Caring About Fast Wear Life

Chapter 105: Doomsday little old lady 2

"Da, are you awake?" Xiaoba looked up and saw concern.

"What's the situation outside?" Care squatted down and removed the milk stains in Xiaoba's mouth.

"I don't know, just woke up like this."

"But I'm connected to the Internet here, and there are many people on the Internet who say that this is the end of the world, and that thing that bites people is called a zombie."

Care picked up Xiao Ba and stopped in front of the computer desktop on the balcony of the living room.

"I'll turn on the computer later, you can send the information you collected to this computer and I'll take a look."

After more than half an hour of web browsing, I am more or less aware of the current situation outside.

Currently the biggest claim on the Internet is that Planet D has been infected by some unknown virus. Since midnight last night, all the people have had a high fever and fell asleep.

After dawn, some of these people with high fevers turned into cannibals.

Most of the rest are ordinary people, and some people find that they have supernatural abilities and their physical fitness is stronger than ordinary people.

According to the online post, Care also tried it, and found that her current body did not stimulate the so-called power, she looked at Xiaoba.

"Do you have a power?"

"Does this count?"

Xiao Ba said, dripping a few drops of water from the index finger of his right hand.

This should be the water ability mentioned on the Internet. I care about Xiao Ba's index finger dripping with water, and I am a little curious about the generation of this ability.

"You said you love me the most, so why betray me..."

A mournful female voice suddenly sounded from the balcony.

Xiao Ba looked at the place where the sound came out: "Da, your phone rang."

It turned out to be a mobile phone ringtone.

Care to look at the caller ID, which shows the word son.

She picked it up and heard a female voice coming from the other side.

"Ayu, Mom's call finally got through."

"Are they all right?"

"Not sure yet, I'll ask."

"Mom, are you there? Are you and Yiyi all right?"

"It's okay, where are you?"

Listening to this, it seems that the original owner's son and daughter-in-law have survived the high fever last night.

"We are still in Yangshi, but Ayu found a car and we are rushing back."

"It's very chaotic outside now, you and Yiyi don't go out alone."

"And lock the doors and windows, and have a chance to store a little grain and water, waiting for us to come back."

The call was interrupted before I said a few more words. I tried to call again and found that the line was always busy.

Put down the phone and take Xiaoba to store the water first.

Because living in a big city, the water used is tap water.

99.99% of households now don't store water, so there is no big water storage tool at home.

The same is true of Yang Huiying's family.

Carefully fill the buckets, pots, and cauldrons that you use to wash clothes at home.

Seeing that there was not much water left, I went to pick up the pumped clinker swimming pool that Zhao Jiayi used to play in the summer, and filled it with water.

After doing this, I am free to count the food at home.

There is an advantage of having elderly people at home, that is, the home is often fired, and some ingredients will be spared.

The Zhao family is no exception.

And because she came from a small town, Yang Huiying always felt that the price of the sea market was expensive.

Every time I see a nearby supermarket doing activities or something, I will go to grab the stock with the aunts I know from square dancing.

Now the Zhao family can eat a lot of things, especially rice noodles and other things, several big bags, but there are very few fresh vegetables and meat.

Mainly, Yang Huiying would go to the nearby vegetable market every day to buy vegetables, and she did not buy that much.

Judging from the information uploaded from various places on the Internet, it is very chaotic outside at present. I wonder if public resources such as water and electricity will continue to be supplied.

If the government can stop the situation from deteriorating, it is best to re-establish order.

It just seems a little mysterious to build order in a short period of time, I am afraid it will take a while to be chaotic.

If the natural gas is cut off, then the house will not be able to fire.

So I was concerned about the two bags of flour and water at home, and while there was still air, I made thin dry cakes.

Only one bag of about 5 catties of rice was left, and the rest of the rice was also made into fried rice and stored.

So on the first day of the apocalypse, neither Care nor Little Eight went out.

I have been turning on the range hood at home, closing the doors and windows, pulling the curtains, and cooking dry food.

