Beijing, Caojia Hutong

Cao Yang, who is already nine months old, is fat and fat, with flesh all over his body, and his little arms and legs are like lotus joints.

Although he can't stand firmly, this kid is not idle at all. He seizes the time to crawl around on the cushions in the children's room specially set aside. When he gets tired, he sits and dances. After a while, he walks and lies on the cushions, like a silkworm chrysalis. It seems like it keeps squirming...

"I don't follow his sister at all, she's too moveable."

Cao Xuan gave his own evaluation, and Sun Lan, the mother next to him, gave him a blank look.

He was not born to a carefree mother. Besides, Cao Li was not a good boy when he was a child. Although he was not as active as Cao Yang, he was quite troublesome in other aspects.

"Okay, you just watch here, I'll go pick up the child."

After returning home, Cao Xuan expressed his sincerity and asked about the situation in the kindergarten. He drove the family's pick-up car, Xiali, and happily went to pick up the children with the nanny.

When they arrived at the school gate, they found a parking space and parked. Cao Xuan, wearing a hat and a mask, stood next to the car while the nanny went to negotiate with the teacher.

Kindergartens keep a close eye on children, and teachers will not let them go if they are not parents or pick-up personnel who come often.

After a while, the nanny led Cao Li over, carrying a small schoolbag. Just as Cao Xuan was about to hug his daughter, he saw a little boy holding hands next to Cao Li.

Boss Cao frowned, but before he could make a move, Cao Li saw him, recognized him carefully, and then rushed over with surprise on his face.


Cao Xuan suddenly smiled brightly and picked up his daughter: "Have you missed me?"

Cao Li nodded sharply: "Think about it. Mom said you go work abroad and make money to buy KFC for me. Dad, you are working so hard. I will be filial to you when I grow up."


Boss Cao was moved but also a little speechless. In order to make his daughter obedient, Zeng Li sometimes lied to his daughter that her family was poor.

The key point is that Xiao Cao Li really believed it.

Because she asked her classmates, they found out that other people often go out to restaurants and live in tall buildings, with only three or four people in the family.

My family can only live in a bungalow, and they can't even afford KFC. They cook all their own meals, and the whole family lives together, and both parents have to work to support them, making life difficult.

In fact, there are many errors and omissions in this statement, such as the nanny and car at home, as well as the area of ​​​​the house. After all, Cao's Hutong is larger than the kindergarten, and he can go to Qin City to escape the summer heat from time to time.

But the key point is that the child is too young and lacks cognition, and the second house of the East and West is very deceptive.

It is no exaggeration to say that those who can attend this kindergarten in Beijing are not necessarily rich or expensive, but many of them are middle class, and almost every family has a car.

Therefore, in Xiao Cao Li's world view, cars are a very common means of transportation. They are found all over the streets and are not worth mentioning.

As for nannies, although not all of his classmates are equipped with them, there are still a certain percentage of them. Zeng Li just said that there were many elderly people and children and sent them away.

The reason why my family's house is big is to show others the house. In Qinshi, the reason for summer vacation is to work, and the villa is rented.

There is no way to fool older children outside with such rhetoric, but when it comes to Cao Li, who is only 4 years old and has grown up in this environment, he is sure to be right.

To be honest, Cao Xuan sometimes worries that his daughter is too silly and sweet, and will be deceived.

But think about it, when your children are older in two years, they will automatically know the truth. Just be careful and don’t develop an inferiority complex.

Mainly, Zeng Li watched closely and was afraid that Xiao Cao Li would eat and play randomly, so he found a legitimate reason to restrain her. If she knew the truth, she would not be tortured every day.

Even if the three of them could manage it, Sun Lan and Cao Shuangguo, who loved their granddaughter, couldn't help but spoil her.

Cao Xuan was noncommittal about this kind of education and left it to Zeng Li to do it.

The Nishinomiya Empress did this not entirely to save worries, but more because she wanted her children to know something and not act recklessly and become a demon king based on their family background.

Li Moumou, the second-generation celebrity who got into a fight last year, and "Li Gang's son" who caused huge waves on the Internet, had a very bad impact on society. [official/rich/star second-generation] once became synonymous with people hating dogs and dogs.

This brought strong educational pressure to Nishinomiya, and she did not want her daughter to become like this one day.

