China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 339 The Cao Clan Entertainment Industry and Erlang Shen and

Teacher Zeng was her class teacher in a down-to-earth manner. Although Cao Xuan knew that there were many celebrities in the 2002 class, he had not yet decided whether to start.

To be honest, each of these people is more "talented" than the last.

Tang Yan is okay, except for the bad point of loving Silly Baitian, but after some transformation, she is also a royal seedling, and has a certain contract value.

Cao Xuan doesn't like Tong Yao.

Bai Baihe is the type that can be signed but not signed. To be honest, although this person is a representative of domestic chick flicks, he is more resource-hungry and not favored by the Beijing circle, so that's all.

Wen Zhang is very capable and can even compete with the top three actors born in the 1980s, but his bad temper is a problem.

"See you on Monday" was not fatal to Wen Zhang based on the circumstances at the time. Half of the reason why it was so serious was due to his own doing. His various big-name stunts offended a large number of media, and everyone was in trouble.

So Cao Xuan had a headache for Wen Zhang. He loved his talent but didn't want to cause trouble to get into the company. He didn't have a hobby of wiping people's butts.

As for the others, except for Guo Zhenni and Lan Xi, Cao Xuan felt that he could focus on them. Zhang Bo, Sun Jian and Yang Shuo were included as candidates, and the remaining training value was not that high.

But no matter what, the fact that these 02-level students now have Zeng Li as their head teacher is actually of great benefit to them.

Outstanding students can sign a contract with Fanxing, while ordinary students have a relationship with teachers. If they dare not talk about it, they can play a supporting role in Fanxing Film and Television.

As long as they are motivated and Zeng Li lends a hand or makes a phone call, there will be no shortage of food for them.

From this point of view, it is very lucky for these students to have such a class teacher.

Of course, Zeng Li is not at a loss. Once these students are trained, Miss Zeng will be able to create a "Nishinomiya Party" among the stars and even the entertainment industry.

Teacher Zeng may not be able to touch the four great beauties, the first sister of Fanxing, and all the peach blossoms in the world...

Cao Xuan didn't care about the silent contest between the east and west palaces. As long as it didn't cause a Shura scene and didn't touch the bottom line, he would take care of the rest.

After briefly paying attention to the 02-level star class and letting Jiang Yue follow up and observe, Cao Xuan's energy was devoted to filming.

On September 12, after more than four months of filming, "The Legend of Heaven and the Dragon Slayer" was officially completed.

The last scene shows Cao Xuan resigning as the leader of the Ming Cult, following the agreement, and going to Binghuo Island to live in seclusion with Zhao Min. As for Zhou Zhiruo, she is still her head of Emei. Although she still has feelings in her heart, she concentrates on her career.

This is slightly different from the ending of the original work "Eternal Dragon Sword".

There are three versions of the ending of Jin Yong's original work. The original version has Zhang Zhao living in seclusion, Zhou Zhiruo cutting off his hair and becoming a nun, and the ancient Buddha with a green lantern accompanying him throughout his life.

In the second version, Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min still live in seclusion, but before they go into seclusion, Zhou Zhiruo suddenly appears in front of Zhang Wuji and reminds Zhang Wuji that he still owes her a condition.

But what this condition is is not written. It is an open-ended Shura field ending, leaving it to the audience's imagination.

Later, Jin Yong made a new version, and it was still Zhou Zhiruo who came to put forward the conditions, not allowing Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min to get married.

But Zhang Wuji was cunning and promised not to get married, but could have children, and also imagined that Yin Li and Xiao Zhao would return to him.

To be honest, the last original version had too many flaws and completely subverted Zhang Wuji's character.

Therefore, many fans of Jin Yong do not recognize the newly edited version at all, thinking that Jin Yong was confused and scrawled.

Most of the current film and television versions of "Eternal Dragon Sword" have adapted the ending of the original work.

Liu Dekai 84 version - Zhou Zhiruo repented, blocked a sword for Zhao Min, and died gloriously.

Well, it's a bit vulgar and forced to kill the plot.

But the most awesome thing is that Zhao Min calls Zhou Zhiruo "Sister Zhiruo" and Zhou Zhiruo calls Zhao Min "Sister Min". The two of them are like sisters.

To be honest, Jin Yong didn't sue them, which is really very open-minded.

Roaring Emperor Ma Jingtao's 92 version - Zhou Zhiruo lost herself in practicing martial arts, became frivolous and arrogant, and finally went to challenge Zhang Sanfeng. Finally, under Zhang Sanfeng's advice, she repented and became a nun.

At that time, it was the most consistent with the original work, but with some added drama.

As for the more famous version of Wu Qihua 01, this ending has the biggest change, or it can be said that the plot and protagonist of the entire drama have been modified to a certain extent.

Zhang Wuji was infatuated with Zhao Min and only liked her from the beginning to the end. Zhou Zhiruo turned black and did all kinds of bad things. In the end, his martial arts was abolished and he did not repent. Then he went crazy and lost his memory. He married Song Qingshu, whose martial arts was also abolished.

