China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 363 The Shura Fields of the East and West Palaces? Danger u0026 Opportunity

"It's natural to feel happy to win a Grammy. I don't pay special attention to records or anything like that. It would be great if I could win the award."

"I have also seen some media reports in the United States. Well, I am very grateful for everyone's support and will continue to work hard in the future."

"Have you ever suppressed me because of my nationality and race? I don't deny that I feel this way, but I still believe that this is just some people's fault. Many foreign institutions, friends and fans still support me."

"Avril Lavigne? The scandal is false. She is just a good friend. The Los Angeles Times has publicly apologized. I regard her as my sister."

"They are two of the biggest scumbags in the American music scene. It's nonsense. I have been in the United States for less than two months in total. I don't have such a big name. Don't follow others' opinions."

"Are you disgusted by the label of a scumbag? I'm used to it. As long as everyone is happy."

“I had an acting role in The Matrix, a guest appearance, I guess, and I was invited by the Wachowski brothers to write the theme song, which turned out pretty well.

The follow-up movie should be released in China, and I hope everyone will support it. "

"Yes, I went to watch Yao at the Rockets home court. It's not easy for him to play alone outside. He is quite shy. Domestic fans still need to give him more encouragement."

"A new Hummer? You all dug this out (laughs). It's a meeting gift. We are quite compatible... Don't worry about the price. Friendship is important."

"The main focus will be on the new album in the future. The film and television plan will be launched in the second half of the year. It should be a movie, but the specific project has not been determined yet."


Although Cao Xuan repeatedly tried to bring the topic to the main topic of today's press conference, reporters still kept asking him about other aspects.

After more than half an hour, Cao Xuan basically answered the relevant questions before he got the situation under control and returned to the press conference itself.

M-Zone, a new brand business launched by China Mobile after Shenzhouxing, focuses on young customer groups and provides a number of innovative services. It is positioned as "novelty" and its brand attributes are "fashion, fun and exploration".

Cao Xuan, as the most influential star among young people in China and even Asia, is naturally regarded by China Mobile as the best spokesperson for M-Zone.

But Cao Xuan's endorsement is not so easy to get. Not to mention being picky, the key price is still expensive.

Especially after Cao Xuan opened up the international market in the past two years, endorsement fees have soared, which is simply beyond the reach of ordinary domestic companies.

The only mainland company currently cooperating with Cao Xuan, Seven Wolves, even though Cao Xuan had made some concessions on price before, was unable to withstand Cao Xuan's soaring value.

But when the spokesperson changed, the Seven Wolves were reluctant to part with the benefits brought by Cao Xuan.

Cao Xuan has the aura of an international superstar. In the current clothing market, he has greatly improved the quality of the Septwolves brand. He has even helped Septwolves open up the high-end clothing market, and is even more aggressive in the mid-range market.

That advertising slogan - When a father sees that his son is still alive, he draws out... ahem, it should be "Seven Wolves, showing off their true colors". It once became a well-known advertising slogan in the clothing industry.

While realizing the importance of Cao Xuan as a spokesperson, Septwolves also considered that subsequent market competition would require a certain amount of capital investment.

In the original time and space, at this time the Septwolves had already begun to think about preparing to go public to raise funds. Now, the boss of the Septwolves, Zhou Shaoxiong, slapped his forehead and directly approached Cao Xuan.

The outside world doesn't know, but many people in the business world know that Boss Cao is a big water pipe and has a terrifying amount of money.

Not long ago, at Cao Xuan’s suggestion, its subsidiary [Sun Venture Capital] began to discuss the issue of endorsements and capital investment with Seven Wolves.

From spokespersons to shareholders, Cao Xuan and the Seven Wolves' saucy operations can be regarded as a small business story.

For example, small and medium-sized enterprises want to copy this trick, first ask for endorsements and then attract investment from Cao Xuan.

At first, Cao Xuan didn't react, but later he realized something was wrong. His feelings were just for free. From then on, Cao Xuan's endorsement screening became more stringent and strict.

Medium-sized enterprises rarely consider it, and they are basically big brands with assets worth billions.

