Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 142 Dumbledore’s Countermeasures

Zhang Xiao asked Malfoy and Sanxiao to keep it secret for as long as they could. Although they were filled with a strong desire to share, Ron and Malfoy resolutely decided to keep the secret because of their friendship with buddies.

It's a pity that he forgot to ask the ghosts to keep it secret, and spread the incident like a story sung by the bards. The ghosts described the scene to every young wizard who was interested and willing to listen to their story.

Whether it's Myrtle dashing out of Hogwarts to see home fifty years overdue, or the multitude of ghosts feeling the joy and excitement of food again.

Even the dissipation of many ghosts, of course, the little wizard who has become the 'ghost's best friend' is indispensable.

Everything that happened that night was told to the little wizard as wonderful stories.

When the little wizard of Hufflepuff learned that the fat monk who was loved by the whole school had also disappeared, he was stunned.

Many little badgers burst into tears. To them, the fat monk was like an amiable elder. Many first-year badgers relied on his guidance to slowly become familiar with Hogwarts. A maze of roads.

"Did the fat monk just leave us?"

"I still remember when I first started school, Peeves was chasing me and saying he wanted to give me a little 'Hogwarts welcome', and he hit me with dung bombs.

My parents are both Muggles. I never knew what a dung bomb was. I thought Peeves really took shit out of the bathroom. I told him it was unhygienic, and Peeves went crazy. I'm going to hit all the dung bombs on my head.

It was the fat monk who saved me! "

The little badger who was telling the story about himself and the fat monk sniffed, wiped his tears, and said with a cry:

"It was him who stood in front of me and scolded Peeves loudly. Although the dung bomb passed through his body and hit me, I will never forget the way the fat monk stood in front of me."

His words resonated with the other little badgers, who mourned the departure of the fat monk with extremely sad and heavy tones.

In the end, it was Professor Sprout who came forward to persuade the little wizards to go back. Several other colleges did not want the little badgers to be so emotional, but this situation also happened to a greater or lesser extent.

When the four deans summarized the situation to Dumbledore, they found that the principal had known about it for a long time, and the ubiquitous portraits had already reported to him.

After taking over this matter, Dumbledore had a headache. It seemed that he had done more things in the past year and a half than in the previous ten years.

Do you want to talk to Zhang?

This idea was killed by Dumbledore as soon as it came up. In fact, this matter had nothing to do with Zhang. On the contrary, he did something commendable.

It's just that the little wizards couldn't accept the fact that the ghost they had been with day and night had left, and their reaction was a little violent.

The ghosts, who had also experienced the incident, had completely opposite views on the matter. They could not even understand the actions of the little wizards who wanted them to stay.

So how to solve this matter?

Maybe it's time, Dumbledore crossed his fingers, a smile on his old face.

It's actually very simple. Just divert their attention with another thing worth discussing.

At lunch time the next day, when the little wizards were sitting at the tables of their respective houses, preparing to enjoy lunch, Dumbledore tapped his goblet with a silver spoon.

The sound of this small knock magically spread throughout the entire auditorium.

The little wizards gradually became quiet and turned sideways to look at the principal. This was usually the case when Principal Dumbledore had something to announce.

"Zhang, what do you think Principal Dumbledore will say? Is it about ghosts?"

Malfoy leaned forward and asked softly.

There were obviously many little wizards who had similar ideas to him. They also quietly cast their eyes over and talked to each other in low voices.

Zhang Xiao shook his head. In fact, he didn't pay much attention to this matter. Those little wizards didn't point their fingers at him, they were just feeling grateful.

More thoughts are placed on my hometown.

Dad will send some news intermittently. The situation there is very dangerous. Because the place is very sensitive, many methods cannot be used at all, so the progress is quite slow.

As the cultural master of the entire East Asia region, China has attracted much attention from its surroundings, and some forces are trying to make trouble out of it.

In the words of Zhang Chengdao:

"I was beaten for decades, and now I feel better again. I don't know whether to live or die! I don't dare to reach out for anything, and I have learned a few things to do the axe. I really thought that the Taoist sect's temper has improved over the past few decades of rest and recuperation."

Being told by my father made me feel itchy, and I really wanted to go back and watch Daomen teach those dishonest people around me.

Dumbledore stood up slowly, glanced deeply at the little wizards who raised their heads full of curiosity, and said with emotion:

"Parting, parting. It always makes people sad. Whether it is parting between life and death, or leaving school, or leaving friends who fight side by side, it is so sad."

The little wizards were a little depressed, apparently thinking of the ghosts they could no longer see.

"Recently, many ghosts who have been with Hogwarts for a long time have passed away from us, and many people are sad about this.

But there is a kind of separation that is joyful, and the eternal life of ghosts is a kind of pain. They think about relief all the time. When they finally achieve their long-cherished wish, as the principal, professor, and student of Hogwarts, they are sad at the same time.

I think we should also be happy for them, and let the ghosts continue to stay in pain because of our own reluctance. I think anyone who still has good intentions in his heart should not make such a choice. "

Many young wizards nodded silently, and a few buried their heads lower. They were the ones who accused Zhang Xiao behind his back of making the ghost disappear. However, their number was not large, and there was no market for their opinions.

In particular, there was a young wizard who was sharply refuted by Hermione when he made accusations. He became so angry that he pulled out his wand, only to find that Harry and Ron in front of him had already pointed their wands at his head.

Malfoy also gave a severe lesson to several young wizards who used vicious curses behind their backs, mainly those who were extremely pure-blooded.

In addition, when the ghosts met Zhang Xiao, they would immediately pat their chests and salute respectfully, and the storm caused by this comment immediately disappeared without a trace.

Dumbledore waited for a while, giving the young wizards enough time, and then said slowly again:

"Now, let us stand up and pay tribute to the ghosts who have accompanied Hogwarts through the ups and downs, and sincerely congratulate them on finally being freed."

With the sound of the bench being dragged on the ground, the little wizards stood up one after another. They closed their eyes, lowered their heads, and silently recited the words they wanted to say to the ghost in their hearts.

He is the principal after all!

Zhang Xiao sighed silently. After Dumbledore's actions, the sadness and sadness that was originally filled in the auditorium had transformed into the expectations and upward emotions of the wishing ghosts.

This is good, at least when they leave, someone remembers that they were there and someone remembers their name.

Someone held a happy farewell party for them.

After the little wizards finished their blessings, Dumbledore cleared his throat, opened his hands, paused, and said loudly:

"Besides that, I have one more thing to announce."

The little wizard who was about to sit down immediately raised his head again and looked at the principal curiously.

Just listen to Dumbledore smile and say:

"The large common room mentioned on the bulletin board is officially open today!"

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