China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 616 Wu Jing and Vanity Fair became famous in

Harper's Bazaar Charity Night is basically dominated by mainland artists, with little participation from Hong Kong circles, and most of those who can come are developing in the mainland.

Such as Cheng Long, Zhen Zhuan and...Wu Jing.

Yes, although Wu Jing is a native of Beijing, in most people's minds, he is a star in Hong Kong.

In the early days, he signed a contract with Yuan Baye Company. Many of the TV series he filmed were with Hong Kong directors and actors. Later, he participated in a large number of Hong Kong films.

Even though he has filmed films such as "Spring Knife" and "Safe", and is now mainly developing in the mainland, many people still regard him as a Hong Kong star because of his large number of Hong Kong films and background in the Hong Kong industry.

Just like Wang Fei, she also grew up in the Mainland. In recent years, she has been active almost exclusively in the Mainland, and even settled in the Mainland. However, in many people's impression, she is still the queen of Hong Kong and Taiwan.

It is not difficult for Wu Jing to change this inherent impression.

As long as his achievements surpass those of the Hong Kong era and he becomes a representative figure in mainland films, people will naturally change their impressions.

But now, Wu Jing actually has this trend.

As soon as he entered the venue today, many people noticed it. Cheng Long and Zhen Zhuan even greeted him specially and got together to chat.

Not only because they are both action stars from Hong Kong and have cooperated more or less before, but more importantly because Wu Jing is currently taking over.

On July 4, the new film "The Raid" by well-known director Lin Chaoxian was released, with Wu Jing as the first starring role.

Wu Jing's development in the past two years has actually been quite good. "Xiu Chun Knife" has accumulated popularity, and films such as "Hurricane Rescue", "Slay the Wolf 1" and "The Handsome Man" have performed well.

It’s hard to say how popular he can be. After all, he is mostly a supporting actor, but his development is much better than that of Fan Shaohuang, An Zhijie and others in the same position.

If the current Mesozoic star is Zhen Zhuan, Wu Jing can be said to be the representative of the new generation.

Before this, Wu Jing's only disadvantage was that he had no unique works that he could produce.

"Lang Fang", which he directed and starred in, and "Western Wind" co-produced by Duan Long, both achieved relatively average results, especially "Lang Fang", which can even be said to be dismal, with a box office of less than 5 million in the mainland.

The reason why Zhen Yan has become a rising star in Hong Kong, with a reputation that rivals Cheng and Li, and a salary that is even higher than that of Liu Tianwang and Tony Leung, is because of the popularity of the "Ip Man" series and the box office appeal accumulated by many movies.

You can say that many of his films are bad, but leaving aside Cheng and Li, the most popular ones at present are others.

Wu Jing originally chose to return to the mainland to cooperate with Fanxing. The main reason was that the relevant resources in Hong Kong gave priority to supplying Zhen bullets, and Chef Xie, Principal Gu and others also shared the pie. He was ranked lower.

But coming to the mainland to work with Fanxing is different. Strictly speaking, the only action star among Fanxing is Cao Xuan.

If you advance, you can help Cao Xuan, and if you retreat, you can receive some resources that Cao Xuan doesn't need.

Don't think that it feels like eating leftovers from Cao Xuan's behind. Others can't eat even if they want.

No matter what level Cao Xuan is now, he can be regarded as a first-line actor in Hollywood. The films that started him are all hits in Hollywood, and "Leftovers" are also among the few action film resources in the country.

For example, in "The Raid", the international director Lin Chaoxian, who has a box office of 500 million US dollars, is enough for these action stars to seize the lead.

When the project was first approved, both Cheng Long and Li Lianjie hinted that the hotly-recruited Zhen Zhuan even directly asked the team to come over and get in touch.

Not to mention Chef Xie and others, the owner of Yinghuangyang personally invited Lin Chaoxian to dinner, hoping to ask him to talk to him.

However, Cao Xuan wanted to promote newcomers, and with a limited budget, he did not want to spend too much on actors, so he firmly chose Wu Jing.

Although Lin Chaoxian did not dare to refute the reputation of these Xiangjiang bosses due to his background in Xiangjiang, he had the confidence to refuse due to the big tree of Cao Xuan and his Hollywood resume.

With Cao Xuan's support, Wu Jing got the best opportunity since his career.

Although the investment of 50 million yuan in "The Raid" is not a big production, it is still above average. The key is director Lin Chaoxian. Because of the success of "The Raid", he is now the most outstanding action director in Chinese, box office Great appeal.

Facts have proved that Wu Jing's choice was right, and "The Raid" was a success.

