China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 443 Chen Yongren is an endless hell, and so is Li Zicheng (12,000 chapters)

[[[Contains a lot of movie plots, please subscribe with caution]]]

"Seven Swords" had a very bright start at the box office, almost dominating the summer season in July.

The reason is very simple. "Seven Swords" has been constantly hyped since the project was established, and it is also the work of Liang Yusheng in "Jin Gu Wen Liang Huang".

Although Liang Yusheng's works are not as famous as [Jin Gu], and may even be inferior to [Wen Huang], he is still one of the martial arts masters, and he is very senior, even above Jin Yong.

Although the works have older routines, their audience base is still very large, and they are still a martial arts IP faction that cannot be underestimated.

The story of "Seven Swords" is full of gimmicks, and it is a commercial production with a cost of over 100 million. It is still very attractive, not to mention that the actors recruited are also very good.

Li Tianwang, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, takes the lead, and is assisted by the most famous action star of the Mesozoic era, Zhen Danzhu.

There are also Mainland's first-tier youngster Lu Yi, Hong Kong's popular actress Yang Caini, Korean movie star Kim So-yeon, Zhang Jingchu, a young flower who has been relatively prominent in the past two years, and Sun Honglei, who has a good national reputation, etc.

However, the most important thing about the movie is the director Xu Laoguai.

His reputation was not small before, and "Xiu Chun Dao" made him famous in the mainland. The public opinion of "Hong Kong's No. 1 Director" is still in the ears, which makes many people like him. This new martial arts work has generated great interest.

With a box office of close to 50 million in the first week, it ranked fourth in the Chinese first-week box office rankings, only behind "Kung Fu", "House of Flying Daggers" and "Hero".

But the Dongfang couple Huang Baiming and Mr. Xu were not happy for long.

From the first day of its release, the reputation score of "Seven Swords" was not high. Three to four days after its release, negative reviews finally broke out. Related film critics and audiences regarded "Seven Swords" and Old Monster Xu The spray was bloody.

At this time, the box office momentum began to decline rapidly. The box office of nearly 50 million in the first week seemed dazzling, but it also began to decline rapidly from then on.

Previously, the ferocious box office surge in the past two days made Mr. Xu and others have ambitions to rival or even surpass "Hero".

Looking at it now, let alone catching up with "Hero", it is still unknown whether the box office can exceed 100 million.

The producer of "Seven Swords" said with grief and indignation that negative reviews are a crime and the culprit of obliterating a classic film and the efforts of countless staff.

Naturally, these remarks have received resistance and contempt from the outside world. If you spend money to watch a bad movie and you can't even scold you, you are not being morally kidnapped.

This affected the box office of "Seven Swords" to a certain extent. Although overseas distribution received a wave of success, the remaining distribution was not smooth.

If this development continues, even if Huang Baiming of the East can't lose his pants, he will still suffer a big loss.

Despite the success of "Xiu Chun Dao", the failures of "Shu Mountain" and "Seven Swords" were tragic enough, and Mr. Xu bounced back and forth between "box office poison" and "box office elixir".

Many companies interested in cooperation have also suspended contact and plan to wait and see.

This director is so random, who knows what cards he can draw...

Mr. and Mrs. Xu once again felt what it meant to be in the cold world. Before they could express their feelings, Cao Xuan called to comfort them.

"Director Xu, victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs. How can there be any box office winner? Don't worry about the opinions of the outside world. Fanxing and I are still on your side."

Old Weird Xu and his wife have seen a lot of strong winds and waves, so it’s not like their mentality collapsed after this failure.

But seeing Cao Xuan specifically calling to comfort and express his support, my heart was still very warm. At least it showed that their choice to join Fanxing was not wrong.

"Boss Cao, don't worry, the master and I will be fine. When we are done with our work, we will go abroad to relax. We will just adjust."

"That's good. Let me know where you want to go later. I have many friends abroad. I'll contact you."

"Thank you boss for taking the trouble."

"You're welcome, it's fun. The company's new movie "Painted Skin" is still waiting for Director Xu to shoot next year."

This last sentence further reassured Old Monster Xu and showed that the company still retains great trust in him.

Regardless of how Mr. Xu and his wife felt comforted, Cao Xuan hung up the phone. Hu Jing, who was wiping her hair with a towel, found the hair dryer in the suitcase and looked back.


"Well, Lao Xu is in a bad mood. I don't think he talks much. His wife is the one talking."

"Normally, if "New World" fails to meet expectations at the box office and word-of-mouth, you won't want to talk."

"Bah, bah, bah."

Cao Xuan was so angry that he spanked the empress of the East Palace: "It will be released in a few days. It is so unlucky. If we were marching and fighting in ancient times, you would shake the morale of the army and you should be killed."

"If you have the ability, you'd better kill me."

"Beheading, I am reluctant to do so, but the punishment of whipping cannot be taken lightly."

"Ah, I'm drying my hair."

"Why are you blowing? I have to wash it later."



Compared with "Embroidered Spring Knife", Cao Xuan's schedule this year is relatively free, and he has more promotion periods and channels. He also roped in Hu Jing to help.

In the movie "New World", Hu Jing actually had a performance, playing the role of the wife of the male protagonist Li Zicheng. She only had a few scenes, which was considered a big cameo.

But after all, she is one of the Four Little Actresses. In terms of popularity, she is slightly inferior to the current Fan Xiaopang, but it is still good for movie promotion.