The community where you care is called Qinghe Community.

Located on the west side of the sea market, outside the third ring road, next to the subway station for about a mile, not far or near.

There are 12 buildings in the whole community, with about 1,000 households, but the occupancy rate is only 60-70%. Many houses are vacant for investment and no one lives.

Yang Huiying's house is in Building 11, 5th floor, on the street, the location is not good.

But because the total house price at that time was 30,000 cheaper than other houses in the community, Zhao Yu and Lin Jie at that time decided on this set.

Because the floor is low, I am afraid that thieves will break into the house.

During the renovation, Zhao Yu installed all the windows with anti-theft iron fences.

Lin Jie also complained about being ugly.

As long as Yang Huiying and Zhao Jiayi don't go out and keep the entrance door, there will be no problem in a short time.

So Lin Jie told her mother-in-law not to go out and wait for them to go back.

In the face of disaster, everyone reacts differently.

Most of the people who did not become zombies hid in their rooms and did not dare to go out, waiting for the government's rescue.

Some people who are daring and thinking long-term have begun to organize personnel to fight against zombies.

There is one such person in Building 11 of Qinghe Community, a resident on the top floor, named Tang Yi, a veteran.

He first cleaned up the zombies in his attic.

He rescued several neighbors on the floor where he was located. The door could not be opened, and the dangerous residents marked the door.

Then organized people to clean up layer by layer, and the team was getting bigger and bigger.

By the time they cleared the fifth floor, it was already dark.

"Brother Tang, the fifth floor is below." A boy following Tang Yi asked.

The boy's name is Wang Hai, he is 18 years old this year. He just finished the college entrance examination when he encountered this disaster.

His father died because of the high fever last night, and his mother was bitten by his father to save him and turned into a zombie.

He escaped from the house while his mother was dragging his father and met Tang Yi.

The sudden disaster left the eighteen-year-old boy with no time to grieve.

I got a steel pipe from the iron canopy bed at home, and followed Tang Yi to clean up the zombies layer by layer.

"In order to let all the living people in the 11th building not be afraid, we will try to clean up all the zombies in this building today."

As Tang Yi said, he led the six people down to the fifth floor.

At first glance, there are no zombies in the entire fifth floor corridor.

But a few of them didn't dare to take it lightly, for fear that there were zombies hiding in the dead corner and they didn't see it.

But they already have experience and know that zombies are very sensitive to sound.

Tang Yi asked people to guard several stair entrances in batches, and knocked on the stair door of one of the stair entrances.

The sound of dong dong dong was especially loud in the stairwell.

After Tang Yi rang, a zombie squatting at the elevator heard the sound and rushed towards the place where the sound was made, but was directly killed by the barbell in Tang Yi's hand .

The blood of the zombies splattered all over Tang Yi, and some on his face.

Seeing this, Wang Hai hurriedly took out the towel he carried with him and handed it to Tang Yi.

It's just that the white towel has turned red, obviously it has been used many times.

This is not the first time.

Using the same method, the other two zombies in the corridor on the fifth floor were finally cleaned up.

Building 11 is a compact house in Qinghe Community, with two ladders and six houses.

The resident where I care is No. 503, the one near the stairs.

Xiao Ba, who is concerned about the commander, helped to pack the dry cakes and fried rice, and heard a knock on the door.

The first few voices were gentle, and then the voices became more rapid.

"I'll take a look, Xiaoba, you continue to do it."

The hurried knocking on the door when she was concerned about the past continued, she did not speak or open the door immediately.

Looking out from the cat's eye, it was a young boy in his teens who was knocking on the door, but there were several adult men behind him.

Because of the anti-theft chain, I only opened a gap in the door and said to the outside, "Who is it?"

"Brother Tang! There are people in this family." Wang Hai heard from the voice that it was the voice of an old lady.

"You let her open the door and we'll look in and check."

The person who said this was standing outside the door, caring that she heard it without anyone repeating it.

"If you have anything to do, just talk outside."

