China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 597 Pang Yidian: The song

New York, green screen studio

Cao Xuan knelt half-kneeling behind Imitation Master with his left knee, holding him tightly. The [Dragon] sword in his right hand was placed across the opponent's neck. His face was stained with blood and he showed no expression.

"I hate piracy."

After saying that, he punched the opponent unconscious and locked him with black technology shackles. Then he stood up and pulled up the widowed sister who was lying on the ground next to him.

The widowed sister, who had gone through the war, was also in tatters. She covered her chest and coughed a few times. She used the device to notify SHIELD: "We are in the underground hall. Please bring more people. The scene is a bit big."

Although they shot on a green screen, the setting in the movie is that the finale scene is horrific to watch.

The villain Dr. Eggman is preparing to launch laser weapons, kidnap the entire New York, and negotiate with SHIELD to ask for the Cosmic Cube.

Hawkeye and Black Widow came to destroy it. After a series of battles, Hawkeye understood [Qi], shot Crossfire to death, defeated Taskmaster, and eliminated Dr. Eggman and the laser weapon.

But before Dr. Eggman died, the laser weapon still caused a huge aftermath, plowing the entire hall, and also injured Hawkeye and Black Widow.

At this time, Taskmaster came in for another unscrupulous sneak attack, and the injured Hawkeye and Black Widow teamed up to subdue him.

In the setting, this imitation master is particularly powerful. He is the best in the world in physical skills and has strong physical fitness. He can also imitate the kung fu of Hawkeye and the fighting skills of Black Widow. He can even master the archery and marksmanship of the two, which is amazing. batch.

It can be said that in terms of combat skills alone, this guy is Marvel's ceiling.

If it weren't for Hawkeye's cheating, figuring out [Qi], and with Black Widow's support, he really wouldn't be able to defeat him.

Even so, this Taskmaster is still a weakened version. In the original comics, this guy can even copy super powers.

In the entire Marvel universe, the only one who can defeat him is Deadpool. Because Deadpool is not afraid of death, his fighting skills are unstructured and he has many suicidal moves that Taskmaster cannot imitate.

It is precisely because of the strong setting that Marvel is not willing to let Hawkeye kill him.

I plan to go back and see if I can pull it out to shoot other scenes. Unlike Crossfire, it has no value for repeated use and will be shot to death by an arrow.


The director clapped his hands and several actors stood up one after another. Cao Xuan imitated and apologized slightly. Those few moves just now were not light.

Especially the last move of pressing him to the ground with one knee. He was very handsome, but too sensitive. Fortunately, it was 2010, otherwise Cao Xuan and the entire "Eagle Eye" crew would have been exposed by American netizens.

After filming the finale, The Widow Sister has officially wrapped up. Cao Xuan will have more scenes, and there will still be about 10 days of scenes.

"Happy finalization."

The assistant had already bought flowers and Cao Xuan gave them to the widowed sister. The widowed sister was very happy and hugged Cao Xuan.

"A very pleasant forty days, Cao. I look forward to our next cooperation. See you on "Avengers"."

"Me too, see you on the next set."

The two of them have a pretty good relationship in private. They are both veterans who have been in the industry for many years. They are always well-mannered and have no conflicts of interest, so they naturally work together harmoniously.

After the widowed sister finished filming and left, Cao Xuan also asked for three days' leave from the crew and returned to the capital to attend the premiere of "Let the Bullets Fly."

To be honest, there are other Marvel characters filming, so it doesn't matter that Cao Xuan takes these three days off. On the contrary, Cao Xuan himself doesn't want to take them.

Empress Dong Gong's due date is only two or three weeks away. He is eager to finish filming "Eagle Eye" in one go and then go home to be with his wife.

But since he is the starring role in "Let the Bullets Fly", he needs to cooperate with the promotion period and road shows.

Cao Xuan couldn't leave because he was filming here, so he had already pushed back a lot of work. If he hadn't been the majority shareholder of the crew and could compensate for "Let the Bullets Fly" from theaters and publicity resources, Lao Jiang would have quit working long ago. .

But even so, it would be outrageous to not have the premiere again.

So no matter what, Cao Xuan must at least show up on the day of the premiere to cooperate with the "Let the Bullets Fly" gimmick of the three giants.

So, under Lao Jiang's series of life-threatening calls, Cao Xuan took three days off and returned to China and Beijing.


