Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 159 It’s better to stay focused than to talk too much.

Zhang Xiao felt his whole body trembling as he listened to this roar that he had never felt before. All words and adjectives were eclipsed by this sound.

This is the dragon! This is the legendary true dragon soaring above the nine heavens! The totem of China!

It is not a legend, but a reality, even through a telescope.

Zhang Xiao asked in a slightly trembling voice with excitement:

"Dad, is this a dragon?"

Zhang Chengdao's voice came over mixed with background sounds:

"Well, this is also my first time seeing a dragon. Son, I'm telling you, this dragon is so powerful, I think even your grandpa can't defeat it!

Ouch, dad, why are you hitting me? "

"Watch it! Dad, can you beat it!" (Other shouts: The Heavenly Master is taking action! Hurry! Follow him!)

A huge hitting sound came from the mirror, and Zhang Chengdao said in amazement:

"Your grandpa slapped it!"

Zhang Xiao:.

"By the way, what's wrong with my son? Is it important? I'm a little busy here. This dragon is a bit special. It can't move. If it moves, the whole north will suffer."

Zhang Chengdao walked to a quiet place with the mirror and said quickly.

"It's like this. Senior Qingluan has been out of energy for a while and looks very weak."

"Weak?" Zhang Chengdao was shocked, and then he seemed to remember something. Just as he was about to speak, another thundering dragon roar sounded, and the voice seemed to contain anger.

Another shout came from the telescope, with a hint of nervousness in the voice:

"Everyone! Return to your positions! Arrange your formation!"

"Use the golden book and jade book!"

Zhang Chengdao finished speaking quickly and immediately hung up the telescope.

Golden Book and Jade Book? Can it solve Sister Bird's problem? Zhang Xiao put the telescope into the Qiankun bag with a hint of worry. He didn't know if everything went well with his father, but with the Heavenly Master here, it should be fine, right?

Arriving at the Room of Requirement, he skillfully summoned the exclusive room.

Zhang Xiao opened the golden book and jade book in front of him. There were only a few pages in the book, but so far, he could only open the first page.

Speaking of which, he hasn't been in since the summer vacation. His parents teach him during the summer vacation, and there are many things to do when school starts. Moreover, he can't turn to the second page, so he has to use the golden light spell three inches away from the body to open it.

Zhang Xiao put away his messy thoughts, sat cross-legged, concentrated, and gently clicked on the first page.

The white jade page, which is as smooth as a mirror and as delicate as fat, is like a drop of water falling into the calm water, causing ripples in circles.

Then the whole person stretched and spun rapidly, and was sucked directly into the book.

When he opened his eyes, he appeared in the familiar square again, but it was different from the one he entered before.

Originally, the surroundings should be surrounded by clouds and mist, like a fairyland. The white marble in the square is white and delicate, and the gossip is unbiased as if it were made by nature.

But now there are dark clouds overhead, and the clouds have turned into gray mist, and even the floor feels a little gray.

Zhang Xiao looked around in surprise, how could it become like this?

A figure flashed in front of him, and his father's memory appeared in front of him, looking at the surrounding environment with worry.

"Dad, what's going on?"

Zhang Chengdao shook his head, waved his hand to summon the table and futon, and motioned for him to sit down.

Zhang Xiao sat cross-legged with some anxiety and looked at him nervously.

After Zhang Chengdao pondered for a while, he suddenly asked:

"How is Senior Qingluan doing?"

Is the solution really in the golden book?

"Senior Qingluan is not in good spirits and has been falling asleep recently," Zhang Xiao said softly.

"Oh, that's right." Zhang Chengdao sighed and looked at Zhang Xiao with worried eyes:

"Senior Qingluan can eliminate inner demons and stabilize the mind. She can sense that something is wrong with you before you even realize it.

Therefore, senior Qingluan must be using his own talents to help you sort it out, so he is so tired. "

Zhang Xiao suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at his father blankly.

"The space here is all transformed by your mind. If you look at this scene, it's clear that the spiritual platform is covered in dust and your mind is unstable."

Zhang Chengdao pointed to the dark clouds above his head and the surrounding scenes.

"Why didn't Senior Keke Qingluan tell me?" Zhang Xiao said quietly, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Although Senior Qingluan is a spiritual bird, he can't express such complicated things to you. This is something wrong with you."

Zhang Chengdao tapped his temple.

The scene fell silent for a while, and Zhang Xiao desperately thought about what caused such a big problem in his mind. Generally speaking, isn't it true that only learning black magic can cause people to be unconsciously distorted?

After a while, Zhang Chengdao suddenly asked:

"Xiaoxiao, have you realized anything recently? Or figured out anything?"

Understand something? Figured it out?

Zhang Xiao looked at his father in confusion, right? On the Taoist side, I have been focusing on practicing talismans recently.

After a while, Zhang Xiao suddenly shivered. Could it be a problem with the spell system?

Ever since I figured out during the summer vacation that spells are not a necessary condition for casting magic, I have been thinking about it more and more deeply.

It seemed that Sister Bird was with him at that time, and Zhang Xiao suddenly remembered the worried look in Sister Bird's eyes at that time.

Could it be that there was a sign at that time?

Then in Professor Flitwick's Charms Club, I finally connected everything together and roughly understood the entire Charms system.

Zhang Xiao hurriedly told his father everything he discovered. Zhang Chengdao pondered for a while and then nodded slowly:

"Although I don't know much about magic, based on your description, what you have understood is obviously extremely profound, and may even be beyond the reach of only a few of your highly qualified professors.

It's unusual for you to be able to figure it out at such a young age. "

"But shouldn't this be a good thing? It doesn't mean that enlightenment or something can greatly improve oneself."

"The epiphany is right, Xiaoxiao, is this an epiphany for you? An epiphany is built on an extremely deep foundation, and has reached a bottleneck. One day, through accumulation and hard work, it breaks through the obstacle. This is an epiphany.

Let me ask you, do you think you have a solid foundation? The Taoist side only teaches you the Golden Light Spell, which is used to lay a solid foundation, so you don’t have to worry.

But have you accumulated enough Western magic?

I don’t know how you figured this out, but the level of what you understand is too high, but your accumulation is completely insufficient.

Just like a high-rise building with an unstable foundation, it is in danger. If Sister Bird hadn't been helping you stabilize it, I'm afraid it would have collapsed long ago! "

Zhang Chengdao's voice was extremely solemn. He looked at Zhang Xiao and said slowly:

"Xiaoxiao, don't be in a hurry, you must know that haste makes waste."

Zhang Xiao closed his eyes and thought about his father's words quietly. At first, he could restrain his desire to explore and seek knowledge, and remembered "Leave the sleeping dragon alone" and "It will be a matter of course."

But that exploration during the summer vacation was like lighting a fuse, and he completed the path that a good wizard would take decades to walk at an extremely fast speed.

In this idealistic wizarding world, sometimes thinking too much is not a good thing.

Zhang Xiao opened his eyes and exhaled a long breath, his eyes already filled with tranquility:

"I understand. Dad, what should I do?"

Zhang Chengdao showed a smile and nodded gently:

“It’s better to stay focused than to talk too much!

It’s time to slow down and enjoy the scenery along the way. "

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