Hearing the alert voice of the old man in the room, Wang Hai explained.

"Grandma, we have no malicious intentions. We are all upstairs residents. Under the leadership of Brother Tang, we will clean up the zombies in this building."

"We went in to see if there were any zombies in your house. If so, we'll clean it up for you, and you don't have to worry about being bitten by zombies."

Although the other party is well-intentioned, they still do not open the door to the other party.

Her family is packing fried rice, which is her and Xiaoba's reserve grain, and she doesn't want others to know for the time being.

"Thank you, there are no zombies in my house, no need."

After saying that, he closed the door, leaving a few people outside the house looking at each other.

"Brother Tang, what should I do?"

"Mark this house and confirm it with your own eyes to ensure the safety of this house and no zombies are hidden."

The situation that Tang Yi said, they happened several times during this day.

When they cleaned up, several households said that there were no zombies in the house, and they did not want them to go in and check.

The result?

It didn't take long for the people who didn't let them in at first to be bitten by the zombies at home.

Open the door and escape to the hallway and turn into zombies to attack others.

Wang Hai understands the reason why these people hide zombies, after all, this is the first time that he has encountered such a situation.

These zombies are also their relatives, and many people can't do it.

He and his mother were like this at the beginning, and the mother was eventually bitten by the father.

So you can't keep your hands on zombies, they are just monsters that have no feelings and attack indiscriminately.

Care to leave this little episode behind and go to the kitchen to continue the work just now.

Xiao Ba didn't ask about what happened outside the door.

He is now a four-year-old child. After helping for a while, his hands and feet become weak and he wants to rest.

Caring to see Xiaoba's small gesture of rubbing Xiaoba's knees, she clicked Xiaoba's forehead.

"Go and rest for a while, I'll do the rest."

After getting this, Hachi put down the bag in his hand, and went to lie down on the sofa.

He complained, "Being a man is so tiring, especially being a child, when can I be an adult again? I want to become a big beauty and seduce a handsome man, ah ah ah. Such a small Douzi, or a man, doesn't have much room to play."

When I heard Xiaoba's words, I cared and wanted to laugh, but it didn't interrupt Xiaoba's dream of flirting with a beautiful man.

She quickly packed up the fried rice and dry biscuits that were made and had cooled thoroughly, and put aside the ones that had not yet cooled down.

With a certain amount of food, I didn't plan to go out to find food for the time being, but chose to stay in the room to increase my strength.

Seeing the video uploaded by netizens on the Internet, you can know how dangerous it is outside.

If you care about having a young body, you can immediately go out and make a fortune.

But her body is an old lady who has passed 60 and is still a little fat.

The flesh of the whole body is loose, a handful of old bones.

Can't stand beatings.

Although the original owner walks to the vegetable market and dances square dance every day.

But it can only exercise the body. Compared with the body of young people, the reaction speed and sensitivity are still incomparable.

So I didn't go out for a month, and I did a lot of physical training in the room every day.

Even Xiaoba was also cared for and practiced. He practiced supernatural powers every day, and only went to bed and could sleep when he was exhausted.

But there are results.

Xiao Ba's original water ability can only produce a glass of water, and after a month, he can produce a bucket.

You don't have to worry about the water problem of Xiaoba every day.

A lot of things happened during this month. The power and gas were cut off one after another half a month ago, and even the water stopped a week ago.

Wang Hai knocks on their door every few days. Wang Hai found that there were children at home and gave several boxes of milk to Xiaoba.

Seeing the handsome little brother, Xiaoba is a face control, and every time he looks at other people's elder brother, his elder brother is short.

Seeing concern is full of black lines.

During this period, Zhao Yu and Lin Jie were unable to get through on the phone, and they were not sure whether the couple was still alive.

Although there is still some dry food at home, Xiaoba complains every day that she wants to improve the taste.

So I practiced boxing for a month, and when I had a certain level of concern about the basis of force, I planned to take Xiaoba out to have a look.