Currently, "The Raid" has been released for one week, and the box office is about 70 million.

You know, "The Raid" is a pure action movie, and the biggest box office appeal is the director. This data is already quite good.

Last year's hugely popular "Ip Man 2" probably had slightly better statistics than "The Raid".

Of course, "Ip Man 2" ran into two strong rivals, "Iron Man 2" and "Swordsman", but "The Raid" is not bad, and it is almost a head-on fight with Chen Kexin's "Martial Arts".

"Martial Arts" is gaining momentum, with Chen Kexin + Yan Yanzhuang + Jin Chengwu, famous directors and popular stars, it can be said to be one of the biggest hits in this summer season.

In addition to Cao Xuan's "Now You See Me" and "Transformers", the outside world is even optimistic about his film "The Founding of the Party".

If it weren't for the tight schedule this summer, "The Raid" would never be so close to "Martial Arts".

But there is no way, there is the own "Girls We Chased Together in Those Years", followed closely by "The Founding of the Party", "Transformers" will be released soon, and then the final chapter of "Harry Potter" and "Now You See Me" 》.

It can be said that none of them are good friends, and we must avoid internal friction in the films of the same company.

So after several considerations, Cao Xuan finally decided on it himself, making it the same period as "Martial Arts".

After all, Boss Cao knows who the real soft persimmon is.

Fanxing is still a little puzzled internally. After all, although the other movies are all blockbusters, at least the themes are different, and "The Raid" still has a glimmer of hope.

But if he were to fight with "Martial Arts", which is primarily an action movie, wouldn't it be a collision of guns?

However, due to Cao Xuan's prestige, everyone still obeyed his orders, and then once again saw Boss Cao's magical operation, they praised the boss for his wisdom.

After "Martial Arts" was released, its reputation plummeted.

Netizens complained that the movie was neither an action movie nor a martial arts movie, but also a fantasy and a bit suspenseful. After thinking about it carefully, I wondered if I had watched a popular science film about traditional Chinese medicine.

The initial rating on was only 5.9, while "The Raid" was 7.8.

In the words of a famous film critic: "I saw almost no plot in "The Raid", but this movie is full of punches and blood, and the frequent fighting and gun battles make people's blood flow. The 140-minute film has no trace of it. Pee.

Although many people think that this movie will be forgotten after watching it, I would rather feel such an adrenaline rush than watch "Martial Arts" and tell me those empty and tasteless truths. "

For most action movie fans, a movie of pure violence, high pleasure, and strong rhythm like "The Raid" is simply a delicious meal.

Many action movie lovers are even willing to watch it again and again.

In their mouths, this movie was highly praised, and Wu Jing was also enshrined on the altar and considered to be the next generation of action superstars.

But for most normal viewers, this movie may be good to watch, but many people will still find it boring. After all, no matter how good the action scenes are, they will get boring after watching too much. The rhythm that best suits the public's perception is to integrate with the plot.

If "The Raid" were released on its own, it might have a great reputation in the action film field, but it might not be that strong in the eyes of the public.

But coincidentally, there was a "Martial Arts" at the same time, called "Martial Arts", which was actually about anti-martial arts and anti-violence.

The concept of this movie is good, but it is a little bit suspicious of the audience. That's all. As long as the story is told well, the audience doesn't care about this.

The key to this movie is that I can't understand it, and the plot is also unclear. The rhythm of the whole movie is depressing and awkward, with a strong sense of preaching, and it is also suspected of plagiarizing "A History of Violence".

Don't be afraid of comparison in everything. Between these two movies, one will make you feel awkward and the other will make you happy.

Even if the shortcomings are obvious, the audience's balance will inevitably tilt.

The first-week box office of "Martial Arts" was about 56 million, which was beaten by "The Raid". The most embarrassing thing is that the cost of the two movies is so different.

"The Raid" cost 50 million, and the cost of "Martial Arts" varies, but it should be no less than 120 million, and most likely more.

According to the current trend, "The Raid" has a box office of more than 200 million in the mainland, making a small profit easily, and according to the style, it is easy to go overseas, which is also a considerable profit.

If "Martial Arts" wants to make a profit in the mainland, it must at least reach a box office of more than 300 million. However, with the current box office trend, 200 million is not very sure.

As for the overseas box office, it is said that the copyright sales are good, but the industry has expressed doubts. Judging from the box office data of some overseas countries and regions that have been released, the performance is very poor.

In principle, this movie is destined to lose money, it just depends on how much it loses.

Boss Qin: (*)

To be honest, even Cao Xuan, a competitor, felt sorry for him. He spent hundreds of millions on several projects and never saw any money back, and he also attracted a lot of ridicule.

