China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 173 Alarm! The hot man finally made his debut

Taiwan Province, Gao City

A Bing's high school grades were not ideal, but he eventually went to a private school in the provincial capital, so he rented a student room near the school.

In the early morning, after saying hello to the landlady, Ah Bing ran happily to school with his schoolbag on his back.

I bought a sandwich at the school gate, and while eating it, Ah Bing went to class. As soon as he entered the door, he saw his crush, Xiao Hui, chatting with a few good sisters.

"I have saved enough money. When Cao Xuan comes to Taiwan to hold a concert, I will definitely buy a ticket to watch it."

"I want to go too, but I don't have enough money."

"Relax, there is still more than a month left, you can save slowly."

"It's useless even if you save enough money. Do you know how many people want to go to Cao Xuan's concert? Tickets will definitely be hard to get."

This basin of cold water did not arouse the dissatisfaction of others present because everyone knew this was a fact.

Cao Xuan is so popular in Taiwan, not to mention the fan meeting that caused a sensation in Taiwan last year, but the previous release of "Bright Stars" not only topped the charts in the mainland, but also achieved amazing results in Taiwan.

It occupies almost half of the rankings, and its sales are even hotter. Although it will not break the record, it is not far behind. It is currently the most popular among non-Taiwan local singers.

Even the latter was said by the Taiwanese media out of shame.

At least the most popular male and female singers in Taiwan, Ren Xianqi and Zhang Huimei, are not sure they can be more popular than Cao Xuan in their base camp in Taiwan.

Warner's previous concert scale was 30,000 to 50,000 people, which was obviously low and not enough for the fans of Cao Xuantai Province.

"Let's write a letter to Warner, asking to increase the number of people attending the concert, or increase the number of shows. It's best to hold more shows. I will support them every time."

"Forget it, do you have the money?"

"Ask my dad for it. My dad loves me the most."

"Stop arguing, Xiaohui has a good idea. Let's write a letter to Warner together and mobilize other classes to let Warner see our determination."

"Count me in."

"I write too."

Several girls were conspiring loudly here, but Ah Bing was not interested because he didn't like listening to music and only liked watching movies and variety shows.

However, his deskmate Daxiong is an out-and-out pop music lover who especially likes listening to music. His favorite singer is Li Zongsheng, and now Cao Xuan is also included.

For Ah Bing who doesn't like listening to music, Nobita always likes to give him Amway, hoping to turn his deskmate into a fan, but the effect is average.

Today, Nobita recommended songs to Abing Anli every day. He took out his Walkman and pulled out a tape from his school bag.

"The album I just bought is very popular on the charts now. Listen to it."

Ah Bing took the album. The cover showed a man wearing headphones, levitating and lying on a sofa. The headphones were connected to a computer that was also floating. It looked a bit confusing.

"I don't think I know you. Are you new?"

"Yes, the album name is his English name. I forgot the Mandarin name. It's written on the tape."

After hearing this, Ah Bing looked at the album cover and read: "Jay Lun, Zhou... Jie Lun."

"Don't worry about the name, just listen to the song, it's very nice."

Nobita grabbed the tape and inserted it into the Walkman, took the earphones and put them on Ah Bing's head, and pressed the play button.

Along with the prelude of drum beats, Ah Bing heard someone reciting Bai Bai, but his speech was not clear and he couldn't hear clearly. It was probably one, two or three stars connected in a line.

What is this, a greedy snake?

Until the end of the prelude, the singing sounded, sunny and enthusiastic, accompanied by the constant drum beats, giving a feeling of broad mind.

"Wandering on the wind in the blue sky

A cloud fell in front of me

Knead it into your shape and follow me with the wind

Eat the sorrow one bite at a time

Carrying you is like carrying sunshine

It's always sunny no matter where you go


Ah Bing is not a professional fan. He can't say what's good about this song, but he just thinks it sounds good and interesting.

I have a very special feeling when I listen to it. Even the singing accent that is somewhat unclear is also very special and has an indescribable temperament.

It was the first time that Ah Bing had such a strong liking for a certain song, and it was also the first time that he wanted to get to know a singer because of the song.

While there was still time, A Bing listened to two more songs from the album.

From the lyrics sheet that came with the tape, I learned that the two songs were called "Lovely Woman" and "Tornado" respectively, and the first song I heard was called "Star Clear".

The more Ah Bing listened, the more pleasant it sounded, and he became more and more addicted to it, until Nobita gave him a push.

"Teacher Bai is here."

Abing then put away his Walkman, but when school was over in the afternoon, he immediately ran to a video store and bought this "Jay" album.

In the evening, Ah Bing listened to all the songs in the "Jay" album in one go. I can't say that he liked all of them, but most of them really fit his preferences. He also remembered the name Jay Chou deeply in his heart.