After passing Xiaoba and Wang Haitao, I also know that there are three forces in the Qinghe community.

The people in Buildings 10, 11, and 12 were all rescued by Tang Yi with someone to clean up the zombies, and the people inside followed Tang Yi.

The other two forces rule the other buildings respectively.

Care took Xiaoba downstairs and met Wang Hai in front of the unit building. He and another person were on duty today guarding the gate of Building 11.

Wang Hai saw Caring and Xiao Ba, touched Xiao Ba's head, took out a lollipop from his arms and handed it to Xiao Ba.

"Xiao Yi, is your grandma finally willing to take you out?"

Xiao Ba, who had a boring mouth for a long time, saw this lollipop, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly took it and fed it into his mouth.

"Thank you, Brother Hai."

Wang Haihui has been paying attention to No. 503, one is to determine whether the family has hidden zombies, and the other is because the family does not go out.

He also made a bet with the team about when the family would go out.

I didn't expect the other party to endure for a month and only come out now.

I think I ran out of food at home.

"Xiaoyi, does your grandma cook delicious?"

"If it's delicious, I'll introduce her to help in the kitchen, so that you can get some food with your labor every day."

Wang Hai is kind, thinking about the young man who hasn't seen this family for a month, the other party is probably more fortunate.

There are only old people and children at home, and it is impossible for them to fight zombies, collect supplies, etc., they can only help in the kitchen.

Because I have died, I cannot cook at home.

Tang Yi asked people to clean up a few households on the first floor of Building 11. If there is rice or noodles in the supplies, they will focus on burning firewood to cook here.

The people who help to cook are all elderly women from 10 to 12 buildings.

"Thank you brother Hai, no need, my grandma will find something to eat for me."

"Xiao Yi, it's very dangerous outside, there are man-eating monsters everywhere."

"Don't be afraid, my grandma is very strong."

Wang Hai did not believe Zhao Jiayi's words, thinking that the other party was joking.

If they were really strong, they would hide at home for a month and would not dare to come out until they had eaten their food.

Wang Hai saw that Grandma Yang took Zhao Jiayi to the outside of the community, and he felt a little angry.

This Zhao Jiayi still can't understand him, is his grandma an idiot?

He said it was dangerous outside, and he took the child out.

"Brother Li, please be on duty alone, I'll go see them first."

Wang Hai pointed to one old and one small who had already walked out of the gate, and said to his companion who was guarding the door of the 11th unit with him.

After he finished speaking, he quickly went after the old and the young.

Because there are zombies outside, all other gates of the community can be locked.

There is only the side gate on the south side, there is no big iron gate, and there is a ground driveway leading to the community.

Empty and empty, there is no way to guard against zombies.

Tang Yi went to find a large truck and parked in this lane, blocking this lane.

The underside of the car was plugged with bags of soil dug from the community to isolate the zombies from the outside.

The entire south side door leaves a gap that only one person can pass by sideways, but at this time this gap was also sealed with something.

Because the door on the south side is the door closest to Building 11, I will bring Xiaoba here.

"Grandma Yang, do you want to go out?" Wang Hai caught up with the two.

"Well, let's find something to eat and improve his taste." Care pointed to Xiaoba.


Xiao Ba rolled his eyes, although he complained every day in front of his concern that the dry food was not delicious.

But Xiaoba knows that the biggest purpose of caring about going out this time is to see and test the results of a month of practice.

The reason why he finds supplies to improve his taste is incidental.

"Grandma Yang, don't blame me for saying something ugly."

"You are so old, and you still take Xiaoyi out with inconvenient legs. You are not courting death."

"You better follow me back."

As soon as Wang Hai finished saying these words, he saw Grandma Yang, who was inconvenient in his legs, swooped and stepped on the roof of the big truck with her bare hands.

This is a four-meter high heavy truck.

Just like this, so easy to go up?

Wang Hai rubbed his eyes and found that he was not wrong.

On that hot day, Mrs. Yang, who was wearing long-sleeved sportswear, was standing on the roof of the truck.

