The scandal between Cao Xuan and Mr. Zhou ended in an anticlimax and did not cause much repercussions.

On the contrary, "Young Bao Qingtian" officially sold the second round of broadcast rights and was launched on six satellite TV stations in Hui Province, Jiangsu Province, Heilongjiang Province, Hebei Province, Sichuan Province, and Shandong Province, which aroused great momentum.

The right to broadcast a TV series does not mean that it will be broadcast once, but that the TV station can reuse it within a specified period of time, and some can even be broadcast on sub-channels within the province.

When TV stations spend money to buy dramas, they must try their best to squeeze out the potential of the TV dramas.

In particular, the popular drama "Young Man Bao Qingtian" has no shortage of ratings and can attract advertisements to increase audience stickiness, so TV stations began to rebroadcast this drama crazily.

After it was broadcast during the day, it was broadcast in the evening. After it was broadcast in the evening, there was a late-night show. After one broadcast, I felt that the results were good, so I immediately broadcast it again.

Counting the previous two satellite TVs of Beijing and Shanghai, and the sub-channels affiliated to eight satellite TVs, viewers can find Cao Xuan with a black face and a crescent moon on his forehead no matter when and where he turns on the TV.

With this viral broadcast frequency, Cao Xuan and the creators of "Young Bao Qingtian" are becoming more famous and familiar with each other day by day.

After Li Bingbing finished playing "Young Zhang Sanfeng", he joined the "Little Clueless" starring Zhang Weijian without stopping.

Ren Quan has acted in three TV series: "Little Zhuge", "It's All Angels' fault" and "Young Man Bao Qingtian 2". The first two are male protagonists, and the second male is the second male, but it is considered a big IP.

Even Shi Xiaolong, with his role as the cute and honest Xiao Zhan Zhao, has become the most sought-after child actor nowadays, joining the casts of "Oolong" and "Lu Bu and Diao Chan".

Especially the latter, although it was considered a thunder drama in later generations, as a TV series directed by Director Chen himself, it is currently attracting astonishing attention.

It is even better than last year's "The Swordsman" and Qiong Yao's "Love in the Rain".

Hu Jing has officially won the role of Zhu Qiqi in "A History of Martial Arts". Filming will start at the end of November and is expected to be completed in March next year. If the delay during the Chinese New Year is not long, it may be faster.

As for Cao Xuan, as the male protagonist, he naturally received more scripts. Although he declined most of them, there were still some crew members who persisted.

For example, a certain boss Shi claimed to have invested 50 million in "The Emperor of Han".

Of course, this investment amount can only fool outsiders. After all, Cao Xuan is a film and television company owner who has invested in two movies, and the market price in the industry is clear.

For the filming scale of the original "Emperor of the Han Dynasty", it can be done with 10 million grit. If you want to be more relaxed, you can spend more money to invite Chen Daoming and Alyssa Chia. 15 million is absolutely no problem.

Even if Boss Shi has a lot of money, generous spending, and high-end logistics, 20 million is enough to support the sky.


When Lao Mouzi made "Hero", the actual investment was only about 150 million, and the rest either covered the publicity expenses or was used to promote the film.

Therefore, Cao Xuan in "Emperor of the Han Dynasty" did not want to get involved.

Not to mention Boss Shi’s famous gay boss, Cao Xuan Tiezhi, really didn’t dare to deal with him, so “Emperor of the Han Dynasty” should be left to Leader Huang.

As for his next drama, Cao Xuan has already thought about it. Fanxing is planning to shoot "The Golden Family", the theme songs are all ready-made, and it is a drama of the Republic of China, so the cost is not high.

Now Cao Xuan has asked Fanxing to contact Zhang Henshui's descendants, intending to win the copyright before the original producer of Time and Space.

He was lucky. The other party had just contacted the descendants of the Zhang family and was not very willing. As soon as Fanxing increased the price, he got the copyright.

