied: "I estimate that he is at least in the magical realm."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen knew what was going on.

Such a powerful wood spirit is unlikely to be wild.

Either he was trained by a certain expert, or he was a member of a big force.

The Witch Clan has always regarded other living beings as food and would not deliberately cultivate wood spirits.

It is possible for the masters from the demon clan to cultivate wood spirits.

However, the Red Wasteland is the territory of the Witch Clan.

The fight between the demon clan and the witch clan for the underworld has nothing to do with the human race.

Sending a master to lurk in the Wu Clan's territory to monitor his own mediocrity is a bit overkill.

Apart from these two families, the only other force that can raise such a master spy in the underworld is the Futian Sect.

The purpose of the establishment of Futian Sect is to overthrow the tyranny of the Lich and Demon clans.

There are all kinds of creatures in the religion, and wood spirits are not uncommon.

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