The other party also took out a fire rope from the bag he was carrying and hung it to the ground.

He heard the other party calling Zhao Jiayi.

"Xiao Ba, you wrap your body around you."

Then Wang Hai saw Zhao Jiayi wrapped around the rope and was lifted up by the other party.

In a blink of an eye, the man disappeared on the roof of the truck holding Zhao Jiayi.

This, this, this is a master.

I thought of what I said just now that my legs and feet are inconvenient, why does my face hurt so much?

I am concerned that this month is not because I have accomplished some magical powers.

Because she has practiced this book of internal skills that Lu Shan handed over to him several times in the past, she is already familiar with the practice process inside, and she can practice it with ease.

However, the time is short, and I still can't practice internal strength, so I can only practice arm strength and physical strength first.

She can climb onto the roof of the truck so quickly, the most important thing is her arm strength.

Because the door here is sealed, and usually no one can enter, so there are not many zombies here.

Out of the gate, I quickly found an old car on the side of the road.

He took out the bricks on the side of the road and smashed the car window, opened the car door and shoved Xiaoba into the back seat, and went to the driving position by himself.

The car is equipped with a siren, which is very loud and quickly attracts the nearby zombies.

Those zombies ran wildly this way as if they smelled something delicious.

However, with the experience of pulling the ignition, I quickly broke the key lock and drove the car away.

For the zombies running over, the concern is to directly crush them at the fastest speed.

"Xiaobazhilu, where is the nearest big supermarket."

"At the end of this road, turn left."


Qinghe Community has the highest survival rate among the surrounding communities.

This is of course thanks to Tang Yi. At that time, Tang Yi was the first person in the Qinghe community to take people to clean up the zombies in the building.

At that time, because the network was still connected, this matter spread among the owners of the community, and other people followed the example of Tang Yi to lead people to clean up the zombies.

It's just that most of them fail and become the same as zombies.

The other two who survived integrated the resources of the dead and maintained the order of the Qinghe community together with Tang Yi.

Although Tang Yi only has three buildings, he has a high level of force, and he has awakened fire-type abilities. He has the highest prestige in the Qinghe community.

The other two dared not attack Tang Yi, and the three were in a delicate balance.

With the joint efforts of the three forces this month, the zombies in the community have been basically cleaned up.

Today, each of the three groups sent some people to form a team, led by Tang Yi, and led them to Leda Plaza, 5 kilometers away, to find supplies.

I just didn't expect to meet another big force.

At this time, in Leda Plaza, Tang Yi was leading people and this big force to confront each other.

"Tang Yi, we know you are strong, we can't beat you, and we don't want to beat you."

"Our boss asked me to tell you something, saying that there are too many people in the sea market and many zombies. He is going to build a small refuge base in the ancient town of Anyang on the outskirts of the city. There is a city wall there, and he wants to invite you go together."

"I'm not going."

"Why don't you come? We have three ability users here. You only need four if you come, and the survival rate is higher."

"You will drag you to death sooner or later with such a group of weak chickens."

When I heard this person's words, many people who came with Tang Yi looked bad.

"I said, I won't go." Tang Yi refused again, and then asked his teammates to move the supermarket supplies, ignoring the person who invited him.

The man muttered when he saw Tang Yi's bad temper, and his face was not good.

"Humph! Kindly persuade me to live or die, the lone wolf will be dragged to death by the dogs sooner or later."

As soon as this man finished his words, he heard a car with no apparent appearance coming fast not far away, followed by many zombies.

"Damn it! Who brought this zombie, go **** it. Withdraw, quickly withdraw!"

The man hurriedly threw this sentence away, and drove away from Leda Plaza with the fastest speed.

In the unrecognizable car, Hachi was clutching the seat belt tightly.

"My sister, this flat road can be turned into a roller coaster by you, and it will kill me."

"Don't talk nonsense, get ready to abandon the car, I will take away all the zombies that are chasing behind."

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