But now that the copyright has been obtained, Cao Xuan is worried about who to play Leng Qingqiu and Bai Xiuzhu.

Bai Xiuzhu is okay, after all, she is a naughty young lady, and many female artists can play her.

Especially Hu Jing, Pang Feiyan and Zhu Qiqi all have similar lives and are simply tailor-made.

However, the role of Leng Qingqiu is a bit difficult to choose.

The original Cao Xuan is definitely no longer needed, but the other actresses really can't find her "little white flower" temperament and image for a while.

Cao Xuan included Zeng Li and Zhou Gongzi as candidates.

The former has the demure and cold temperament of Leng Qingqiu, with exquisite appearance and outstanding appearance.

The latter now has a girlish image, full of aura, and her acting skills are guaranteed, but the prerequisite is dubbing.

In addition, Cao Xuan also needs to look for other candidates. If he does not find a suitable one, he will use these two guaranteed alternatives.

However, it is a bit too early to talk about this drama now. Fanxing has just obtained the copyright, and the screenwriting team is recruiting people to write the script. At least before the Spring Festival, this drama will not be mentioned in the official schedule.

As Fanxing begins internal preparations for next year's new drama, "Journey to the West", Liu Fanxing's first independent production, is also being broadcast on three satellite TV stations in Beijing, Qin Province and Lu Province.

Cao Xuan took one night out of his busy schedule to go to the Stars Conference Room to watch the premiere of "Journey to the West" with the company's senior executives and the main creators of the show.

Hu Jing, the first sister and proprietress of Fanxing, and two contract artists Zhang Zijian and Gao Yuanyuan who had just joined Fanxing also came.

Needless to say, Hu Jing said that the other two people came mainly to see the strength of the new company and to analyze whether their choice to come to Fanxing this time was right.

Cao Xuan, the boss, is a very busy man. He only spends a handful of time in the company every year. Other senior executives, directors, and artists also have their own jobs, so it is difficult for him to have any free time.

Apart from the annual meeting, this was the most gathering of the backbone of Fanxing. It happened to coincide with the two newcomers Zhang Zijian and Gao Yuanyuan joining the team, and everyone got to know each other.

No matter how familiar they are, at least if you meet them outside, you won’t know that they are colleagues from the same company.

The two newcomers are also very smart. They know that if they want to gain a foothold in the company when they are new to the company, they must first embrace the company.

Zhang Zijian and Qian Yanqiu are college classmates and friends. They were also brought into the company by Lao Qian, and the two formed a strategic alliance.

Although Gao Yuanyuan hadn't figured out the true identity of Boss Hu, he saw how courteous the company executives were to her and knew that she had a good status, so he immediately came over to get close to her.

Little did he know that Hu Jing's No. 1 beauty was playing into Hu Jing's hands. When Damei Yuan signed into the company, Cao Xuan was double-crossed by Zeng and Hu.

In their hearts, this three-person situation is now a confusing mess that has been constantly being sorted out, and it is also the limit of their tolerance.

No matter what happens to the three of them in the future, there is no room for new people to join.

As a result, the two palaces of the East and West reached a tacit agreement. Normally, they live independently and do not interfere with each other. However, when foreign enemies invade, they must join forces to resist.

Under the attack of the two men, Cao Xuan swore and made two phone calls to Zhang Yadong in front of the two men to prove his innocence.

But even so, the two of them were still wary of Gao Yuanyuan, especially Fanxing Hu Jing. Even if Gao Yuanyuan didn't look for her, she would take the initiative to "care about the newcomers."

Cao Xuan was sitting in the main seat, glanced at Hu Jing who was chatting and laughing with Gao Yuanyuan, and shuddered inexplicably.

These two little girls have become smarter and smarter since they graduated and entered the society.

Hu Jing has gone from being silly and sweet in the past to white and black. Zeng Li is still in the ivory tower and has not grown as fast as Hu Jing, but it is getting harder and harder to fool her.