"New World" has been officially scheduled for August 2, and it will be released one day earlier in Hong Kong and some Southeast Asian regions.

Cao Xuan and other film creative teams also went to Hong Kong and Japan, which participates in box office sharing, to promote the film after its official release.

Movie promotion models are different. Before the release, most of the exposure is through variety shows and various interviews. After the release, more people go to theaters for road shows to try to schedule the film.

Of course, this is not absolute. For example, in addition to theaters, road shows can also be held in other places such as university campuses.

However, Fanxing has sufficient publicity resources, so there is no need to travel to university campuses. Although similar activities will be arranged, they will mostly run variety shows.

Needless to say, Fan Xingxing's variety shows, several other TV stations' flagship programs have also embraced Cao Xuan, and even CCTV's "Art Life" Cao Xuan discussed with Tony Leung about their thoughts on co-productions.

Since late July, many related programs have been broadcast one after another.

The media matrix of Fanxingxing has also begun to show its power. Online platforms such as Penguin, blogs, and the official game community forum [Box Forum] launched by Box Games, and news similar to the "New World" movie are also constantly appearing.

On August 1, 2005, approximately 170 million QQ users (accounts) received a message from their close friend [Cao Xuan].

[My new movie will be released soon. As a good friend, I hope everyone in the theater will support it]

Many people in the industry couldn't help gritting their teeth when they saw several forced push messages and related movie posters on the chat page, and a Q version of Cao Xuan next to him making a warm invitation in a naive manner.

Does this count as cheating?

Cao Xuan: Sorry, who gave me so many QQ friends? You can add them if you have the ability?


Hong Kong, Kowloon

Ah Wei was picking at a video store with a popsicle in his mouth, muttering: "Drop it, no wonder no one comes. I have strong glasses. I'll buy some new stuff. I've seen all of these."

"Shit, I only have the most complete products in Xiangjiang. The only one newer than here is the movie theater."

The bald man with glasses wearing this hurdle vest shook the newspaper in his hand and replied without raising his eyes.

"What's good to watch in the cinema? They're all bad movies and they're expensive. Discs are better. Forget it, give me another set of "Infernal Affairs"."

"You've watched it several times, and you still want to read it?"

"Who made this movie a classic? If there are any good movies to watch now, just rent it for three days."

"Rent it for a few more days, and I'll give you a copy of Zuo Le's new work. It's about the rebirth of Young and Dangerous as a director and an actress. It's very exciting."

"There are too few serious dramas in Salty and Wet Music. I might as well watch Mr. Kura from Japan."

"You kid doesn't understand. Only the ones with plot are better."

The two debated the pros and cons of having more plots and less plots, and broke up unhappy, but Ah Wei took the disc.

After returning home, before Ah Wei could criticize Xianshile, his good brother Guobin came to his house and dragged him away.


"Take you to see a good movie and keep you screaming with pleasure."

"what movie?"

"Brother Kai and I went to see Liang Zai Xuan's "New World", and it was no worse than "Infernal Affairs."

"Isn't it worse than "Infernal Affairs"?"

Ah Wei broke away from the state guest's hand and said with a look of disdain: "Have you been so stimulated by Wang Fei's marriage that your brain has been burned out? What is "Infernal Affairs"? It is the salvation of Hong Kong movies. What does Cao Xuan, a mainland boy, know? Is it called a gangster movie?”

"It's useless to talk more. You'll know after you go and see him. Also, don't mention Wang Fei's marriage to me again. I really want to kill that guy."

"Too lazy to go, a waste of money."

"I'll treat you, but if I'm right, you'll treat me next time I go to Bolan Street."

"I asked three times, and if this movie is as good as "Infernal Affairs", I will run naked around Kowloon."

“You can’t just say what you say and don’t keep it.”

"I, Awei, am willing to admit defeat and never cheat."

The state guest nodded. He recognized this good brother's gambling goods. If he lost, he would run naked. It was not like this brother had never done it before.

When the two brothers went to the cinema, the state guest even bought soda drinks, but he bought tickets for Ah Wei's back row. In his words, he was afraid of spoilers.

Ah Wei ignored him and entered the theater, found a seat and sat down. He was bored and waiting for the movie to start. He saw two girls next to him. One of them looked very in line with his aesthetics. She was fair and slightly chubby, with short hair and almond-shaped eyes. Looks lively.

Awei, who was ready to move, took a few more glances. Although he didn't dare to come forward to strike up a conversation, he had already thought about what the children of the two would be called in the future.

The two girls next to him didn't notice Awei and were chatting to themselves, full of excitement and anticipation.

"I watched the movie trailer. Cao Xuan is so handsome and has a very elegant temperament."

"Ah, ah, I have liked him for three years, and the crew went to support him during filming. What a pity."

"I heard that he will come to Xiangjiang this time to promote. I wonder if there is any hope of getting an autograph."

"It would be nice to have a group photo together."

The two girls chatted non-stop, and Ah Wei, who had developed a rebellious attitude toward Cao Xuan because of the bet, immediately "divorced" the fair-skinned and fat girl in his mind.

"Hmph, women only care about appearance. Women are superficial."

Amidst the noise, it was finally time for the movie to play. The lights in the theater were turned off, and everyone gradually became quiet and looked at the screen.

