China Entertainment 1997

Chapter 638 When encountering a small composition, let the bullets fly for a while first

Cao Xuan didn't pay much attention to the noise outside. After the opening ceremony, he devoted himself to the filming of "Hunting".

In an old but tidy old house, Cao Xuan, wearing a slightly outdated sweater and a plaid apron, squeezed into the slightly small kitchen to cook.

Compared with his previous state, Cao Xuan's hair was naturally let down at this time. The makeup artist darkened his face slightly, made a few wrinkles, and put on a pair of thick thick-framed glasses, making him look older than before. He is several years old and his dress is a bit rustic.

He was cooking in the kitchen, and Du Yulu, who played the father, was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper.

After filming this scene, the staff took away the vegetables that Cao Xuan had not cooked, and then brought in two more dishes, including steaming cabbage stewed with tofu and tomatoes and scrambled eggs.

The camera was repositioned and he placed two plates of food on the dining table and wiped his hands with a scarf.

"Dad, it's time to eat."


Du Yulu put down the newspaper and sat on his seat. Cao Xuan served him a meal, which Du Yulu took. Then the father and son ate together in silence. During the two-minute segment, except for the greeting at the beginning, there was no line.

There was only a yellow native dog wandering around the table, licking a bit of rice soup on the ground.

If it were a commercial movie, the audience would have scolded it, but literary and artistic movies pay attention to this kind of blank space and artistic conception.

The daily routine of a taciturn father and son, combined with the plot, can be interpreted and applied in countless ways.

The most common application is contrast. The normal state of eating, the state of encountering an event, the state of intense emotional climax, can form a very intuitive lens language.

Such plots can be found everywhere in literary and artistic films, but it is difficult for commercial films that focus on the amount of information and plot rhythm to regard them as the main course.

Cao and Du are both mature actors. They went through it directly. The crew began to fiddle with setting up the scene and rearranging the room, and then waited until the evening for the second scene.

Cao Xuan didn't interfere too much. He said hello to Du Yulu, then sat on the sofa in the corner, silently trying to figure out the mood of the next scene.

Although Cao Xuan believes that he does his best in every work, it is undeniable that when he encounters some more difficult and complex characters, he will pay more attention than normal shooting, devote himself to the character, and explore his own personality bit by bit. potential.

The last time Cao Xuan was in such a state was Huang Silang in "Let the Bullets Fly". The last time he was in "Save My Mister", which won the Golden Horse Best Actor, and the last time was "New World" which won the Golden Horse Best Actor.

The similarities between these films are that their commercial attributes are relatively low, they have a heavy emphasis on drama, and their characters or emotions are relatively complex and deep.

For actors of Cao Xuan's level, most of the scenes are as easy as drinking water. Without certain external stimulation, it is difficult for them to perform beyond their level.

Either the character is good, the script is wonderful, the opposing actor is strong, or the director is of high quality...

Only under these circumstances can Cao Xuan devote himself wholeheartedly to giving his best performance.

"Hunting" accommodates almost all stimulating conditions, and Cao Xuan will naturally go all out, hoping to use this work to take his acting skills or career honors to a higher level.

In terms of commercial films, Cao Xuan may not say that he has climbed to the top, but there are really not many places where he can make breakthroughs. The follow-up will mainly depend on the market, as well as the right time, place and people.

But in terms of personal honors, although he won the Chinese Grand Slam, it is not recommended to win a few more trophies, especially the international best actor.

Hu Jing has a Tokyo Film Queen of the A-category film festival, and she often "despise" him. Cao Xuan has long wanted to revive her husband with an international film star with some gold.

In the evening, Cao Xuan and Du Yulu played together again. This time it was a father-son conversation on the sofa. The son insisted that he was innocent and had not molested, and the father chose to believe it.

There are still not many lines between father and son, and even the expressions and movements are very restrained, and many emotions are conveyed through the eyes.

