China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 344 Mom, look, it’s Cao Xuan alive! ! !

Weddings in mid-to-late October are actually a bit hard to find.

Because the National Day holiday a few days ago is the peak period for weddings, many people choose to get married during those days.

However, there are also newcomers who do not want to follow the crowd, deliberately miss the small peak, choose an auspicious day, and come as early as possible to relatives and friends to bless themselves.

October 19, 2002, is a good day to get married, pray for blessings, and seek children. It is also a good day in this month. The most important thing is that it is a Saturday, which is convenient for weddings.

Fuyunlai Hotel is barely a three-star hotel. It specializes in catering banquets. It has a certain level and the price is not particularly expensive.

It is the first choice for many middle-class families near Haidian, the capital, for weddings, birthday banquets, teacher appreciation, celebrations, full moon and other banquets.

The two families of the newlyweds who are having their wedding here today are engaged in business. Their business is not big, with annual income of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, but they were considered wealthy in 2002.

Coincidentally, the groom's cousin works in Fanxing. After learning about the MV, he took the initiative to help his cousin register.

He also said that his cousin and future younger siblings are both fans of Cao Xuan. They gather to sing karaoke every day. The two of them often sing Cao Xuan's songs, and the effect is definitely impressive.

With the help of this cousin, Fanxing staff contacted the parents of the couple and quickly obtained approval.

Cao Xuan's popularity in the country cannot be built on. He couldn't even invite such a big star to perform at his wedding. Now that it's free, there's no reason to refuse.

As for the MV shooting, by the way, it can also be on TV, so why not do it.

In order to achieve the best surprise effect, the wedding performance was kept secret and not many people knew about it.

Except for the parents of the couple who knew the situation from the person in charge of the wedding company and the hotel, the other participants only knew that there was a surprise performance, but they didn't know who it was.

As for the bride and groom and most of the guests, they didn’t even know about this part of the performance.

The filming of the MV is destined to be hidden from anyone. Cao Xuan is so famous that if friends and relatives present casually spread the word, reporters may have to find someone to interview him.

Cao Xuan doesn't care if this matter gets exposed. Anyway, the finished MV has to be finalized and edited. If it is revealed in advance, it may arouse people's curiosity and play a certain role in promoting the album.

As for whether other weddings will be prepared, this is actually not a big problem. As long as Cao Xuan is present, it will be a surprise.

Besides, with so many newlyweds getting married across the country, who knows where Cao Xuan will go. The randomness is too great and not many people will be lucky.

The only difficulty is that in order not to leak the live footage and songs in advance, others are not allowed to take videos during Cao Xuan's performance, and it is best not to take photos.

This point has been discussed with the parents of the couple when discussing the wedding, and Cao Xuan’s team must be responsible for the relevant recording.

Of course, as compensation, Cao Xuan may sing another song or say some blessings after the performance. These sessions can be recorded by others for souvenirs.

Later, after the MV is released, Cao Xuan's photography team will also make videos of the performance process and some behind-the-scenes videos, specially sent to the newcomers.

In short, Cao Xuan is very considerate. The newcomer will never suffer, and he will save face. In this way, others will naturally cooperate actively.

Live recording is not allowed. This matter will be difficult to manage in future generations. Everyone has a mobile phone, and you can't stop it even if you want.

But nowadays, few mobile phones have camera functions, and even those that shoot pictures look like mosaics.

At a wedding, except for the wedding team or the hired videographer, generally no one has the habit of bringing a camera.

Even if it is accidentally photographed, the picture and sound will inevitably be poor if someone is supervising the scene.

And with the current speed of Internet transmission, Cao Xuan can use his connections on the Internet to suppress video streaming to the greatest extent at any time.

It’s not Cao Xuan’s fault. As the majority shareholder and owner of Penguin and Box Games, Cao Xuan is considered a big boss on the Internet.

I dare not say too much. Limiting the flow and blocking an illegal video is a matter of saying hello to the three major portals, Baidu and related forums.

Everything is prepared and nothing goes wrong.

On the wedding day, while the couple was having their wedding ceremony, Cao Xuan and others quietly sneaked into the back door of the hotel, and the photographer followed them to randomly take pictures, which would then be cut into the main film or behind-the-scenes, depending on the situation.

As for the original shot of driving a convertible on the street in search of a wedding, we had to find scenes to reshoot later.

With Cao Xuan's reputation, if he undisguisedly took a video in a convertible on the inner streets of the capital, it might attract the attention of the traffic department, and reporters would have to come over.

So I have to find an opportunity to take additional shots later, and also take some additional shots of distant views or landmarks to indicate the location.

For example, when you are in Beijing, you might go around Chang'an Avenue, when you go to Magic City, you may pass by the Oriental Pearl Tower, in the United States, you may see the Statue of Liberty or Times Square, in Seoul, South Korea, you may take pictures of the Han River, or in Bangkok, Thailand, you may want to take a picture of Chinatown, telling the audience that Cao Xuan is a global celebrity... and send you blessings.

