China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 309: The scandalous physique that is still insulated despite being separated by the Pacific

Los Angeles, a camera studio

Cao Xuan arrived at the shooting location wearing a cool suit, greeted the photographer, sat down on the ground, and waited quietly for his partner.

About five or six minutes later, a blonde girl wearing hot clothes also came to the scene from the dressing room and saw Cao Xuan coming to say hello.

"Hello, Cao."

"Hello, Shakira."

Cao Xuan shook hands with the other party and hugged him. He was more resistant to this kind of intimate behavior from men, but women were still okay with it.

Of course, he wasn't being a hooligan, he was just giving a normal ceremonial hug.

Shakira, Latin Queen, Colombian, is two years younger than Cao Xuan, but she made her debut in 1991 and has worked as a model, singer, and actor. It was not until 1998 that she really became popular.

Her fame in Latin American countries is equivalent to Wang Fei in the Chinese music scene.

At the end of last year, Shakira released her first English album, with the title song "Whenever, Wherever". The Chinese translation is "Whenever, Wherever". Once it was released, it immediately received great attention.

Currently, the song ranks fourth on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100, and has ranked among the top three or even number one in many countries around the world.

Thanks to the great success of this English album, Shakira also successfully entered the European and American markets from the Latin American music scene, truly starting her own path to international stardom.

Cao Xuan and Shakira met today because they were both invited by Time Magazine to participate in a special interview in the latest issue of Time Magazine.

The name of the topic is "World \u0026 Music", and the reason why they are invited is because Cao Xuan and Shakira are both leaders in the music circles of their respective languages.

Moreover, the two also successfully entered the European and American music scene, gained recognition from the market and fans, and even made waves in the European and American music scene.

Chinese king + Latin queen + European and American popularity, a great fusion of world music, so positive energy.

And it also has a vague connotation of promoting the fact that the American music market is number one in the world. Otherwise, why would the kings and queens of the two major language music circles come to the United States?

The heart of America is known to everyone on the road!

Cao Xuan and even Shakira understand that the United States never misses any opportunity to praise itself.

But they were right. The two of them were indeed covetous of other people's markets, and they also praised them greatly. In this case, let's talk about each other's business.

After the interview, the two took a cover photo together, each wearing two outfits. Cao Xuan wore a suit + Tang suit/Zhongshan suit, while Shakira wore a Latin-style hot short skirt and a more conservative evening dress.

The four costumes are combined with each other, and the best one is selected as the cover, and the others are used as pictures for the interview.

Apart from Britney Spears and Avril Lavigne, who is not yet famous, Shakira is the only popular European and American singer that Cao Xuan has come into contact with so far.

Linkin Park had a chance to meet, but he was away filming and the other party was going to Canada for a concert, so he had to miss it.

Shakira has a cheerful personality, with some Latin American enthusiasm and straightforwardness. It was easy for the two to get closer by talking about football.

Cao Xuan is a football fan, and Shakira also likes football. Otherwise, she would not have married Barcelona's main "defender center" Pique, and has performed or sang the theme song at the World Cup closing ceremony many times.

It can be said that Shakira is the big-name singer with the deepest connection between the international music scene and football.

In unfamiliar situations, chatting about a common hobby is definitely a way to promote relationships and eliminate the feeling of strangeness.

"I will go to Japan to promote in the summer, and maybe go to watch the game live. I am so envious of you. The national team can play in the World Cup."

Shakira was filled with envy because Colombia failed to participate in the 2002 World Cup.

Cao Xuan felt very strange in his heart. He never thought that the national football team could help him earn face in his lifetime.

However, since Colombia is not here, Shakira can still cheer for Spain and Argentina. The former is because she is of Spanish descent, and the latter is her boyfriend's home team.

Shakira's boyfriend Antonio is the son of the former president of Argentina. In other words, the Latin queen is also the former crown princess of Argentina.

However, the current crown princess may still be worth some money, but adding the word "former" will make it less valuable.

But even so, Shakira has been dating the former Argentinian prince for nearly 10 years, which is considered a long-term relationship in the European and American entertainment circles.

Later, he fell in love with Pique and gave birth to several children. Their relationship lasted for more than 10 years, and the relationship was stable and sweet.

Therefore, despite the fact that Shakira Typhoon is relatively sexy and hot, and is known as the queen of twerking, she is still very dedicated in nature. Cao Xuan personally appreciates this kind of person who has the same qualities as himself.

Ho... bah!

The two had a great time chatting about football. Shakira also made an appointment to watch the World Cup together if they could meet. Cao Xuan nodded in agreement, but he didn't know if he would be free to go then.

The two chatted for a while, got acquainted, and started working.

When a man and a woman take photos, there will inevitably be some intimate movements. Cao Xuan is very restrained and maintains etiquette. This makes Shakira very fond of him and praises Cao Xuan as a gentleman.

Cao Xuan said modestly: "These are basic moral ethics. I am not a casual person."

As for whether he is a human being when he acts casually, it is not up to Shakira to worry about...

The two of them changed their outfits and took photos for a long time. In the end, what the photographer and editor liked the most was the photo of the two looking at each other.

Cao Xuan, dressed in a cool suit, looked at Shakira calmly, with a slight smile in his eyes, while Shakira put on a sexy dance pose and looked at him with electric eyes.

The photographer and editor explained that Cao Xuan himself is a Chinese with an Asian face. Wearing a Tang suit or Chinese tunic suit would seem too rigid. It is better to wear a suit, which is a bit of a combination of Chinese and Western. This is also Cao Xuan's own European and American music style. Chinese people sing English songs.

And Shakira's hot Latin style is so eye-catching that there is no need to regret it, so she still maintains her Latin style.