Frankly speaking, Cao Xuan originally wanted to play this role to his master Li Xuejian, but the latter's physical condition was a bit poor recently, and Cao Xuan did not dare to take risks.

Later, Lao Mouzi and Cao Xuan made repeated selections before choosing Du Yulu.

At the beginning, they were a little bit murmuring, wondering if the old man's relatively few movies would have an impact, but it turns out that an experienced actor is an experienced actor.

In just a few scenes, he created an image of an old father who is taciturn but has trust and fatherly love for his son. Cao Xuan also felt a lot of pressure playing opposite him.

However, he is not a freeloader. After a short period of time, both parties performed well.


At the end of today's scene, Cao Xuan did not leave directly, but chatted with Lao Mouzi about the plan.

Although he wanted to be an actor in this drama, he still had the title of producer after all, so it was impossible for Lao Mouzi to ignore him, and many things still had to be discussed.

Especially the original version of the script "Hunting" was from abroad. If you want to completely adapt it to a local script without obvious violations, you still need to put in a lot of effort.

Different from the original movie in Cao Xuan's impression, today's "Hunting" has more of a domestic urban and rural atmosphere.

The urban and rural atmosphere here does not mean shoddy or shoddy. Instead, the background characters and environments are full of the urban style of the 1990s.

If the original town was cold, then the temperament of the current movie is more rough and cruel.

"Hunting" tells a story about rumors. It takes a shotgun to kill someone, but it only takes a rumor to destroy a heart.

In the 1990s, Lu Ying, played by Cao Xuan, was a primary school physical education teacher who was divorced in middle age. His children and his ex-wife left the city where he lived, and he lived with his father, a retired cadre.

Lu Ying is a very cheerful person and gets along well with the students in class. In her spare time, she likes to go hunting wild boars with a few friends in the mountains.

At that time, guns were not completely banned in the country, and the town where they were located had been overrun by wild boars a few years earlier. Some people's homes were often shot with shotguns, which could be used for self-defense and hunting in the mountains to improve their lives.

The two best friends played by Lu Ying are Wu Xi (played by Xin Baiqing), who is self-employed in the town and has a son and a daughter, and the other friend is a lawyer (played by Wang Jingchun), but he often travels on business.

Therefore, Lu Ying and Wu Xi have the best relationship. Wu Xi even claims that he can tell whether Lu Ying is lying or not through Lu Ying's eyes.

Wu Xi and his wife were busy with their business and could not take care of their children. In addition, there was some preference for sons over daughters. Their son was also an unknown person. He took advantage of the family's pampering, skipped school and played, and even brought home some mosaic books and videos. But he didn't hide it well and was seen by his sister.

Neglect of discipline, lack of care, and interference from some unhealthy things make the personality of the youngest daughter Wu Zhenzhen (Zhang Zifeng) different from that of normal children.

Lu Ying is Wu Zhenzhen's teacher, and she usually takes good care of her niece.

One time, Wu Xi and his wife were not at home, and their son was nowhere to be found. Wu Zhenzhen was locked out of the door alone until dark. Lu Ying saw it and took him home and cooked a meal. When he returned, Wu Xi and his wife didn't even notice. I know my daughter is not at home.

It was under such an environment that Wu Zhenzhen had a good impression of Lu Ying, an uncle who cared for and cared for him.

Out of precocity, or because of the influence of those mosaics, Wu Zhenzhen kissed Lu Ying and gave him a love note he made himself.

Lu Ying was startled and gave Wu Zhenzhen a serious education, telling her that she shouldn't be like this.

But this correct approach deeply hurt Wu Zhenzhen. She felt that her sincerity had been let down, and she ran to the corner of the school crying angrily.

At this time, he met a female teacher (Yuan Quan). She stepped forward to ask. Wu Zhenzhen, who was still angry, told the mosaics and blamed them all on Lu Ying.

These few words made Lu Ying's life fall into the abyss.