That's why she came up with the trick of "pretending to be poor". Hu Jing was even more ruthless than she was. She was thinking about changing to an old, run-down house and deceiving her son all over again.

However, considering the popularity of several of them, this was not very reliable, so they considered turning him into an "adopted son" to fundamentally prevent him from being successful.

Later, Cao Xuan was persuaded to hold him back, and it was enough to pretend to be poor and cooperate with the education of the children, but anything else was too much.

And adopt a son?

Why not send it directly to a foster home and have a Truman world...

In any case, in Xiao Cao Li's heart, Cao Xuan's father was very pitiful. He went everywhere to film and sing, but his money was exploited by the company. He could only earn a meager salary and get injured from time to time.

The last time Cao Xuan was filming, she had a slight injury and had her hand bandaged. I don’t know what Hu Jing told her. The little girl was so scared that she cried. She didn’t want to eat or wear new clothes. She wanted to save money for her father’s treatment. sick.

So much so that Cao Xuan was worried that his daughter would become stupid and sweet, and he was also looking forward to what his daughter would think of her mother and second mother in the future when she knew the truth.

After chatting with his daughter for a while, Cao Xuan looked at the little boy: "Li Li, are you a classmate?"

"He is Wang Shuai, my deskmate."

"Hello, uncle."

The little boy was quite polite, but Cao Xuan just didn't like him, but he didn't get angry with the child: "Hello, your parents didn't come to pick you up?"

"My mother is there."

The little boy pointed at a young woman who was talking on the phone not far away. He glanced here from time to time. When he saw Cao Xuan looking over, he nodded slightly, then pointed at the phone and smiled apologetically.

Cao Xuan nodded in greeting, and then planned to leave with his daughter. Cao Li obediently waved goodbye to his classmates. The two men watched Wang Shuai run to his mother's side, get in the car and leave.

Wang Shuai's mother also finished the phone call and asked about her son: "That is your classmate's father. I don't think you have seen him before?"

"Cao Li said that her father works outside and her mother works, so she doesn't have much time at home. Even for parent-teacher meetings, her grandparents come."

"The left-behind child seems to have come back specially to celebrate the festival. This child is so pitiful."

Wang Shuai's mother thought of Xia Li who had left just now, and instantly imagined the miserable scenes in her mind, and couldn't help but sigh.

But when she was driving away from the kindergarten with her son, she suddenly felt that the girl's father had a familiar face and figure, but she just couldn't remember who it was.

It wasn't until dinner in the evening that I had the impression: "I remembered, that Cao Li's father looks like Cao Xuan."

Then, she patted her husband as if she had eaten a big melon, and said excitedly: "Both of them are named Cao. Do you think it is Cao Xuan? Oh my God, my son is sitting at the same table as Cao Xuan's daughter?!"

"What good things are you thinking about?"

Her husband angrily scolded her: "Can Cao Xuan know how to drive a Xiali? And pick up the children himself? Do you really think that such big stars and rich people are ordinary people like us?"

"Then why is he wearing a mask and sunglasses?"

"You wear sunglasses when driving. Besides, don't you look at the smog in Beijing. Several of our colleagues also carry them. We will also prepare a few bags at home to pay attention to protection."

After making a joke for her husband, Wang Shuai's mother also gave up her speculation. In fact, she subconsciously did not take this matter seriously and treated it more as a joke.

After all, no normal person would think that they would have such an intersection with a superstar.

At the same time, Caojia Hutong

In a yard next to the main courtyard, some corridors and side rooms have been demolished, and mosquito repellent plants have been planted in the freed yard. Then a grape trellis and an open-air courtyard have been built, where you can enjoy the moon and have dinner together in your free time.

Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the family is making mooncakes together. The chef is in charge of the stove, Zeng Li is in charge, Cao Xuan and others are helping, and Hu Jing and her two children are making dough to play with.

The fillings include five kernels, bean paste, lotus paste, egg yolk, rose, cantaloupe, etc., and there are hard skin, puff pastry and ice skin.

I made hundreds of them here and there. I will definitely not be able to eat them all at home, but I can give them away to others.

Relatives and friends, company executives, colleagues from Zengli University, just give some as gifts, but these mooncakes may not be enough.

Of course, mooncakes are not important, the main thing is to bring joy. In addition, the family has not been together like this for a long time, so we always need to find something to do and be lively.

"By the way, I have something to tell you."

