"Come on, open your mouth."Liao Cong helped Zhou Yushuang to feed her,"Second uncle's food is delicious."

Zhou Yushuang sat on the bed leaning on the pillow, took a bite and said:"I eat it by myself, and I feel much better. Liao

Cong hid for a moment:"You are still sick, I'll come, you eat quickly, the weather will get cold faster.""

Zhou Yushuang couldn't resist him, so she cooperated honestly and opened her mouth, feeling warm in her heart.

Fan Xiaoxuan looked at Liao Cong's considerate behavior from the side. She was envious and felt like she was being forced to eat. She curled her lips and muttered:"Feed me something. So boring too! Liao

Cong didn't look back:"Queen of Heaven, I can do it by myself. You go and accompany your beloved brother!""

"vomit!"Fan Xiaoxuan vomited,"Why brother Qing, it's so ugly! I'm single now!"

"Oh, then congratulations!"

"Thanks...what's there to congratulate about?"Fan Xiaoxuan kicked Liao Cong on the butt,"You think I'm a lightbulb? OK, I'm leaving!" Liao

Cong hurriedly stopped him:"You're kidding, you're kidding. Why are you becoming less and less funny?""


Liao Cong had no time to coax her and continued to feed Zhou Yushuang one spoonful at a time.

"Come, have some porridge"

"Do you still eat steamed buns?"

"Eat food. Fan

Xiaoxuan's face sank, and she suddenly felt that she might as well leave. She sighed and asked,"Yushuang, are you still going to study in the evening?""

"No, no. Liao Cong took it upon himself to make the decision,"I'll stay with her here. You can go back to the classroom after dinner." Fan Xiaoxuan put her hands on her hips and raised her chest:"

Teacher Gao asked me to look at you.""

Liao Cong turned around and looked at Fan Xiaoxuan expressionlessly, and after a long time he said:"Queen of Heaven, please shine brightly here. We have just reconciled, so why don't you do it!"

"Pooh! You men don’t have any good stuff!"Fan Xiaoxuan was so angry that she almost knocked over her lunch box, and she felt sad. Why did she meet so many stinky men who were neither good nor bad, and didn't know how to care about people?

With that said, when several roommates came to see Zhou Yushuang, Fan Xiaoxuan He also followed and left, leaving only Liao Cong guarding

"Remember to put on your hat and scarf when you go back in the evening, I'll bring them to you."Shi Xuexia finished speaking to Zhou Yushuang and gave Liao Cong a gentle push."Watch her put it on. Don't let her catch the wind again."

"Okay, leave it to me, and I'll take her back when the time comes."Liao Cong agreed,"Hey, by the way, Miss Smith, remember to apply your frostbite ointment."

"knew."Shi Xuexia nodded and left behind Fan Xiaoxuan and others.

After eating, the doctor hung up a bottle of anti-inflammatory liquid for infusion. Zhou Yushuang lay quietly on the hospital bed and fell asleep soon. Liao Cong Covering her with a quilt and standing next to her with the drawing board open, Zhou Yushuang opened her eyes in a daze several times. After seeing Liao Cong next to her, she felt warm and safe in her heart, and closed her eyes again in a daze.

Liao Cong also I would take a look at Zhou Yushuang from time to time and see that she was sleeping peacefully, which made me feel relieved.

When the evening self-study began, the outside of the infirmary became much quieter. The doctor watched Liao Cong scratching with a pencil, glanced at it curiously, and suddenly looked at him in surprise. Xiang Liao Cong, but he was older and would not be as enthusiastic as a little girl. He smiled and took out a book to read. The three of them did not disturb each other.

After the infusion, the doctor's action of removing the needle woke Zhou Yushuang. Liao Cong felt that her complexion was obviously much better than before, and her coughing was not so frequent.

"what time is it?"Zhou Yushuang's voice was soft and thin.

"It's past eight o'clock, and it's almost time for evening self-study."Liao Cong helped her sit up,"Are you still sleepy? Shall I take you back to your dormitory?"The conditions in the infirmary are still very simple. Although it is not too cold, it is not as comfortable as in the dormitory.

Zhou Yushuang shook his head and said with a red face:"I want to go to the toilet.……"

"ah?"Liao Cong was stunned for a moment before he reacted,"Okay."

Zhou Yushuang was wrapped up like a bear by Liao Cong with scarf, hat and thick down jacket. As soon as he went out, the cool breeze blew on his face and his spirits were lifted. At the door of the toilet, Liao Cong asked:"Can you do it alone?"

Zhou Yushuang rolled her eyes at Liao Cong and pushed his hand away.

Liao Cong waited for Zhou Yushuang to come out, held her hand and walked towards the girls' dormitory building.

Zhou Yushuang paused in his steps:"I don't want to go back."As he spoke, he looked up at Liao Cong and said,"I've been lying down for a long time and I feel so weak. Please walk with me for a while. How could Liao Cong not agree? The two of them walked along the corridor toward the grove.

Halfway through, Zhou Yushuang turned his head and looked at the light of the teaching building more than 20 meters away. He pointed at Liao Cong curiously and said,"Look, I just I found the teaching building under the lights at night so beautiful."

Liao Cong grabbed her hand and put it to his mouth and laughed:"The new teaching building is beautiful. It is tall, big and new. When the lights are turned on, it will definitely be more beautiful than the old building that has been there for many years. Zhou

Yushuang retracted his hand and complained:"We like the new and hate the old. After all, we have been here for half a year.""As he spoke, he seemed to suddenly remember something, his face darkened, and his head suddenly lowered,"There are very beautiful memories here."

