I don't know how long it took.

"Kiriko, your legs are so beautiful. "

Raven said with a sigh.

Shijima Kiriko's black silk beautiful legs,I really didn't say it.。

Very top-notch.

It's hard to put down.

I don't get tired of watching it.

Hearing Raven praise his legs so nakedly, Shijima Kiriko was also shy and speechless.

I had to respond through some body movements.

She's now completely fallen.

"Mr. Raven...... I love you. Shijima Kiriko finally plucked up the courage to say.

"I love you too. "

Raven replied as a matter of course.

"From now on, you will be my woman. "

"Hmm. "

Since then, the relationship between the two has been completely confirmed.

"Kiriko, I'll change you to a pair of high heels, it's really a waste to have beautiful legs like you that don't deserve high heels. "

After Raven put down the fog, his eyes couldn't help but look at the boots that the other party was wearing under Jade's feet.

It was a pair of combat boots that Rena had made for her to kick a knight.

"If you like it, if you like. "

Kiriko didn't have any opinions, and said with a blushing face.

I was also secretly happy that Raven was so obsessed with her legs.

So he sat down and took off his boots.

Revealing 590 delicate jade feet wrapped in black silk.

It looks very tasty.

Raven resisted the urge and played with it for a while.

He took out a shoebox.

Inside was a pair of white stiletto heels that looked extremely high-end.

Raven put it on himself.

When the heels are put on.

Shijima Kiriko's charm value has skyrocketed a lot at the moment.

It makes that pair of black silk legs look more slender.

It's hard not to want to carry it on your shoulders.

The other side.

With the end of the Sword Blade incident.

A wave of unevenness has risen again and again.

These days, Kiriko takes a few days of sick leave under the pretext of recuperating from her injuries.

Actually, they all stayed with Raven.

The relationship between the two has changed completely, and they are in harmony.

When both Raven and Kiriko are immersed in the world of the two.

It's not going well to eat deflated.

Tricked by new mechanical mutants.

The other party fused with a human woman and evolved into an explorer mechanical mutant.

Ability is the ability to bring out the dark side of the heart of an otherwise good person.

And the woman was under the pseudonym of Raiko and deceived Tsuyoshi Shijima.

Coincidentally, (cbfd) Shinnosuke Ami was also framed by Brain for meeting a scientist pretending to be Brain in the Metropolitan Police Department, resulting in a suspension of work.

You can no longer turn into Kamen Rider.

Moment of truth.

Chaser, who had been silent for a long time, appeared.

He had already thought that he would fight to protect humanity in the future.

So in front of the deflated face, he came out to save the scene.

And took out the same Mach drive.

"Isn't that Mach drive?"

Eat the deflated just said in shock.

Immediately, something came to mind, the warrior Raven said earlier would join their side.

Is that Chaser?

In this way, Chaser completed the return of his own Kamen Rider.

From Kamen Rider prototype Drive to Mojin Stalker, and then to Kamen Rider Chaser.

"Damn, I don't need you as a mechanical mutant to save me!"

Eating deflated just didn't intend to appreciate it at all.

He yelled at Chaser in front of him.

He has just been tricked, and his heart is on fire at the moment.

Coupled with the unique ability of the explorer, it also deepens the dark side of Shijima's heart.

And so just as Chaser defeated the explorers.

Eat the deflated gang but attack Chaser from behind!

"Get out of here!"

Shijima has just switched to a white-hot form.

Full fire on Chaser.

But the other party did not fight back, trying to avoid fighting him.

The consequence of this is that he was deflated and was forced to beat him with a big move until he lifted the transformation.

Chaser could tell that Shijima must have been affected by something.

That's why I didn't do it seriously with the other party.

Seeing that Chaser was losing his combat power, Tsuyoshi Shijima's attack did not stop.

He even plans to use a knight kick to completely wipe out the opponent!

At the critical moment, Shinnosuke Parking, who transformed into a Drive, rushed to the scene.

He's also a knight kick that just kicks him away. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Let the other party lift the transformation.

"It's in the way!"

The explorer who saw this scene was immediately furious.

Immediately Bojinosuke switches to the equation form.

A wave of attacks easily knocked out the explorer.

Then he used the full-cylinder F01 to change the tires, and the jet start moved forward quickly.

Two punches separate Raiko from the mechanical mutant.

Finally, Aminosuke uses the trailer gun to unleash his special move.

A glowing cannon cleanly kills 050!

This incident is over.

It's just that I'm still very depressed after regaining consciousness.

Chaser, on the other hand, handed over the chariot of the prototype Drive to Shinnosuke and asked the other party to fix it, hoping to recover the memories that had been lost.

Then he also left alone.

After this incident.

The public is also generally aware of the existence of the three Kamen Riders. []

The discussion was very lively.

It was night that day.

Mechanical Mutant 001 and Heart meet somewhere.

"The power of 050 is at best to amplify the negative emotions of human beings, and to spread its infection should be borrowed from 001's ability. "

Heart said to the old man in front of him in a coat and top hat.

He is a human mimic of mechanical mutant 001.

"I did lend my power to him this time. 001 said unhurriedly.

"So, what exactly is your purpose?" the little nurse walked out from the other side.

Today, she is still wearing the black dress, short skirt and black silk, and high heels.

"It's to get the strongest warrior enough to defeat Kamen Rider. "

001 replied.

"The strongest warrior?"

The little nurse didn't know why.

"Tsuyoshi Shijima. "

001 said lightly.

"Savage son?" said Heart, looking at the other in surprise.

001 took off his top hat and said with a weird smile on his face, "That's a funny idea. "

With that, he left.

The little nurse also turned around and left.

"Wait a minute, Medic, where are you going?"

Heart couldn't help but ask when she saw the little nurse leave like this.

"Returning to the owner, of course. "

The little nurse said lightly.

She didn't have the same love for Heart as she used to.

"Master, what the hell did that guy do to you!"

Heart said sensitively.

He mistakenly thought that Raven had also used some special means to torture the little nurse.


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