In the past few years, the three major operators have officially separated. China Mobile has developed the fastest. It has launched several brands and quickly occupied the market. From the youngest at the beginning, it is now faintly attacking the boss, with total assets of hundreds of billions.

Only such a company could have the confidence to spend money to win over Cao Xuan, but even so, China Unicom, an old enemy, came out and caused a lot of trouble.

In the final contract, Cao Xuan endorsed the Mobile M-Zone brand for three years at a price of 30 million yuan per year.

And in the past three years, it is stipulated that the endorsement fee will increase to a certain extent based on M-Zone's business data or Cao Xuan's own fame.

If Cao Xuan meets all the conditions in three years, the total endorsement fee will increase from 90 million to 150 million, which is 50 million per year.

This price is undoubtedly the ceiling for endorsements in China. Even abroad, few companies can pay Cao Xuan this amount.

Except that Pepsi-Cola and PepsiCo are almost strategically bound, and generously signed a super betting contract of 2 to 20 million US dollars per year for Cao Xuan.

The contracts offered by Samsung and Nike are similar to those of China Mobile.

The contracts of other companies are lower than these, rarely exceeding US$5 million per year, which is about 40 million.

In addition, as Cao Xuan's commercial value increases, watches, cars, games, food, home appliances, digital products, men's cosmetics brands and other products are interested in cooperation.

When the price is right and there is no risk of thunder, Cao Xuan will not turn away the money delivered to his door.

It can be expected that at least in the past five years, Cao Xuan's commercial endorsement income will not be inferior to Cao Xuan's personal income from music and film and television, and may even exceed it.

However, many brands are still in the wait-and-see period. After all, Cao Xuan has only released one English album, which does not guarantee that he will still dominate the European and American markets in the future.

As for Nike and Samsung mentioned earlier, Nike has even strategically abandoned Cao Xuan because of Dayao, and instead competed with Reebok for Dayao.

It can also open up the Chinese market, and it is more in line with sports positioning. The key is that it is cheaper.

Samsung doesn't know whether it's because the princess' father knows something, or because its market is mainly in Asia, and it recognizes Cao Xuan's influence in Asia and still pursues Cao Daguan.

The two parties are now in contact. Cao Xuan is interested in seeing Samsung's sincerity. If the price is enough, he may not be able to get a short- to medium-term contract.

The Gulfstream G550 mentioned earlier is the most advanced luxury business jet available at a high price.

If we reach a cooperation with Samsung and sign for five or six years, we will get this private jet.

He slept with other people's daughters and used other people's money to buy a plane. Cao Xuan was afraid that if the old man knew about it, he would give him a prototype arms and blow him up...


The specific terms of the M-Zone contract have not been announced to the public.

Cao Xuan intends to keep a low profile. After all, China Mobile is a central enterprise, so it is not easy to use this as a hype. It only needs to sign Cao Xuan to spread its influence.

On the other hand, China Mobile also wants to sign a few more spokespersons. If the contract is announced, the price gap between the endorsement fees will be too big, and people will inevitably have ideas, so both parties agree to keep it confidential.

However, although it is kept secret, the outside world also knows that the endorsement fee will not be too low, and it will definitely be a sky-high price that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Reporters who know the rules are already thinking about how many schools Cao Xuan will build next.

If it continues like this, it will not be far from being on the list of the top ten people who moved China in the year.

This press conference mainly announced the cooperation between the two parties, and announced that Cao Xuan will soon release the M-Zone promotional song "Ring Ring Ring".

At first, he wanted to steal his younger brother Jay Chou's song "My Land".

But later I discovered that Xiao Zhou’s personal style of this song was too strong, and it didn’t feel right for him to copy it. On the contrary, the male and female versions of “Ring Ring Ring” could be used, just by changing a few words.

Anyway, the advertisement slogan "My territory is my decision" has been finished. At worst, I will hum the phrase a few more times during the filming of the advertisement - in my territory, you have to listen to me.

As for the entire song, Cao Xuan has no plans to copy it.

Xiao Zhou's music style is already known to the public, especially the fast song arrangement and Fang Wenshan's related lyrics, which are easy to distinguish.