After returning to Beijing, Cao Xuan did not go to meet Lao Jiang, but rushed to Changping Villa to visit the Empress of the East Palace.

When the Empress of the West Palace was pregnant, although Cao Xuan was busy, at least he was not far from the capital and could come back at any time.

But this time I was filming in the United States, and it took more than ten hours to fly. It was really inconvenient. I had to wait until the filming was over before I could return to Beijing.

Fortunately, after he finished filming "Eagle Eye", he could take a break for more than a month. He didn't have any important work and could concentrate on being a dad at home.

Hu Jing understood Cao Xuan, but it was actually not Cao Xuan's fault. The estimated filming time of the contract at that time could be settled one month in advance of the expected delivery date. Who knew that after many delays, it would end up being unexpectedly unexpected.

It’s not Marvel’s intention. Similar situations are very common. It can only be said that plans cannot keep up with changes.

But Hu Jing didn't care, but his father-in-law was dissatisfied with this, thinking that Cao Xuan didn't value his daughter.

Well, it's hard to say whether the old man was being idle for other reasons, but Cao Xuan didn't care about him.

Once his grandson/granddaughter is born, the old man will no longer be in the mood to compete with him...

"The premiere ceremony is on the 14th. When we get back, the filming will be officially completed on the 25th or 26th. The due date is at the end of the month, so there shouldn't be any delay."

Cao Xuan kept calculating the days. If he produced the baby on time, he would definitely be able to catch up. However, it was normal for the expected delivery date to be delayed a few days in advance. Who knows how big the error would be.

"If you can't come back in time, you can't come back in time. I don't need you to have a baby."

Hu Jing didn't care. She peeled a banana and ate it while watching TV. She didn't care whether Cao Xuan was there or not.

"That's not necessarily the case. Then you will have to cry and look for me."

Cao Xuan consulted professionals and found that having her husband by her side can help ease and comfort pregnant women during childbirth.

The more important thing is an attitude issue. If he is here, he may not be able to help, but if he is not there, he will definitely be talked about by the Empress of the East Palace for the rest of his life afterwards.

This is a painful lesson learned by several married people. Even if Hu Jing doesn't care now, it will be difficult to talk about it later.


Hu Jing expressed disdain, stuffed the remaining half banana into Cao Xuan's mouth, and said with a slight sense of guilt.

"You can't eat it. If you eat any more, you'll be too fat to lose weight."

Looking at Hu Jing's rounded face, Cao Xuan asked curiously: "How much do you weigh now?"

"have no idea."

Hu Jing shook her head decisively with a painful expression: "After 120 pounds, I won't ask about the weight, as long as the doctor says there is nothing wrong with the body."

"Your body and nutrition are important, and you can slowly lose weight after giving birth."

Cao Xuan comforted her, but he knew it would be of no use. Both the East and West Palaces particularly loved beauty.

Hu Jing does yoga every day and goes to beauty salons several times a month. If Cao Xuan hadn't stopped her, she would have planned to go to Japan for medical beauty treatments.

Zeng Li is also a frequent visitor to beauty salons. Although he does not practice yoga every day as much as Hu Jing, he still practices diligently. In order to maintain his figure, his diet is basically vegetarian, with only a small amount of seafood and low-calorie meat.

It was Cao Xuan who also advised him, and he was also afraid of setting a bad example for little Cao Li, otherwise Zeng Li might even try vegetarianism.

It was precisely because of Zeng Li's restraint on diet that when she was pregnant, she did not eat much except for necessary nutrients. Apart from the normal increase in weight during pregnancy, her overall weight did not change much.

In comparison, Hu Jing is actually a little thinner than Zeng Li when she was pregnant, but because she couldn't keep her mouth shut, her weight soared during pregnancy and she gained weight, causing her to mutter at home every day.

"They are both pregnant, so why is the difference so big?"

In fact, having said that, Cao Xuan quite likes Hu Jing, who is a bit fat. She looks likeable, and her fleshy hug is also very comfortable.

It's a pity that Hu Jing doesn't like to gain weight, and vowed never to go out before losing weight, so as not to be photographed by the media and posted online to be ridiculed.

That's it for the others, but the four major actresses came to power at the same time, and there was still a lot of grudges and resentments among fans.

There are also fans of Nishinomiya Empress. After several frictions, the relationship between the two families is not very good now.

