CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 771: Whose person?

Chapter 771: Whose Person?

By the time she opened her eyes again, she had returned to City Y and was living in a private hospital on the southern outskirts of City Y. He Yimeng was lying beside her and slept loudly.

Seeing the baby girl she hadn't seen for a long time, He Meixin had a sour nose and stretched her hands to hold her tightly in her arms.

I thought I had no chance to see her baby daughter again in my life, and thought that I would die like a stranger in a foreign country. I didn't expect to let her come back now, and she came back intact, really God's care ...

"Mummy, are you awake?" He Meixin held He Yimeng too tightly, and accidentally woke her up. She opened her eyes and looked at He Meixin who had woke up and gave it immediately. She had a big smile.

"Baby, Mommy wants to die for you." He spit **** his pink face, He Meixin hugged him and said.

"Mummy, I miss you too." He Yimeng's small head froze in front of He Meixin's chest, then he looked up and asked He Meixin again, "Mom, why didn't Daddy return with you?" what?"

"Your daddy ..." He Yimeng's question quickly dilutes He Meixin's joy in seeing her daughter. She began to worry about Huo Jiabao, but did not dare to show it in front of He Yimeng.

"Your dad stayed in Q city to deal with some company-related matters, and it is estimated that it won't be long before he returns." Before He Meixin had time to find an excuse to fool He Yimeng, Wu Wei pushed the door in and came in Take the words and say.

"Oh, that's the way it is. Mommy, you are scared this time, Daddy is worried about dying you, and I am worried about you too. Daddy is so powerful, I will save you back as soon as I go." He Yimeng excited Said with big beautiful eyes.

He Meixin saw the appearance of He Yimeng, her heart was so sad, tears seemed to be out of her eyes again, but she finally resisted, only showing a faint smile toward He Yimeng: "Baby, with Mommy Talk about what you have done this time ~ ~ Learn to write brush calligraphy, the teacher said I am great. "He Yimeng said proudly.

"Good daughter, you can definitely make a difference in the future." Seeing her being so obedient and sensible, He Meixin sighed, but her mood was still low.

There is still no news of Huo Jiabao. She doesn't even know whether he is alive or dead. She has never been so worried about a person. The situation when he helped her to buy a ring in Hong Kong came to her mind. At that time, she was So worried about him, and now ...

"Wu Wei, when can I be discharged? I don't want to stay in the hospital anymore." She raised her slightly sad face slowly, and she whispered to Wu Wei, who was standing silent beside her bed.

"If you want to be discharged, you can do it at any time." Wu Wei glanced at He Meixin lightly, and then returned.

"Then let's go now, I want to go home," she said, and sat up from the bed.

Wu Wei didn't walk over to help her, he just stood by and watched her put on her jacket quietly, then He Yimeng took her hand, and the two went outside the ward.

Downstairs of the hospital, the driver of He Yimeng was waiting for them in the car and saw He Meixin come out. He quickly got out of the car and opened the door for her.

He Meixin got on the car, pressed the window, and said to Wu Wei who followed: "Wu Wei, I'm going home now, and we'll call you at that time."

"Okay, you go." He didn't hold back, but just nodded, with an emotion that He Meixin couldn't understand in his eyes.

The car slowly drove out of the hospital, but He Meixin's heart became more and more disturbed. She knew that it was definitely not a good sign that Huo Jiabao could not be contacted for so long. If Huo Jiabao really had an accident in Q city or it was night Si Ze was abducted. According to Ye Size's personality, he should continue to take action to explain the conditions to the police and let them exchange. However, she returned home and rummaged the news for a short period of time. Apart from the news about her "Ulong abduction case", there was no news about Ye Size's abduction.

This result made He Meixin more and more uneasy. If Huo Jiabao is safe now, why hasn't he got Y City yet? Why haven't you contacted them yet?

It seemed that all these things were giving her a bad instruction. She didn't dare to think, if something really happened to Huo Jiabao, how should she face He Yimeng, let alone how to face her. To Huo Jiabao's parents.

Huo Jiabao's responsibilities are too heavy. His small casual mistakes may affect the operation of the entire Huo's enterprise. There are too many things involved, and the consequences are beyond her expectation.

Sleepless at the computer all night, all she thought about was Huo Jiabao's security ...

In Q city at this time, Huo Jiabao woke up and found that he had been rescued by medical staff and was lying in another hospital. He fell to the ground and passed out because of the impact of the explosion. The following fire caused enough inhalation of exhaust gas in his nose, so he remained unconscious and waited until he woke up.

The first thing he thought of was contacting the family, but when he got up and was about to go out, he opened the door and saw a few tall men walking towards his ward. Although the firearm was concealed with a jacket on purpose, it still accidentally showed a trace.

Because there were so many people in this accident, and Huo Jiabao could not contact his relatives for the time being, the documents on his body were basically in the hotel, so the doctor could not confirm his identity, so he was placed in a large ward. There are five other patients in this ward who, like him, are less injured but need time to recover.

He found that something was wrong. The men were furious, so he quickly responded, crawled out of the window, stepped on the air-conditioning rack outside, drilled into the ward next door, and quickly left.

After he escaped from the hospital, he naturally did not dare to return to the hotel. Since these people found the hospital, he would certainly have laid an ambush in the hotel, waiting for him to steal himself from the net.

In fact, what most puzzled him was who these people were sent from.

Ye Size? It's unlikely that he should have felt that they had all fled from São Paulo, so he would anger the hospital and vent his anger, and even if he didn't, he would stay in the hospital. In addition, the hospital was so blasted, and the people inside were dead. He wanted to ask nothing, and there were so many injured people at the time. It was impossible for him to know that he was still in the hospital.

So there seems to be only one answer ...

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