The title titles of an unknown Xiangjiang Film and Television Company, China Film, Yinghuang, Galaxy Image and other companies flashed and the main text began.

It is worth mentioning that "New World" is in Mandarin in most of the regions where it is released, including Europe, Japan, and Southeast Asia.

Of course, the rights in some regions have already been sold, and if the film studio wants to redo a version in other languages, Fanxing won't bother.

However, the crew of "New World" only produced two versions, one in Mandarin, and the other in Cantonese specifically for Hong Kong and even the Guangdong and Guangxi regions.

The reason why I did this is because the story background of the movie "New World" is in Hong Kong, and speaking in Cantonese actually makes it more immersive.

Therefore, the crew specially dubbed a Cantonese version, in which actors from Xiangjiang used the original voices, and several mainland actors such as Cao Xuan used dubbing actors.

Among them, although the Guangdong and Guangxi regions mainly have Cantonese versions, considering that many foreign audiences who work there are also Mandarin versions released, the Xiangjiang side is much simpler, and almost all of them are Cantonese versions.

This move has greatly facilitated the movie viewing threshold for Xiangjiang movie fans. If it is in Mandarin, many viewers still seem to have to work hard.

The movie starts.

The structure of "New World" is mature, and the plot enters quickly. The background is explained and conflicts are created from the beginning.

In 1997, Xiangjiang was about to return, and the small Xiangjiang Island was surrounded by clouds and wind and rain.

Among them, Shi Hu, the chairman of Kinmen Group with a corporate background, wanted to turn to politics and become active in order to clear his name.

At the beginning of the movie, Shi Hu won some negative lawsuits related to the Kinmen Group, which opened up a few more stumbling blocks for his way of clearing his name.

Shi Hu was in a good mood and planned to find his lover to relax, but was hit by a truck and was seriously injured.

The movie is full of suspense right from the beginning, making the audience follow it involuntarily and explore the conspiracy and murderer behind it.

At this time, the male protagonist Li Zicheng, played by Cao Xuan, appears. He is the backbone of the Kinmen Group.

Something happened to the group boss, and he came to pick up Ding Qing, the faction leader who returned to Xiangjiang from the mainland and was also the third leader of the Kinmen Group.

Li Zicheng was wearing a black slim-fitting suit, he was deep and cold, and taciturn. Several strong men also wearing suits followed behind him, which immediately brought out the strong character of the club elite.

In comparison, Ding Qing, played by Sun Honglei, who appeared next, was a lot more casual.

Although he is wearing a white suit, the collar is not neat, and the gold chain exposed underneath and the gold ring on his hand reveal a bit of the tackiness of the nouveau riche. The slippers on his feet look unruly, but at the same time, they are also a bit sloppy.

Compared with the calm, polite and well-dressed Li Zicheng, Ding Qing, who is sloppily dressed, has a silly smile, often scolds his subordinates, and speaks dirty words, may be much less charming, but his character is definitely impressive.

This is also done deliberately to create a contrast between the characters and images of the two brothers, firstly to highlight the characters, and secondly to pave the way for what follows.

Afterwards, the two returned to the hospital and chatted in the car. Ding Qing always teased Li Zicheng, and Li Zicheng was helpless towards his living treasure.

At the same time, it also revealed a lot of information. The two have a very good relationship. They are sworn brothers. They are both from Mainland China and came to Hong Kong to break out together.

When Ding Qing came back from the mainland this time, he didn't forget to bring a famous watch as a gift, but Li Zicheng recognized it as a fake.

The two brothers came to the hospital fighting and fighting. They also put away their smiles, looked serious, and wore dark suits, showing the gangster color of "The New World" for the first time.

In fact, this gang is different from the associations that many people in Hong Kong have in mind.

In their eyes, many of the clubs are young and Dangerous, dressed in colorful and carefree clothes, more like Ding Qing's posture than this group of strong men in suits.

It's actually quite normal here. "New World" is a Korean movie that was Chineseized by Cao Xuan. The mainland screenwriter wrote the script and the director of Xiangjiang filmed it.

Therefore, although the entire film is set in Hong Kong, it is not a completely local Hong Kong film. The film itself is more "international", not limited to one place, and caters to a wider audience.

In addition, the setting of the story is also different. The Kinmen Group is a company that has come ashore and is preparing to clean up its reputation. Although it has a strong corporate background, it has begun to become formalized and is different from ordinary young and Dangerous guys on the streets.

In fact, this is not difficult for people in Hong Kong to understand. Johnnie To's "Gunfire" also contains killers in suits.

Many people even think that this kind of movie is called a gangster movie, and the messy image of young and Dangerous movies is really too low.

This is really not an exaggeration, there seems to be such a scene in the movie "Young and Dangerous".

Dongxing and Hongxing are a big blockbuster, but they are not as intimidating and impressive as the strong men in black clothes from the Sanlian Gang.

The visual impact of the strong man in a suit on the audience was suddenly highlighted, and Ah Wei, who had always had a critical attitude, straightened up unconsciously.

"The momentum created by this movie is pretty good."

The subsequent plot is that Shi Hu was seriously injured and killed, and Wu Zhongjiu, the fourth boss played by Wu Zhenyu, caused a scene in the hospital.

Ding Qing stroked his forehead with a headache. It could be seen that he was already aware of the bloody storm that occurred shortly after the death of his boss.