If Cao Xuan tries to "imitate" forcibly, it will be a joke once or twice, but if he does it too much, he will "exhaust his talents".

For a commercial song, Cao Xuan would not have taken such a big risk, and "ring ring ring" is also classic enough.

After the press conference, the reporters went back to publish the news. Cao Xuan had a lot of information today, and everyone was very satisfied.

Cao Xuan had a casual meal with the relevant leaders of China Mobile. He had a good impression of China Mobile and was generous with his actions.

In the last movie "When Men Are in Love", 2 million was implanted without saying a word. Although he intended to have a good relationship with Cao Xuan, the serious attitude shown made Cao Xuan feel very comfortable.

Speaking of which, both of his phone numbers are from China Telecom. He will have to change his phone number later, otherwise he will be found out one day, which will not look good.

Cao Xuan's professionalism is still very high.

As an endorser of Septwolves, all the clothes on his body, including his underwear, are from Septwolves. In a few special circumstances, he will definitely remove the brand label from his clothes and will not do any promotion for other brands.

If you endorse Pepsi-Cola, you will never touch other drinks. If you see the Coca-Cola brand, you will avoid it to prevent misunderstandings.

Mobile leaders are also very satisfied with Cao Xuan, and would not spend so much money if they were not satisfied.

You know, this is hundreds of millions of yuan in 2003. It cannot meet the publicity expectations. It is not clear, but someone must be responsible.

Now that the cooperation has been reached, they hope that Cao Xuan's huge influence can positively promote the new brand of M-Zone and completely overturn the two old enemies that stand in front of them.

Mobile leaders are excited and a little worried, but Cao Xuan himself is still very confident. In the next ten years, China Mobile will be fully dominant and will be worthy of the name of the top three operators.

M-Zone has a wide influence on young user groups and has made great contributions to the expansion of mobile.

This is also the biggest reason why he dared to sign this contract that took away the business standard requirements.

China Mobile thought it had set a threshold for Cao Xuan, but Cao Xuan knew that these thresholds were almost equivalent to nothing. If it weren't for the fact that he was really unsure of the specific data and planned to cooperate for a long time, Cao Xuan would have been prepared to make a bet.

He now understands why those people like to gamble. This thing is really addictive.

Especially after opening the eyes of God, you can't help but want to win.

If it weren't for Cao Xuan's cautious character and unwillingness to make all the money, he would definitely have more than just a few gambling contracts.

However, although Cao Xuan does not gamble, Cao Xuan sometimes cannot hide his temptation, so he will compromise on some conditions and then add incremental terms in addition to the guaranteed price.

This will be safer than betting, and if the performance is achieved, you will earn more than a direct guaranteed buyout. With performance data, everyone will win, and the partners will easily accept it.

Soon after, the news on the day of the press conference was published one after another, and the melon-eating people online and offline also expressed their opinions on this.

[China’s number one Grammy winner, Cao Xuan is awesome]

[I’m not the number one person in China, there are still other people who got it, but I’m really awesome. I’m the number one person in the Chinese music scene, no one else]

[Popular science: Cao Xuan holds two Grammys, and [Best New Artist] is more valuable than the latter. Many media have got it wrong]

[Indeed, the Grammy [Best New Artist] is more difficult to win, and the New Artist Award is just this one, [Best Pop Singer] can be won at any time]

[It seems that the boss has never won the Best Newcomer Award. He is almost the same as Jay Chou. This time he got his wish]

[Both of them have won the Newcomer Award, but it is not a prestigious award. Cao Xuan and Zhou were nominated for the Taiwan Golden Melody Award for Best Newcomer, but they both lost.]

[Awesome, I know Sun Yanzi defeated Zhou Jielun, who was the one who defeated Cao Xuan? 】

[In 1999, the 10th Taiwan Provincial Golden Melody Awards [Best Newcomer] Lin Xiaopei, the one who sang "Heartbeat", prevented Cao Xuan from achieving the Grand Slam of Chinese Music Awards, and he can sing for a lifetime]

[I don’t know, hasn’t Cao Xuan debuted several years ago? Why can a new artist win a Grammy?]