Fortunately, he started early, taking advantage of the time when the two of them were still innocent, to capture their hearts, and to trick them step by step. Now the raw rice has basically been cooked, and the two of them have slowly adapted to this pattern.

If it were now, Cao Xuan would still want to attack the upgraded versions of Hu Jing and Zeng Li in one go.

Two slaps is considered a light thing, but if you don't get it, you might end up with a knife in your hand...

After chatting within the company for a while, the time was almost up. Jiang Yue turned on the TV and tuned it to Lu Province Channel.

On the TV screen, Zhao Moshan was dressed in "black soil" and talking about advertising slogans with a "big liar" smile.

What to do if you have dysentery or diarrhea?

Stop diarrhea and diarrhea, stop diarrhea and diarrhea, use diarrhea and diarrhea!

Zhao Benshan acted very seriously, and the advertising slogan was also very easy to understand, but for some reason, when Cao Xuan saw Lao Zhao's advertisement, he always felt like he was selling fake medicine.

Fool, you keep fooling!

When Lao Zhao's commercial ends, "Journey to the West" will be broadcast directly from 8:30 to 10:30 pm, which is also considered prime time.

The first thing to sound was Liu Huan's distinctive voice from the opening song "I Want to Become an Immortal".

Once I top up the money, I will be happy for seven days... No... it's——

I want to become a fairy, be happy in the sky, and make myself worthy of beautiful fables. Heaven descends on me between heaven and earth. There are always stories for future generations to read...

Cao Xuan had heard it many times before, and his main attention was focused on the title editing.

He has watched some of the rough cut and finished product of the show, and has listened to the songs, but he has never seen the title sequence.

I took a few glances and found that compared to the original version, it lacks some bells and whistles and random camera shakes. It’s not that great, but it’s solid enough.

The title song ends, and the opening scene shows Chang'an City with strange dew and Buddha's light shining everywhere. It is Tang Xuanzang who has returned and brought his disciples to meet with Emperor Taizong Li Shimin.

This plot is also one of the biggest scenes in the whole play. The roles of ministers, monks, guards, etc. are cast by three to four hundred people in order to gain a head start.

Whether it is a mythological drama or a historical drama, if you want to keep the scene alive, then in the first episode and early scenes, you should shock the audience and let them know that this is a "big production".

This can also be regarded as a small routine for film and television shooting.

At the beginning of the first episode of many TV series, some big scenes will be shown, which can not only explain the plot, but also show the strength to attract the audience.

The opening plot design of "Journey to the West" is very interesting.

The four masters and disciples of the Tang Dynasty returned to the Tang Dynasty to obtain Buddhist scriptures. They encountered that the sword that killed the Dragon King of Jinghe was missing. The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty asked Wukong to search for it, but Wukong found out that there was another injustice in the case of killing the dragon.

In the original work of "Journey to the West", the beginning of the Journey to the West begins with the case of the Dragon King of Jinghe River. Now in "The Biography of Journey to the West", the Tang monk and his disciples have returned from seeking scriptures and are once again involved in the case of the Dragon King of Jinghe River. There is a sense of fate in reincarnation.

At the same time, "The Dragon King of Jinghe" is the original plot of "Journey to the West" and has a certain audience.

"Journey to the West" is a story based on scriptures, and many plots cannot be used. It is an extremely exciting entry point to reverse the case of the Dragon King of Jinghe. At the same time, it also uses a little bit of piercing to show the decay and incompetence of the Heavenly Court Lingshan.

This was not the first time for Cao Xuan to watch this plot, but every time he saw it, he still sighed with emotion, Lao Qian is really smart.

Everyone present, who had not come across the script of "Journey to the West", was dumbfounded when they saw the Monkey King transformed into a disciplinary inspector and a police officer, investigating cases and clearing grievances, cracking down on gangs and eradicating evil, and eradicating the corrupt member Wu De Xingjun in heaven.

Can "Journey to the West" be filmed like this? !

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