It's okay to be ridiculed by others, but if Zeng Li's fans say that she is ugly and not as good as the 200-year-old beauty in the drama, then it will be too much for Hu Jing to break her guard.

Cao Xuan could only let her go. The Empress of the East Palace used to be very grand, but she had become childish even if she wanted to get pregnant...


After staying at home for a long time, Cao Xuan attended the red carpet of "Let the Bullets Fly".

The reporters and media were still very excited. Since the filming of "The Founding of the Party" in October, Cao Xuan has not appeared in public for more than a month.

But even though he was away, he was doing things in a low-key manner.

"Someone Like Me", "My Sky" and "Birds and Cicadas" dominated the Chinese music scene throughout November.

In early December, star singer Yao Beina released the single "Under the Sea". Its ethereal and desperate melody and sad and depressing singing made the entire Chinese music world fall into silence.

Soon, "Under the Sea" was dubbed the most depressing song of 2010.

Yao Beina's fame has soared, and "Under the Sea" can even compete with Cao Xuan's three new songs on the rankings.

At that time, Pang Yidian, a well-known Cao Hei Internet writer and screenwriter, was shouting crazily on Sina Weibo.

"Please those so-called music critics stop licking the butt of a certain singer named Cao every day, and open your eyes to see what a truly good song is. In my opinion, the best song of 2010 is better than Cao."

At first, there were many people who didn't know the truth and agreed, thinking that this song was dragged down by the singer's fame, otherwise it would really be no worse than Cao Xuan's songs.

Until a netizen left a message in the comment area quite puzzlingly.

[Don’t you read the songwriter before commenting? 】

Two hours later, this comment was liked and ranked first in the comment area by Chigua netizens who came after hearing the news. Half an hour later, Pang Yidian silently deleted Weibo.

However, this Weibo post had already been screenshotted by someone, spread all over the Internet, and even became a hot search topic on Penguin Weibo.

Pang Yidian and Gong Linna, who became famous after singing "Uneasy", became the target of ridicule by countless netizens at the end of 2010.

However, the latter is just controversial. In fact, many professional singers have expressed support, including the Queen Wang Fei. Even if this song became popular, it is difficult to say that it was not Wang Fei's Weibo that gave it a boost.

Cao Xuan also liked a Weibo post in which a professional music critic reviewed "Uneasy", expressing his attitude.

[The mass popularity is extremely poor, but the professionalism is extremely strong, and the difficulty of arranging and singing is first-class. If you agree with this style, it can be regarded as a bold exploration of music models. If you don’t like it, it is not an exaggeration to regard it as noise]

The evaluation on this Weibo is quite objective and is similar to Cao Xuan’s thoughts.

There is no need to belittle "Uneasy" too much. This song does have strong professionalism and technical standards.

There is no need to exaggerate too much, after all, it is really difficult to say that this song is good.

Now in 2010, netizens have a poor opinion of this song, and even think that Gong Linna is pretending to be crazy to attract attention.

A few years later, the song's reputation changed, and the song was regarded as a classic and held on the altar. Some people even used it to criticize and belittle normal pop music.

Both of these behaviors are a bit extreme, but they are also normal, because "Uneasy" is essentially a avant-garde "divine song" of atypical music. It is normal for word-of-mouth to be polarized.

Perhaps in a few years, in 2030, the song "Uneasy" will be knocked off the altar again and be cast aside.

After all, history and trends are a circle!

But regardless of whether "Uneasy" is on the altar or not, Gong Linna's strength is widely recognized. In comparison, Pang Yidian is just a pure clown.

Although he was scolded miserably, Pang Yidian can be considered half an Internet celebrity, and he is not far behind Sister Feng and Brother Sharp in terms of popularity.

When the limelight is over, you can make some bad money. If you are lucky, you can start a computer business and package it up. In the future, you may be able to try your luck in the live streaming industry.

The premise is that the Fanxing legal team is not sent in during this period...

However, there is a saying that Pang Yidian's turmoil also made the song "Under the Sea" completely popular.

When Cao Xuan also released the new song "Under the Sea", two completely different arrangements and slightly changed lyrics made the song completely out of the ordinary.

Yao Beina's "Under the Sea" is full of loneliness and sadness, which can amplify the negative emotions of the audience to a certain extent, so it is called depressive.

As for Cao Xuan's version of "Under the Sea," the melody has not changed much, but the arrangement has a different tone.

The same main song, after the early depression, Cao Xuan's singing later is full of hope and power.