"Too."Liao Cong's heart skipped a beat when he said he liked the new and disliked the old. She had just reconciled and she was sick again, so she couldn't screw her up.

Zhou Yushuang refused to leave and leaned against Liao Cong gently:"Liao Cong, will you miss this place in the future?"

"Yes."Liao Cong hugged her, thinking that the real Brother Liao has been obsessed with it for so many years. He has experienced all kinds of obsessions personally, so he will never forget it easily.

Zhou Yushuang became depressed:"You are not allowed to forget."

"Okay, I will definitely remember it. Zhou

Yushuang nodded and coughed slightly:"Liao Cong, please take me for a walk on the rooftop again." Liao Cong was shocked:"

No, it's so cold up there, and you're still sick.""

Zhou Yushuang said with aggrieved expression:"I just want to go to the place where we stayed together, and suddenly I really want to go there."

"When you are well, I will take you there again, be obedient."There are flower ponds, bushes and trees all around, and the cool breeze is blowing. Liao Cong has already felt the chill. He tightens Zhou Yushuang's clothes and scarf,"I'll take you back. It's getting colder."

"Don't want to go back……"Zhou Yushuang suddenly became willful and buried his head in Liao Cong's chest and said quietly,"I want to stay with you for a while."

Liao Cong rubbed Zhou Yushuang's smooth forehead with his chin:"How about I play a piece of music for you?"

"OK."Zhou Yushuang regained his energy and took the flute out of his left sleeve and handed it to Liao Cong.

The flute emitted a green warm light, like a fluorescent stick in the dark night. Liao Cong took it with a smile. At the same time, he studied in the evening The end of class bell also rang.

As the bell ended, a pleasant flute sounded throughout the campus. The students who were anxious to return to the dormitory were all startled, and many people's eyes suddenly shone.

"Listen, someone is playing the flute again, from"A Chinese Ghost Story"!"

"Eh? Who is it? It can't be a student at this time, it can't be a teacher, can it? I heard that the school has recently recruited several new teachers"

"The sound came from over there"

"It sounds so good!"

After Xinyi adjusted her seat, Fan Xiaoxuan was right next to the window. At this moment, she was lying in front of the window intoxicatedly. She also opened the window so that the sound could be transmitted into the classroom more clearly.

"Is it Liao Cong? Wei Xiao came over at some point and said,"He's the only one who's not here.""

"Huh?"When she said this, Fan Xiaoxuan also became suspicious,"Let's go and catch him!"

Class 9, Lin Xiaoxiao was also crowded by the window, with ripples in her eyes,"A Chinese Ghost Story"? She suddenly remembered that Liao Cong had painted a picture of Nie Xiaoqian for herself. What was the purpose of playing this tune? ? Men are all duplicitous, huh!

Shi Xuexia is also an insider. There is a trace of lingering sadness in the atmosphere of the flute, which is very suitable for today's night. She knows that Liao Cong must be with Zhou Yushuang now, and she thought: People like him , only a good girl like Yushuang is worthy of him...

Thinking this way, Shi Xuexia felt inexplicably uncomfortable. She shook her head and focused on the book in front of her. Even though it was only a month, she still cherished her study. opportunity.

There are many people like Fan Xiaoxuan who are determined to catch people. Don’t underestimate the enthusiasm of girls. When they work together to do something, the energy that bursts out must not be underestimated.

Fan Xiaoxuan and Wei Xiao ran at the front, Han Huihui, Zhao Ke from Class 9, Xu Xiangnan from Class 8, and Xu Wanqing, who ran down from the third floor, also followed closely behind. However, Liao Cong had already discovered them, and when he saw this, he didn't care about playing the music, so he pulled Zhou Yushuang and ran away.

"Hey, the sound stopped, did you see who it was? Xu Wanqing asked breathlessly,"Is it a boy or a girl?""

"It seems like two people"

"It must be Liao Cong and Yu Shuang."Fan Xiaoxuan has already decided,"The two of them didn't go to night study today, and there was no one else except him."

Xu Wanqing was stunned, Liao Cong? He also knows how to play the flute? How many geniuses can a person master with limited energy? The melodious sound of this flute is definitely not something that a beginner can play.

"Just go and take a look and you will find out."

Fan Xiaoxuan turned around and ran to the infirmary. Sure enough, the person was not there. Now she was even more sure. She ran into the dormitory happily, only to find Zhou Yushuang making the bed.

"Why? Yushuang? When did you come back? Fan Xiaoxuan was stunned,"Have you met Liao Cong?""

"He walked me to the dormitory door and went back."Zhou Yushuang sat on the edge of the bed with her head lowered, her little hands secretly pressing the corner of the quilt. The flute was still with her, and she had just hidden it under the quilt.

Fan Xiaoxuan said in frustration:"Huh? Isn't it Liao Cong?"

Zhou Yushuang felt guilty. Fan Xiaoxuan was her best friend. It seemed inappropriate to lie to her like this. Just when she was about to confess, a group of girls rushed into the dormitory and looked at Fan Xiaoxuan inquiringly. Fan Xiaoxuan sighed:

" Not Liao Cong."

Zhou Yushuang:"……"

"I knew it wasn't. Han Meihui snorted,"I asked him today, and he said no." Wei Xiao gasped and said,"

Then you are still running?" Han

Meihui said excitedly:"I also want to know who it is. It's so fun!" Fan

Xiaoxuan sat next to Zhou Yushuang, half amazed and half puzzled:"I didn't expect such a genius to exist in our school, but why would he hide it?"

Zhou Yushuang looked around and said carefully:"It's probably a prank, right?" Han Meihui said categorically:"

I must find out who he is!""

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