When Shi Hu passed away, a funeral was held, which was very grand and one of the few big-money scenes in the movie. The crew also invited many special actors to play Hong Kong tycoons, and of course there were also real bosses who made guest appearances.

Mainland audiences may not know these big shots, but many people in Hong Kong are familiar with them.

"That's Huo's grandson, right?"

"Someone from the He family is here too."

"Boss Yinghuang Yang."

"That's Sir Zhuang from the police station"

"Uncle Six is ​​here too? Good guy, I thought the real boss passed away."

Outsiders exclaimed, but in fact, there are too many big bosses in this small place in Xiangjiang, and many of them are relatively high-profile. It is not difficult to get them to help and make guest appearances. Even if they are not available in person, their sons-in-law and sons can also show up.

Of course, that's what I said, but it still depends on who invites it.

Cao Xuan is an emerging business tycoon in the Mainland, and he is supported by boss Yinghuang Yang, so he was able to recruit people. It is hard to say for ordinary Xiangjiang crew.

And they may not invite them. The "efficiency" of filming in Xiangjiang is too high, so how can they have so much time and energy to invite big shots to be Easter eggs?

Only Cao Xuan, who is meticulous about the film, doesn't have many plans for Hong Kong films, and doesn't care about the boss's favor, would do this.

Returning to the plot, at the funeral, the fourth boss Wu Zhongjiu clashed with the police who came to monitor, and the senior police chief Superintendent Gou played by Liang Jiahui also appeared.

Strong and sophisticated, his words are impeccable, and he feels a bit like an old fox.

While the funeral was going on, senior police officers were also meeting on the other side. An assistant deputy director in charge of anti-crime crimes was reporting to the top police officer alone.

The assistant deputy director's surname is Liao, played by veteran actor Liao Qizhi. From his introduction, the audience also understood the situation and background.

To put it simply, Kinmen Group is the largest society in Xiangjiang. It was formerly an alliance formed by the merger of several societies, and there are several factions within it.

The core of the Kinmen Group is the character Shi Hu, who controls it and everyone develops together.

But with Shi Hu's death, there was a power vacuum. According to the rules, he was elected, and all factions in the group were ready to move.

There are currently three candidates for Kinmen boss——

① Zhang Shouji, vice chairman of Kinmen Group and second leader of the association.

Previously, he was defeated miserably in the competition within the group, and his subordinates and territory were divided up. He was basically a loner, and he is currently semi-retired.

This person is basically a soy sauce guy and has no ability to rise to the top.

②Ding Qing, executive director of Kinmen Group and third leader of the society

He is in charge of the company's real estate and logistics business. He is also the boss of the Zhongyixing faction within the Kinmen Group and is extremely powerful.

Both in terms of reputation and strength, he is the successor recognized by many people after Shi Hu of the group.

③Wu Zhongjiu, executive director of Kinmen Group and fourth leader of the society.

Responsible for the company's finance and entertainment business, he is also the godson of the former boss Shi Hu.

He is weaker than Ding Qing, but he and Shi Hu are from the same family as the Sihai Gang. After Shi Hu's death, he is expected to take over the Sihai Gang, the largest force in the Kinmen Group.

The Kinmen Group is the largest social group in Hong Kong and has a wide influence. It is also at this critical moment when it is about to return. To prevent accidents, the police intends to intervene in the election.

The top police officer didn't want to get involved, but considering the situation, he still allowed Deputy Director Liao to take charge of the matter.

The codename of this operation is - New World

At this point in the story, the name of the movie appears for the first time, and the title is officially highlighted. The audience also understands the main plot line - society election.

Ding Qing, Wu Zhongjiu and the police are entangled in several waves of power. Where should the protagonist and the story develop?

In fact, in Hong Kong films, similar elements of corporate elections are not new, but there are not many plots based around this and the films are successful.

"New World" begins with a parallel narrative, with a fast pace, building suspense, and constantly raising the audience's expectations.

Many people who have prior knowledge of the "New World" movie or are sensitive to the plot have already guessed the identity of the protagonist.

Since the police interfered in the election and it was difficult to do so openly, they must have been undercover.

Sure enough, the next scene is the meeting between the male protagonist Li Zicheng and the policewoman played by Fan Xiaopang, who is disguised as a Go teacher.

Li Zicheng, a member of the Kinmen Group's board of directors, deputy to Ding Qing, the third boss, and the second-in-command of Zhongyixing, is also an undercover ace that has been buried by the police for nearly ten years. His confidentiality level is extremely high and only two or three people know about it.

However, Li Zicheng, like Chen Yongren in "Infernal Affairs", was fed up with his undercover status and wanted to end it.

It's just that it's different from Chen Yongren, who came from a dark background and has a bright heart. He wholeheartedly wants to be a policeman.

Li Zicheng, who comes from an ordinary background, does not have such a deep obsession with the police. After many years of undercover work, he has mixed feelings about the society and has no intention of returning to the police station to continue to fight.

I just want to end my frightening undercover career, get everything done, take my wife and children away, and live a peaceful life incognito.

Before that, his immediate boss, Superintendent Gou, had promised him to get Shi Hu's criminal evidence and send Shi Hu to prison, so that he could retire.

Li Zicheng did obtain evidence of the crime, but unfortunately he failed to send Shi Hu to jail.

However, due to a strange combination of circumstances, Shi Hu still died, which could be regarded as a different kind of completion of the mission. Li Ziben thought that he could be freed, but he didn't want to be told that he would continue undercover.

