When the two bastards heard Ye Hao's words, they immediately acted as required.

But this time there was something else in their eyes.

Ye Hao's sentence just now that he didn't like any potential threats made them finally come to their senses.

Dong Zi and others who went with them were all killed by Ye Hao, and Li Dingcheng's family was killed again in front of them. They witnessed the whole process of Ye Hao killing dozens of people in a row.

In this way, they are definitely a huge threat to Ye Hao.

The two bastards weren't very smart, but they weren't stupid either.

At this moment, if they can't see their own situation clearly, they are really stupid.

I saw the two of them splashing gasoline everywhere, while thinking in their hearts, how to escape from Ye Hao's hands.

For a moment, the two bastards were covered in sweat, and they really couldn't think of a feasible way to escape from Ye Hao's hands.

Suddenly, the two of them looked at the gasoline in their hands at the same time, and they had an idea.

Attack with fire!

No matter how powerful Ye Hao is, he is still just a person, not a monster. As long as gasoline is poured on his body and then set on fire, he will be burned to death!

Under normal circumstances, no matter it is an ordinary person or a gangster on the street, they would not think about killing people, but now the situation is special, it has come to a situation where either you are dead or I am dead. At this time, they will naturally kill. decision!

"Huh? This is? Lighter???"

Just as the two of them were about to splash the gasoline in their hands on Ye Hao, a lit lighter was thrown at the gasoline poured out under their feet.


When the gasoline meets the lighter, it is instantly ignited, and the hot flame erupts instantly.

"Ah!!! You devil! I killed you!"

"Damn it to die together!!!"

The two bastards were the closest, and both held gasoline barrels in their hands, and the flames climbed directly into the gasoline barrels along the continuously poured gasoline.

The flame entered the gasoline barrel, and immediately exploded with a sound. The two bastards were directly thrown away by the blast of air, and the ignited gasoline was doused all over their bodies. In an instant, the two bastards became burning men!

The fire burned the two of them, causing them to roar in pain, and with their last strength, they charged directly at Ye Hao.

"Bang bang!!!"

Two muffled sounds came out.

This time, Ye Hao didn't hit them on the head, but knocked them out.

One landed near Li Dingcheng, and the other landed beside the car full of those gangsters.

Immediately, the two of them were like two fireballs, instantly igniting the car and Li Dingcheng's family.


A more violent explosion sounded, the entire car was ignited, a violent explosion occurred, and the flames rose more than ten meters high!

When the villa was burned by the fire, Ye Hao had already left from that place. Walking in the Tianfu Garden, the lights of the family had already been turned off, and the people who had fallen asleep were suddenly awakened.

Although the villas were far apart, it was impossible not to be alarmed by such a violent explosion and monstrous fire.

Several nearby residents have opened the door and looked at the burning villa of Li Dingcheng's family. Some people are calling for fire fighting, some people are making phone calls, and some people have taken a video of this scene.

At the same time, Ye Hao had left Tianfu Garden.

When the two bastards splashed gasoline in the villa, Ye Hao stared at them. When they were a little slow, he guessed what they were thinking.

For Ye Hao, these two people must be killed, because they know too much, once they are caught by the security management, they will definitely provide him.

On the other hand, these two people were originally two of the group of bastards who came to deal with him, and they were worthy of them by letting them live for a few more hours!

Leaving Tianfu Garden, Ye Hao came to a place without surveillance like a normal person, waved a taxi from the side of the road, entered the back seat and left here.

On the road, they met a convoy of firefighters who came to fight the fire.

"Huh, with so many fire trucks, I'm afraid there will be another fire somewhere!"

The taxi driver snorted and said in surprise.

Their taxis running the night shift are very boring. They usually either listen to the car radio or play high-pitched music to avoid falling asleep.

Encountering fire trucks at night is also a fun way for them to pass the long boring time.

"There should be a fire!" Ye Hao responded indifferently, and didn't speak again.

The taxi driver was very skilled, and Ye Hao arrived home an hour later.

It was already past three in the morning, and it would be dawn in a few hours.

Ye Hao didn't practice any more, he took a shower and went to sleep.

It looked almost exactly the same as usual, without the anxiety and tossing and turning of ordinary people after killing people.

During the five years of struggle in the apocalypse, his hands have already been contaminated with many lives, including zombies, mutant beasts, and survivors struggling to survive in the apocalypse.

For those who live in the apocalypse, zombies and mutant beasts are terrifying, but the most terrifying are the other survivors, because no one knows when the people around them will be

I will stab myself!

Another zombie and mutant beast have limited intelligence. Only the survivors who are also human beings are proficient in how to disguise themselves, so that people can give a fatal blow when they are not prepared at all!

The human heart is the most terrifying thing ever!

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