Especially in the last part, Yao Beina sings extremely desperately, and the lyrics also make people feel heartbroken and suffocated.

"It's too late, it's too late, you laughed and cried

Too late, too late, your trembling arms

It's too late, it's too late, no one will rescue you

Too late, too late, you obviously hate suffocation


Cao Xuan's version of "Under the Sea" is like a response and call to the previous song, full of warmth and redemption.

"There's time, there's time, you laughed and cried

Come in time, come in time, I want to sing to you

Spring rain, summer cicadas chirping, tomorrow will be a good weather

The autumn wind blows, the snowflakes are light, and the four seasons are invisible under the sea


If the former is a divine song that induces depression, the latter is a sound of healing. Only by listening to the two songs together can you feel more deeply.

Everyone also understood Cao Xuan's intention. When Yao Beina's song "Under the Sea" first came out, although it received a lot of praise, some people said that the song was too sad, had many words, was too scary, and was a bit dark.

Many people wondered why Cao Xuan wrote such a song, and also speculated whether he had psychological fluctuations.

But when the second version of "Under the Sea" appeared, all the doubts were solved.

Without the abyss, there is no salvation.

After the gloom, the sun blooms.

One of the two versions alone may be a good song, but when the two versions appear together, the meaning and depth are directly sublimated.

After all, despair can make people depressed, but a beam of light coming through the gap can make people burst into tears.

As the lyrics say, there are no seasons under the sea, but there are in the human world.

A good inspirational song may make you excited and move forward courageously on the road ahead.

But a good healing song can touch and heal people at their lowest or even desperate moments, giving them a hard push to the shore and giving them a new lease of life.

Under the comments of Cao Xuan's "Under the Sea" MV, many people who are in darkness left messages on it, telling how this song made them feel. Many netizens, including Cao Xuan, left messages of support.

Perhaps at this moment, a healing song and a kind words of comfort from a stranger can save a person's life.

The MV for "Under the Sea" also made one person famous, and that is the starring actor Sun Yanyan.

The two MVs for "Under the Sea" are very similar. Both feature a girl in a white dress, wandering aimlessly on the beach, and finally lying on the sea with her eyes closed, slowly sinking.

But the ending is different. In Yao Beina's version of the MV, the girl is getting further and further away from the sea, and everything in front of her is getting darker and darker.

In Cao Xuan's MV, at the above-mentioned moment, a pair of strong hands suddenly pulled the girl up. When the girl opened her eyes, it was not the darkness under the sea, but the bright sunshine.

To be honest, Yao Beina's MV is more or less suspected of instigation.

If Cao Xuan hadn't said hello in advance and released the second version only ten days later, with a happy ending, the MV would have probably been banned.

Even so, most of the MVs that circulated later were Cao Xuan's version of the MV, and Yao Beina's version was not deliberately searched, so it is difficult to find the original version.

But no matter what, Sun Yanyan, as the star of two MVs, interprets the numbness and despair of the protagonist of the story very well, which makes people feel heartbroken.

And when she was rescued and squinted to look at the sun, the smile that unconsciously curled up at the corners of her mouth was simply touching.

Liu Yanyan was called "Undersea Girl" by netizens, and became popular all over the Internet at an extremely fast speed. Fanxing opened a Weibo account for her, and her followers increased by 500,000 in just one week, which shows her terrifying popularity.

Prior to this, all MV participants believed that Dili was most likely to be popular because she was the prettiest and participated in the most MVs, so her chances of becoming popular were naturally higher.

Facts have proved that after the release of "Birds and Cicada", Dili Rouba, who starred in the MV, did receive a lot of attention, and many media even requested exclusive interviews.

But no one expected that Sun Yanyan would immediately become famous with the "Under the Sea" MV. If she had not debuted too late, she could even compete for the top ten Internet celebrities in 2010.

Fanxing, who originally didn't pay much attention to it, began to change its attitude and regarded it as a super potential stock like Dili Rouba.

Fanxing Vice President Jiang Yue personally serves as Sun Yanyan's agent. Although it is only in name, another agent is responsible for the actual work, and it is very likely that other people will be arranged in the future.

But it’s also very rare. After all, staying with China’s No. 1 agent for a period of time is considered gold-plated.