Angry, he overturned the chessboard and found the big... no, Superintendent Gou who was fishing without a helmet, and let out a roar similar to that of Chen Yongren.

"Three years later and three years later, it's almost ten years!"

However, compared to Sir Huang in "Infernal Affairs" who constantly plays the emotional card, this Sir Gou is more forceful, giving both kindness and power in one sentence.

This is not your fault.

Two different acting styles, of course, are due to the personalities of the two police bosses, as well as the setting of the good and the bad guys, and they are also more in line with the control methods of the two undercover agents.

Chen Yongren is dedicated to being a policeman. In order to fight against evil forces, he is willing to sacrifice himself and suffer. He is alone in his family and kills relatives for justice. He is the ideal type of undercover agent.

So the boss has to coax him, say some soft words to put him on the back foot, and let him continue his selfless sacrifice.

Li Zicheng is a more realistic undercover. He no longer even plans to be a policeman. He just wants to fly away. His role is more similar to that of an informant.

For this kind of undercover agent, it is easier to use both kindness and power, or even a little more force, but this will also make people more alienated.

Even from a plot logic point of view, Chen Yongren will remain loyal until death, and Li Zicheng wants to fly away, which may be different from the management methods of the two sirs.

If you skip the plot and look at it from a third party's perspective, there is no doubt that Chen Yongren is more noble.

But if Li Zicheng takes on the role, I'm afraid it will be more in line with everyone's ideas and more realistic.

When Awei watched this movie before, he always felt that the shadow of "Infernal Affairs" was very heavy, and he even seemed to be copying it.

The same reserved and deep undercover, the same inconspicuous good brother Silly Big Brother (Silly Qiang), the same old fox boss, the same tired of undercover life...

But the more I see it now. The two characters have many similarities and even more differences.

Chen Yongren was miserable and impoverished.

Li Zicheng holds great power and can be regarded as a big boss.

Chen Yongren yearns for the bright and is willing to contribute.

Li Zicheng was in a dilemma and wanted to retire from the world.

Chen Yongren and his boss trust each other and fight side by side.

Li Zicheng was at odds with his boss and was even threatened.

Sometimes I feel that Chen Yongren is miserable, and sometimes I feel that Li Zicheng is even worse. After all, Chen Yongren still has the protection of his superiors, and he can go back to the police station if something happens. Li Zicheng is completely unable to please both sides, and is a "lonely man" in the true sense.

Only then did Awei realize that the "New World" that the guest told him when he came to the cinema was based on "Infernal Affairs" and was different from the meaning of "Infernal Affairs".

As a big fan of "Infernal Affairs", Ah Wei only let go of his prejudices at this time and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the plot of the "New World" movie.

This duel with his boss ended with Li Zicheng admitting defeat.

Being told by the other party that the child in his wife's belly was a boy also made him realize that he was now under police surveillance and he could only obey orders now.

In the dual-line format, Kinmen Group has no leader. The company holds a board of directors internally and agrees to vote at the board meeting at the end of the month to finally decide on the next chairman.

After the meeting, the arrogant and domineering Wu Zhongjiu drove to provoke Ding Qing and others. Seeing the car flying over, Li Ziben could have stayed by Ding Qing's side.

This section also reflects the friendship between the two, that is, brothers who are willing to devote their lives to each other.

Ding Qing still had big business to discuss in the Magic City, so he couldn't delay it. He could only temporarily entrust Li Zicheng to look after the house, while he went to continue the negotiation and came back in two or three days.

Over there, Wu Zhongjiu had already started canvassing for votes, and he still used the big stick plus sweet dates method, winning over many veterans of the group.

Deputy Director Liao and Gou Sir reached a plan, and their words also revealed a hint of the New World Plan. It is not as simple as it seems, and there seems to be another mystery.

Li Zicheng received an order to collect criminal information about Ding Qing and Wu Zhongjiu.

He and Ding Qing had been dependent on each other for life and death for so many years, and he did not want to betray his brother. He asked the female police officer almost pleadingly, wanting to know who was monitoring him. He wanted to get rid of his shackles and seek countermeasures.

But he only received perfunctory official words from the policewoman, and Li Zicheng, who had been depressed for a long time, burst out.

In this section, Cao Xuan contributed extremely outstanding acting skills. He played out all the sadness, anger and desolation of Li Zicheng who dedicated his youth but was not trusted.

"I want to ask you, what am I to you?"

Li Zicheng's eyes were slightly red, his temples were slightly bulging, and he asked in a hoarse voice.

"After so many years, even those young and Dangerous boys have trusted me and treated me as a big brother and a brother. As for you, you only ask me to obey orders. Do you regard me as one of your own?"

The female police officer instinctively continued to speak perfunctorily: "According to regulations..."

Unable to control his emotions, Li Zicheng slammed the chess table angrily, picked up the tea bowl, threw it to the ground, cursed, calmed down for a moment, and smiled bitterly at himself at the policewoman, his eyes faintly watery.

"Did you know that for this task, my whole family, young and old, have been pressured... I am also a policeman."

This scene is a very important one. Regardless of the inclusion of the villain's private goods and Li Zicheng's eventual betrayal, this scene should account for 50% of the credit.

From the beginning of this scene, he has given up on the police and is just muddle along.