[After checking, it seems that the new Grammy nomination scope is to release an album in the United States or to be nominated for a Grammy for the first time. Anyway, it is quite confusing, and the rules are constantly changing. It seems that you can be nominated multiple times if you don't win...]

[Why do you care so much, as long as the boss is awesome]

[Racial discrimination, it seems that the United States is not easy to deal with either]

[Of course, Li Lianjie, Yang Ziqiong and Gong Li have all said before that the European and American entertainment industry is very xenophobic]

[Boss has been second on the Billboard singles chart twice. You can tell if he can’t win the championship. He’s secretly hiding something.]

[Don’t be like this, there are scum everywhere, and so do we]

[Look at ourselves, we only laugh at fifty steps and a hundred steps]

[Those two upstairs, I, Sun, are your eighteenth generation ancestors]

[Friends, Cao Cao said that Avril Lavigne is his sister, do you believe it?]

[Believe it or not, this is what I told the police when I was caught going out for a massage]

[What a coincidence, that’s how my wife explained it too]

[European and American little queens, I’m envious]

[The reputation has spread abroad, Cao Daguan is still as good as before]

[The big carrot with a big heart, the thief Cao will die a good death]

[However, although Cao Cao is a scumbag, he is also a scumbag and candid. I still admire him for this.]

[Indeed, I’m sick of those male stars who pretend to be “innocent boys”. At least they’re real.]

【Who do I think you are inside】

[Cao Thief and FS Dragon, no matter in terms of fame or popularity, they are the two biggest leaders in the entertainment industry]

[Buying a car for Dayao, who knows how much a Hummer H2 costs? 】

[It’s not available in China yet. I heard it’s a modified version and costs at least a million.]

[You are so rich, you can buy a luxury car]

[Cao Zei is the most profitable person in the entertainment industry right now. I don’t know how much he can make from this mobile endorsement]

【10 million? 】

[10 million is a bit low, that’s the amount he endorsed the Seven Wolves]

[My dear, I finally understand Thief Cao. I want to be rich and spend more than him]

[Our boss is very good, right? He has been doing charity, subsidizing orphans, widows, the sick and disabled, and has built many hope primary schools. Apart from being a little carefree, he has nothing wrong with him]

[I admit this. In my hometown in the mountainous area of ​​Sichuan Province, there is a primary school donated and built by him. I don’t comment on my private life, and my character Cao Xuan is not bad]

[Doesn’t anyone care about the advertising slogans printed in M-Zone? I have the final say on my territory, so crazy]

[I think it’s quite individual, I like it]

[Could it be that Cao Cao is hinting at something, that he wants to dominate the music scene and command the heroes? 】

[You must have read too many martial arts novels. I still rely on the sky to slay dragons. No one dares to disobey me.]

[Hold on, it’s been several pages, it’s time for the reader to curse]

[I just wrote hi, sorry]


The overwhelming discussion led to Cao Xuan's Grammy win and new endorsement, which were released together and created a lot of heat.

It has overshadowed the global warning about SARS just issued by the World Health Organization, and cases have appeared in many countries such as Southeast Asia, Australia, Europe and the United States.

Domestically, the first case was reported in Beijing in early March, and the situation in Hong Kong and Taiwan was serious.

After Cao Xuan returned to China, after finishing the press conference, he began to rectify the relevant enterprises under his subsidiaries to a certain extent and be prepared to temporarily suspend operations at any time.


In mid-March, Cao Xuan was sitting on the sofa in his Haidian apartment watching the news, as the country entered a new era.

Cao Xuan was sighing in his heart when Zeng Li came in carrying a bag of things. Cao Xuan got up and went over to take it.

"Didn't I ask you to wear a mask? There are several cases in Beijing. This is no joke."

"I have it with me, but it's a bit boring to go upstairs. I just picked it."

Zeng Li took out the mask from his pocket, Cao Xuan took the bag and went to the faucet to wash the vegetables naturally.

"Otherwise, you can ask for a few days' leave from the school and then return to Jing City. There are risks here in the capital, so I'm not worried."

"The freshman year is almost over, and the selection period assessment will begin soon. How can I run away at this time?"

