China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 627 The completion of the

San Francisco, U.S

On the set of "Hurricane Rescue 3", Cao Xuan felt a little sad as he looked at the crew's busy preparations for filming.

He found that since last year, he has been spending more and more time in the United States every year. This year alone, during the filming period + promotion period, he may have spent more time in the United States than in China.

Now we have to film "Taken 3", mainly in the United States, and we have to go to Mexico, South America, Canada and Australia. In December, we have to promote "Hawkeye", which probably won't stop until the Spring Festival.

So it’s no wonder that some people sometimes take the lead online, saying that he immigrated and changed his nationality.

I spend more than half of the year abroad. When I return to China, except for a small part of the publicity period, I spend the rest of my time at home or playing in private. I don't make many public appearances. It's really hard not to make people think too much.

However, filming "Hunting" in the first half of next year and working on a new album in the second half should improve the situation.

After stretching and moving his muscles, Cao Xuan chatted with the movie's villain, Bryan Cranston, the male protagonist of "Breaking Bad", Lao Bai.

As mentioned before, the plot of "Rescue 3" is not complicated.

Continuing the second part, in order to save his girlfriend, Cao Xuan destroyed a British drug manufacturing group and killed the gang boss "Lao Bai".

Lao Bai also has a twin brother who is the leader of a mercenary organization. Hearing that his brother died tragically, he is ready to take revenge.

Of course, this is one of the branches, and the other branch is the new drug developed in the second part.

After Brother Laobai died, the drug was seized by Interpol. After comparative research, they found that the drug was not only highly addictive, but also extremely harmful to the body. At the same time, if it evolved, it might even become contagious to a certain extent. .

It’s not so much a drug as it is a virus.

Brother Laobai is just a black glove. The real man behind the scenes is a multinational group. On the surface, they create viruses, spread them on a large scale, and then make money by selling drugs and stock prices. But behind the scenes, there is probably a deeper cooperation with the government of a certain country. the goal of.

Of course, this deep purpose point is enough to let the audience figure it out.

"Taken 3" is a Sino-US co-production, but it is not as confident as a wholly-owned Hollywood blockbuster. It can even blow up the White House.

After learning about the dangers of the virus, Interpol immediately destroyed the batch of drugs, retaining only a sample and some information for research on cracking the virus.

Of course, many people may find the plot stupid.

But it is indeed a normal practice. Because we are not sure if there are other leaks, it is normal to leave samples for research.

And from a plot point of view, if the decent crackling destroys key plot elements, the villain will have nothing to play with.

Therefore, the samples must be left behind and let the multinational company know about it through the traitor, and then spend money to invite Brother Lao Bai to directly raid the Interpol headquarters and snatch out the virus samples.

After the sample was robbed, in order to prevent the virus from being used, Interpol invited researchers at the time and tried to use them and existing information to create an antidote.

In the second film, when gangsters were researching and producing drugs, the heroine was one of the researchers, so she was naturally invited to the United States.

When the male protagonist learned about this, he also made a special trip to protect his safety. At the same time, he met his sister who was studying in the United States.

The rest of the story is simple.

A traitor revealed that the multinational group definitely did not want Interpol to get involved, and hoped to capture all these researchers alive and use them for their own research.

Because they are the people who are most familiar with the existence of this new drug and can achieve results as soon as possible.

Lao Bai, who originally had a personal grudge, added it to his official business and kidnapped the heroine again, and also arrested his younger sister.

Because the heroine still needs to study drugs, Brother Lao Bai did not touch the two of them, and even hoped to use them to lure the hero to come for revenge.

The male protagonist saw his girlfriend's sister disappear and launched a rescue operation again.

Through various clues, we locked the branches of the multinational group and the traces of Lao Bai and others, and followed the destruction all the way, from Mexico to South America, then from South America to Australia, and finally back to North America.

The heroine and her sister were also rescuing themselves. The sister even escaped secretly under the cover of her girlfriend, successfully contacted the hero, and made great contributions to the hero's tracking and rescue.

In the end, the male protagonist reached the villain's lair, and with the help of Interpol, who had found the traitor, he killed Brother Lao Bai and other mercenaries.