Give up - go dark - betrayal

This step is the first step, and it is also a very critical step. It can also make the audience outside the scene more sympathetic to the male protagonist and pave the way for the final climax.

To advance before suppressing, this is an everlasting plot routine...

With the help of Li Zicheng, the police began to take action. Sir Gou found Ding Qing who was traveling to the mainland, showed him the criminal information of Wu Zhongjiu and himself, and showed him the means to force Ding Qing to cooperate with the police.

Ding Qing used the excuse to think about it and temporarily bought a few days, while the criminal information of the two major groups' top executives appeared openly in the hands of the police, especially when his own death was so detailed,

Ding Qing, who is both rough and thin, immediately realized that there was an undercover agent beside him, and his status was not low.

He made two arrangements, one was to pay a lot of money to hire the world's top hackers to investigate the information of Gou Sir and others, and the other was to hire a few desperate killers from Vietnam.

On the other side, Sir Gou found Wu Zhongjiu, took out his criminal information and arrested him.

This move was to sow discord. Wu Zhongjiu thought Ding Qing was betraying him and became extremely hostile to Ding Qing.

Over there, Li Zicheng's wife was about to give birth. A small suspense from before was revealed. It turned out that the "undercover" beside Li Zicheng was his wife.

Many years ago, Sir Gou used this to threaten his wife to spy on Li Zicheng.

The wife didn't know her husband's true identity and thought it was just the police monitoring the society boss. She had no choice but to obey orders.

However, the information given was trivial and did not actually betray her husband's secrets.

And Gou Sir's purpose is not to use her for surveillance, but to intimidate Li Zicheng and let Li Zicheng know that there is an "undercover" around him. These trivial things are enough for him.

This setting reduces the difficulty for Li Zicheng to turn evil in the end, and also increases the audience's dislike of the villain.

I also sympathize with Li Zicheng more and more, because he doesn't even care about the person he sleeps with. After all, Chen Yongren still has a confidante. This is too tragic.

Wu Zhongjiu hated Ding Qing, but Ding Qing couldn't explain it clearly. It was impossible for both parties to calm down and consider the problem at this time, unless Wu Zhongjiu was released immediately.

But it was impossible. He went to Sir Gou and bribed him with a lot of money, but he was rejected.

Ding Qing was furious and had no choice but to strike first and pull out the nails around him.

With an order, two Vietnamese killers, Huang Bo and Ba Liangjin, took down the policewoman and then invited Li Zicheng to the abandoned factory.

This scene was extremely scary. Ding Qing, who had always been known as a naive person, now showed the ruthlessness of a gang boss.

He caught the policewoman, stuffed her into a gasoline barrel, and directly told Li Zicheng that his Go teacher was a police officer. In addition to this, there was also an undercover agent present.

The atmosphere of this scene was extremely tense. Ding Qing's ruthlessness and Li Zicheng's guilt and fear brought the audience into the plot. Some people even forgot to breathe.

Finally, to everyone's relief, the undercover Ding Qing discovered was not Li Zicheng, but another senior executive.

In order to prove his "innocence" and at the same time do not want the policewoman to be tortured again, Li Zicheng killed the other party with his own hands, and there was no way out.

No matter whether this policewoman is good or bad, she is a police officer after all. If the undercover agent is stained with blood, she cannot go back.

Many viewers were also aware of this, and looked at Li Zicheng, who was in a daze and could only smile bitterly when facing Ding Qing's jokes, and felt even more sympathetic.

Two undercover agents died, and Ding Qing's strong counterattack aroused the anger of the police. Sir Gou found Wu Zhongjiu and took out photos of his meeting with Ding Qing, which further confirmed that Ding Qing betrayed Wu and was preparing to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

Of course Wu Zhongjiu knew that he was a knife, but he had no choice. In order to protect himself and to gain power, he had to kill Ding Qing.

When the policewoman died, Sir Gou contacted Li Zicheng without any disguise. Li Zicheng was shocked and had a bad premonition, and almost lost his temper and asked what the planned new world was.

Sir Gou smoked a cigarette and looked forward calmly. The plot flashed back, interjecting the narrative and revealing the previous suspense.

When Deputy Director Liao and the top leader were talking alone before, after reading the information and stating that they wanted to intervene in the election, the top leader asked who they wanted to support, and it ended abruptly.

Now the answer is revealed - it's not Ding Qing or Wu Zhongjiu, but Zhang Shouji, the second-in-command who has almost retired.

For the police, the weakest is easier to control.

Zhang Shouji has enough qualifications and status to take over. His only weakness is that he has no strength foundation. But if Li Zicheng assists, then Zhongyixing's strength can be used by Zhang, and he can secure his position as the boss.

This also means that Li Zicheng will continue to be an undercover agent and become Sir Gou's pawn permanently.

Li Zicheng, who was already suffering, completely collapsed. He grabbed Sir Gou and asked him why he didn't keep his promise, but he gave a cold answer.

"There's no choice, it's your safest course of action."

There are threats inside and outside the words. If you don't act according to the orders, it means it is unsafe.

Li Zicheng cursed angrily and begged in a low voice, but he was met with Gou Sir's silent face. In the end, he weakly let go of Gou Sir, nodded numbly, and turned around to leave.

After he left, Sir Gou chatted with Zhang Shouji for a few words, and expressed some doubts to Zhang Shouji that the police system had been broken into and relevant information was stolen, including Li Zicheng.