As soon as he entered the back door, the groom's father and the hotel manager came to greet him. The groom's father smiled from ear to ear when he saw the living Cao Xuan standing in front of him.

"Thank you for your hard work, sorry for bothering you."

"I want to thank you for helping me and feeling happy."

"You're too polite. You must stay when the meeting is over. I'll ask the children to toast together."

After chatting for a while, Cao Xuan and the others sneaked into the specially prepared lounge, while the others were responsible for preparing for the performance.

Just after the normal wedding process in the banquet hall was completed, and when the food was ready to be served as planned, a group of people appeared on the scene and quickly set up the stage.

The on-site layout is very simple, just set up a stand and surround it with red cloth. At this stage, the drum set and related musical instruments and speakers are moved in.

The series of actions took less than 10 minutes, but it left all the guests at the scene, especially the bride and groom, confused.

The bride turned to look at the groom, thinking it was some special project: "What's your arrangement?"

The groom was confused: "I don't know? Where is the wedding company? How did it happen?"

The two of them knew all the procedures, so they were particularly surprised by this unplanned event. The guests were actually okay, mainly just a little angry.

Why are there still projects, the wedding is not over yet, it’s already past 1 o’clock, can the party be held? ! !

To be honest, except for a small number of close friends, most people attend weddings just to eat. They actually don't care about the love story of the bride and groom, and rarely can take part in it. They just want to start serving the food quickly.

This is why you have to wait until the wedding process is completed before the banquet can start. Otherwise, everyone will go to eat and no one will care about the bride and groom.

It looked really shameful, and no one could be found to care about it. The groom was about to go in to see what was going on, but he was grabbed by someone. When he looked back, he saw his father with a smile on his face.

"Wait, I have a surprise for you young couple."


The bride and groom were a little hesitant, and the groom couldn't help but wonder when he saw his father's mysterious smile.

Could it be that the old man wants to give me his family property in advance?

Or did my mother give birth to a younger brother?

Don’t let it be a bloody incident where I am actually my wife’s brother! ?

If the groom's father knew that his son was thinking about him in this way, he might pull out his septwolves belt, have a bloody wedding banquet, and kill each other...


While the groom and others were speculating in a commotion, the scene was set up, and Cao Xuan and others sneaked into the shelf surrounded by red cloth with their musical instruments.

It was the first time to do something like this. Everyone, including Cao Xuan, was a little novel and excited, so everyone took their places.

The bride and groom outside were also invited by the staff who got the news and were led to the stand. Two photographers who sneaked in in advance followed and took pictures.

As the bride and groom stood still, Cao Xuan and others also began to play the prelude. The sudden sound caused the stand to attract the attention of everyone present.

Just when everyone was in shock, the red cloth hanging around the shelf suddenly fell down, revealing the whole thing inside.

A bearded Irish man was playing the drums gently, and next to him was a long-haired white man playing the electronic keyboard. Two Asian men were holding bass guitars and were standing on the left and right. In the middle was Cao Xuan, who was holding a microphone and waving to everyone.


The bride who was nearest reacted first, covering her mouth in disbelief, and pinching the groom crazily with her other hand.

The groom was so pinched that he grinned, but the smile on his face couldn't stop: "It's Cao Xuan, my wife, it's Cao Xuan."

At this time, the guests who were a little further away also recognized Cao Xuan. As the number one person in the Chinese music scene, he has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala four times and is the leading actor in many hit dramas.

Cao Xuan couldn't guarantee that all the more than one billion people in the country would know him, but there were indeed a few who didn't, so when Cao Xuan showed up, there were screams one after another, and the entire banquet scene was boiling.


"Cao Xuan, is this Cao Xuan?"

"Mom, mom, Cao Xuan is alive."

"If someone pinches me, it's not a dream."

"It's worth the trip!"


Except for those who had received the news in advance and were relatively stable, almost no one at the scene could remain calm. Everyone was in deep shock.

The previous dissatisfaction due to the late start of the dinner has long been forgotten. You can eat at any time. It is rare to see a big star!

Because the reaction at the scene was too intense, in order to give everyone some time to recover emotionally, the band played the intro twice before Cao Xuan started singing.

"I'm hurting baby, I'm broken down

Baby, I'm so hurt, I can't get up

I need your loving, loving

I need your love at this time, your love

I need it now

Can't wait now

When I'm without you

whenever without you

I’m something weak

I become weak and weak


Although most of the audience could not understand the English lyrics, everyone could feel the cheerful and dynamic melody.

Cao Xuan, who has rich live performances, knows how to arouse the audience's emotions. His soulful and sweet singing and dynamic swing constantly enhance the atmosphere of the scene and provoke everyone to sway and dance.

