China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 413 The movie

On September 4, Cao Xuan announced on his Penguin blog that the new album "I Love" will be officially launched on October 2.

The album's title song promotional song "What I Miss" will be officially launched on major radio and television stations on September 9 to promote the album.

As soon as this preview blog came out, all Cao Xuan's fans instantly switched to New Year mode.

[So you still remember that you can sing Chinese songs]

[It’s been three years. Do you know how I’ve spent these three years? 】

[Why not post it today? ? ? 】

[Start saving money, I want to buy 10 tickets]

[Singers big and small in the music world have to give way, the big devil is coming]

[It’s taken so long to produce just one? Keep writing, the donkeys in the production team are more diligent than you]

[Is there a small dark room where you can lock someone in to write a song?]

【Looking forward to looking forward to looking forward to it! ! ! 】


Although Cao Xuan has basically not released a new Chinese album since the beginning of 2002, it does not mean that his appeal among fans has declined.

On the contrary, after 2002, Cao Xuan's main music career focus was in Europe and the United States.

An EP, an official studio album, with a remarkable record. Many songs entered the US Billboard, two Billboard singles topped the charts, won a total of six Grammys, and was promoted to an international first-line singer.

Cao Xuan's achievements in Europe, America and even the world are also reflected back to the fan base, and because of this unprecedented achievement, his status in the hearts of fans is infinitely high.

Not only fans, but also neutral fans and passers-by. Distance creates beauty, coupled with the filter of "international superstar".

Less than a day after Cao Xuan's preview blog was posted, it made headlines in many media. Many people are paying great attention to his new album.

To be honest, even the battle-hardened Cao Xuan couldn't help but feel a little nervous when he saw this scene.

The outside world now thinks too highly of him, and it can be said that it is attracting everyone's attention. He can't guarantee that his new album will be recognized by everyone.

Fortunately, Cao Xuan has gone through many hardships in recent years. After the sea of ​​praise and praise, there is also a continuous stream of criticism and criticism.

Cao Xuan's psychological quality is tough enough. No matter how the new album is evaluated, he will face it as calmly as possible.

Compared with the upcoming new album, he has another thing to be busy with.

Beijing, a certain bureau compound

Cao Xuan and Mr. Han walked out of the yard. Looking at Cao Xuan who was a little depressed, Mr. Han couldn't help but persuade him.

"Don't be impatient. Didn't this say that we need to study it? I didn't directly deny it."

"There's no hurry, Director Han. I've started casting here, and the director has been found. The schedule is almost set. The next step is to shoot before the Spring Festival. If the review gets stuck, all It must be overturned.”

"This is not the place to talk. Find a restaurant to talk to."

"Go to my place, keep your mouth tight."

Cao Xuan and Mr. Han took a car to Caoshangfei and went directly to Cao Xuan's special study room without using a private room. There was also a set of tables and chairs in it.

The two of them ordered four dishes and one soup. While the dishes were being served, Mr. Han walked around the courtyard and study room.

"The environment here is good."

"If you like to come often, I'll ask them to give you a discount."

Mr. Han caught the waiter and asked about the price of the dishes. He couldn't help but clicked his tongue: "I can't afford this. It's too expensive."

"It's expensive, but our food is good. Try this roasted sea cucumber with green onion, it's not as good as Fengzeyuan's."

Mr. Han put a piece of sea cucumber into his mouth, chewed it briefly, and his eyes lit up slightly: "The mouth is quite straight."

“Come here as often as you like, our chef’s craftsmanship will never let you down.”

Cao Xuan greeted with a smile. As for Han Sanye's "can't afford to come", just listen to it. With his status, it doesn't cost anything to go out to eat, and there is no way for major companies and film producers to compete for treats.

The "discount" mentioned by Cao Xuan is also very interesting. A discount of 9.9% is called a discount, and a discount of 0.1% is also called a discount.

Moreover, after discounting, you can also keep accounts, and the accounts will be cleared automatically at the end of the year.

Even this "accounting" does not necessarily have to be recorded on the head of the party involved.