Hu Jing, who was happily kneading the dough, suddenly remembered something and looked at Cao Xuan, who was making mooncakes.

"Zhang Jie is getting married in a few days. Will you go?"


Cao Xuan was stunned: "He has my phone number, why don't you call me directly and let you pass the call?"

"I should be afraid that you will refuse."

Hu Jing analyzed it: "You usually don't get involved in these things. He is afraid that you will refuse to look good, so through me, you have room to agree or disagree."

"This kid can also run around in circles."

Cao Xuan teased him. Except for Wu Gao, those behind this group of starry singers actually didn’t have much contact with him. Instead, they were Gu Miaomiao, Zhang Jie, Phoenix Legend, and Yao Beina who joined early, and their personal relationship with Cao Xuan was still relatively small. good.

Gu Hezhang was even half a student of Cao Xuan, and taught them many musical techniques.

"Are you going or not?"

"Let me take a look at the arrangements. "Rescue 3" is about to start shooting. I have a lot of work. I have a script meeting with Director Zhang. I also have to watch some demos for the new album. I may not be able to spare the time."

Cao Xuan didn't give the right answer. On the one hand, he was really busy, and on the other hand, he was really not very ready to attend Zhang Jie's wedding.

Some histories may be full of inertia, and even if there are certain deviations, they will still stay on track.

Although Zhang Jie never participated in "Happy Boys" in 2007, but made his debut in "Tomorrow Star", the contract company is Fanxing instead of Tianyu.

But he still had an indissoluble bond with this show, but he changed from a contestant to a judge, and because of this, he gradually became familiar with Xie Na.

According to what Cao Xuan saw based on online revelations and gossip news, the two should have known each other for a long time. They met in 2005 when Zhang Jie went to "Happy Camp" for the first time.

Xie Na is a fan of Zhang Jie and likes him very much. However, since they are not in the same work unit and they meet less often, there is no other progress.

Until 2007 "Happy Boys", Zhang Jie was the resident judge, often active in Star City, and often met with Xie Na who also worked there.

According to the interview, it should be Xie Xiancui's Zhang. The two started dating in 2007, and their relationship was exposed not long after. In 2008, they made it semi-public. After being in love for several years, they chose to get married.

There is a saying that although Cao Xuan doesn't like Xie Na, the relationship between the two is pretty good.

Although there are frequent reports of marriage changes in Yuan Shikong, they are often confirmed to be rumors. I can't say how strong the foundation of the relationship between the two is, but it is relatively stable among celebrity couples.

In this case, Cao Xuan will not stop it, and he has no reason or motive to stop it.

Even if you don't like the bride, you will still give her blessing for the groom's sake.

If he had free time later, he wouldn't mind going there in person to stand up for Zhang Jie. After all, he was also his die-hard fan.

"Then how do I get back to him?"

"You don't need to say anything. I'll call him later and explain."

Hu Jing nodded and took the dough out of her son's mouth: "You have to send me a letter. Let's take a flight together to save trouble."

The relationship between her and Zhang Jie is not close, but they can be regarded as acquaintances, especially since she is still a senior executive of the company. She can come forward on behalf of the company, which not only shows the importance to Zhang Jie, but also silences the outside world.

Otherwise, when Zhang Jie gets married, no important person from the top management of Fanxing will be present, and many media outlets will start spreading rumors and causing trouble.

In the evening, after finishing the mooncakes and having dinner, Cao Xuan went for a night run around the track for a while, and then took a shower.

When he was filming in the United States last year, the hotel had a swimming pool, which allowed him to develop the habit of swimming for a while in the evening to relax his body and mind.

After returning to China, he also wanted to dig a swimming pool at home, but the application process was not approved. Although he could dig it quietly, Cao Xuan still didn't want to get into trouble.

After all, it’s not like his family doesn’t have a house with a swimming pool in the capital. It only takes twenty minutes to drive. It’s 12 meters x 25 meters, which is half the size of a standard swimming pool. It’s just that he finds it troublesome sometimes.

As she was wiping her hair and coming out of the bathroom, she saw Hu Jing leaning against the door, wearing a cool pajamas, waiting for her.

"Well, I stayed at your place last time I left."

Cao Xuan was stunned for a moment. The implication was very clear. Today he should go to the Empress of the West Palace to pay the public rations.