At that time, he thought that the plan had failed, but he did not expect that Ding Qing did not take action and completely destroyed Li Zicheng's information.

Zhang Shouji thoughtfully said: "Maybe he really regards Li Zicheng as a brother."

Sir Gou nodded when he heard this, and said with some regret: "What a pity."

Outside the room, Li Zicheng, who had just left silently, appeared outside the window, his expressionless eyes slightly moved, and then he really left.

The camera turned and Li Zicheng's police information was placed on Ding Qing's desk. He looked at it, turned around and put it away, and then asked lawyer Zhi if everything was done. The lawyer said that everything had been sealed.

Ding Qing nodded and left with the lawyer. Then he went to the parking lot and was ambushed by a large number of strong gang men.

The killer sent by Wu Zhongjiu arrived.

Ding Qing and others were outnumbered, and they were fighting and running away. His men covered him and ran to the elevator to escape. As soon as the door opened, six swordsmen were already waiting.

In the famous scene, the Elevator God of War is online.

In the small elevator space, Ding Qing fought one against six, dodging and moving with extraordinary ferocity, and finally killed all six swordsmen at the cost of being seriously injured and falling to the ground.

This scene was shot to the end. It took about three days of filming and two days of simulation. In the end, it took three real shots, three elevators and several kilograms of plasma to complete a version that the director was satisfied with.

When the elevator door opened, six people died, Ding Qing was dying, the lawyer on the other side was hacked to death, and Li Zicheng's wife was frightened and had a miscarriage.

Li Zicheng, who had not fully received the news from Sir Gou, saw Ding Qing on the hospital bed and understood everything.

If Zhang Shouji, the second boss, wants to take over, he needs to rely on the power of Zhongyixing. The boss of Zhongyixing is Ding Qing. Only by killing him can Li Zicheng take over and help Zhang Shouji.

Li Zicheng didn't know how to face Ding Qing, but Ding Qing, who was sober, was very calm.

Ding Qing really regarded Li Zicheng as a brother. Even though he knew that he was an undercover agent, he still had no intention of taking action. Now that his life was not long, all he wanted was to keep Li Zicheng alive.

This scene was very touching. Both Sun Honglei and Cao Xuan gave excellent performances. The brotherly love between the two characters made many viewers cry.

In the end, Ding Qing died of serious injuries. Li Zicheng came to his office and found his undercover information and other information, as well as the fake watch that Ding Qing had given him as a gift before leaving.

The last suspense of the whole movie is revealed, why the police want to carry out the New World Project.

There was a plot before where Ding Qing was wondering why Sir Gou wanted to control Kinmen. The appearance of Zhang Shouji made the audience think that he was controlling Kinmen. However, now they know that everyone has other plans.

Deputy Director Liao, Sir Gou, the policewoman and the undercover agent who was killed by Ding Qing are all from the same force. These people are Tai Ying's lackeys.

On the occasion of their return, they want to wreak havoc, and the Kinmen Group, the number one organization in Hong Kong, is the best thug.

They had contacted Shihu before, but Shihu just wanted to clear his name and come ashore and refused, so he was killed.

Ding Qing was a mainland boy and they didn't dare to use him. Wu Zhongjiu was arrogant and domineering and difficult to control. Only Zhang Shouji, a lost dog, was willing to follow them.

As for Li Zicheng, because he was also from Mainland China, he was not trusted and was just treated as a pawn.

When Ding Qing first checked the police information, he also obtained this top-secret information, learned all the plans, and was preparing to counterattack, but was killed.

Fortunately, Ding Qing's murder was another arrangement. Sir Gou and the others did not know that the plan had been leaked. Before Ding Qing died, he revealed the matter to Li Zicheng.

He didn't ask Li Zicheng to do anything, but let his good brother make his own choice.

Li Zicheng looked at the information, sat there for half the night, then shred it with a paper shredder, found a container and lit it on fire.

Then he looked at the fake watch that Ding Qing gave him, and after a moment, he put the watch on.

This scene has a profound meaning. The fake watch represents falsehood. Li Zicheng wearing the watch means that he has completely taken on this false identity, and it also means breaking with his previous identity.

Except for a small number of viewers, most ordinary viewers could not see this metaphor for the time being, but they watched Li Zicheng looking indifferently towards the rainy night outside the office.

Anyone who knows anything about movies knows that the climax is coming.

While they were shocked by the scale, they also looked forward to the subsequent development and wanted to see how Li Zicheng would fight back.

Li Zicheng turned dark and counterattacked, and wanted to kill all the insiders and the masterminds in one fell swoop.

Deputy Director Liao, Zhang Shouji, Wu Zhongjiu and Sir Gou.

As for the surveillance around him, his wife had told him before when she had a miscarriage. When Li Zicheng learned the truth, the rest was easy.

Once these four people died, the so-called sabotage and return conspiracy dissipated, all insiders and information were destroyed, he himself took over, and no one would expose his undercover.

The undercover police officer back then is dead, and now he is Niu Hu... ahem, Li Zicheng of the Kinmen Group!

"New World" has many parallel narratives, and the final climax still uses this parallel narrative.

At the end of the month, the Kinmen Board of Directors was about to convene, and Zhang Shouji proudly took Li Zicheng to the headquarters.

Sir Gou underestimated this old fox. Although he still wanted to cooperate, he also knew that Gou Sir could replace him with Li Zicheng at any time.