According to last year's bill, Cao Xuan himself ate 1,500+ meals at Caoshangfei. Except for a few Cao Xuan's guests and designated persons such as his parents who ate and kept accounts, the rest is self-evident.

Although Cao Xuan didn't like the twists and turns, it was sometimes difficult to avoid it.

Fortunately, he only has a private restaurant, which can at most satisfy people's appetites, and his subordinates can take care of the rest in private.

Of course, Mr. Han's style was much better than that of some people. The two of them chatted about delicious food and then got down to business.

In fact, the matter is very simple. Some parts of the script of "New World" failed to pass the review. Cao Xuan just took Mr. Han to negotiate in person, but still failed.

"Xiao Cao, I'm not talking about you."

"Director Han, I don't think there's any need to make a fuss. Besides, isn't this just a subtle statement? I would like to directly make the male protagonist darker, but I don't agree with it."

"You also need to understand that the middle and senior levels of the police force are causing trouble with the intention of harming the return. This may lead to resistance."

"Officially because of this, the male protagonist, an undercover policeman, can be justified in killing his boss who wants to cause trouble. He will not be cleaned up afterwards. He is even valued by the mainland police and supports and supervises the Hong Kong gang."

Cao Xuan explained to Master Han more than once that he had said it before.

China is not South Korea. If "New World" wants to be filmed, the setting needs to be moved to Hong Kong, and if it wants to be released, there must be a reasonable explanation for the male protagonist to eventually become a gang boss.

Otherwise, regardless of various objective reasons, the ending of the last undercover policeman going dark, killing his boss, and becoming a gang boss would definitely not be approved.

Even if it can be released in Xiangjiang but cannot be approved by the mainland, there is no need to make this movie.

So Cao Xuan thought hard, combined the plots of "Cold War" and "Black XX: Peace is Most Important", and made some magic changes.

The story is set before the return. The police boss is a British careerist who wants to take the opportunity to cause trouble during the change of the club where the male protagonist is undercover, causing the club to lose control and cause turmoil, which will affect the return plan.

While fighting against him, the male protagonist finally discovered his conspiracy. It was not only for selfish reasons, but also for the justice of the family and the country. He finally killed his boss and the second boss who conspired with his boss, and became the leader of the society.

Later, the male protagonist wanted to clear his name and go into business, or simply leave Hong Kong, but then he was approached by people from the mainland.

They knew what happened and the male protagonist's undercover status. They felt that the male protagonist's character was guaranteed and they could cooperate, so they hoped that he would continue to serve as an undercover agent and control the club as the boss to maintain order.

As a result, the male protagonist became an "undercover" who could never go ashore, and the underground world of Xiangjiang and Xiangjiang also ushered in a new world.

In this way, the boss's death will be more than justified, and the ending of the male protagonist becoming a gang boss will be satisfactory.

But still couldn't pass the review.

So now Cao Xuan is very melancholy. He once thought about whether he should not change it at all, and just make the male protagonist a black man and kill people, but it would be enough to pass the trial.

Another way is to change the ending and have the male protagonist surrender. This would be fine if it passes the review, but the enjoyment of the movie would be greatly reduced.

Cao Xuan still hoped to strive for a better version, so he brought Mr. Han here.

After the two cooperations of "When a Man Falls in Love" and "Embroidered Spring Knife", China Film has gained a lot of benefits, and at the same time, Mr. Han has also seen the potential of Fanxing.

From the bottom of his heart, he really wanted Fanxing to continue to succeed, so he would come here to give Cao Xuan advice this time.

Halfway through the drinking, when he realized that Cao Xuan was determined not to change the ending, Mr. Han also understood where Cao Xuan's bottom line was.

Also, the biggest attraction of the movie "New World" is the male protagonist's counterattack. If this is modified, the charm of the movie will be greatly reduced.

Cao Xuan went through all the trouble just to pass the trial. If he could change the ending, he would have changed it long ago.

"Since you can't change it, then grind it slowly. Many things can be grinded out."

After Mr. Han gave an idea that was not an idea.

After listening to Mr. Han's words, Cao Xuan suddenly became enlightened. He was still anxious and forgot about it.