Unlike abroad, people in China are relatively reserved and generally not too embarrassed to dance.

At this time, [Tiao] would take the lead. The cousin of Fanxing's employees and hotel staff who attended the wedding took the lead in starting to sway to the melody of the music.

The groom's father was also very awesome. Not only did he rock the dance himself, he also took the initiative to invite his relatives and friends to join him.

The most important thing is that the bride and groom are very open-minded. Cao Xuan waved his hands to indicate that they should get excited, and the two of them jumped up in cooperation.

Although Cao Xuan now occupies the C position, the center of the wedding is still the bride and groom. When they move, the best man and bridesmaid also dance with them.

Especially the bridesmaids, each with their eyes shining brightly, and if it weren't for the large crowd, they would probably all pounce on them.

Cao Xuan sang with ease on the surface, but in reality he was a little panicked. He was not afraid of the bridesmaid rushing towards him, which would interrupt the performance at worst.

He was afraid that the bride couldn't help but pounce on him. On the big day, he and the band might not be able to leave the hotel today...

Fortunately, although the bride looked excited when she saw Cao Xuan, she had not lost her mind yet.

The groom and bridesmaids were joined by a group of young people, which pushed the atmosphere to a climax. Coupled with Tuo's cooperation, more and more guests twisted their bodies to the melody and participated in the carnival.



Yes please

That's all I'm begging you to do

Won't you come and put it down on me

Can you give me that sweet love?


During the carnival of the whole audience, Cao Xuan sang the climax of the chorus with a high-pitched voice and a sultry falsetto, which once again boosted the atmosphere of the scene. Everyone danced happily and was completely immersed in the atmosphere of celebration.

"Kiss the bride and groom."

Taking advantage of the interlude of the song, Cao Xuan pointed at the bride and groom and shouted, and raised his hand to signal everyone to cheer. The guests cooperated and watched the bride and groom shout along with Cao Xuan.

"Kiss the bride and groom!"

"Kiss me!"

The groom was a little embarrassed, but the bride was more aggressive. She turned around, held her husband's face, and hit him directly. There were cheers and screams everywhere. Cao Xuan, who was singing, couldn't help but give the bride a thumbs up.

The moving melody always comes to an end. After singing the song, Cao Xuan looked at the bride and groom with a smile.

"I present this song "Sugar" to wish Mr. Zhuang Dalei and Miss Chen Ya a happy wedding and a long life together."

The guests applauded one after another. When the bride took the microphone from the emcee, she couldn't help crying and thanked her incoherently.

"Thank you. I am your fan. I have listened to all your songs and bought your album. I am very happy that you can come and sing such beautiful songs. Thank you. I am so happy. Thank you."

After saying that, the bride rushed over and hugged Cao Xuan. Everyone can understand this emotional excitement.

It would be hard to keep calm if your favorite celebrity could perform a blessing performance for you at your wedding.

But in order to ensure safety, Cao Xuan quickly hugged the groom again to distance himself.

There is no way, Cao Daguan's reputation is too bad. In order to avoid misunderstandings, we should be more careful.

The bride and groom expressed their thoughts, and Cao Xuan also sent his blessings. Faced with the couple's insistence on staying, Cao Xuan stayed and toasted a glass of wine, had a simple meal and then left.

There is no way, he is too busy here, not to mention the bride and groom, no one cares about them, even the big elbows on the table are ignored, they are all here, so they can only go first.

After Cao Xuan left, the center of the topic was still him, but the bride and groom and their families also got some attention.

Especially the groom's father and the cousin. When they learned that they planned this incident, everyone expressed their admiration and asked if there was a way for Cao Xuan to perform at other weddings.

It's so honorable to be a supporting singer at the wedding of an international superstar!

If you can really invite her, those who are in love should get married as soon as possible. If it doesn't work, go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get divorced and get a second marriage. It's worth it.

At the wedding banquet, everyone gained a lot of talk, and the groom's family was especially proud.

After the wedding banquet was over and the guests had not dispersed, the groom went to pay for the wedding banquet and came back in a daze after a while.

The groom's father, who was bragging to the guests, saw something was wrong and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I went to check out, and the hotel manager said that Cao Xuan had paid for our wedding banquet, and said it was for Chen Yasui and I."

As soon as the words came out, everyone was speechless. After a moment of pause, the groom's father spoke with emotion.

"The performance is free, and a wedding banquet is included. Son, you are not an idol in vain. You are so particular."

On the other side, Cao Xuan, who was driving away in the car, muttered to himself that he had agreed to have a meal, but ended up booking the wedding banquet, and he didn't know who was enjoying whom.

But it's just a joke. As mentioned before, besides performing, you can also be happy.

With his net worth, this little money is nothing. If word spreads in the future, it might even have the effect of solidifying fans...

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