The female teacher was a just and upright person, and she immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

She immediately called the principal (Yang Xinming), and the two of them started questioning Wu Zhenzhen.

At this time, Wu Zhenzhen already felt that something was wrong, but the principal and female teacher believed that she had been hurt.

Especially the principal. He and Lu Ying had conflicts before, so he consciously made some leading questions.

The long questioning made Wu Zhenzhen a little impatient. Seeing the bell ringing and her classmates playing happily in the playground, she wanted to get rid of them and gave the answer that the principal and female teacher wanted.

The female teacher informed the parents and scolded Lu Ying, and then the principal expelled him with satisfaction.

Lu Ying, who had just made progress with her girlfriend (Yu Nan), was still thinking about starting a new marriage last night, but then she encountered such a bolt from the blue, and she was completely confused.

He went to confront Wu Zhenzhen, but was disgusted and driven away by his old friends Wu Xi and his wife.

Even though Wu Zhenzhen personally admitted that Lu Ying had done nothing, the couple, who suddenly loved their daughter dearly, thought that their daughter was timid.

The female teacher even asked other students in a big way. Nearly half of the students, after being questioned by their parents and teachers, admitted that Lu Ying had molested them.

As a result, Lu Ying's reputation was completely ruined in this small town.

He was expelled from school and spurned by his friends. Neighbors deliberately threw garbage at his home. Shopkeepers drove him away when he went out to eat and buy things. Some people even deliberately threw stones at him while walking on the road.

Everyone regarded him as a disgusting and dirty gangster, and even his girlfriend chose to leave after struggling.

Only the old father chose to persist in believing in him, but he was also implicated. His reputation was not guaranteed for the rest of his life, and he fell ill and was hospitalized.

In addition, there was also a lawyer friend who rushed back. He also firmly believed that Lu Ying would not do such a thing. After the police took Lu Ying away, he searched for evidence and actively worked to get her acquitted.

However, although people are not guilty, people's prejudices still make Lu Ying miserable.

Lu Ying is still ostracized by the entire town, and he believes that he is right and does not give in to the environment. But what they often get is cold and cruel expulsion or even beating.

Finally, during a school art performance, Lu Ying broke in and questioned Wu Xi angrily.

The two have been friends for many years. The latter said that he could tell whether he was lying or not by looking into his eyes, but why didn't he choose to believe him now...

Lu Ying was taken away by the security guards. The despair in his eyes when he left made Wu Xi silent. He found his daughter, once again got the answer of Lu Ying's innocence, and then found Lu Ying.

Half a year later, everyone reached a superficial reconciliation, and Lu Ying still married the girlfriend who left him.

After the wedding, Lu Ying saw Wu Zhenzhen. He did not blame the other party, and even hugged her in a friendly way to bandage the wound she accidentally bumped into.

The next day, Lu Ying went hunting in the mountains again. As soon as she saw a wild boar, her hair was suddenly quickly grazed by a bullet.

He looked back, but couldn't see the face of the shooter clearly in the afterglow.

I only know that that person is standing on the highest point, I only know that that person is standing in the sun. Maybe all this is just a coincidence, but that person does not know how dangerous the gun in his hand is.

The name of the movie is "Hunting", which also means that in society, everyone can become a hunter, and everyone can also become a prey...

This movie has many directions, and everyone has a different understanding.

For example, Zeng Li, a teacher and first-time mother, believes that many aspects of this movie discuss children's "innocent cruelty" and education.

Children are not completely pure, they can lie, and most of them are self-taught, either unintentionally or deliberately, in order to create a favorable environment for themselves.

Little Cao Li once lied about watching more cartoons. When he didn't want to go to school, he even pretended to be sick, which made Empress Xigong's teeth itch.

After Hu Jing read the book, she wondered if Cao Xuan was speaking out for Michael Jackson. After all, the plot in the movie was very similar to the "child molestation case".