However, Wu Jing is very proud of himself. The success of "The Raid" has made him very popular. He usually attended such parties as a transparent person, but now he has become a famous figure, and everyone he knows or doesn't know comes to check their faces.

Hu Jing also saw him and took Damimi over to talk to him. When they met, she discovered that Wu Jing's left arm was still bandaged.

"what happened?"

"I got a little injured while filming, it's nothing serious."

Wu Jing didn't care. Action stars like them were often injured and had long been used to it.

Compared with injuries, they care more about whether they can succeed. If they don't succeed, the suffering will be in vain. But if the work is successful and they get fame and fortune, these injuries are medals of merit.

This time "The Raid" is a rare hit, and Wu Jing is very determined. Not to mention a broken arm, even both legs are broken, and he has to come here in a wheelchair.

Hu Jing looked at the distance and occasionally glanced at the red carpet host Xie Nan. She suddenly understood and joked.

"I asked you why you are so generous and you haven't planned to make it public yet?"


Wu Jing scratched his head with a silly smile on his face. He didn't care about the exposure of his relationship, but Xie Nan was still on the rise and might be affected by it. Moreover, the two of them had not been in love for a long time yet, so they planned to wait for a while.

"I'll bring my family over for dinner someday. Li Li asked you last time."

"Okay, I miss my eldest niece and nephew too."

Wu Jing nodded readily, but Hu Jing couldn't help but corrected with a smile: "Not nieces and nephews, you are the same generation as them."


"Ximen's Son Geme" is also quite famous in the entertainment industry. Damimi next to her laughed when she heard this.

Wu Jing was speechless. If it were Cao Xuan, he might have raised his middle finger or retorted, but he really didn't dare to face Hu Jing, so he could only suffer the loss of being mute.

The gathering of the three of them gradually attracted the attention of other artists from the Stars. It didn't take long for them to gather around them one after another, including Liu Tianxian.

Although she was at odds with Damimi, she still respected Hu Jing in front of her.

Fan Xiaopang, Damimi, Hu Ge, Liu Tianxian, Wu Jing, Chen Yao, Gu Miaomiao, Huang Bo, Phoenix Legend, plus artists who have run away from Fanxing or artists who are close to Fanxingxing, Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Liangying, Zhou Gongzi , Sun Honglei, Xu Zheng and others, this circle can be said to be star-studded.

When other company owners and artists saw it, they couldn't help but feel mixed feelings in their hearts, including envy, jealousy, longing, or fear.

And some newcomers or solo artists also came to pay homage to the dock on their own initiative or led by their managers.

"Mr. Hu, this is Gong Xiao and this is Zhou Dongyu."

Their managers helped set up a connection. Currently, Lao Mouzi and Xin Xiang are still in a lawsuit, and they are both competing for these people.

Therefore, the identities of these two are a bit embarrassing. Although they are nominally artists of New Picture, their managers and team are all from Lao Mouzi, and they almost never return to New Picture.

Lao Mouzi is still very confident about grabbing the person. The brokerage company has been established, and the broker is also bringing them and Hu Jing to brush their faces.

After all, Lao Mouzi's film resources are hard to come by, and they will be dominated by Fanxing in the future. The two of them will not be able to get it, but in order to win over Lao Mouzi, Fanxing will give some of his resources to his artists.

In other words, these two are likely to work under Hu Jing in the future, and they must leave a good impression when they see the big boss now.

Gong Xiao follows a tough niche. To be honest, he is not very competitive. There are many similar artists in Fanxing, and he cannot get any top-level resources.

On the other hand, it was the little yellow duck, which had two short legs and was so cute and cute that Hu Jing paid special attention to it.

What many people don't expect is that the little yellow duck initially followed the loli style, that is, the innocent and cute girl style who is innocent and outspoken.

Hmm, it doesn’t look familiar.

That's right, it's similar to the style of tilting your head and asking "Why doesn't it count?"

Lao Mouzi has been serving it for more than ten years, but it still tastes the same...

If anything, after the little yellow duck left the new screen and went to Hong Kong, he didn't follow a similar route, but he still retained his outspoken character.

It may not be the character design, but it may be a simple personality problem, and he often speaks louder than his head.

Hu Jing had watched "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree" and still had some concerns about a little girl, so she asked a few questions specifically.

"I see you took the college entrance examination this year, right? Which school did you apply for?"


Liu Tianxian next to him didn't pay attention to this at first, but when he heard Nortel, he specifically raised his head: "Why don't you report that you won the film?"

Damimi quit, raised her neck and choked: "What happened to Nortel? Why can't we retaliate?"