"In addition, it's best for Fanxing not to be the main producer, but to find a Xiangjiang company to be the main producer. It will also help with the review. You don't need me to teach you this."

"I understand, and to be honest, I'm currently in contact with the acquisition of a qualified company in Hong Kong. Hong Kong movies are in decline, and this kind of company is easy to get hold of."

"Okay, the success rate should be increased by 30%."

No heavy hammer is needed to play the drum. Mr. Han stopped until Cao Xuan stood up and offered a toast.

"Ginger is still old and spicy. I learned a lesson today."

"It's all superficial. Even without me, I guess you'll be able to figure it out soon."

Mr. Han did not accept Cao Xuan's flattery. Instead, he shook his head and said with emotion.

"Actually, you know everything, you just don't bother to do it. If you could bend down like Fatty Yu and the Wang brothers, they would have no business in this circle."

Cao Xuan did not admit or deny what Mr. Han said, he just smiled.

"I'm still young, so I'll learn slowly."

"This is not a good thing. It doesn't matter if you don't learn it. There are many benders in the circle. Cao Xuan is the only one who is precious."

"You flatter me, but I'm not as good as you say."

Cao Xuan knew something in his heart. If he didn't do some things himself, it didn't mean that the company's people wouldn't do it. Otherwise, Fanxing's TV series and miscellaneous projects wouldn't be so easy to handle.

If he were really noble and dignified, he would have retired from the industry and traveled around the world long ago, and would have nothing to do with these people when he was full.

Mr. Han smiled and didn't talk much. He and Cao Xuan had different judgment standards.

If Cao Xuan himself is compared to one of those well-behaved and serious people, he must have flaws in every aspect. But if Mr. Han compares him with his peers, he will naturally be highlighted like an independent white lotus in the mud.

This world is so fucked up, when everyone sucks, as long as you are not that sucky, you will be considered a "good person"...


With Master Han's guidance, Cao Xuan temporarily stopped, but he still had to grind.

Cao Xuan has even prepared for the worst. If "New World" really can't pass the review, he will give up and shoot "Xiu Chun Dao 2" first.

Compared with the postponed film review, Cao Xuan is now more worried about the actor's schedule.

Cao Xuan had already reached an agreement with Du Qifeng of Galaxy Image. After seeing the success of Chen Kexin and Xu Laoguai, Cao Xuan was also willing to cooperate with Cao Xuan.

Similarly, due to the popularity of "Xiu Chun Knife" and the connections between Du Qifeng and Yinghuang, Cao Xuan was able to contact many Xiangjiang actors to join the cast.

The movie "New World" doesn't have many main characters.

The male protagonist Li Zicheng, the male protagonist's good brother Elevator War God Ding Qing, the villain boss, the second boss who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger, the fourth boss who competes for the top position, the top police, the villain boss's liaison, the Vietnamese killer who was transformed from Yanbian...

The above are the main characters, and there are some background characters that need no introduction.

Cao Xuan is definitely the male lead Li Zicheng, and the second-in-command who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger is played by Chen Huimin. As mentioned before, this is mainly to help the movie solve some real-life community problems.

The most important roles in the remaining scenes are the villain boss, Ding Qing and the fourth master.

Cao Xuan really wanted Huang Laogou to play the role of the villain boss at the beginning. On the one hand, he was really suitable for such a crazy criticizing policeman. At the same time, the role was set to lead the British lackey, and he also got very harmonious with the actor, making him a true star.

But later thinking about it, Cao Xuan had no choice but to give up the idea, fearing that he could not help but do something on the set.

Later, when I chose the role, Liang Jiahui was actually quite suitable. The scheming and gloomy villain was definitely one of his best roles.

Fa Ge can actually do it, but Cao Xuan doesn't think he can let him match him, let alone the salary, which is too expensive.

Cao Xuan also thought about Hong Jinbao and Yam Tat-hwa. The former has a steady and domineering attitude as he gets older, while the latter has a gentle and simple image and temperament, both of which are suitable for playing such villains who show good and evil inside.

