Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 130 Zhang Xiao’s Bizarre Adventure

Norbert flapped his wings vigorously, and the whole dragon was like a top, spiraling upwards.

Feeling the howling wind around him, Zhang Xiao laughed loudly and patted Norbert on the neck:

"Sprint in a straight line! Not fast enough!"

Norbert shook his head, flew crookedly, and soon flew far away.

Hagrid watched with a smile as the dragon and the other flew away. He also raised the huge beer glass towards them and said to himself happily:

"Ah, it flew so fast, it flew out of the school and was almost out of sight!

Norbert is such a good boy. Norbert has grown up. "

After taking a swig of beer, Hagrid suddenly stopped, feeling that something was not right.

Wait, fly out of school. Hagrid's face, which was originally flushed from drinking, slowly turned pale. Fly out of school? ? ! !

He jumped up from the ground and ran towards the school in large strides.

It’s over! We're in big trouble!

Zhang Xiao flew out of school riding Norbert!

A bright moon like a jade plate hung in the night sky. Norbert spread his wings and glided in the air. White clouds like gauze passed by their feet. Norbert seemed to instinctively release a force field when flying.

This allows even a dragon weighing several tons to take off easily. In addition, it seems to have the effect of reducing wind resistance.

At least Zhang Xiao felt comfortable with the whistling wind.

"Hey!" Zhang Xiao's black hair was blown up by the wind, and the joy of riding a dragon was something he had never imagined before.

Norbert folded his wings for a while and plunged straight down from a high place like a goshawk, then suddenly opened his wings and pulled up, and then spiraled and rolled again, maneuvering with scissors.

Zhang Xiao felt like he was doing a combination of a roller coaster jumping machine and a big pendulum. It was extremely exciting.

Just as he was enjoying the silence and emptiness, there seemed to be a small black spot in the distance. He squinted his eyes, pointed at the black spot, and shouted with high spirits: "Norbert! Come closer!"

Smith flew his beloved propeller plane, and as an avid aviation enthusiast, he loved nothing more than flying at night, enjoying the dark skies and solitude.

Today's night is exceptionally quiet, without the hustle and bustle of the world and the impetuousness of the mind.

The hum of the engine and propeller is like the sound of nature, and most importantly, there is no wife in the sky! !

Smith took off his headset, adjusted the rudder, and looked at the surrounding quiet night sky through the transparent glass. At this moment, he noticed a black spot moving from far to near.

Is it a bird? So fast, could it be a falcon?

Smith muttered a few words, looked over with squinted eyes, and then his eyes gradually widened:

"omg! What the hell is that?"

I saw a legendary two-winged dragon soaring from a distance, with a black-haired Asian boy riding on its back. The dragon's spread wings were actually bigger than his own plane!

Smith was lying on the hatch of the cabin, wishing to stare out his eyes. He saw the giant dragon suddenly turned around flexibly when it was approaching him, using a movement that the airplane could not do anyway.

They directly turned around and flew side by side dozens of meters away from themselves.

dragon! There is actually a legendary dragon! Smith only regretted that he didn’t bring his Zeiss camera.

At this moment, the black-haired Asian boy riding a giant dragon gradually approached until he was only about ten meters away. With Smith's eyesight, he could already see the details clearly.

This is indeed a dragon, with huge membrane wings like a bat, two powerful hind claws, and more importantly, the boy is wearing a black classical robe, which looks like some kind of uniform.

Is it some kind of mysterious school?

Smith got excited. He was born with a heart that was unwilling to settle down, so he longed for the sky so much. When he kept guessing, he saw the boy making a gesture.

This gesture seems a bit familiar. It seems to be a gesture commonly used by street racing gangs?

He wants to compare speed with me?

Smith suddenly felt a ridiculous feeling in his heart, but saw the dragon suddenly charging forward, and then turned over neatly and was level with the plane again.

Now it was confirmed that he just wanted to compete with me. Smith laughed dumbly. He was just a child and there was no need to fight with a child.

After a few back-and-forths, the boy, perhaps a little bored, made a universal gesture of contempt toward Smith.

Smith's beard trembled with anger. He put on the headset and pushed the throttle lever forward hard!

I'm going to give you some color to see! Even if you are a giant dragon, you must bow your head to human technology!

Zhang Xiao saw that the noise of the propeller plane next to him suddenly became louder. He jumped forward quickly, stretched out his five fingers towards the sky, and bent them one by one.

"5! 4! 3! 2! 1!! Go ahead, Norbert!"

Norbert let out a long and loud roar, flapped his wings vigorously, and flew forward quickly.

As the cold night wind blew, Zhang Xiao's drunkenness surged, and Zhang Xiao felt that the world here was so vast that he could fly freely, and he laughed hahahahahaha.

He took out the wand, his little face was covered with drunken red, his eyes were blurred, and he waved the wand suddenly:

"Wind blows!"

A gust of wind emerged out of thin air from the sky and hovered under Norbert's wings. Norbert felt that his body had become a lot lighter, his speed had increased a bit, and the distance between him and the propeller plane was rapidly shrinking.

Smith looked back and saw the dragon flying up. He looked at the speed displayed on the instrument panel in shock. When converted into kilometers, it was almost 410km/h!

Can you catch up like this?

Smith gritted his teeth, it doesn't matter, even the dragon will feel tired, but the machine will not!

Zhang Xiao burped, looked at the plane in front of him drunkenly, and said dissatisfiedly:

"Slow! It's too slow! Norbert, if you are so slow, your car badge will be removed~~Hiccup!"

Norbert screamed in grievance. He drank too much and was underage. He felt that he was at the peak of his dragon life by being able to fly so fast.

Who would have thought that Uncle Zhang would still be dissatisfied.

Zhang Xiao seemed to sense Noble's thoughts, shook his head and said inarticulately:

"No, how can this be the peak? Go faster, go faster, uncle will help you!"

He let out a strange laugh, took out his wand, and waved it casually as if playfully, but the talismans shining with various colors kept flashing in the air as if they were free of charge.

"Light body! Great strength! Floating in the air! Hiccup~ What else? Immortal wind and cloud body! Tianxuan Wuyin! Buyun Liufeng!"

The first few are still serious talismans, but the last few are completely the same game skills that I played in my previous life, and I started shouting them casually.

But Noble's body flashed with layers of light, colorful, like the legendary rainbow dragon. His speed continued to increase, and finally Zhang Xiao roared:

"Wind Refuge Jue!"

Noble roared, and with a 'bang' sound, a cone-shaped cloud burst around his body, carrying an invisible shock wave, and disappeared in an instant under Smith's horrified eyes!

Everything around him became quiet and peaceful, and the load caused by the super-speed flight mysteriously disappeared from Zhang Xiao's body.

Zhang Xiao squinted his eyes for a while, then giggled twice, fell on Noble's body, and snored sweetly.

Norbert's speed slowly slowed down. He turned back to look at the sleeping Zhang Xiao, quietly slowed down again, and flew towards Hogwarts against the stars in the sky.


1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

Sorry, the child suddenly had a high fever, so we were delayed. We will reach it today.

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