China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 354 Killer

Adults are very busy, and everyone is busy making money. At least this type of adult base is the largest in society.

And those who really have time and leisure are the students.

They may not have much money, but their voices are definitely loud enough.

"Is this your confidence?"

"Why can't it be?"

Zhou Yi's rhetorical question choked Cai Zhuoyan.

It seems to be true - everyone relies on fans.

"Then have you ever thought about how you will step down if they succeed?" Cai Zhuyan, who no longer pretended to be in front of the camera, leaned on the back of his chair, with the palm of his right hand resting on the elbow of his left hand. , asked noncommittally.

"Has anyone ever told you that you can't become famous if you look forward and backward?" Zhou Yi, who was chewing steak, looked at him playfully.

"I just don't want to lose."

After the last experience, Cai Zhuoyan also began to show his true self in front of him, and said frankly: "Of course, I think that a genius like you who became famous after his debut will most likely not understand the feelings of a person like me. .”

In order to debut as a big star, she trained hard and followed her seniors everywhere to familiarize herself. Even if she was ridiculed by Hong Kong boss Huang Zhan as "she gets asthma when she sings. If she can't sing, don't make a record." Swallowing the grievances into the stomach——

Even though he had scolded Huang Zhan hundreds of times in private.

Because of the unique one-handed somersault action, she and Ah Jiao were even ridiculed as "circus clowns" on a large scale, but none of this extinguished the flame in Cai Zhuyan's heart that she wanted to be a big star.

"It just so happens that I'm not afraid of losing. What does it matter if I lose? Will it affect my sales? Will it affect my status?"

Zhou Yi, who raised the goblet with a smile and took a sip of red wine, swung the glass gently and asked with interest: "I beat so many of them by myself, even if I lose, it will be an honor to lose, right? Even if When the Hong Kong media writes that I was defeated in a wheel battle, that is also flattering me.

"Excuse me, who else in the entire Chinese music world besides me can resist this series of names?"


It makes sense. He is invincible anyway.

Cai Zhuoyan, who felt that he was too obsessed with winning and losing, suddenly got out of the horns, raised his eyes and stared at the calm man in front of him, held his chin with one hand, and shook his head: "Sometimes I think the media's evaluation of you is quite accurate. Yes, you are really crazy."

"If you don't go crazy now, you won't have time to be crazy when you get older."

Zhou Yi tilted his head slightly to the right and pursed his lips toward the window: "Besides, if I wasn't crazy, how could I have controlled them before?"

Puzzled, Cai Zhuoyan turned his head and saw nothing except the mid-mountain scenery and night view outside the window: "What?"

"You can come and see me." Zhou Yi slightly lifted the chair back with both hands, gave up his position, and made an invitation gesture to the woman.

Cai Zhuoyan, who was dubious, stood up, walked around the dining table and came to the seat vacated by the man, his eyes constantly searching the brightly lit glass window——

Several vaguely visible shots are obvious from this angle, and there are many paparazzi hanging on several towering trees.

They had different postures, and some were even lying on the tree trunks with their butt sticking out, which made her laugh.

"Really? Why didn't I see anything?" Smiling, she turned sideways and looked down at Zhou Yi who was sitting on the chair: "Are you lying to me?"

"I may have many shortcomings as a person, but the only advantage is that I never lie."

Zhou Yi, who reached out to pick up a handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth, stood up, threw it on the table, broke through the safe distance between the two of them, leaned over slightly, put his head on her shoulder, and raised his hand to point outside. paparazzi gathering place——

"Do you see it now?"

The hot breath from the man's mouth lingered on Cai Zhuoyan's pink earlobes. From such a close distance, she could even feel the clear touch of Zhou Yi's breath on her white neck.

"I saw it."

Cai Zhuoyan chuckled, turned his head and looked at the man: "Your eyesight is really good."

"Thanks for the compliment."

"You're welcome."

After noticing that Zhou Yi's body took a step back, Cai Zhuoyan turned around, placed his hands on the edge of the dining table, and looked down at the man who had sat back on the chair: "But now the problem is, I How to go?"

"Good question, you are more familiar with me out there."

Zhou Yi took out a Mercedes-Benz key and raised it: "Are you coming, or am I coming?"

"I can be your navigator."

After taking the key, Cai Zhuoyan turned around and picked up his bag, then glanced at Zhou Yi and walked out of the restaurant halfway up the mountain.

On the big tree, the paparazzi who had received news that Zhou Yi and Cai Zhuoyan were dating here couldn't help but become restless when they saw the two moving downwards——

"Quick, quick! They're leaving! They're running away!"

"Diao, these two people really don't shy away from suspicion at all. They actually behaved so intimately in front of us."

"Is this a provocation? Right?"


Zhou Yi's previous behavior was tantamount to face-to-face provocation, which made these paparazzi feel that their dignity had been insulted.

The silver Mercedes-Benz sped away after roaring on the accelerator. The speed was obviously beyond the expectations of all the paparazzi!

"Speed! He's speeding! They're speeding!"

"Stop fucking farting! Chase! There's a fart speeding on this section of road!"


Just like no matter how fast the AE86 is, it can't catch up with the Mercedes-Benz, Zhou Yi's silver Mercedes-Benz is so fast that the paparazzi can't catch up - his skillful drifting skills completely throw them away after several turns. .