"She's coaxing the child. Stop talking nonsense and come into the house with me."

Empress Donggong was not polite at all and dragged Cao Xuan to her room. Boss Cao half pushed him and followed him in. After working for an hour, he finally got away.

As a result, as soon as he went out, he saw Empress Nishinomiya looking at him with a cold face, and smiled awkwardly: "I was forced to do so."

"Don't come to my house until you're clean."

Cao Xuan: "..."

I could only take another bath, use words to persuade, and put in a lot of effort to calm down the Queen of the West Palace.

The price was that Cao Xuan specially prepared some oysters, mutton and other dishes at the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet the next day to supplement supplies.

As the saying goes, thirty is like a wolf and forty is like a tiger. The second house of the East and West is now the year of the wolf and the tiger. It is still better to say goodbye than newlyweds + take turns to fight. Cao Daguan is under great pressure...


A few days later, Cao Xuan and Hu Jing, who had spent their holidays, appeared at Zhang Jie's wedding in Shangri-La.

Seeing Cao Xuan coming in person, Zhang Jie was very excited and kept thanking him.

"That's right. I wish you a happy marriage and a long life."

Cao Xuan smiled and gave his blessing, then found a seat to sit down, but before he could sit firmly, Hu Jing stuffed a pillow behind his back.

Teacher He, who is both the bride's "brother's family" and the best man, is almost half the host of the wedding. He has been helping the groom and the groom greet the guests, especially important guests like Cao Xuan. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but ask.

"What's wrong? You feel a little uncomfortable?"

"It's okay. I got a little injured while filming. I'm in the recovery period, so it's nothing serious."

Cao Xuan's answer caused Hu Jing to snicker, and Cao Daguan couldn't help but glare at her.

These two girls are fighting, one is more cruel than the other, and they treat people like animals.

Didn't he just hang up his exemption card for a day, and dare to mock himself like this? He had to show off his strength when he got home. He was not Wu Song, he could still subdue the wolf and the tiger...

Zhang Jie has developed very well in the past few years. His albums have performed well, he has been steadily exposed, and his concerts have been full of successes. He is considered one of the representatives of the new generation of mainland singers.

Not to mention Xie Na, no matter what, "Happy Camp" is still one of the most popular programs in China, and Happy Family is also one of the most influential hosting teams.

Putting aside the people at CCTV, in terms of popularity and influence, if Liu Yan hadn't blocked her, Xie Na might even have become the number one host.

The famous celebrity is here, and Zhang Jie and Xie Na's connections are wide enough, so their wedding guest lineup is also very luxurious.

All the artists from Fanxingxing who had time arrived. Most of the singers came, including Gu Miaomiao, Phoenix Legend, Wu Gao and others. The actors also included Liu Tianxian, Hu Ge, Chen Yao and others.

Many hosts and artists from Happy Family and Hunan TV Station also came, including many artists from Hong Kong and Taiwan. "Happy Camp" prefers to deal with this group of people, and Xie Na has also accumulated a lot of contacts.

It is no exaggeration to say that the luxury of this group of artist lineups even exceeds that of many award ceremonies.

And many of them are celebrities that the younger generation likes. They are extremely popular and have high traffic. Many award ceremonies may not be able to gather so many people.

At the beginning of the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom expressed their true feelings and burst into tears. Some of the close guests below also wiped away tears.

Cao Xuan didn't express much emotion. After all, he really didn't pay much attention to the relationship between the two, but he also gave him polite and sincere applause.

After the wedding ceremony, everyone spread out to talk and chat. Occasions like this are often about socializing and being interviewed at the same time. After all, everyone has paid for it, so it’s not too much to take a photo.

Cao Xuan didn't chat much, but instead looked at the scenery.

It is said that the Shangri-La government spent 30 million to make Zhang Jie and Xie Na publicity ambassadors, and actively sponsored the wedding in order to promote tourism.

To be honest, Cao Xuan has heard of all the extravagant wedding scenes of celebrities, but it is really rare for weddings to make money like this.

Moreover, this wedding is not only a promotional tour, but also half of Zhang Jie's new album launch conference.

Many of the songs throughout the wedding were from his new album, and during the interview at the wedding, Zhang Jie did not forget to mention it repeatedly, using the wedding to promote the new album.

Personally, he didn't quite understand this kind of behavior, but as Zhang Jie's boss, Cao Xuan was still very pleased with Zhang Jie's professionalism.