You must know that there are no unknown people under Vice President Jiang. The artists he has led include Cao Xuan, Hu Jing, Fan Xiaopang, Gu Miaomiao, Zeng Li, Gao Yuanyuan, Dong Xuan, Yan Kuan and others, all of whom are well-known in the circle. A big shot with a number.

Sun Yanyan had been with Jiang Yue, and he would be guaranteed to be second-tier in the future, otherwise Vice President Jiang would not be able to afford to lose that person.

No matter what, Sun Yanyan, who acted in the MV, could become so popular, let alone Cao Xuan, the main character. The media almost went crazy thinking about him.

However, Cao Xuan is willful and does not care about exposure at all. Except for occasional actions on social media, he will not accept any interviews or programs.

The media loves and hates him. It's rare to catch him this time, and he will definitely be questioned to death.

The problem mainly lies in two directions, a few songs and the new album, and what I did during the month I disappeared.

Although Cao Xuan has become less and less fond of public appearances in the past two years, unless he takes a complete vacation, the media can still infer some of his schedule.

Especially with the release of his new album soon and the release of "Let the Bullets Fly", no matter how low-key Cao Xuan is, he can't just ignore everything.

As a result, Cao Xuan disappeared for more than a month. According to the media, there must be a reason.

Some people broke the news that Cao Xuan was filming in the United States, others said that Cao Xuan was injured and recuperating, and some even speculated that Cao Xuan was staying at home with Hu Jing to prepare for the birth.

After all, the Empress of the East Palace has not appeared for almost half a year. In the past, even if Hu Jing retreated to the second line, she would not completely disappear to this extent.

Not to mention that an insider revealed that Vice President Hu had taken sick leave and had not come to work at Fanxing Company for several months.

With the sense of smell of these veterans of the entertainment industry, the possibility that Hu Jing is pregnant is naturally a major point of suspicion.

Cao Xuan disappeared inexplicably for a month, even ignoring the new album and movie, which to some extent adds another layer of credibility to this matter.

Nowadays, relevant speculations are rampant on Tianya, Weibo, and Even if Cao Xuan confuses people and muddies the waters in various ways, the matter has not been completely suppressed.

After all, the King of the World and the popular actress are suspected of having a child in a secret marriage, which is really explosive.

Now Cao Xuan finally showed up and simply enlivened the atmosphere with a few ordinary questions, and several reporters asked questions directly.

"An insider revealed on the Internet that you and Hu Jing secretly obtained a marriage certificate. Is this true?"

Cao Xuan: "Fake."

"It is said on the Internet that you disappeared during this period to accompany Hu Jing in preparing for pregnancy. How do you explain this?"

Cao Xuan: "I am actually filming during this period. I signed a confidentiality agreement about the specific situation and will make it public later."

"According to the inside information we have received, Hu Jing has not been at work for several months. What happened?"

Cao Xuan: "She is feeling a little unwell and is recuperating."

No matter how reporters asked questions, Cao Xuan was a master of Tai Chi. He neither told lies nor gave clear answers. It didn’t matter how he was interpreted.

After struggling for more than half an hour, Cao Xuan finally got away. Even though he had experienced many battles, he couldn't help but wipe away his sweat.

too difficult!

Lao Jiang had been watching the fun just now, but now he came over to take pleasure in the misfortune.

"If you ask me, you are just too honest. If you deny it, it's over. If you do this now, many people can see the subtext."

"I don't want to hide it from everyone."

Cao Xuan was very calm. He could not keep his child at home forever. Sooner or later, he would see the child. Rather than slap him in the face in the future, it would be better to leave a hole now.

Anyway, he didn't say he was dead, and he never admitted it directly. All the conclusions drawn by outsiders were just wild guesses.

Lao Jiang is a very clever person who knows everything. He couldn't help but joked: "But if you do this, your reputation may not be good."

"When did I have a good reputation?"

Cao Xuan is very self-aware: "It is inevitable to make mistakes in personal relationships with children. No one is a saint."

"That makes sense."

Lao Jiang was convinced that this guy was also a romantic figure. He was once blocked by Liu Xiaoqing's husband in his room and forced to write with a knife.

When others heard Cao Xuan's words, they might be able to look down upon him from the moral high ground. Lao Jiang's attributes of Cao Xuan's family would only make him a confidant.

Recommended book, "Rebirth: Ten Years Against the Current", an urban business novel with two female protagonists, started selling goods on Taobao, accumulated funds through mobile games, and invested in rice fraud, and gradually emerged 12 years later.

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