And after mastering the evidence, they destroyed the multinational group in one fell swoop. At the same time, the heroine and others also developed an antidote, which can solve the problem even if there are still missing viruses.

In the end, the male protagonist declined the invitation to join Interpol and chose to return to China for development. The girlfriend also received an offer from the domestic pharmaceutical industry and followed her boyfriend to China.

That's right, it's the real Xiu Xiu Pharmaceutical. For the offer plot in the movie, Xiu Xiu paid US$5 million, totaling RMB 32 million+, which is considered to be the largest amount of product placement in the movie.

Considering the domestic security situation, when the male and female protagonists return to the country, there should be no situations that require the male protagonist to take action, which also means that the "Hurricane Rescue" series has officially come to an end.

Relatively speaking, the plot of "Rescue 3" does not have much new ideas compared to the previous two films, except that the scenes are larger, there are more gun battles and blasting scenes, and there are even some team battles, but it is still mainly action scenes and scenes.

There is no way, the purpose of "Hurricane Rescue" is to rescue, and during the period, you can defeat the boss, and the relationship between host and guest cannot be reversed.

Previously, Fanxing initially wanted to do a rescue in other aspects without deviating from the main line of rescue, but later felt it was inappropriate.

Because the setting of the male protagonist in the first two movies is to retire + pay attention to the people around him. The former makes him not to meddle in other people's affairs easily, and he does not want to fight for others. Only when his family and loved ones are threatened, he will fight back hard.

Therefore, creating an external mission and then asking the male protagonist to take action completely deviates from the character setting. It is better to just start another rescue series.

After some thought, the screenwriter decided to choose to rescue relatives or brothers and comrades.

When writing the script, I took into consideration that the sister would feel tired if she kept rescuing her girlfriend. The screenwriter once made an outline of the father, mother and comrades, but in the end I felt that the girlfriend and sister were more interesting.

Although the hero saves the beauty is vulgar, the audience loves to watch it, and it is also a great weapon for Zhonghe's action scenes.

And continuing the plot of the second part, the kidnapping of the girlfriend will not be so sudden.

If a new person is arrested, and one of the people around the male protagonist is arrested, he will really become a lone star of evil. The logic is a bit outrageous, and there are not so unlucky people.

In addition, from the perspective of business and corporate interests, Fanxing also prefers the combination of Anne Hathaway + Liu Tianxian.

The former is a popular star in Hollywood, and his fame is good for the movie. The latter is one of his own, so he can't help but praise him if he has the opportunity, and it is also good for the Asian and domestic box office.

If it were replaced by other actors, not to mention the plot effect, the cost performance and popularity may not be comparable to these two.

Therefore, Fanxing finally adopted the setting of two heroines, reunited the heroines of the first and second films in the third film, and then directly completed the entire movie series.

New Line was a little reluctant to part with it. It felt that we could continue filming it, but we couldn't let my sister go on a trip to Africa or have a comrade die.

But Cao Xuan thought about quitting when he was good, and kept rescuing + killing monsters. No matter who the target was, the audience would be bored.

Cao Xuan doesn't want to compromise his reputation, and it's not like he doesn't have other movies to make.

But considering the good cooperation between the two parties, and the uncertainty about the success of the subsequent action movie, Cao Xuan did not put the matter to death.

The two parties agreed that if there is an opportunity in the future, they can try to make a separate film "XX Rescue", which can be regarded as a companion piece to "Hurricane Rescue", which can not only increase the popularity but also not affect the film creation.

To be honest, Cao Xuan + Rescue has become a personal brand. The "Rescue" series has a scale of at least more than one billion US dollars and has a high influence in the field of action movies.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Cao Xuan makes another film, "XX Rescue", the global box office will not be less than 200 million US dollars just based on the title and Cao Xuan's starring role.

New Line was convinced, or there was nothing we could do if we were not convinced. The creation and copyright belonged to Cao Xuan.

What they can do now is to work hard to solve the problem and let Cao Xuan continue to cooperate with New Line for the next action movie.

Just tie up the tree Cao Xuan.

