Chariot of Doom

Chapter 86 The Furious Li Yun 0

Ye Hao, a fourth-order martial artist, can now hit more than 140 kilograms with one punch, which is almost the same as Mu Zilong's heavy punch.

A person's weight is only about 50 kilograms, more than 140 kilograms, nearly three times the weight of an ordinary person, and smashing it directly on the door, how can it be good?

I just heard the sound of a click, and the two special forces fell directly to the ground, their mouths, noses, and eyes were all bleeding frantically, and they fell to the ground and they didn't know if they were alive or dead!

The remaining few special forces were all frightened by Ye Hao's fierce attack. They have joined the army for so many years, what ruthless people have not seen?

But with a style of play like Ye Hao's, they've never seen anyone who wanted to kill him as soon as he made a move, and they found that Ye Hao's eyes were extremely cold, without the slightest emotion, and he was extremely indifferent to the fresh life!

As if killing someone, in his opinion, it is just a common thing, and it will not make his heart tremble even a little bit.

This is a survivor who has gone through countless life-and-death struggles and finally survived!

In an instant, this thought appeared in the minds of all the special forces. They were also people who were walking on the edge of life and death. Although they were not as good as Ye Hao, who had returned from the end of the day, their eyesight was still quite strong.

They knew right away that in the competition with this man named Ye Hao, there was no winner or loser, only life or death!

As soon as they thought of this, the remaining special forces had the intention of retreating. They knew very well that if they continued to compete, they would definitely die, but they just wanted to try Ye Hao's skills, so they immediately did not want to continue the competition.

However, when the strike was successful, Ye Hao would stop. When several special forces were stunned, he directly whipped his leg and kicked a special soldier's rib. Suddenly, a few clicks came out, and the special soldier's ribs were instantly unknown. How many are broken.

He was kicked and flew out by Ye Hao directly, and at the same time, he also flew out four or five meters away with a special soldier beside him!

After kicking the two, Ye Hao's figure still didn't stop.

Then I saw that he was another spinning flying kick, kicking on the chest of a special soldier. At that time, I saw a large piece of the special soldier's chest sunk down, and then a large piece was ejected from his mouth, and the whole person was Quickly flew backwards and flew out, fell to the ground and remained motionless!

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

Just as Ye Hao was about to kick a side kick and kick in the face of another special soldier, the sound of several weapons came out. At this time, Ye Hao finally stopped his figure.

The special soldier's eyes were so frightened that Ye Hao's feet stopped within two centimeters in front of him. The strong wind from his side kicks made his face and hair look like waves. fly backwards.

He had no doubt that if Ye Hao didn't stop his kick, his brain would definitely be kicked out!

This kick is too strong, let alone a human being, even an extremely solid wall will be smashed by kicking!

"I killed you! I told you to stop, why do you stop!!!"

Li Yunfei's lungs were about to explode with anger. The scene just happened was almost in the blink of an eye, and five of the ten special forces did not know whether they were alive or dead. If he hadn't made a decisive decision just now, he would have robbed the sky several times, and this subordinate would definitely have died!

"Captain Li, didn't you say that these guys don't even listen to you? Armed personnel dare to disobey the commander's order, and they should kill them directly according to military law. I am helping you deal with them, lest these guys continue to stay Head Li is angry, why did he do something wrong?"

Ye Hao said with a flat face, not in the least biting about Li Yunfei, who was already in a state of rage.

Because Li Yunfei is only less than two meters away from him now, Ye Hao is fully confident that he will be subdued immediately when the opponent raises his weapon!

"You... labor and management are asking you to compete here!!!"

Li Yunfei was going crazy. He did say before that these people didn't obey his orders, but he didn't mean it at all. He just wanted to find an excuse to let Ye Hao take action. All his subordinates were beaten to death by Ye Hao!

These ten people are his elite subordinates, all of them are his heart and soul, and now five have fallen directly, so how can he not feel heartache? Not angry?

"Oh, Captain Li, save the people first, these things will be discussed later!"

Cheng Fei, who was on the side, saw that the atmosphere was not right, and hurriedly opened his mouth to change the subject.

Now that he has confirmed Ye Hao's skills, he has completely ruled out the possibility that Ye Hao and Li Rushuang are a group.

At the moment, he leaned towards Ye Hao to speak.

After all, they are all from the Cheng Fei Group, and Ye Hao is the largest shareholder of their group. He is his immediate boss. Compared to Li Yunfei, he must speak for Ye Hao.

Again, what he said was not wrong, it was too late to say anything now, and saving people was the most important thing!

Li Yunfei was also very aware of this, he looked at Ye Hao with a grim expression, then turned around and took his five subordinates to rescue them immediately, hoping that they could be rescued.

"Oh, Ye Dong, why are you so light or heavy? Didn't you say it's just a test?"

After Li Yunfei left, Cheng Fei frowned and looked at Ye Hao, complained a few words, and then said again.

"Ye Dong, go back first, you can't stay here any longer!"

However, Ye Hao shook his head and said, "The sixty tons of titanium alloy he promised me has not been settled yet!"

"What time is this, and I'm still thinking about titanium alloys. It's not bad if he can kill you with one weapon when we meet!"

Cheng Fei shouted anxiously, urging Ye Hao to feel left.

However, whatever he

After persuasion, Ye Hao still refused to leave.

In the end, Cheng Fei was forced to helplessly, nodded, and said, "Okay, I'll ask him for the titanium alloy for you, this is the head office! Hurry up, my ancestors, I beg you!"

He was really a little scared, worried that things would continue to escalate.

Since Ye Hao and Li Rushuang are not together, the power behind Ye Hao is obviously not small, at least not worse than Li Rushuang's consortium, otherwise Ye Hao would never dare to oppose Li Rushuang head-on.

But Li Yunfei doesn't know about this situation. If he really kills Ye Hao in a fit of rage when he comes back, the forces behind Ye Hao will definitely disagree, and it is estimated that it will really pierce the sky at that time!

"Mr. Cheng, if you can really help me get the 60 tons of titanium alloys, I will sell all the shares in my hand one month later!"

Ye Hao looked at Cheng Fei with a serious face, and said very seriously.

In fact, if it weren't for the 60 tons of titanium alloy, he didn't want to stay here. After all, this is Li Yunfei's territory. They have weapons and cannons. If they really do something out of anger, no one will not sure.

So Cheng Fei is willing to help him solve this matter, which is naturally the best situation.

But to be on the safe side, he gave Cheng Fei a sweet treat.

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