Lao Mouzi's level is higher, advocating the plight of individuals after being attacked and excluded by the collective society.

Cao Xuan's own understanding is how to stay awake when faced with an incident, not to follow the trend, and to make accurate and objective judgments from his own perspective.

It's easy to say, but it's not easy.

For example, in the movie "Hunting", one of the interesting and scary things is that if you are also a small town resident and teacher, 99% of people will not believe the male protagonist.

A divorced middle-aged man, the female student he took care of personally admitted the fact of molestation, and other students also made a lot of confessions. However, because of the protection of his retired father and the help of a lawyer friend, he "got away with it"...

Comparing their own feelings, I am afraid that not many people will choose to believe a reviled "gangster" in the face of "a large number of facts".

Cao Xuan sometimes even joked that this movie is a bit like an enhanced version of "Let the Bullets Fly" in which the six children ate several bowls of noodles.

There is no doubt that such a movie will make people think deeply, and make people feel angry, but they can only remain silent, and their hearts are filled with sadness and powerlessness.

Cao Xuan has never advocated that movies educate the audience on certain principles, but he really hopes that this movie can give the audience some insights.

Know how to stay calm. When things happen, don’t let the short composition lead you to the rhythm easily. Let the bullets fly for a while...


As a result, within a few days of Cao Xuan's idea, he personally experienced what a public opinion frenzy was.

In January this year, a movie called "Special Identity" was launched. The now famous Zhen Zhuan serves as the action director + producer, and Zhao Wenzhuo is invited to star in the villain.

Although the latter has become somewhat outdated in the past two years, he is still one of the representatives of Mesozoic martial arts actors.

Two years ago, Yuan Baye and An Le made a movie called "Su Qier". They spent a lot of money to hire Mr. Zhou, the most popular at the time, to be the heroine. They also got Xiao Zhou as a guest star, with the intention of winning the second one. Zhen bullet.

But then the movie failed a bit miserably, with a box office of less than 50 million, which also ruined Zhao's plan to take over.

However, the celebrity status is still there, and because he has acted in many popular TV series, his national popularity is not low, and he is still an action actor that is relatively recognized by the audience in the Mesozoic era.

The cooperation between Zhen and Zhao is also a big selling point of the movie "Special Identity". The film crew created a "confrontation between kung fu superstars" gimmick, which is highly anticipated by the audience.

As a result, at the end of February this year, some media revealed that Zhao Wenzhuo was kicked out by the film crew for acting like a big name. Later, the film crew announced the termination of Zhao's contract.

In early March, Zhao Wenzhuo posted on Weibo to accuse the media of spreading rumors, and then held a press conference, with support from many celebrities.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, Zhao Wenzhuo was targeting the media for spreading rumors.

This is also the reason for the support of many celebrities, including several celebrities who have collaborated with Zhao Wenzhuo, and even the official Weibo of the "Xiu Chun Knife" crew.

Then something went wrong. For some reason, Zhao Wenzhuo suddenly accused Zhen Zhuan of being a dramatist and modified his role. Zhen Zhuan responded in a high-profile manner, saying that his son was a fiction, and then the two sides began to bicker.

Since Zhao was the first to launch the attack, and he has been active in the media and Weibo, gaining support from a large number of netizens, Zhen Zhuan was scolded miserably and a lot of dirt was uncovered.

In order to fight back, Zhen Fang also began to release dirty information about Zhao, and even the crew began to release information off the set.

He also said that Zhao had to take care of his family while filming, which was very demanding and cost tens of thousands a day. In addition, due to the production strike and suspension of work, the crew suffered huge losses.

At this point, the matter has actually risen to the level of Rashomon, where the public is justified and the mother-in-law is justified.

Zhao has a lot of support from netizens because of his place of origin and popularity, while Zhen has more loyal fans, so the fight between the two parties can be regarded as frequent.

Tianya, Weibo and Baidu Tieba are all the main battlefields, among which Tianya, which is famous for celebrity gossip, is the most intense. This can even be said to be Tianya's final glory.