Under the gaze of passers-by who heard the sound, Cai Zhuoyan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was holding on to the seat belt with both hands. After the vehicle gradually slowed down, he gradually relaxed his breathing, and his tense heart was beating rapidly. , the "plop-plop" sound kept hitting her eardrums along with the rhythm of "The Killer" on the car radio——

"Absolutely perfect hands, neither sweat nor tremble

"The cross behind the smile hides a dangerous silhouette.

"When you are most relaxed, never attack without any emotion~"

"You really are a lunatic, driving so fast."

"This is called absolute confidence."

Zhou Yi, who wiped the steering wheel with his right index finger, turned to look at her and raised his eyebrows at her proudly: "How are you? Your driving skills are pretty good, right?"

"Want to hear the truth or lies?"


The violent heartbeat continued to aggravate Cai Zhuoyan's emotional ups and downs. She couldn't tell whether the face so close to her was excitement or throbbing.

After sighing, Cai Zhuoyan shook his head with a smile, unbuckled his seat belt, and then - stepped forward and kissed the man's proud lips directly!

The soft touch is enough to take your breath away.

"You are really a bastard, Zhou Yi."

Panting heavily, Cai Zhuyan hooked his hands behind the man's neck and gave his answer.

On the radio, the song "The Killer" was still swaying.

"The mood stops swinging, three hundred meters away from you

"Feeling hungry and needing you to fill in the blanks

"Lock in, come in, this beautiful sorrow~"


"This is love, this is love, only you understand~~~"

As the song "Killer" ended, Li Yaozhong pressed the pause button excitedly. The killer Zhou Yi in a suit who was so handsome that he had no friends in the MV almost made him feel like he was watching a movie——

His shooting skills are perfect, he likes to play the piano for self-healing, he has a crisp way of fighting, and - because of the heroine's rejection, he finally twisted to the point of killing the heroine.

Whether it's lighting, scenery or camera movement, it all gave him a cinematic level of enjoyment.

"Zhou Yi's MV is still exciting! I really shouldn't save money to buy the regular version of CD and tape. I would have enjoyed watching it if I had bought the deluxe version."

No matter who is blocking the way, in the end it will be kill kill kill.

Coupled with Zhou Yi's super handsome skills, he can be said to be a real thug in a suit - he fights and kills people like a fucking king. He has pretentiousness engraved in his bones.

This poked him too much.

He had an average feeling about the 90-minute "In the Name of the Father" that followed. After watching it, his only feeling was that the song was quite mysterious, it was about God and atonement. In addition, the female character Cheng Hao is really beautiful, and he also wants to find such a gangster daughter to feed her.

As long as he was the protagonist, Cheng Hao's mother would have gone home for confinement.

"It's a pity that not many people appreciate such a beautiful song, and it doesn't even make it into the top ten on the charts."

When he thought of this, Li Yaozhong couldn't help but sigh.

As a philosophy major who is still a freshman, he prides himself on having a much higher musical taste than the old man in his family.

He was tired of listening to those greasy love songs, including Zhou Yi's most popular "Fairy Tale", which he actually didn't like very much.

His favorite was "Ghost", which was very interesting. He even wrote a music review with eloquence, but it was completely ignored - no one cared about it.

Because the news in the entire Hong Kong music scene right now is that they are at war.

Zhou Yi's die-hard fans were very excited, believing that the opponents who participated in the war were trying to embarrass Zhou Yi and deliberately prevent him from slapping the Americans in the face;

Fans of our opponents think that we are just competing for the charts normally, and that the music scene cannot be created just for your family, Zhou Yi.

Both sides insisted on their own opinions, and the quarrel broke out.

"Damn, they're a bunch of losers, they can't even boast to a higher level, yet I have to do it!"

As a member of the Zhouyi fan group, Li Yaozhong, who claims to have escaped from low-level taste, is ready to contribute again.

On October 25, 2002, an article titled "Lianshan: Zhou Yi's Unique Love Letter to the Hong Kong Music Scene" was published in a tabloid.

"As a person born in 1981, Zhou Yi undoubtedly grew up listening to the music of the peak period of the Hong Kong music scene.

"But now, just like the song "Killer" sings, he is killing the Hong Kong music scene who is unwilling to surrender and obey him!

“Those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish.

"Many people have focused on the twin stars on the B side, but have ignored the domineering and uncompromising godfather Zhou Yi on the A side. And this turbid Hong Kong music scene is the mutated "Ghost"..."

When this article was first published, the fierce battle on Xincheng Radio was already heating up——

Chen Yixun's "Today Next Year" dethroned "Fairy Tale" from the top spot, and Lu Qiaoyin's "A Kind Breakup" blocked Zhou Yi's "Mom and Dad";

"Little Dimple", "Today You Will Marry Me" and Wang Fei's old hits "Open to Tumi" and "Fable" went back and forth in the 5-8th place.

"It's Hard to Fall in Love" sung by Zhang Xueyou and Anita Mui and "Born to Raise" by Liu Hua directly kicked "Cheers" and "Fireworks Get Cold" out of the top ten, vaguely reviving the power of the former kings.

"Yang Qian Hua", which dropped out of the top ten today, has become the thirteenth goalkeeper, and Chen Huiling's "Blessed", which is ranked fifteenth, is flanked by Zhou Yi's "Mr. Lonely".

The rankings of several of Zhou Yi's English songs plummeted after the outbreak of this group of old Hong Kong singers.

And on the same day, the article "Chen Long was so angry that he cried" began to appear frequently on popular social accounts among students...

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