Therefore, he planned to strike first and kill Li Zicheng. Sir Gou and others could only rely on him to seize enough initiative.

He tied Li Zicheng to the outskirts and ordered his newly recruited men to kill Li Zicheng. Unexpectedly, the other party picked up a baseball bat and gave him a big dick first.

It turns out that his people were actually arranged by Li Zicheng.

Li Zicheng put his hands in his trouser pockets and watched silently as Zhang Shouji's "men" smashed Zhang Shouji's head into a bloody gourd, threw him into the pit, started filling the soil, and then turned around and got into the car.

On the other side, Sir Gou was sitting leisurely fishing in the secret base, seemingly waiting for news and looking happy.

Suddenly, another angler appeared and started setting up not far from him.

Sir Gou was wary and silently drew his gun. Unexpectedly, the other party struck first. Both sides shot at each other. The killer was killed and he was also seriously injured. He fell to the ground and could not move.

At this time, Ba Liangjin appeared, silently lifted a big stone and aimed it at Gou Sir's head.


How can anyone fish without wearing a helmet...

On the other side, Wu Zhongjiu, who had just been released on bail, knew that there was no hope for the election. He was drinking at home with a gloomy expression when he was suddenly surrounded by a group of black suits.

He was stunned for a moment and then quickly calmed down, no matter who came to power, he, the biggest threat, would not survive.

"Before I do it, can I have a cigarette?"

These strong men in black suits gave the Fourth Master their last respect, letting him finish a puff of cigarette and drink before throwing him down from the top.

On the other side, Deputy Director Liao took a special car to return home. He passed by a remote intersection and stopped at a traffic light. A taxi caught up with him.

Huang Bo stuck his head out of the taxi and knocked on the window. Deputy Director Liao frowned and ignored him.

Unexpectedly, Huang Bo saw his face, glanced at the photo in his hand, and immediately took out his silenced gun with another Vietnamese killer and pointed it at Deputy Director Liao and the driver.

Bang bang bang!

Let me talk about the specifics of assassination here. Zhang Shouji and Wu Zhongjiu were members of the gang, so they used their own people to kill them. Deputy Director Liao's identity was sensitive, so he used Vietnamese assassins.

The four parallel narratives have ended, all enemies have been dealt with, and the audience is hooked, but the more enjoyable part is yet to come.

In the boardroom of Kinmen Group, the directors who had not heard from Wu Zhongjiu, Li Zicheng and Zhang Shouji were restless, talking to each other, and then making phone calls.

At this time, the door to the board of directors was pushed open, a heavy and exciting BGM sounded, and dozens of strong men in black suits filed into two teams and stood behind the directors.

Two strong men came in last, and Li Zicheng followed calmly. After entering the door, the strong men dispersed, with Li Zicheng in front, his eyes leering and domineering.


"I got goosebumps."

"This scene is more handsome than the God of Gamblers."

"I love Li Zicheng and I love Cao Xuan."

An elder who had just received the news looked at Li Zicheng and announced in a voice of surprise and fear.

"Just now...Director Li submitted his candidate application for chairman. Director Wu and Vice Chairman Zhang volunteered. According to the rules, Director Li will become the new chairman of our Kinmen Group. Do you have any objections?"

Dozens of strong men stood behind him. No one dared to object. Everyone nodded in agreement, and Li Zicheng walked towards the innermost seat without any disguise.

All the directors along the way stood up and faced him with shocked and respectful eyes and gestures.

When they came to the main seat, all the directors stood up, but Li Zicheng sat down calmly, took out his cigarette and lighter and put them on the table, declaring his sovereignty.

All the directors applauded and looked at him flatteringly, but Li Zicheng, who was standing at the pinnacle of power, was rubbing the lighter in his hand with a blank look in his eyes.

He actually doesn't desire power. He wants to fly far away and remain anonymous, but reality forces him to get to where he is now step by step.

And he must continue to go down, because if he doesn't go, he can't live.

Officially returning in 1997, Li Zicheng hid his fame and fame and became a new underground boss in Hong Kong, leading the society to transform and move towards a new world.

There is a little easter egg at the end of the movie, which is that Li Zicheng and Ding Qing are young and Dangerous boys who go to kill people. They are young, brave, and passionate.

Ding Qing is still so carefree, while Li Zicheng is a young man who likes to laugh with his good brothers.

It is worth mentioning that this is the only time Li Zicheng's character laughs in the entire two-hour movie.

Chen Yongren is an endless hell, and so is Li Zicheng.

Chen Yongren in "Infernal Affairs" sacrificed his life for justice and was finally freed. Li Zicheng in "New World" fell into "darkness", but it may not be another new world.

Until the movie ended, Ah Wei was still obsessed with the plot of "New World" and could not forget it for a long time.

Guobin behind him patted him: "How about it? Tell the truth."

Ah Wei scratched his head: "I ask you to kill the chicken ten times and run naked."

"A month."

"You are not afraid of death in bed, half a month."

"Twenty days."

"It's only half a month. At worst, I'll run around naked. It's not like I've never been naked before."

"Okay, deal."


Awei carried the state guest to the ticket office. The state guest was confused: "What are you doing?"

"Looking at it again, I still don't understand something."

"Fuck, watch it yourself, I've already watched it three times."

"My treat."


Please give me some monthly tickets

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