After a year of teaching career, Zeng Li now became more and more like a gardener of his motherland, and he vetoed Cao Xuan's proposal without thinking.

After changing her clothes, she wanted to come over to help wash the vegetables. Cao Xuan stepped aside and said, "You take a break and drink some water. I'll do it today."

After washing the vegetables, he took out the beef slices. He kept persuading with his hands and mouth.

"This is really not a trivial matter. Don't take it to heart. My friends in Xiangjiang told me that many people are infected and hospitalized. Be obedient and don't be willful."

"I'm not willful."

Zeng Li looked at Cao Xuan, holding the cup, and said seriously: "If it is really so serious, I can't leave, otherwise what will happen to the students in our class?"

Seeing Zeng Li persisting, Cao Xuan felt a headache: "Why are you all so stubborn?"


Zeng Li picked up the key words keenly: "What do you mean, she won't leave either?"

Only then did Cao Xuan realize that he had accidentally let something slip. He hesitated for a moment and then spoke honestly.

"I have a lot of things to watch here, and I may cooperate with the arrangements above. There is a high chance that I will not leave the capital. If I don't leave, she won't leave either."

"Then don't leave, we'll die together."

"Bah, bah, bah."

Cao Xuan spat a few times. These two people didn't know the heights of the world and were not vigilant enough. He knew how serious SARS was. These words were so unlucky.

After a busy day of work, Cao Xuan made tomatoes and eggs, stir-fried beef with chili peppers, cooked some wontons, and treated Dame Zeng to dinner.

Under his influence, Zeng Li now has no obvious intention to be a vegetarian. He can eat both meat and vegetables. However, for fear of gaining weight, he prefers to eat low-calorie foods.

Zeng Li took a bite of the beef with his chopsticks. It was moderately soft and tender, salty and slightly spicy. He smiled brightly and said, "My skills haven't fallen behind. There must be a lot of cooking there."

"Ahem, don't talk nonsense."

Cao Xuan's expression was a bit unnatural. Beauty Zeng was a typical good wife and mother. She was very good at cooking and loved to cook for him, so Zeng Li usually did the cooking here.

Hu Jing loves to eat, but her cooking skills are not as good as his. If the two of them are not shopping for food outside, Cao Xuan will do most of the cooking at home.

I don’t usually think about this, but it’s a problem when I mention it. Maybe I have to sleep on the sofa at night.

Zeng Li didn't say much, and concentrated on the food he cooked. He occasionally praised it, but Cao Xuan felt a little panicked.

Why did he feel that when he came back this time, whether it was Zeng Li or Hu Jing, the boundaries between them began to become a little blurred.

In the past, when they were alone with Cao Xuan, they hardly mentioned each other. Even if Cao Xuan occasionally let slip something, they would pretend not to have heard it, as if there was no other person in the world.

But Zeng Li mentioned Hu Jing twice today. The first time it could be said that Cao Xuan let it slip and she followed it up, but the second time it was Hu Jing who took the initiative to mention it, which was really a bit abnormal.

This also reminded Cao Xuan of going to Hu Jing's place the day before yesterday. When he first entered the door, he seemed to see Hu Jing watching "Li Wei Becomes an Official" starring Zeng Li, which had just premiered at the beginning of the year.

At that time, Hu Jing changed the channel when she saw him. Cao Xuan thought he was being blinded and didn't pay much attention.

Now it seems that this matter is not as simple as he thought. The two palaces seem to have reached some new tacit understanding without his knowledge.

Cao Xuan thought for a while. He gave Nishigong Empress a piece of egg, made certain changes to the previous arrangement, and asked tentatively.

"If SARS becomes serious, I won't worry about you being alone at home, but I can't ignore it. Look..."

"What's the meaning?"

Zeng Li's beautiful eyes slightly opened, and he put down his chopsticks heavily: "You want the three of us to live together, Cao Xuan, are you not afraid that we will fight?"

"Expediency, expediency."

Cao Xuan felt a little trembling in his heart, but seeing that Zeng Li didn't seem to have any intention of directly turning against him, he still had the courage to explain.

"I heard from my friends in the south that some places are already reclusive. When the time comes, the distance will be too far for me to take care of. I don't trust either of you.

