Dashi made the alley, and the three Cao Daguo brothers had been waiting since morning.

Cao Daguo even bought a special Mao suit, which looked straight when worn. Cao Shuangguo saw that he, a father, could not lag behind, so he bought one.

Cao Xiaoguo was young and unwilling to wear the "old-fashioned" Chinese tunic suit. He wanted to get a suit, but was forcibly suppressed by his two brothers.

The three brothers put together new clothes, polished their leather shoes, and shaved their beards cleanly. One of them even combed his hair, and the other poured half a kilogram of hairspray, which made flies slip on them.

The old man, who usually didn't even bother to wash his face, also requisitioned Cao Xuan's skin care products and men's perfume.

With this appearance, I knew I was going to a concert, but I thought I was attending the United Nations General Assembly.

Seeing this, Sun Lan was speechless and complained wildly beside her. The three brothers ignored her and thought she was jealous.

Sun Lan actually wanted to go to Cao Xuan's concert this time, but the old lady was at home and she was worried about leaving it to someone else, so she could only go back and watch the video.

Cao Xuan arranged a concert at the Temple of Heaven, and sent Zhang Chong to pick up people there in advance.

Zhang Chong had lived in Dashizuo Hutong before, and he was familiar with Cao Shuangguo and his wife. When he walked in today and saw the three Cao brothers, he was shocked.

"Hey, uncle, are we going like this?"

"What's wrong? Didn't you hit it?"


Zhang Chongyu's provincial accent came out: "What's wrong with that? Our uncles look really good in these clothes."

He was telling the truth. Apart from anything else, the three big men from Shandong Province were each wearing Chinese tunic suits. They were really imposing as they walked towards that station, but the atmosphere felt a bit inconsistent with the concert, and it was too grand.

But Zhang Chong didn’t dare to say it. Just kidding, the boss’s biological father, uncle, and uncle, as long as they don’t have bare buttocks, they have to support whatever they wear...

After chatting for a while, and seeing that it was almost time, Zhang Chong drove the three brothers to the Temple of Heaven.

Dashizuo Hutong is not far from the Temple of Heaven Park. It takes at most 20 minutes to drive, but unexpectedly, it was blocked immediately when we arrived at Chongwenmenwai Street.

It took ten minutes to walk less than a mile. In this era when traffic jams are rare, the four people in the car almost went crazy.

After finally seeing a traffic officer on duty, Zhang Chong lowered his car window.

"Comrade, how long do we have to be stuck here, waiting to watch the concert."

On the first day of the first lunar month, the traffic officer wiped his sweat anxiously and said, "Just wait patiently. The front is being cleared. There are too many people coming, and they are all at the same time, so we can only wait."

If there were only 100,000 spectators coming to the concert, the jam wouldn't be so severe. The key is that there would still be a large group of people who didn't have tickets but came to watch the fun.

Hundreds of thousands of people and cars can all come here, and it is not an area with high traffic all year round, so it is obviously impossible to avoid traffic jams.

That is to say, the relevant departments are prepared and have experience. Although the blockage is slow, it is not blocked. In an ordinary city, I am afraid that several nearby streets will directly fall into a state of semi-paralysis.

Zhang Chong and the others waited for a few more minutes and finally arrived near the Temple of Heaven. Then the next problem was parking.

There was no parking space at the door, and there were almost no parking spaces on the roadside. Zhang Chong drove a mile south of the Temple of Heaven before finding a parking place, and then the four of them walked back to the Temple of Heaven.

On the road, I saw groups of Cao Xuan fans from time to time. Some of these people wore clothes with photos of Cao Xuan on them. They had flagpoles erected and banners pulled out in the middle with various support slogans on them.

Others shouted slogans together: "Music is everywhere, Cao Xuan is irreplaceable!"

It was the first time that the three Cao brothers saw a large number of fans cheering for them, and they were dumbfounded.

Cao Xiaoguo is okay. Cao Daguo looked at the slogans, banners and enthusiastic fans, and couldn't help but pull Cao Shuangguo and muttered.

"Second brother, why do I look so scary?"

"Brother, where are you thinking?"

Cao Shuangguo also felt guilty, but after all, he had been in front of Jingying Film Studio and was considered half an industry insider.

"This thing is popular now, it's called fans. Xuanzi is very famous and there are many people who like him. RTHK is even more powerful. He even went to the Spring Festival Gala. He doesn't have to pay attention to that."

"It's okay."

Cao Daguo felt relieved and looked at the crowds of people, feeling a little emotional: "Xuanzi is doing a great job now. It's a pity that our father and mother died early and did not get to see the glory of the Cao family's descendants."

"It's okay. I brought my camera. I'll take the photos, develop them into photos, and burn them for my parents when I go back."

Cao Xiaoguo was very smart and took out the camera he asked Cao Xuan for in advance. Cao Daguo and Cao Shuangguo both praised their younger brother for his cleverness.

The three brothers were holding cameras near the Temple of Heaven, taking pictures of passers-by and taking group photos. They planned to go back and wash them into two parts, one to burn paper and one to keep to brag about in the village.

Zhang Chong looked bewildered and acted as a carrier and photo-shooter for the three brothers. He was thinking about whether the underworld operation of burning photos and paper would work.

In addition to taking a group photo, the three Cao brothers also saw a few scalpers selling tickets secretly. There were officers on duty nearby, and some of them were very careful.

Cao Shuangguo caught a couple who bought scalper tickets and asked about the price.

It's okay if I don't ask about it, but I'm shocked when I ask. For ordinary tickets that originally cost less than 200 yuan, the scalpers asked for 800 yuan, and some were sold for more than 1,000 yuan. Tens of thousands of people around here didn't have tickets, and the scalpers made crazy money.