The two sides have been arguing for more than half a month, but they have never come to a clear conclusion. Many passers-by are tired of watching, and their perception and interest in the incident have also dropped significantly.

If the matter ends here, it may just be that the two actors will have a grudge, scold each other's fans, and then each will be attacked by negative materials, which is still within a certain range.

But then, in order to increase the intensity, Zhen Fang brought down a large number of Hong Kong and Taiwan actors, which intensified the contradictions and formed a strong alliance between the mainland and Hong Kong circles.

Many times, when an incident escalates to such an extent, it is no longer under the control of others, and many passers-by and netizens who originally took advantage of it also end up supporting Zhao Penzhen.

The answer is obvious. If you form a regional melee at your home court in the mainland, you will definitely suffer.

In addition to Zhen Zhuan, a group of celebrities were also implicated, and the first one to bear the brunt was Shu Da Zui.

In fact, it might not have been such a big fuss if someone else had changed her, but because Shu Dazui was discovered by Tianya a few months ago and nicknamed "Bye Bye", she was immediately criticized as soon as she appeared.

Feng Xiaogang collaborated with him on the "If You Are the One" series, and came out to speak for Shu Da Zui, and was nicknamed "Protect Shu Bao".

By this time, the public opinion carnival has actually formed, and right or wrong is not that important anymore. Many celebrities are even being chased to take sides.

Damimi just said that she believed in Brother Zhuo's character, and she immediately became the center of public opinion. All kinds of news were flying all over the sky, and she was even rumored to be banned by Hong Kong circles.

Apart from anything else, Da Mimi almost laughed out loud. She has never been to Hong Kong, so why should she be banned...

Cao Xuan, the leading boss in Mainland China, was naturally chased to express his stance. If the crew didn't accept an interview, they would flood Weibo.

To be honest, if the two of them really had a conflict and Zhao suffered a loss, Boss Cao would speak out for him even if the Hong Kong circle was unhappy.

But this matter is really not that simple. Others don't know it, but his golden fingers have revealed the inside story.

This project is completely rubbish. The producers and capital are messing around, and there are all kinds of dirty tricks, and it's even a scam.

Zhao and Zhen are both targets to a certain extent. Both of them are wrong, and at the same time, both of them are right. They can even be called victims.

It's just that they were deceived to a certain extent, or that they pointed the finger at each other for some purpose, and then got out of hand.

There is no winner in this war of words!

Zhao Wenzhuo, who was already a bit outdated, later saw his career decline all the way, and later became a leading figure on the Internet. Zhen Zhuan's reputation was greatly affected, and it did not fully recover until ten years later.

Under such circumstances, Cao Xuan would definitely not be able to take sides, nor would he speak out easily.

Because of his status, no matter what he says, he will definitely be involved in the storm, which may lead to unpredictable situations.

Moreover, Cao Xuan also felt that there was no need to start a war. Not to mention that this matter was nonsense in the first place. More importantly, the mainland was now gaining momentum and the future trend was already clear.

According to normal development, within three years at most, Hong Kong will no longer be a rival to the mainland.

In 5 to 10 years, the Hong Kong scene will be completely in decline, and even the stars and funds that we are proud of will move northward to cooperate with mainland giants.

The crazy rise of the stars is likely to accelerate this process. Perhaps within 5 years, the world will be settled.

To put it bluntly, whether Hong Kong funds can enter some core projects in the mainland in the future depends on whether Boss Cao nods or not.

Now that there is pressure from above, and the audience also has some sentiments about Hong Kong movies, even if Cao Xuan has ideas, he can't go too far.

After 2019, when many things have settled, it is time for Cao Xuan, the talker, to truly show his power.

At that time, there will be no so-called ambiguity and ambiguity. Either you open your mouth honestly and submit your name, or get out, there will be no food for you in the mainland...

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