And Ah Bing is not the only one who remembers Jay Chou, there are countless fans who were conquered by "Jay".


November 2000 was destined to be a legendary month in the Chinese music scene, and it was permanently recorded in the annals of history.

Cao Xuan dominated the charts with "Bright Stars", the last part of the Stars Trilogy, with sales exceeding one million in the first month and becoming the "boss" in the Chinese music scene.

And in Taiwan, a hot man who has been talked about so much in this chapter has finally made his debut!

Before Xiao Zhou released his album, it was when Cao Xuan's new album was booming in the Taiwanese market, but the Alpha Records company behind him still decided to release it.

This is not because they are confident that Jay Chou and Cao Xuan will be tough, but they don't attach much importance to this album.

Even Xiao Zhou’s Bole Yang Junrong’s initial album goal was only 200,000. If the goal is achieved, the cost can be earned, which also proves Jay Chou’s potential and can continue to cultivate it in the future.

In this case, it stands to reason that we should avoid Cao Xuan, choose a relatively suitable period, and sell as much as possible.

However, Alpha has artists releasing albums in December and January, including Hong Kong’s popular Chen Xiaochun and boss Wu Zongxian.

Alpha's own resources are limited. Compared with the two big names behind it, Jay Chou, a newcomer, can't get much publicity at all. It would be okay to delay it for a few months, but Jay Chou is afraid of long nights and dreams.

We simply went ahead and released it in November as originally planned. Even if it was influenced by Cao Xuan, we could still get some publicity resources from the company.

As for the rest, it depends on fate!

Xiao Zhou was very pessimistic about his future, but he didn't expect that even though his elder brother suppressed the gods, his talent was still not concealed.

Is always shining gold!

After "Jay" went online, it quickly aroused widespread dissemination in Taiwan Province. Soon the two songs "Xingqing" and "Black Humor" broke into the top ten of Taiwan Province's rankings, and sales also soared.

Although Cao Xuan is still struggling in these two aspects, for a newcomer, he is already very good.

Even at this stage, apart from Cao Xuan and Sun Yanzi, Jay Chou's "Jay" has the most outstanding performance in Taiwan, and even Ren Xianqi's new album is slightly inferior.

What's even more surprising to people in the Taiwanese industry is that although Jay Chou did not write the lyrics and music for the "Jay" album, he wrote several songs by himself. Although others participated in the creation of other songs, they were all completed by him. .

The Taiwanese media are happy, even though Ren Xianqi's reputation is not much worse than Cao Xuan.

But because Cao Xuan is a singer-songwriter and took over all the lyrics and music creation for the album, the value of his achievements and his status in the music world are much greater than that of Ren Xianqi.

Apart from other things, many famous singers want to invite two songs from Cao Xuan. For this reason, they dare not offend him easily.

A King of Pop is not scary, but a King of Pop who can create countless classic hits is really a strategic weapon.

Because Cao Xuanzhuyu is at the forefront, Taiwan Province has always wanted to launch singer-songwriters and compete with them.

Wang Lihong is one of them. She is not influential enough and has little effect. Now that Jay Chou has made a great debut, regardless of whether he is an opponent or not, at least he has one more choice.

Xiao Zhou became famous!

But the popularity of newcomers often brings controversy.

When Cao Xuan first became famous with "Ten Thousand Reasons", many people said that the song was a bad street song. Cao Xuan blocked their mouths with "Light Chaser".

Later, he was criticized for taking advantage of Ren Xianqi's popularity. At that time, there was overwhelming criticism, and the Hong Kong and Taiwan media ridiculed him wildly.

It was not until later that Cao Xuan released his first album "Starry Stars" and had a peak battle with Ren Xianqi, using data and results to silence everyone again.

Although many people like Jay Chou's songs, there are also people who don't like them, or even hate them.

A series of labels such as barking, weird tunes, unclear articulation, and incomprehensible meaning were attached to Jay Chou.

It seems that Jay Chou is innovative and intends to create a new trend in the music industry, but in fact it is just sensationalism.

Many people also take Cao Xuan as an example, saying that Cao Xuan's songs are equally novel and trend-setting, but still ensure public acceptance, while Jay Chou is a deviant to gain attention.

This is actually a deliberate attempt to stir up trouble. Jay Chou's songs are not lacking in popularity, but they don't talk about it and just make a fuss about how some people don't like it.

In addition, Jay Chou's music style is indeed very innovative, containing many mixed Western and Chinese elements.

People who like it love it like crazy, but many people who are accustomed to the original Chinese music style may not be able to accept it.

Not every singer will be liked by everyone, especially a singer with such a personal style. It is normal for some people to love and hate them.