Liu Tianxian glanced at her up and down, shook his head, the meaning was self-evident, Damimi almost died of nausea.

Isn't it just a movie? What a success! ?

The two top figures were fighting each other, with knives flying in their eyes, and the little yellow duck involved was so frightened that he shivered.


Hu Jing coughed lightly and looked at Xianmi seriously, warning the two of them to restrain themselves and not to be laughed at by outsiders.

The Empress of the East Palace's eyes flashed, and Xianmi, who had been tense just now, immediately stopped. Liu Tianxian looked at the little yellow duck, smiled and clenched his fist.

"Nortel is pretty good, come on."

Damimi hugged the little yellow duck: "We will add WeChat later. If you don't understand anything at school, just ask the senior sister."

"Thank you Sister Mi, thank you Sister Yifei."

The little yellow duck thanked him obediently and unknowingly made a ranking. Da Mimi smiled happily, while Liu Tianxian looked indifferent.

She is not like Da Mimi, who accepts everyone and refuses no one who comes. In her heart, her direct descendants will always be students of Chinese opera. If the little yellow duck applies for Nortel, most of the doors to the Nishinomiya Party will be closed.

If the two little yellow ducks are still half of the galaxy, the situation is quite special when they are followed by Da Tiantian who comes to pay homage to the mountain gate.

Hu Jing glanced at Boss Lu who was accompanying her, and remembered Cao Xuan's words. They were neither far nor close. They were all normal social clichés, with a hint of alienation in their politeness.

Da Tiantian left with Boss Lu in disappointment. As an artist, no one wants to embrace Fanxing’s lap.

But judging from Hu Jing's attitude, Fanxing doesn't want to have much contact with him.

"Sister Jing, what exactly is this person doing? The rumors outside are so evil."

Damimi is very curious about this school girl who has Sun Honglei and Liang Kun as co-stars. You must know that when Cao Xuan filmed "New World", it was almost the same lineup, and at most Liang Jiahui was added.

"Don't ask around."

Hu Jing did not speak directly, but just said: "Anyway, just interact normally when we meet. Try not to offend, but don't be afraid if you offend. As long as it's reasonable, your sister will protect you. If your sister can't protect you, you, Teacher Cao, and Qianqian too." so."

"Remember, thank you Sister Jing/Teacher Hu."

Liu Tianxian and Damimi straightened their backs instantly. They had mysterious backgrounds, and their backers were also very strong.

Then the auction started, during which there was a necklace. Da Tiantian originally wanted to get it for 500,000 yuan, but Liu Tianxian took a fancy to it and increased the price by 100,000 yuan.

Da Tiantian looked back, hesitated for a while, and chose to stop shooting. On the contrary, Da Mimi couldn't help but raise her hands. The necklace, which could have been sold for about 1 million, ended up costing 1.2 million.

And Liu Tianxian didn't tolerate her. When Damimi took a set of rings, he also bid twice, and the original price of about 500,000 yuan was raised to 800,000 yuan.

But that’s all. It’s not that you can’t afford it, but it’s not necessary. Most of the things here are at a premium, and most of them are for charity, or to buy face and reputation.

Everything is there. Except for a few who intentionally invite names, most of them are shot by certain celebrities.

For example, International Chapter, Fan Xiaopang, and Zhou Gongzi all spent about 1.5 million, and Liu Tianxian also spent 1.5 million.

The big secret actually cost 1 million, but she specially added 300,000 to get closer to these big spenders.

Other front-line actors only earn around 1 million, maybe 500,000 less, and ordinary stars earn between 100,000 and 500,000. There are even those who can just sit back and not take pictures, and cooperate with raising cards twice.

The artist finale was Cheng Long and Hu Jing. Cheng Long spent 2.5 million yuan on pendants and sculptures, and Hu Jing bought a painting by Huang Yongyu for 5.2 million yuan in the name of Fanxing Group.

It is said that the entertainment industry is a vanity fair, but it is nothing more than this...


ps: I just looked at the post after Manchester United won. I was wrong. I’m sorry...

Recommended book, book title: "I really don’t want to be trending with big stars"

Introduction: There is a celebrity living next door to my house, who is also my blind date...

But something seems to be wrong with her recently. She is either lying on the balcony and making love to me, or she is sending me harassing text messages in the middle of the night.

"Brother, the breeze is bright tonight, the atmosphere is just right, and the interest is high. Why don't we set off now and go to Ninth Street BBQ to have a skewer!"

Oh my god, who can withstand this!

(Single female protagonist, daily life, light and funny, welcome to try it...)

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