The three brothers were very angry. Isn't this just taking advantage of their old Cao family?

Report, must report!

But Zhang Chong held him tightly. Those who make money these days by scalpers all have some gray attributes. Although Zhang Chong is not afraid, there is no need to cause trouble.

The most important thing is that these three brothers are with me. If something unexpected happens, how will they explain to Cao Xuan later?

All said and done, the three brothers were finally restrained by the idea that after entering the market, they would negotiate with the authorities in the name of the company to eliminate scalpers.

At around 5:30, the venue started to check in for tickets. There was no VIP channel this time, so people could pick them up from inside. However, the three Cao brothers preferred to queue up to enter the venue.

However, Zhang Chong felt that the three brothers lined up because they wanted to hear the fans next to them make rainbow farts about Cao Xuan.

Especially her biological father, Cao Shuangguo, Mei's nose was about to burst with snot bubbles. Although she tried her best to suppress the smile on her face, she couldn't control it.

The concert venue is in the Circular Qiu Altar, which is built as a middle stage, surrounded by auditoriums, and surrounded by large screens and curtains for broadcast.

A shed was set up under the stage in a blind spot where the audience could see it, which served as a temporary backstage for changing clothes and waiting. The real backstage was at the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests.

The tickets for the three brothers were in the first row in the west section. There were too many people, so Zhang Chong accidentally took the wrong route and ran to the east section. As he was going around, he heard someone calling him.

Looking back, he saw that it was Zeng Li and Yuan Quan. Without thinking, they called out "sister-in-law" as usual.

After shouting, he couldn't help but slap his mouth hard, something bad happened.

Sure enough, the three Cao brothers started to take a look at Zeng Li, especially Cao Shuangguo. He often read his son's newspapers and did not necessarily know the appearance of some of the scandal targets, but he was definitely familiar with them.

"Is this the girl named Zeng Li? Zhang Chong, what did you call her just now, sister-in-law? Which family's sister-in-law?"

Cao Shuangguo pressed him with questions, but Zhang Chong did not dare to answer, but his attitude proved everything. Even the two brothers Cao Daguo, who did not know Zeng Li, saw that something was wrong.

"Is this Xuanzi's target?"

"Eighty percent yes."

"Say hello."

"Okay, don't scare people."

"No matter what, it's just to say hello and recognize someone. You don't want to take a closer look at Xuanzi's partner."

This sentence completely moved Cao Shuangguo, and he took a step towards Zeng Li. Zhang Chong wanted to stop him, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only follow him helplessly.

He knew that even if he was lucky enough to escape this disaster, forget about the bonus this month...

Zeng Li was still wondering why Zhang Chong ignored him, when he saw three middle-aged men walking over. The first one had an appraising look in his eyes and tried his best to show a kind smile.

"You are Zeng Li, right? I am Cao Xuan's father."


Hearing this, Zeng Li's brain exploded. He stood up from his seat in a hurry, not knowing what to do. Finally, he blushed and bowed to Cao Shuangguo.

"Uncle...Uncle, hello."

Yuan Quan next to her was also shocked. She was currently filming in the suburbs of Beijing. She took a special day off to watch Cao Xuan's concert with her best friend. Unexpectedly, she bumped into her parents and got up too.

"It's okay, it's okay. Just sit and watch. I just wanted to say hello to you."

The beauty of Zeng was worthy of her appearance. Cao Shuangguo was very satisfied. Seeing that Zeng Li was cautious and nervous, he didn't stay much longer. After saying a few words, he left with Cao Daguo and the others.

"My nephew-in-law is so beautiful. This boy Xuanzi is so lucky."

"He seems to have a very quiet personality."

"He is also tall, so he will be taller when he gives birth to a child."


The three brothers had a heated discussion, and there Zeng Li fell into a state of worry about gains and losses.

"What should I do? My performance just now was too bad. Will my uncle be dissatisfied? The two people next to me should be Uncle Cao Xuan. It's bad. I didn't say hello just now. Will they have any objections..."

Yuan Quan didn't know how to persuade her. After all, she had never encountered such a situation before, so she could only express it.

"Send Cao Xuan a text message first. He can handle it if anything happens."


Zeng Li hurriedly sent a text message to Cao Xuan. If he hadn't considered that Cao Xuan might be preparing for a performance, he would have made the call.

Not far away, Cao Xuan, who was about to leave from the backstage of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, turned dark when he saw the text messages sent by Zeng Li and Zhang Chong.

Traitors are causing harm to the country. If I had known that I would let General Zhu go, Zhang Chong is simply digging a hole for him...

But things have already happened, and it’s too late to say anything more. Send a text message to reassure Zeng Li, and then ask Zhang Chong to hold the three Cao brothers back after the concert.

Since the Empress of the West Palace showed up to the Supreme Emperor, he would find a way to keep Lao Cao quiet, and then find an opportunity to take the Empress of the East Palace to meet the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother.

First, a bowl of water was leveled to stabilize the harem, and then he ran away.

Let the couple decide which of the remaining two daughters-in-law is more popular with the two elders. Anyway, he is the only son, and no matter how angry the elders are, they can't really kill him.

As he was really desperate, Cao Xuan found a grandson or granddaughter for them, based on his understanding of the old couple.

Once the grandchildren come out, everything will be peaceful!

After all, this is his biological father and mother, no matter what, his heart is always towards his son.

Instead of worrying about the old couple, the real trouble was the two pairs of father-in-law and mother-in-law. Cao Xuan felt his scalp tightening just thinking about it.

If you get a grandson, you can get your grandparents. If you get a grandson, you can accept it happily and break the dog legs of the scumbag who deceived your daughter, but it is only five or five...

No need to be hungry anymore

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