Cao Xuan takes the "all-round" route, with varied music styles and catering to the tastes of most people as much as possible, so his fans cover a wide range.

Using Cao Xuan as a foil, there are few singers in the entire Chinese music world who can compare with him in terms of acceptance of his works. Newcomers like Jay Chou whose style has not yet spread to an established audience are pure bullies.

These voices have a great negative impact on Jay Chou, causing many people who do not understand music theory and its knowledge to listen to and believe it.

Later, it even reversed many neutral people's views on him. As soon as Xiao Zhou became popular, he immediately faced a crisis of public opinion.

Boss Wu Zongxian naturally wouldn't let something happen to his money tree, so he immediately mobilized his contacts to speak for Jay Chou.

As the king of variety shows in Taiwan, Wu Zongxian has a wide network of contacts and has recruited a large number of singers to help him express his voice. However, although there are many people, there is no big star who can dominate the scene.

Taiwan Province's market is small and competition is fierce. Cao Xuan is protected by Warner and is a powerful and unparalleled dragon crossing the river. There is nothing we can do against him.

But Jay Chou and Alpha are really nothing in the Taiwanese record industry, so many big names are waiting and watching.

Their goal is not to depose Jay Chou, but to fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the situation, and then use a wave of public relations to win people's hearts.

The emergence of Cao Xuan brought Warner back to life and returned to its peak. Major record companies have been jealous for a long time.

Jay Chou has shown a certain potential. Although it may not be as good as Cao Xuan, it is still worth using. Even behind this public opinion storm, their shadow is also there.

But none of them expected that no one in Taiwan would easily wade into troubled waters, but an interview report came from the mainland.

This is after Cao Xuan attended a book signing event in Guangdong Province, some Taiwanese media asked Cao Xuan his opinion on the Jay Chou incident.

"Actually, Xiao Zhou and I have known each other for a long time."

Cao Xuan revealed the secret, saying that he was very optimistic about Jay Chou at the beginning and intended to invite him to come to the mainland for development, but unfortunately he missed it.

Afterwards, Cao Xuan spoke highly of Jay Chou's album from professional music theory and various perspectives, and finally concluded.

"I think Xiao Zhou's appearance has injected a new vitality into the current music scene. I am very optimistic about his future. Maybe in a few years, he will be the next Chinese King."

Cao Xuan is now considered a big shot in the Chinese music scene, and he is also an indirect party to this turmoil.

His affirmation instantly pulled Jay Chou out of the quagmire.

Taiwanese media even advocated that Jay Chou was Cao Xuan's chosen successor, Balabala, which gave Jay Chou a lot of presence.

After Zhou Jielun learned about this, he immediately called Cao Xuan to express his gratitude. Cao Xuan said sincerely.

"Lun'er, you treat me as an outsider, don't worry, no one can touch you if you hang out with me from now on."

"Thank you, Brother Xuan."

Jay Chou was both happy and grateful. He felt that this big brother was right and he was really helpful at the critical moment.

What he didn't expect was that Cao Xuan not only helped him tide over the difficulties, but also took the initiative to support him.

"I need assistants for two concerts in Singapore and Malaysia. If you are free, come over and help me."

Cao Xuan said this politely, but between the Heavenly Kings and the Heavenly Kings, visiting each other's concerts is called helping, and between the Heavenly Kings and the newcomers, it is intentionally giving the latter a favor.

At the moment, Jay Chou, if he follows Cao Xuan to attend two Xinhua and Ma concerts, it will not only be a good platform for performance, but also allow him to see the world, and he will also gain a lot of exposure.

Even if you show your face in front of fans in both countries, you still have a certain chance of entering the markets of both countries.

Xiao Zhou was very moved and was not good at words, so he could only stop thanking him continuously on the phone. Cao Xuan comforted him and asked him to prepare for the show, and then hung up the phone.

Recalling that Zhou Jielun had spoken to Brother Xuan just now, Cao Xuan felt extremely happy.

Sometimes competitors in the entertainment industry do not have to suppress each other blindly. To some extent, mutual support and help can achieve a win-win situation.

Cao Xuan's current status in the music world cannot be shaken by Jay Chou in a short time, so although Cao Xuan values ​​him, he is not afraid of his threat.

Even out of some secret happiness, he repeatedly helped Xiao Zhou.

In the future, even if Jay Chou becomes famous all over the world, he will still call him Brother Xuan honestly, and I will be full of gratitude to him.

When people talk about Jay Chou's rise, they also say that it was thanks to Cao Xuan's generous help.

Not only did he collect other people's wool, but he also asked them to say thank you. Cao Xuan sometimes felt that he was too immoral...

There will be more in the evening

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