If the new movie is successful, everyone will be happy, but if it is not successful, we can also make a rescue series to regain blood and make a profit without losing money.


Cao Xuan and Lao Bai chatted for a while and then began to take positions and fix the lighting. The two of them and the other actors went over the details over and over according to the instructions of the assistant director.

Film and television shooting is very complicated. It’s not just a matter of a few actors standing there and starting filming.

Many things need to be planned in advance, including how the actors position themselves in the scene to match the camera; what angles and movements are most suitable for the lighting, and how the actors look good when filming, all of this must be adjusted slowly.

It's okay to say that TV dramas have a lot of scenes, but they are often not so careful.

The movie is different. It only lasts for more than an hour. Every shot has to be checked and carefully considered, so there is more preparation work.

A movie scene of more than an hour often takes several months to shoot, and most of the time is spent on these adjustments and preparations.

As a professional actor, Cao Xuan often does his own moves and moves, but it is not always possible to coordinate with the lighting.

Because finding the angle is very time-consuming, especially for special scenes such as night scenes and rain scenes, sometimes it may take several hours to fix the lighting.

Even if Cao Xuan doesn't play a big role and is willing to cooperate patiently, as the male protagonist, he has a very important role. He wants to be broken in half every day, so there is no time to spend on it.

Therefore, Cao Xuan also has to be a regular substitute, which is helpless. Most of the leading actors cannot avoid it, even if they are dedicated veteran actors.

Time really doesn’t allow it, so we can’t put the cart before the horse and delay the filming progress for the sake of professionalism.

Therefore, many outsiders attack Guangdu, thinking that actors are not dedicated to their work, which is somewhat unnecessary.

There are also martial arts, there are specialties in the art, you let the star do it by himself, he doesn't have that ability, and he doesn't fight well, so why not let professionals do it.

And from a realistic perspective, if the leading actor is injured in some dangerous shots, the loss to the crew will be immeasurable, and the director and producer will not take this risk.

As for hand substitutions, foot substitutions, and even naked substitutions, it is not without legitimate reasons.

For example, for hand substitutes, some plots require actors to cook, play the piano, write calligraphy, etc. Many actors do not have these skills, so they definitely need professionals.

The hand stand is mostly practical, while the foot stand is mostly used on actresses, usually for beauty.

Don't think that many beauties in the entertainment industry have good-looking faces and good-looking feet. Everyone may have flaws.

In particular, many female stars practice dancing or wear high heels all year round, which has a great impact on their feet.

Cao Xuan has experience in this matter. Empress Donggong practiced dancing when she was young, and her feet didn't look good.

As for Cao Xuan, he had some related hobbies. After Empress Donggong realized it, she stopped practicing dancing and rarely wore high heels except for formal occasions. She also found a professional beautician to slowly improve her habits.

Regardless of appearance, even if some actresses have good-looking feet, their feet may be too big or too small.

For example, Sister Zhiling was once exposed to wearing shoe size 42, which is too big for some boys' sizes. This may not be suitable for some shots, so she uses a foot substitute.

The situation of nude substitutions is somewhat special, and some are purely for aesthetic reasons. The figures are better than the actors' acting, and the filming looks better.

Some actors just can't save face and don't want to do such scenes, so they can only find substitutes. The same goes for kiss substitutes, who serve the needs of the actors.

From a professional perspective, the latter can be criticized, and the substitute that should be criticized most is WenDi.

Most of the above can be said to be justified and understandable, but some literary substitutions are unforgivable.

A stand-in refers to a stand-in for an actor who does not show his face when writing a play. It is generally used in group scenes, background scenes and long shots.

In such a scene, the actors generally do not need to show their faces, and find a substitute, so that the protagonist can save time to rest, play, and act...

In fact, copywriting was originally done for the convenience of shooting, saving time and improving efficiency.

Even Cao Xuan actually used a text sub in his early years when filming TV series. Because the shooting time was too tight and there were many scenes. There were many long shots and group scenes. Using a sub to cover them while he shot other scenes could greatly shorten the shooting time. time.

This is also the correct way to use copywriting, shooting some non-important scraps to save time.