As the neurotic fourth boss, Cao Xuan's first thought was Wu Zhenyu, and he almost didn't become his second choice.

Cao Xuan even felt that the original "New World" movie had a strong Hong Kong flavor and borrowed from many Hong Kong films. The Fourth Master was probably designed based on this representative character Liang Kun.

Wu Zhenyu's role is considered true. In order to prevent accidents, Cao Xuan added Pheasant Chen Xiaochun and Chang Wei as alternatives.

As for the role of Ding Qing, it can almost be said to be the most charming in the entire movie, and it is also the most difficult role for Cao Xuan to choose.

There are no actors in Xiangjiang that he thinks are particularly suitable. The few who are a bit on the side are either too handsome or too small.

After a lot of searching, Cao Xuan felt that the versatile actor Tony Leung Ka Fai was the best choice for the Hong Kong actor.

However, Cao Xuan is not in a hurry to finalize it. After all, this is a co-production, and several important roles have already been cast by Xiangjiang actors. Ding Qing can actually use mainland actors, but Cao Xuan has not decided who to use.

Sun Honglei?

Ugly, but quite ugly, and the temperament is okay, but is it too fierce?

Hu Jun?

He is a bit upright, and he and Cao Xuan have just played brothers before, so it is easy for the second partner to act.

Zhang Hanyu?

His image is also on the upright side, and his reputation is too small. Ding Qing does not want to compete with Cao Xuan. It is best to have some influence to facilitate publicity.

Wang Zhiwen?

Playing Li Zicheng is pretty good, but playing the more rude Ding Qing might be a bit inconsistent.

Jiang Wen?

To be honest, Cao Xuan felt that he was strong enough to suppress this guy. He was afraid that the movie would change to Ding Qing leading his brothers into the police station to steal the chief's wife...

Cao Xuan thought about it over and over, and finally made up his mind. He just put Tony Leung Ka Fai, Sun Honglei and others on the candidate list who were relatively more suitable, and went back to have a meeting with director Du Qifeng and others to study.

As for the top police officers, this role is easy to find. The veteran drama star Liao Qizhi is very suitable, or you can find other veteran actors. There are still many veteran drama stars in Xiangjiang.

The liaison person of the villain's boss is set to be a woman, one of the few female characters except Li Zicheng's wife.

Cao Xuan didn't hesitate and gave it to Fan Xiaopang to help his first sister pave a few more steps on the road.

The male protagonist's wife has almost no role to play, and any female star can be found as a guest star, whether it is the East and West Palace or the female artist from the Stars.

Finally, there are two Vietnamese killers. In the original version, the movie deliberately slandered Yanbian. Cao Xuan didn't think much about slandering Vietnam, even though they played the men's football team 3:1.

So two Vietnamese killers, played by Huang Bo and Ba Liangjin...

Well, it's mainly for comedy effect, nothing else.

The above-mentioned roles are basically defined, and many other small roles, Cao Xuan, were given to Yinghuang and Galaxy Image, and some actors from the mainland also got opportunities.

Compared with most of the co-productions that are trying to sell their goods, "The New World" is a true co-production.

Even if the movie had not been shot in Hong Kong, considering the actors and plot backgrounds, as well as the shooting costs and the actors' personal issues, the list of mainland actors and actresses would have been expanded.

But that's fine. One of the selling points of "New World" is that it is a Hong Kong crime gangster film. If all the films were made with mainland faces, this selling point of Hong Kong films would be lost.

Originally, the casting process for "New World" has come to an end, and contracts have even been discussed with some actors.

Now that the review has been delayed, many plans have been disrupted, and some character actors may have to change. Cao Xuan can only try his best to save it.


While Cao Xuan was busy with the movie "New World", on September 9, the first title song of his new album "I Love" was released online.

The so-called "I Love" actually doesn't have much meaning. It just took the first words of several songs and then came up with this name.

At the same time, "I Love" also means that this album has more love songs.

Put aside the previously released "When You Are Old", "Borrowing the Moon", "Between the Rainbows", "You Are April in the World", "Today You Will Marry Me" and so on.