Because of this, the 01 version has received a lot of love from Zhao Min fans, and many passers-by also like the dedicated Zhang Wuji.

Only Zhou Zhiruo's fans hate this version the most, even more than Zhou Zhiruo, the green tea watcher in Wang Jing's version of "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Slayer: The Demon Cult Leader".

Of course, it doesn’t matter that Zhou Zhiruo doesn’t have as many fans as Zhao Min…

On the contrary, it is Zhang Jizhong's 2009 version, which strictly follows the ending of the most widely circulated Jin Yong's original work, that is, the open ending of Shura Field.

The plot of Cao Xuan is similar to the original version. There is no black Zhou Zhiruo, but it does not shake the official partner Zhao Min, and even Yin Li and Xiao Zhao each have decent endings.

This is also the reason why the 03 version is loved by many viewers. Every character is given enough respect, and other characters are not ignored just because the heroine is Zhao Min. It is full of human touch.


The filming was over, and the crew of "The Legend of Heaven and the Dragon Sword" also held a wrapping banquet.

The evil-minded Jia Jingwen made a last-ditch effort, pestering Cao Xuan to break her precepts, and planned to overwhelm Cao Xuan. Gao Yuanyuan didn't know what the purpose was, so he started to make noises.

After all, they were all colleagues who had been working for several months. Everyone was making noises together, and Cao Xuan had no choice but to show his face and picked up the wine glass.

However, if you want to drink, you can't drink. After a few glances, director Chen Hanzhu and his people rushed out to stop the drinking.

Lao Chen is the number one licker in front of Cao Xuan, but in front of others, he is a genuine director of hit dramas.

"Journey to the West", "Love Through Time and Space", "The Legend of Heaven and the Dragon Slayer", and even "The Unruly Princess" which was completed two months ago, although they did not participate in many filming tasks, they are still the nominal chief directors.

In the field of mainland TV dramas, Lao Chen is also considered the number one figure.

Boss Cao is approachable, especially when acting. In order to eliminate the barriers caused by status, he deliberately chats with the actors in private without any airs, so the actors sometimes dare to joke with him.

But Lao Chen is still more or less a director and pays more attention to the dignity of the director. Many actors dare not mess with him.

With Lao Chen charging into the battle, Jia Jingwen planned to go bankrupt and returned to the normal pace of the finals banquet. Everyone just toasted, chatted and said goodbye socially.

"Mr. Cao, I have benefited a lot from this cooperation. If there are any shortcomings, please bear with me."

"Teacher Zhang, don't say that. I am learning from you."

Zhang Guoli and Cao Xuan bumped into each other. The cooperation between the two was generally pleasant, with only a few minor conflicts.

It's not even a contradiction. The reason is that the British Queen Emma is always late when filming.

This can be regarded as his old problem. Zhang Guoli Iron Triangle and others complained a lot during interviews.

But Zhang Guoli's willingness to pamper him does not mean that Cao Xuan is willing to pamper him.

Cao Xuan was late several times before because they were not filmed by the same group, so Cao Xuan ignored him. Later, he was even late when filming with him.

Once Cao Xuan endured it, but the second time Cao Xuan directly ordered the entire crew to stop working and wait for him to come alone. Work would start when he came.

Zhang Guoli personally drove the person here, apologized to the entire crew, and covered up the matter. As a result, within a week, he started to be late again.

Cao Xuan was so angry that he called the producer in front of everyone and asked the producer to find a replacement actor. Huang Ama felt humiliated and walked away angrily. Later, Zhang Guoli escorted him to apologize.

It doesn't matter if he loses Luzhangke as a supporting role, but if word spreads about it, he will be labeled as a big name. Coupled with Cao Xuan's current reputation in the film and television industry, it will have a great impact on his career.

Zhang Guoli, if nothing else, was really loyal to this man. He not only forced the other party to apologize, but also apologized to Cao Xuan himself. Even Wang Gang also came to intercede, ensuring that the man would never be late, otherwise the two would have nothing to do with "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword". None of the proceeds will be collected.

At that time, Cao Xuan really planned to change people, but Zhang Guoli and Wang Gang both talked about this, so they had no choice but to give face.

But at any rate, Zhang Guoli and Wang Gang were in strict control after that, or that person had some conscience and didn't want to let them down. No matter what, he was not late again.

Because of this incident, the two parties have a slight rift with Weiwei, but the problem is not major, and they are even preparing to launch in-depth cooperation.

[Guolan Entertainment] under the name of Cao Xuan will continue to participate in Zhang Guoli's three projects - "The Commoner Emperor", "The Commoner Magistrate Brahma is Like a Flower" and "Song Liansheng Sitting in the Hall".

This Guolan Film and Television Investment Company is named after Cao Xuan’s parents, Cao Shuang [Guo] and Sun [Lan].