But when it comes to some actors, the actors are no longer filming side effects, but contracted for 1/3, and some even more than half of the scenes.

The star only needs to show off his face and take some close-up shots. The rest of the shots, as long as they are not frontal shots, are all done by the editor. You can imagine the final effect of the finished product.

Wen took the non-close-up shots, read the lines 123, and then asked the crew to dub them. Even the actors did not necessarily go to the location to shoot simultaneously. They found a green screen and directly cut out the pictures in post-production to put them together.

By doing this, he gets a sky-high salary, and then talks plausibly about the hard work and dedication of the young actors, thinking that it is natural to win the award, and that the bad reviews and bad reputation are caused by little fans.


Li Xuejian, Cao Xuan's master, rarely uses a substitute unless there are special circumstances. He does all the text and lighting himself. In principle, he hopes to use his own original voice.

In the past two years, he has been in poor health and his hearing has sometimes deteriorated, so he simply memorized everyone's lines, and then learned the lines based on the actors' mouth movements, and then acted in order.

This is what Cao Xuan admires most about his master. He has good acting skills, high character, and first-class artistic ethics.

Under his influence, Cao Xuan is also reducing the use of substitutes.

Literary substitutes are basically not used, as long as they can do it by themselves, military substitutes have no choice but to reduce them as much as possible.

Cao Xuan rarely uses the word "dedication" to evaluate and promote himself. At most, he means serious hard work, because compared to those pure actors, he thinks there is still a gap.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, Cao Xuan's approach is rare.

Even in Hollywood, except for those crazy actors and old-school actors, there are very few popular A-listers who can do this.

Many foreign actors who have worked with Cao Xuan, the director spoke highly of his professional attitude, thinking that he is a professional and responsible person.

Don't look at the publicity of domestic marketing accounts. There are too many celebrities and actors in Hollywood who are big names and not dedicated to their work. It's just that their professional attitudes are not good, but their professional skills are mostly good.

Coupled with the fact that domestic entertainment is so popular, it is difficult for any country’s entertainment industry to compare with it and not become a role model in the industry...

bang bang bang

This scene is a gun battle. After getting the positioning right, you start shooting with a gun. Cao Xuan fights three, and finally kills two people. Lao Bai escapes, Cao Xuan catches up, and then the next level is reached.

To put it simply, it actually required a dozen shots to be combined. The shooting started at 10 am and ended at 4 pm.

Cao Xuan didn't even remember how many shots he fired. Fortunately, it was a prop. If it were a real gun, his hands would probably be numb.

After chatting with director Lin Chao about tomorrow's shooting schedule, Lao Bai still had some roles to play, so Cao Xuan could call it a day and leave.

After changing out of his costume, Cao Xuan took a car to the Hilton Hotel where he was staying. Just as he was about to go upstairs, he saw Hu Jing and Liu Tianxian coming back from the restaurant together.

Liu Tianxian is one of the female protagonists. Hu Jing played the role of Interpol in the previous film, and she also appears in this film, as one of the leaders of Interpol.

Neither of them had any scenes today. They went shopping in downtown San Francisco and have just returned to the hotel.


Hu Jing looked in the direction of the restaurant: "I'll get you whatever you want to eat. The foie gras today is good, and the grilled eel is also good."

"You're not hungry yet. Let's order some food later."

Cao Xuan had a lot to eat at noon. It was only 5 o'clock now and he had no appetite. He looked at the new clothes on the two of them and Mingzhi praised them.

"The clothes are pretty."

"It looks good. I even bought you two sets of sweatshirts. The Rockets peripherals have Dayao's number printed on them."

"Yao Yao has retired and his number has changed. Don't buy the wrong one."

"I'm not stupid, I don't know YAO yet."

The two of them were bickering, and Liu Tianxian looked on with envy.

Although Cao Xuan's behavior of treading two boats made her feel ashamed at first, sometimes after being in contact with him for a long time and learning about the private relationship between Cao Xuan and the three of them, she still couldn't help but feel envious.

Deformities are deformities, but the relationship is truly harmonious and sweet.

Putting aside the fact that she stays and flies three times, she still yearns for this kind of intimate and beautiful relationship.