Of the ten new songs in the new album, a total of 7 to 8 are love songs. Although "Rolling Bead Curtain" has a Chinese style, it is essentially about love and can be regarded as a love song.

So Cao Xuan wrote "I Love", which is concise and to the point.

As for the first title song released, "What I Miss" is a lyrical memory song, originally released by Sun Yanzi in 2007.

At first, Cao Xuan composed a song "Little Luck" for Sun Yanzi, but now it's time for her, the little girl, to pay the debt.

This song is regarded as Sun Yanzi's masterpiece, and its reputation is not much worse than "It's Dark", "Meet" and "Green Light". It is one of the most popular songs in 2007. Putting aside online songs, its overall popularity can reach the top three.

Of course, the original version is a girl's song, and Cao Xuan made some changes to the lyrics when singing it.

On the morning of the 9th, major radio stations or TV stations began to promote this song.

Cao Xuan himself also uploaded the MV video of the new song on Penguin Blog, which was then forwarded by major celebrities.

This is the benefit of the development of the Internet. It breaks through the constraints of traditional media and television and radio stations, opens up new communication methods, and can spread propaganda to a greater extent.

Many netizens who have seen the trailer before have been waiting for this moment to see the release of the new song and go in to watch it every now and then.

The click-through rate of Cao Xuan's new blog is rising at a terrifying speed. In less than an hour, it has exceeded 2 million clicks, and there are tens of thousands of messages in the comment area.

Such a hot scene still couldn't stop the netizens who came one after another. Fortunately, Penguin Blog had the foresight and made preparations in advance.

Otherwise, with such a large-scale sudden activity, even if the server is not crashed, the web page will still be stuck.

Clicking on the video showed an unkempt Cao Xuan sitting in a room with no lights on, silently watching the fireworks outside the window.

The brief piano prelude ended, and Cao Xuan's deep voice sounded.

"I asked why

There will be men who will give you flowers

and why do you

No explanation, head lowered and silent

I should believe you love me very much

Don't want to deal with me

Still understand

You don’t want to save anything anymore

The story of the "What I Miss" MV is very simple, it is the story of the female protagonist having an affair, the male protagonist Cao Xuan being sad, recalling the happy times in the past, and finally feeling relieved.

A large part of the plot is about the male protagonist played by Cao Xuan and the female protagonist played by Hu Jing, all kinds of sweet interactive life, and then accompanied by melancholy melodies of memories and all kinds of sadistic moments.

"What I miss is saying everything

What I miss is thinking together

What I miss is after the quarrel

I still have the urge to love you


At the end of the story, facing the apologetic heroine, Cao Xuan smiled, rubbed her head as he had done with them before, but after returning, he permanently placed the photo of the two of them in the corner.

"Too much love

So I

Did not say

And smiled


How should I put it, compared with some of Cao Xuan's previous dog-licking songs, this song is actually more of a reminiscence after a breakup, not a dog-licking song, but it is still a standard bitter love song.

In the blog comment area, apart from the stories written by various writers, the overall evaluation is still very positive, and there are also some who make fun of it.

[I cried when I heard it, the singing was so delicious]

【The melody is really moving】

[I didn’t wait three years in vain, the devil is still talented]

[Where are those bastards who say bad things about talents? Come out and die.]

[Zhang Yu, Adu, Pheasant, I, Cao Cao, all have to stand aside when the traitor comes]

[I, Zhang Xinzhe, are not convinced, his songs are truly humble to the extreme]

[Although it sounds good, I don’t understand why Cao Daguan was “green” again]

[When you write songs like this, it’s hard for me to wonder whether you were stimulated by something? 】

[In the MV, he is submissive, but in reality he punches hard, and the bitter love song makes Cao Thief understand it]

[What kind of bitterness? This song is about love. It is about the sadness and helplessness of a relationship that cannot reach the end. Have you ever been in love? You know nothing.]

[Damn it, I’m not going to hit someone in the face, I’ll kill him with a knife! ! ! 】

【Unpacking the Eight Diagrams】

【Five horses cut into pieces】

[Set fire and set fire]


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