This company mainly invests in some film and television works that are profitable but may not be of satisfactory quality. At the same time, it will invest in some potential companies to win allies for Fanxing.

I have mentioned this before. Cao Xuan intends to build Fanxing into a high-quality brand. It is best if people are willing to support it when they hear the word Fanxing.

It is natural to consider the reputation and quality of the work. It is best to be able to produce and participate in the film and television works produced.

This means that Fanxing has to reject those works with poor reputation and performance, and maintain the brand of "Fanxing will produce high-quality products".

But these works may not be unable to make money, so Cao Xuan set up Guolan Entertainment. This company does not need to consider the reputation and performance of the works, and has only one purpose - to make money.

As long as it is a money-making project, even if it is a bad movie, Guolan can participate. Guolan will also take part in the subsequent copyright operation of ringtones.

To put it bluntly, Fanxing is Cao Xuan’s entertainment ace with a solid face and a glorious reputation, while Guolan is a money-making machine who only has face but no face.

Looking at it this way, Cao Xuan suddenly felt that using the word "Guolan" was a bit sorry for his parents...

But to make money, don’t shiver.

Besides, it's not stealing or robbing, it's just making money in an honest way, but the development direction is different, which can't be said to be embarrassing.

In addition to Zhang Guoli's braid drama trilogy, Guo Lan is also preparing to participate in a series of costume dramas such as Meng Ji's "The Lucky Star Shines on Zhu Bajie", "The Romantic Young Tang Bohu" starring Huang Xiaoming, and Zhong Hanliang's "The Four Famous Catchers".

The quality of these works is not high, and the reputation is not excellent, but they can basically make a small fortune and expand Cao Xuan's network and influence.

If the quality of some of Fanxing's subsequent works does not meet the requirements, they can also be produced under a brand name under Guolan's name.

Even Guolan provides money to become famous, Fanxing provides scripts and people, and makes money from ordinary film and television works, and then the profits are divided proportionally.

In Cao Xuan's vision, the stars are an indispensable part, so they must be steady, and every step must be carried out according to a strict plan and taken steadily.

Guolan doesn't have so many worries. It hasn't invested much energy in the first place, and it's asset-light, so it can just have fun.

The worst result is that the company goes bankrupt, which does not affect Cao Xuan's film and television layout, but if it is done well, the benefits are still great.

At that time, Fanxing and Guolan were both bright and dark. One insisted on high-quality products and rushed to become an industry benchmark; the other was not taboo on meat and vegetables and built a film and television alliance.

The simultaneous efforts of both parties can completely complement each other and rely on Cao Xuan's Fanxing Film and Television City and Fanxing Cinemas to create a true [Cao-style entertainment industry].


Apart from Zhang Guoli, Cao Xuan also chatted with Jiao Enjun for a while. Lao Jiao's contract with the Taiwanese company was about to expire, and Cao Xuan had always intended to recruit him.

Cao Xuan understands very well that his status and schedule will mean that he will be able to act in fewer and fewer TV series in the future, and his focus in film and television will shift to movies.

The remaining TV resources will basically be distributed to the male artists of its companies.

Among them, Zhang Zijian mainly works on series. "Yan Shuangying" and the upcoming "Detective Di Renjie" series will share most of his future work.

The remaining Yan Kuan and Qiao Zhenyu mainly play young people. The company happens to be short of a handsome uncle. Joining Jiao Enjun will not cause a conflict of resources.

Jiao Enjun was very tempted by Cao Xuan's wooing. His current focus of development was basically on the mainland, and being able to embrace Fanxing's lap would be of great benefit.

Now, the two have basically reached a consensus that when Jiao Enjun's contract expires at the end of this year, he will switch to Fanxing.

Cao Xuan also offered a price for poaching: "Brother Jiao, after you come here, the company will start a mythological drama project. Although you are not Ichiban, you are definitely the most outstanding character."

"Can I ask what the show is?"

"Erlang God Yang Jian."

Jiao Enjun was lost in thought, but Cao Xuan turned to look at Shi Xiaolong, who came specially to attend the closing banquet.

Should he take advantage of this cheap "son", or should he use his own boss Cao Jun like the original version?

And for Xiaoyu, who should be looking for the original Shu Chang, or Liu Tianxian who is of the same age?

Forget it, let's find Shu Chang. Liu Tianxian's role as a fairy who doesn't understand the world is okay, but the charming and affectionate little vixen in "Lotus Lantern" is quite difficult for her at present.

Let's wait until "Dragon" is finished, Cao Xuan brings Hu Ge over, and then they get together to film "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

Cao Xuan had held the copyright for this film for several years, and originally planned to act it himself, but now it seems that he will recommend a new actor.

But Hu Ge, before he can act in this drama, he must first act in "Armor Warrior 2".

The last time I asked him to play the role of Yan Longxia, he was rejected. The petty boss Cao kept keeping tabs on him...

8000 today, continue tomorrow

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