Back in the room, Cao Xuan changed into one of the sweatshirts, which was really good. He even took a selfie and posted it on Weibo, not forgetting to @Dayao.

[I bought two pieces, one to wear myself and one to collect. Please sign it for me later]

Half an hour later, Dayao replied in the comment area: "No problem, let's go play together when we come to Shanghai."

When Cao Xuan saw it, he couldn't help but curl his lips. He played football and was barely at the middle level among amateurs. In basketball, he could only bully children.

But the better he gets, the more these people want to play basketball with him and experience the feeling of beating the richest man and the superstar on the court.

Especially Xiao Zhou, who was almost suppressed by Cao Xuan in the music field and had inner demons, so he especially liked to ask Cao Xuan to play basketball and find a place from here.

Cao Xuan rarely paid attention to him, and occasionally agreed. His teammates were also Dayao or CBA players, and continued to press Xiao Zhou to the ground and rub him.

But apart from Xiao Zhou who specializes in repairing, Cao Xuan is the one who is pressed and rubbed at other times, so he is "popular".

Dayao didn't reply. Cao Xuan lay on the bed and checked his cell phone for a while. When he came out of the bedroom, he saw Hu Jing and Liu Tianxian watching the computer together, chuckling from time to time.

Cao Xuan glanced over and saw that Gu Miaomiao on the screen was packing her luggage and introducing things to the camera from time to time.

"I take this pillow with me wherever I go. It is made of latex and can protect my cervical spine. Without this pillow, I would not be able to sleep well. It usually takes me three or four hours to fall asleep..."

"Is this carrying goods?"

Cao Xuan was a little confused, and Liu Tianxian explained to him: "This is the first episode of "Flowers and Boys". Several guests will be at home preparing their luggage for departure."

"Not to mention, this pillow looks really good. You can take one with you on business trips in the future."

"And Sister Ning Jing's makeup mirror just now can turn on its own lights, which is very suitable for use in hotels or cars where the lighting is not good."

"Hu Ge's disposable compressed towels are also very good. I don't know if the towels in some hotels have been changed, which always makes me feel uncomfortable."


The two people had a heated discussion. Actors sometimes stay in hotels for two or three months at a time, so they are instinctively interested in things that are useful for business trips and the crew.

Even though Hu Jing rarely comes out to film now, she still wants to prepare for Cao Xuan. While looking at the screen, she has already taken out her mobile phone to search for the same item on Taobao.

Cao Xuan was standing next to him and was amazed. He didn't expect that this variety show was not popular yet, and the sales effect was pretty good.

With the acumen of a mature businessman, he immediately realized the commercial operability inside.

If the program team and the advertising department are not stupid, there will probably be some product placement in subsequent programs.

After all, no matter how well the advertisement is shot, it is not as convincing as the actual daily use by celebrities in private.

Like the sunscreen that Gu Miaomiao mentioned inadvertently, if the influence of the program is high enough, it can directly create an advertising effect for the product.

Now it is estimated that the program team is inexperienced in this kind of daily variety show and has not realized this problem. It is estimated that in two episodes, such branded things will be mosaic and silenced.

As a viewer, Cao Xuan feels that this approach affects the viewing experience.

But as the boss behind the show, Cao Xuan is very supportive of this behavior and is even a little worried about not enough advertising.

So Cao Xuan and the person in charge of the program team called to remind them. In fact, the person in charge was also aware of this problem and is currently solving it.

"Flowers and Boys" adopts a recording-and-broadcasting model. It is expected to record a total of 12 to 15 episodes. According to the plan, the guests will travel to a country for three days and two nights. These materials will eventually be cut into 2 to 3 episodes. programme.

At present, the program team has only completed one trip, assembled 3 episodes of the program, and then tested the waters for broadcasting, and then made certain adjustments based on word-of-mouth and feedback.

Therefore, this also leaves a certain amount of reaction time for the program team to further explore commercial potential.

Cao Xuan hung up the phone with satisfaction and sat down to watch the show with Hu and Liu. During the process, he also reminded them to take photos and post on Weibo to promote the show.

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