It's better to move to Dashizuo Hutong or Shichahai Siheyuan. Didn't I buy an alley over Shichahai? The innermost one has been repaired.

There are no neighbors and no one will disturb you. It is quiet and safe. It is also close to your school and company. Transportation and shopping are also convenient. You can avoid the limelight before moving back. "

"It's a good plan, does she know it?"

"Can't I ask you for instructions first?"

Cao Xuan had a shy face and looked like he was dominated by Xi Gong. Zeng Li was not stupid either. He sneered: "Excuse me? You think I can talk better."

"You are obviously more considerate."

"If you dare to repeat this in front of her, I will believe it."

Cao Xuan: "..."

Looking at the dumbfounded Cao Xuan, Zeng Li put a piece of beef into his mouth with a slight smile in his eyes: "You can deal with her first."

After being together for several years, how could Cao Xuan not know what Zeng Li meant? He was pleasantly surprised and slightly panicked at the same time.

His initial plan was indeed to move the three of them to Shichahai when SARS became serious, and he bought nearly twenty units of various sizes in that alley.

Of course, because it is too exaggerated to buy it by one person, these houses are held by several institutions and companies.

The specific operation is more complicated, but the procedures are fine anyway, and all the houses belong to Cao Xuan. If he dies, these houses will be attributed to his parents, Zeng, Hu and their future children respectively.

After getting the house, some renovations were done to the yard, which Cao Xuan nicknamed "Cao's Alley".

The ones in the best condition are connected into a large courtyard with five entrances, which can be used as an "external courtyard" for occasional residence.

Other courtyards have gardens, fish ponds, guest houses, collections, fitness, leisure and entertainment facilities, etc. Ordinary people can only say "f*ck" when they come in.

Of course, it has not reached this stage yet. We are just cleaning up the main courtyard first, and will decorate it bit by bit in the future until it becomes the "elegant residence" in Cao Xuan's heart.

Shichahai [Caojia Hutong] has many yards and a large area. Taking into account the lack of neighbors, the security arrangements made in advance and the location, it is indeed a better place to live in peace and quiet.

However, Cao Xuan's initial plan was just for three people to live in the alley separately, separated in the middle. This would make it easier to take care of them, and they would not have to face the Shura Field directly. The East and West Palaces would also be relatively acceptable.

But after the temptation just now, he found that he seemed to be conservative.

At least Mrs. Zeng didn't have any strong objections or objections to living together in the same house.

Cao Xuan, who was originally just testing the situation, was ready to move, wondering if he could make a mistake.

Although it is possible to stage a Shura scene, the danger is also accompanied by opportunities. Living under the same roof and getting along day and night, can the gap between the three of them be eliminated to a certain extent.

Cao Xuan was moved but hesitated, and everyone was happy. He even took a step closer to Cao Xuan's ultimate dream - sleeping with a quilt.

But if things go wrong and the balance between the three of them is broken, it will be difficult to maintain the previous tacit understanding. Maybe one of the palaces will be impatient and have to write a short essay online to denounce him.

Of course he deserved to be hammered, but Cao Xuan couldn't bear to have one of the two palaces leave him.

Cao Xuan was scratching his head and had no intention of eating. He couldn't ask anyone else about this matter, so he could only worry about it silently by himself, with a struggle and hesitation on his face.

Zeng Li, on the other hand, was very calm. He finished eating and washed the dishes, then put on a facial mask and sat on the sofa to watch "I Love Memorizing Lyrics" and complained to Cao Xuan about the audience's poor memory.

Cao Xuan dealt with it for a while, but couldn't help but feel the torment in his heart. He went to the computer to change the situation and asked questions anonymously, which was ridiculed endlessly by enthusiastic netizens.

Eat a few peanuts, drink like this, and still have two girlfriends, why don't you have four?

After Cao Xuan left, Zeng Li, who had been holding back the mask, couldn't stop shaking. He took out his cell phone and sent a text message to an unmarked number.

[Level 1 notification...]


ps: Recommend the book "The Boss in the Entertainment Circle", the most beloved man in the capital circle and the craziest man in the entertainment circle.

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