After all, when he makes money, he makes money for himself!

And it's not just Zhang Jie who is ambitious, other guests are also following suit.

Cai Kangyong promotes his women's shoe brand, wedding dress designers promote their wedding dresses and customization services, Wu Qilong helps promote the rebroadcast schedule of "Step by Step", and Hunan TV station broadcasts the entire wedding live.

It made Cao Xuan want to go up and shout "Now You See Me" a few times, but it was a pity that he couldn't save face.

Hu Jing was also a little unable to hold back. When she went back, she couldn't help complaining on the plane: "This wedding is so weird, it's a business show."

"It's okay, artists can't avoid these things."

Cao Xuan calmed down, but he could understand Zhang Jie's approach. After all, they had no other scandals, and there might only be a few major events in their lifetime. From practical considerations, it would be a good idea to achieve a certain degree of commercial benefit.

Besides, Zhang Jie is not too outrageous. What the guests do has nothing to do with him. He is just promoting his new album and acting as a tourism ambassador by the way.

The tone of things is still very positive, but the operation is a bit low-end and looks a bit ugly...

Xie Na, whom Cao Xuan was worried about at first, actually performed well at the wedding. There was nothing surprising, she was just a bride marrying for love.

"It's a pity that Huohua broke out. The two of them got along very well at the beginning."

As an old classmate who had witnessed the two falling in love, Hu Jing rarely sighed.

She still remembered that at their class reunion, the little girl was smugly proud that her boyfriend had won the Golden Horse Award. Now times have changed, and the person she is proud of has changed.

"Don't worry about it. They are both married and have given up on it a long time ago."

Cao Xuan clicked on the computer on the plane, watching the football game from time to time, and then reading novels on his mobile phone from time to time.

Hu Jing rolled her eyes at him and took out her mobile phone. After playing with it for a few times, she shouted in surprise.

"Hey, the wedding gift list has been exposed."

Cao Xuan frowned. Such a private matter could be exposed. He didn't know whether it was intentional by the two of them or whether the wedding team had lax management.

But no matter which reason it is, this matter is quite popular.

If a guest is talked about or ridiculed by fans because of the size of the gift, what was originally a good thing will turn into a bad thing.

"The list is either true or false."

Hu Jing browsed it and handed it to Cao Xuan. Cao Xuan looked over -

Teacher He 1.7 million, Wu Qilong 3 million, Wu Xin 200,000, Du Haitao 200,000, Wang Han 1.5 million, Zhao Benshan 6 million, Yu Entai 800,000, Cai Kangyong 800,000, Li Weijia 560,000, Su Youpeng 800,000, Tianyulong Danny 900,000…………

Cao Xuan 1 million, Hu Jing 1 million, Gu Miaomiao 500,000, Phoenix Legend 500,000, Liu Tianxian 200,000...

Fanxing is okay, there may be some discrepancies, but they are about the same, but other stars are a bit outrageous.

There is no problem with Teacher He giving 1.7 million. With Wu and Du’s net worth, giving 200,000 is quite satisfactory. Others with deep connections are understandable giving hundreds of thousands.

But why should Lao Zhao give 6 million? Why should Wu Qilong give 3 million?

You really don’t regard money as money!

Do you know what 6 million is? A little extra money is enough for Lao Zhao to film a movie. The two Xie people don’t have that deep a relationship with him. Why should they give so much? Even if his apprentice gets married, he may not be able to afford so much money. .

The same goes for Wu Qilong. How much is the salary for "Step by Step"? It is estimated to be around 3 million. Is the friendship between the two worth that much money?

Cao Xuan originally thought that he was really exposed. Looking at it this way, he probably only glanced at the gift list a few times and then made random guesses based on it.

Celebrities in 2011 are really not that rich or generous.

Even if the salary has skyrocketed now, it is only for the top and first-tier jobs. In fact, the increase for the second- and third-tier jobs is not that high. Many people only get a few million a year, or even only a million or so.

Therefore, the most normal price for most red envelopes is tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, and those who are more friendly or rich will give more.

A headline like this one says that Zhang Jie and his wife received 36 million in gift money, which is totally mindless. If it were so easy to make money, I'm afraid all the celebrities would be getting married soon.

The GDP of the entertainment industry is all supplied to the wedding industry...

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