The two people talked a lot, which seemed a bit bilateral, but Cao Xuan could understand what was going on.

The reason is very simple. The Tang suit or Chinese tunic suit he got from the costume either looks old-fashioned or gaudy, and is not as good-looking as him wearing a suit, while Shakira's Latin hot short skirt is more beautiful than the evening dress.

Although the cover is not entirely about appearance to a certain extent, most people still pursue good looks.

Moreover, Time Magazine is a current affairs media, not a fashion magazine, and it does not have that many eccentric tones.

Cao Xuan has never been an extremist, demanding that everything must have Chinese elements. He is willing to listen to professionals.

But the premise is that it cannot be deliberately ugly. Cao Xuan knows what is good-looking and what is pleasing to the eye, and has his own aesthetics.

You can't point at a person with squinting eyes painted like a ghost and say that this is a high-end face, representing the ceiling of Chinese appearance, and that Cao Xuan can slap you to death with a big dick.

Your mother looks like this!

Your mother has a high-end face!

Your mother's ceiling!

Cao Xuan doesn't understand fashion, so don't tell him what artistic beauty is, but he will smash the camera of anyone who becomes a "ghost" for him.

Regardless of anything else, Cao Xuan thinks this photo looks good and there is no ambiguity, so that's fine.

After taking the photos and adding some interview details, this is the end of the interview with Time Magazine.

Next week's new issue of the American version of "Time" will feature Cao Xuan on the cover with Shakira. This is the second time he has appeared on the cover of "Time" and the first time he has appeared on the cover of the American version of "Time."

"Time" has four editions, the European edition, the South Pacific edition, the Asian edition and the American edition, which respectively correspond to news, people and events in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Australia, Asia and the Americas.

Among the four editions, the American edition is the most important. In addition to covering the Americas, it is also released globally. Therefore, it is sometimes called the international edition or the real "Times" without edition suffix.

Being on the cover of Time Magazine, the honor aspect is no longer very important to Cao Xuan.

More importantly, appearing on the cover of Time Magazine is a recognition of his achievements in the European and American music circles by authoritative American media, and recognition of his influence in the United States.

Time Magazine even called him and Shakira the most successful foreign singers emerging in the American music scene in 2002.

With the endorsement of Time Magazine, a widely influential media, Cao Xuan International's title of "superstar" is secure.

Shakira and Cao Xuan feel similar. Her success in the American music scene is useless even if she says it by herself. It must be certified by authoritative American media.

She was even very grateful to Cao Xuan. If Cao Xuan hadn't come out of nowhere, the Chinese-speaking king became popular in Europe and the United States, and it happened to cooperate with her Latin queen, and the two of them would have successfully appeared on the cover of "Time Magazine" together.

Otherwise, it’s hard to say just by herself. After all, she just appeared on the cover of Time Magazine last year with Japan’s Hikari Utada, Iceland’s Björk and several other singers from various language countries under the theme “Global Singer”.

In fact, the same is true for Cao Xuan. He was on the cover of the Asian edition of Time Magazine at the end of 2000.

In just one year, with his fame in the United States alone, even with the help of Warner Records, it was difficult to get the cover.

Therefore, this time the two have achieved each other's success, and they have also rectified their reputations in the American music scene together. It is a special moment.

Shakira, who has been in the United States for a long time, took the initiative to invite Cao Xuan to dinner, firstly to make friends, and secondly to celebrate the two of them. Cao Xuan readily accepted the invitation.

The two of them had dinner together with their assistant managers. After dinner, Shakira invited some friends to sing K together. The Chinese King + Latin Queen teamed up to torture a wave of rookies.

As a result, when Cao Xuan got up in the morning the next day, he saw Mike slapping the newspaper in front of him with a face full of ambiguity and envy.

"Tsk, tsk, hot beauty from Colombia, how do you feel?"

Cao Xuan picked up the newspaper and looked at it. His head was full of black lines, with a huge title - "Latin Queen Loves Chinese Cao".

The article said that Cao Xuan and Shakira met for dinner, talked and laughed, and acted close to each other. It also included photos of the two of them eating and saying goodbye in the parking lot. The angles were very good, although there was nothing too intimate. , but it seems that the two have a good relationship.

"Damn it, I was careless and didn't pay attention to these American paparazzi."

Cao Xuan was a little annoyed. He had been abroad for more than a month. Before the Los Angeles Music Festival, many people didn't know Cao Xuan, so he had to live a quiet life, which led to a decrease in vigilance.

He had no choice, and he didn't expect that his scandalous physique was so strong that it would work even across the Pacific Ocean.

In addition, Cao Xuan was not familiar with the ways of the American paparazzi and was not well prepared, so he was taken advantage of.

Fortunately, nothing happened. I was making friends and eating normally, and there were a lot of outsiders present, so it didn't have any impact.

Cao Xuan was very lucky that when Shakira's Brazilian best friend hooked up with him yesterday, he thought the other party was evil and ignored him out of caution. Otherwise, he would have been really screwed if he was caught on camera and spread the news back to China.

It's easy for the public to handle, and maybe they will say that he has brought honor to the country, but the East and West Palaces are waiting to be hammered to death...

After calming down for a while, Cao Xuan called Shakira and learned that an explanation would be announced there. Cao Xuan asked Mike to follow up to avoid misunderstanding.

It doesn't matter, Cao Xuan. Scandals are common. Even international scandals are not the first time. Li Zhenxian and Britney have both reported that it doesn't matter as long as there is no real evidence. They are a complete and utter piece of meat.

But Shakira still has a boyfriend, so don't affect their relationship.

In case of a breakup, Shakira's official partner Pique is still in La Masia's youth training. A 15-year-old boy, I don't know if it is illegal in Spain...

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